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Thanks Delaine. I would be very much interested in the

test for yeast and the diet.

On a general note, I may not be on line very much for

the next week and a half to two weeks. I have surgery

scheduled this coming Friday, the 17th at noon. I am

having a hysterectomy. Hoping to get rid of some or all

of the anemia-I have major fibroids and endometriosis

etc. I had two pulmonary embolisms - they think as a

result of estrogen in OC's that they gave me to control


I have RA and think that that combined with the

methotrexate and probably reduced circulation in my legs

caused things. I have recovered pretty well from that

incident- no recent coumadin or TEDS socks- alhough I am

told that I will be taking subcutaneous heparin after

the surgery and get the pneumatic sock treatment

probably along with Teds. (They can put them on. RA and

Teds sock- make me think of the universe laughing. I got

so I could do them myself - but we had a standing joke

in my office - that if I was late - it was a bad sock


I am a little apprehensive about the surgery and am

trying like crazy to catch up on all my work before I go

on leave - probably 6 weeks. My surgeon is good and I

have a very good support group ( including

yourselves).Any prayers, thoughts would be appreciated.)


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Good luck, and best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sure hope to hear from you

soon. we will all be anxious to hear how you are doing. you are certainly in

my prayers.

God bless you, Judy(indy)

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Jim & Delaine Lowry <keywest@...> wrote:

>To the person that can't sleep well...it's the prednisone. When I was

>taking the highest doses of prednisone, I could sleep only 2 hours per


Interesting. Before starting on Predisone I was on Celebrex only and

before that Arthrotec. I couldn't sleep more that 1or two hours at a time.

Then it would take me an hour or so to get back to sleep. Wasn't

uncomfortable or in pain, just couldn't get back to sleep for a long time.

Than for only another hour or two.

Since I have started Prednisone I have been sleeping like a baby.

I guess the saying YMMV is true.


/Celine Kossart


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You not only get my thoughts and prayers but my good wishes for a

successful surgery and a speedy recovery too. You have been through

soooo much. Good luck on the 17th. And come back online when you

are feeling better.



> Thanks Delaine. I would be very much interested in the

> test for yeast and the diet.


> On a general note, I may not be on line very much for

> the next week and a half to two weeks. I have surgery

> scheduled this coming Friday, the 17th at noon. I am

> having a hysterectomy. Hoping to get rid of some or all

> of the anemia-I have major fibroids and endometriosis

> etc. I had two pulmonary embolisms - they think as a

> result of estrogen in OC's that they gave me to control

> bleeding.


> I have RA and think that that combined with the

> methotrexate and probably reduced circulation in my legs

> caused things. I have recovered pretty well from that

> incident- no recent coumadin or TEDS socks- alhough I am

> told that I will be taking subcutaneous heparin after

> the surgery and get the pneumatic sock treatment

> probably along with Teds. (They can put them on. RA and

> Teds sock- make me think of the universe laughing. I got

> so I could do them myself - but we had a standing joke

> in my office - that if I was late - it was a bad sock

> day).


> I am a little apprehensive about the surgery and am

> trying like crazy to catch up on all my work before I go

> on leave - probably 6 weeks. My surgeon is good and I

> have a very good support group ( including

> yourselves).Any prayers, thoughts would be appreciated.)


> Hugs,

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I hope your surgery goes well and your recuperation is

quick. I'll be thinking about you sending healing thoughts your way.


----- Original Message -----

From: <k.j.choate@...>

< egroups>

Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2000 10:43 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Diet

> Thanks Delaine. I would be very much interested in the

> test for yeast and the diet.


> On a general note, I may not be on line very much for

> the next week and a half to two weeks. I have surgery

> scheduled this coming Friday, the 17th at noon. I am

> having a hysterectomy. Hoping to get rid of some or all

> of the anemia-I have major fibroids and endometriosis

> etc. I had two pulmonary embolisms - they think as a

> result of estrogen in OC's that they gave me to control

> bleeding.


> I have RA and think that that combined with the

> methotrexate and probably reduced circulation in my legs

> caused things. I have recovered pretty well from that

> incident- no recent coumadin or TEDS socks- alhough I am

> told that I will be taking subcutaneous heparin after

> the surgery and get the pneumatic sock treatment

> probably along with Teds. (They can put them on. RA and

> Teds sock- make me think of the universe laughing. I got

> so I could do them myself - but we had a standing joke

> in my office - that if I was late - it was a bad sock

> day).


> I am a little apprehensive about the surgery and am

> trying like crazy to catch up on all my work before I go

> on leave - probably 6 weeks. My surgeon is good and I

> have a very good support group ( including

> yourselves).Any prayers, thoughts would be appreciated.)


> Hugs,




> Our websites: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Delaine, Is this diet the jhackett diet. I checked his website, as you

mentioned, and was thinking this is a brutal protocol...but it worked for

you? Just checking and if so, I'll join you. Someone told me to fast with

carrot juice for about 3 days, and then slowly introduce food. let me know,


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  • 1 month later...

good luck jeannette!!! i keep thinking about maybe trying something, but

that's been as far as it has gone so far. still a bad time of year for me.

sunday 1/7 will be 8 yrs since my husband passed. so today that will be my

excuse. it is so expensive to try and eat right. (i know, another excuse!!)

how many years have i eaten that chocolate ice cream?? (not really good as a

pain relever!!) you'd think i'd know that by now. but i am so very hopeful!!!

i'm just kidding. i really need to do something soon, especially with me at

home. i have also found you must give into some cravings though. if not you

just keep eating because it's not what you really wanted. kathy

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I have tried several of weight loss types. His TV show,

anatomy assylum and deal a meal. They are all very sound nutriously and do

require a great amount of will power & life style changes. His tapes are fun

& very energetic.

With all the medication & fatigue, I lose a lot of my motivation. But the

mirror doesn't lie.

I wish you all the luck possible and gentle gentle hugs.

Debs in FL

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With many of these diets like , WW, etc. you can have a treat

now and then. They work it into the programs so you do not feel deprived.

I am sorry about your husband passing and the anniversary coming up. It is a

hard time. Perhaps it is better to mourn it at that time than to try to

pretend you are not feeling it. My girlfriend mourns her mother's birthday

every year and she died in 1982. Even though she has a dad and brother, she

has not spoken with them for 5 years. Lots of problems in that family and it

was better for her to let go. She feels like an orphan. My other girlfriend

and I are her grade school friends and onward through adulthood. We are her

family plus she has a son which she thanks God for every day. I guess we

just have to be thankful for what we have. I wholeheartedly believe that

when one passes on, their spirit is always with us. They cannot communicate

to us in words but somehow they let you know of their presence in your life.

I am sure that is the same with your husband. If you want to feel his

presence, just ask him to show you and some how he will. You will then know

you are never alone without him. Sounds crazy but my grandmother comes to me

in times of stress through my dreams, a smell, a coincidence, all sorts of

ways. You just need to be open to their spirit because their spirit never

dies, only their physical being. I hope these thoughts comfort you in some

way. God Bless.


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Dear Jeannette:

I wish you luck with the diet from . I have some of his stuff

too. I need to be on a diet too. I have to get more motivated. I am hoping

to soon.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Is your rheumatoid factor positive? Do you have RA in your family?Did you

developed RA after an infection?

I've heard about tea tree oil, but haven't tried it yet. I may do the

quick yeast eliminator and do the fasting. It is so much quicker, but for

some it could be to stressful. The diet's main food is oatmeal. Thank God

I like oatmeal! I've read that some people have a bad flare from all the

yeast die off.

I am so glad you're having a better year than last year. I remember that

dark period in your life.

I've never heard of a urine test that can tell what vitamins you need. Did

you find it on a web site?

I hope you get that picture scanned and uploaded to our file area. I'd love

to see it.


----- Original Message -----

From: Jim & Delaine Lowry <keywest@...>

onelist < egroups>

Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 10:07 PM

Subject: [ ] Diet

> a


> Chocolate for 2 weeks.....I can relate. I did eat some sugar cookies...


> homemade ones that were REALLY good. On these days when I ate

> the cookies, I took triple anti yeast medication. My joints hurt a

> little...

> but, I knew it was because of the cookies. Now I'm back home and

> the temptation for eating incorrectly is gone.


> I found another medication for yeast. I buy the empty gel capsules in

> the

> health food store. I fill them with tea tree oil. I swallow a couple

> of these

> per day and insert a couple into my vagina.


> I'm also taking diflucan everyday...it just amazes me how much yeast I

> still

> have in my body and I'm SO MUCH better than I was a few months ago.


> A year ago my giant schnauzer died on January 22 and my sister-in-law

> died

> 3 weeks later. (She had a stroke brought on by grieving over the death

> of my

> giant schnauzer.) I weighed over 150 pounds and was in pain all of the

> time.

> That was a terrible time for me.


> At 123 pounds, I can wear clothes that I was afraid that I'd never be

> able to

> wear again. It's really nice to put on my jeans and look good in them.


> I'm so much more optimistic since I don't hurt all the time.


> I'm also taking a urine test to deterimine what vitamins that I need to

> take. It will

> take about 3 weeks to get the results...but, I'm very excited about it.


> I'll keep you informed as to how I'm improving. Jim and I walked 3.8

> miles again

> today...of course, I was exhausted afterwards and slept for 2 hours.

> However,

> a year ago, there was NO way I could have walked that far.


> Glad to hear that you're doing better and are going to try to get rid of

> the yeast

> also.


> I told several members of my family how much better I feel since I've

> changed

> my diet...however, they don't want to give up sugar or coffee, etc. So,

> I guess

> they just don't hurt as badly as I did.


> Oh, we had the cutest Christmas card this year. It's the picture of our

> family.

> Jim and I are riding bicycles. Chance (11 months) is beside me and Yogi


> (11 weeks & 38 pounds) is in my bicycle basket. (Both are black giant

> schnauzers. Chance and Yogi have the same mother but different fathers

> and are nephews of Nicky, our beloved dog that died last January.

> Having

> 2 dogs is more trouble...but the dogs are happier.


> The picture was taken 2 weeks before Christmas...now Yogi is 50 pounds

> and

> won't fit in the basket anymore. I need to scan in a picture and send

> it to you.


> Delaine




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Everytime you post your weight is lower, and I'm starting to envy you :) !!

You must have a great determination and a strong will. I am trying, some

days harder then others, to do without the sugars and white flour stuff

also. Today was not a good day though. A young boy,12, that I know is in the

hospital with Burkitts lymphoma and has started to bleed internally. They

can't seem to find the source and he barely made it thru Saturday. I haven't

heard about yesterday yet, and I'm kinda afraid to ask. ANYWAY>>>> I seem to

eat anything in sight when I am down. I don't want to be this way, so I need

to practice more self control/discipline. That's why I was hoping you could

shed some light on how you prepare things. I have alot of food

allergies:carrots, tomatoes, soy, just to name the big ones, and am always

interested in other peoples recipes. I did get the book you mentioned for

Christmas. in fact, I asked for it because I remembered you talking so

highly of it. I guess I need to read it!! Thata help!!

Thanks for taking the time, I like eggs so will try and eat more of them,

and chicken. What are you're views on turkey? Maybe I'll try and keep a log

of what I eat. have you ever heard of the ZONE diet? I'm looking at this one


Barb In ca

-----Original Message-----

From: Jim & Delaine Lowry <keywest@...>

onelist < >

Date: Monday, January 29, 2001 9:27 PM

Subject: [ ] Diet



>I'm on a diet to get rid of the yeast in my body. Therefore, I can't

>have anything

>with sugar. Also, bleached flour is a no-no. I've also eliminated

>coffee and

>all dairy products.


>So, that leaves me with meat and vegetables. I am eating some fresh


>however, I probably shouldn't be eating it either until I get rid of the

>yeast in

>my body.


>So, I'm eating fresh vegetables, a lot of chicken, and a lot of boiled


>I think this is called the sugar buster diet. I've picked these things

>to eat

>because it is recommended in my book, Prescription for Natural Healing.

>I also am drinking mostly decaf tea and have cut out all the diet soft


>that I ate for years. Hopefully, when I get the yeast out of my body, I


>be able to tolerate some sweet items.


>By following this diet, I don't have any pain. Before the diet, it

>didn't matter

>if I was taking vioxx50 or what, I was in PAIN. So, this is the main


>that I am sticking to this diet. I have lost from 155 to 118 on this


>it is working very well for me. The best part is that I don't have any

>RA pain.

>And before, I would hurt so badly in both ankles, both knees, both


>both wrists and also my hands. I have carpal tunnel in both hands.


>I am taking the arava...but, I'm taking it every other day right now.


>I was on arava and 12 methotrexate a week.


>Also, I was on prednisone 2 years ago and will NEVER go back on that

>stuff again. The little bit of good that I got out of the prednisone

>was not

>enough for all the pain I went through getting off of it. Also, I have


>skin all over my body from where I gained so much weight with the


>and then lost it. My hands look like hands of an 80 year old woman.


>If you want any more information, I'll be glad to tell you about it.


>I used to start my day with a chocolate chip bagel & cream cheese and a

>cup of coffee. Then, I hurt all day.


>Now, I start my day with a cup of decaf tea and 4 boiled eggs.


>While I have so much yeast in my body, the proteins seem to do the best

>for me. I love bread, pasta, etc. so I'm looking forward to getting


>yeast out of my body and eating some of those foods again.


>I have learned to " listen " to my body and notice which foods make me


>and avoiding those foods.






>Chat room: chat/

>Web pages for our group: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/


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I can't find the site. I thought I bookmarked it, but I guess I didn't.

It was just eating nothing but oatmeal for 2 weeks, and an apple a day. BUT

I've recently read that oatmeal and other grains are in the top 10 list of

allergic foods. We just can't win. I won't do the water or juice fast. I

think it is to dangerous to us with diseases of the immune system. There is

so much conflicting information, that we have to be so careful. When I

find something reliable and what I consider safe enough for me to try, I

will definitely pass it on. I am also addicted to sugars. Although I

don't eat any refined sugar any more, I still eat bread and pasta. My only

snack is pretzels, which also break down into sugar. I am taking it one

step at a time. Giving up dairy and sugar are quite enough for right now!


----- Original Message -----

From: <lventerprises@...>

< >

Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 7:23 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Diet

> Dear a,

> Could you tell me what the cleaning diet is that consists of oatmeal.

> I am very addicted to sugar and bread, mainly pasta

> thanks

> lois



> Chat room: chat/

> Web pages for our group: http://rheumatoid.arthritis.freehosting.net/

> http://www.rasupport.webprovider.com/

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

Diet is a very important piece of what is going on with our kids. We have

never gone GF/CF even though my sons food screen showed almost everything in

the moderate to severe range. He is being treated for which includes

some dietary avoidance. He absolutely has to avoid ALL milk and dairy,

whole wheat/grains, chocolate, red things,etc. If something has any form of

milk, butter, cheese, or whey in the ingredients, he doesn't eat it. I

found out a long time ago that a slip-up haunted us for at least a week. It

doesn't manifest in ear infections or gastro issues, just brain symptoms.

I might add that diet changes alone had no effect. The problem is only

obvious with all the other issues addressed. (viral, yeast, allergies, etc)

The neuroimmune website has the Do's and Don'ts of diet under the autism

articles section.


>From: knabann@...



>Subject: diet

>Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 13:42:00 -0000


>I have a question regarding gluten-free and dairy-free diets. My

>daughter is 4 1/2 and was diagnosed with PDD-NOS. We have tried to

>keep her off of dairy for the most part, and are contemplating going

>gluten-free. I'm just not sure how much the dairy-free diet has

>helped. She never had many earaches nor constant diarrhea, so I'm

>having trouble justifiying such an extreme measure. Also, her PDD

>symptoms were never blatantly obvious. She always had some eye

>contact and always liked hugging, etc.


>It breaks my heart that she seems to know that there are things she

>cannot do that other children in her class are able to do, so she

>tries to hide this fact by doing something else or changing the

>subject. For instance, she sits on the teacher lap when she can, so

>that she doesn't have to participate as much, e.g., answer questions

>in circle time, or do a ballet step in ballet class. I guess I'm not

>sure how to deal with this.






>Responsibility for the content of this message lies strictly with

>the original author, and is not necessarily endorsed by or the

>opinion of the Research Institute.




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Ann -

Going gluten free helped my son tremendously. I started doing it because

he was becoming aggressive (he was 6 at the time). I was thrilled when

that behavior began to decrease. We also saw a huge leap in cognitive

functioning - part of the fog had been lifted. He was able to

concentrate and communicate better and his sensory needs decreased. This

was just part of the puzzle. He has also done remarkably well with Dr.

Goldberg's protocol - not quite there yet, but we're getting closer.

Going gluten free is alot of work in the beginning, but there are web

sites that help and if you have any questions you are more than welcome

to email me privately. We recently put our 18 month old on a gluten and

rice free diet, so I am finding even more recipes now. Good luck!


On Wed, 26 Sep 2001 13:42:00 -0000 knabann@... writes:

>I have a question regarding gluten-free and dairy-free diets. My

>daughter is 4 1/2 and was diagnosed with PDD-NOS. We have tried to

>keep her off of dairy for the most part, and are contemplating going

>gluten-free. I'm just not sure how much the dairy-free diet has

>helped. She never had many earaches nor constant diarrhea, so I'm

>having trouble justifiying such an extreme measure. Also, her PDD

>symptoms were never blatantly obvious. She always had some eye

>contact and always liked hugging, etc.


>It breaks my heart that she seems to know that there are things she

>cannot do that other children in her class are able to do, so she

>tries to hide this fact by doing something else or changing the

>subject. For instance, she sits on the teacher lap when she can, so

>that she doesn't have to participate as much, e.g., answer questions

>in circle time, or do a ballet step in ballet class. I guess I'm not

>sure how to deal with this.






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