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Re: Hormones and RA

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Oh Liz....

There is a doctor that wrote a book called... " Arthritis Begone, " that treats

himself (a man) with hormones for RA. He noticed that his patients going

through menapause had a reduction in RA symptoms. He is also a strong believer

in foods causing RA flares. His name is Dr. B. Irwin, M.D.

You may want to read up on what he does.


Ottawa, Canada

Scleroderma, Raynaud's 01/95, AP 10/97

(My Story) www.compmore.net/~donray

rheumatic hormones and RA

I am interested in finding out if levels of female hormones could affect RA

symptoms, and am thinking of having my estrogen and progesterone levels tested.

Has anyone here had this done, and if so , how is it tested and about what do

you think it would cost? Thanks in advance, Liz G

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It has been more than a year since I had my hormones tested but if I recall the

test was close to $100. My insurance paid for it. Cherri

Carol wrote:

> From: Carol <carscott@...>


> > rheumatic hormones and RA

> >

> >

> > I am interested in finding out if levels of female hormones could

> affect RA symptoms, and am thinking of having my estrogen and progesterone

> levels tested. Has anyone here had this done, and if so , how is it tested

> and about what do you think it would cost? Thanks in advance, Liz G

> >

> Liz,

> I just recently had this done. I was getting horrible hotflashes and sweats

> that sometimes lasted two hrs. or more. I was also getting awful night

> sweats, waking up just soaked 2 to 3 times a night. I thought I was going

> through menopause. I could hardly go out in public because the extra effort

> to get ready, (hair, makeup etc) started a hot flash that would have me

> soaked from the neck up where ever I was going and like I said for hrs. that

> I was any place. Any little amount of stress, brought them on too. I was

> miserable for months.

> I had to go in for a pre 0p examine, and it was time for my yearly checkup

> also. In the couple of weeks before the appt. I had decreased my mino. from

> 200 mg MWF to 100 mg MWF because I was so flared up all winter I thought

> decreasing the dose might help that. Lo and behold, as soon as I did that,

> the hot flashes and night sweats improved. Then during the surgery time and

> right after, I had an absessed tooth giving me a bad time also, so they put

> me on amoxicillian for that, so I stopped the mino completley for the last

> month since the surgery day. (One mo. tomorrow) The hot flashes are just

> better, not completley gone, but then another of my dailey meds says it

> could cause more sweating also. The mino, however had ALOT to do with them.

> When I go back on the mino, Im only going to take 100 MWF.

> All my hormones came back normal....not even close to menopausal he said.

> My periods are screwed up also, but thats from being so anemic they think. I

> also had a mycoplasma test done, and it came back negative. Dr. said he

> thought the mino was working on my system something like birthcontrol

> pills....blocking my hormones or something. I need to talk more about it

> with him now that Im almost totally recouped fromt he surgery.

> Anyway, just wanted you to know, that youre not the only one who's

> hormones got all screwed up. :)

> Have a good day.

> HUGS:)

> Carol **


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  • 6 years later...

Dear - Pregnancy causes your pitutary and hormone secretion to spike to unnaturally high levels. Because of this, your RA will become unpredictable. You should get your hormone levels checked and your thyroid also. Your blood estrogen will probably be very high, and that will create havoc with your RA. Since RA feeds on the hyperactive immune system, and yours is extremely active because of pregnancy, there isnt too much you can do. I can tell you that looking into serrapeptase therapy for the inflammation could help. You can google a search and find it all over the internet. It might thin your blood but thats all. You can also talk to your RD about naltrexone for pain. It may help. Yours, Deborah

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  • 2 years later...

And then there are those like me who don't get RA until well past

menopause. I was past sixty when I got it. There are no doubt many

factors that enter in.


On Friday, October 24, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Boyd wrote:

> But I do believe there is some connection between RA & hormones but

> have not been able to find much research  along those lines.  I do

> know that many go into remission when pregnant,  many have RA start at

> about the time menopause sets in (my case). 

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

> rheumatic hormones and RA



> I am interested in finding out if levels of female hormones could

affect RA symptoms, and am thinking of having my estrogen and progesterone

levels tested. Has anyone here had this done, and if so , how is it tested

and about what do you think it would cost? Thanks in advance, Liz G



I just recently had this done. I was getting horrible hotflashes and sweats

that sometimes lasted two hrs. or more. I was also getting awful night

sweats, waking up just soaked 2 to 3 times a night. I thought I was going

through menopause. I could hardly go out in public because the extra effort

to get ready, (hair, makeup etc) started a hot flash that would have me

soaked from the neck up where ever I was going and like I said for hrs. that

I was any place. Any little amount of stress, brought them on too. I was

miserable for months.

I had to go in for a pre 0p examine, and it was time for my yearly checkup

also. In the couple of weeks before the appt. I had decreased my mino. from

200 mg MWF to 100 mg MWF because I was so flared up all winter I thought

decreasing the dose might help that. Lo and behold, as soon as I did that,

the hot flashes and night sweats improved. Then during the surgery time and

right after, I had an absessed tooth giving me a bad time also, so they put

me on amoxicillian for that, so I stopped the mino completley for the last

month since the surgery day. (One mo. tomorrow) The hot flashes are just

better, not completley gone, but then another of my dailey meds says it

could cause more sweating also. The mino, however had ALOT to do with them.

When I go back on the mino, Im only going to take 100 MWF.

All my hormones came back normal....not even close to menopausal he said.

My periods are screwed up also, but thats from being so anemic they think. I

also had a mycoplasma test done, and it came back negative. Dr. said he

thought the mino was working on my system something like birthcontrol

pills....blocking my hormones or something. I need to talk more about it

with him now that Im almost totally recouped fromt he surgery.

Anyway, just wanted you to know, that youre not the only one who's

hormones got all screwed up. :)

Have a good day.


Carol **

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