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>Hi everyone! I just wanted to ask a question. We just started our 4 year


>on piracetam and he is so hyper!!! He is normally a pretty hyper kid, but

>since starting the med he is even more wound up than usual! Has anyone else

>experienced this with the piracetam? Or am I just overreacting and looking

>for side effects? If anyone has anything to offer on this I would


>the help!! Thanks, (mom of triplets Bill(DS), & Alec


>4 and Hunter age 2)

Hi ;

You might have something there. My is VERY hyper but I wouldn't

know if its because of the piracetam because we have never not had him on

it, we even gave it to him thru his NG-tube when he was younger....we get it

in liquid form.

, mom to Nicala & (2 years 8 months) and (10 months).

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Okay-I swear I go around-and-around with the vitimin and piracetam thing.

Maggie just had her 9 month check up and I asked her ped. about having her

tested to see if she needs vitimins and her response was basically, " if it

ain't broke, don't fix it " . She said we would know if Mags was deficient.

Maggie is eating all table foods and I am pretty fanatical about nutrition.

I think I do a good job of including many vitimins balanced with protein and

carbs................It is hard to know if I am doing the right thing or

enough. The piracetam scares me a little. I live in Tucson and the border

is only about 45 minutes away. Many of my friends, in our support group,

routinely go down for piracetam.

I have a somewhat hard thing to do this week. I was put in touch with a

woman in my area who is pregnant w/twins and the boy of a boy/girl set has

Ds. She wants to give the baby up for adoption but isn't sure if it is the

right thing. She is meeting with me to check us out. I remember, after

finding out about Maggie, despartely wanting to be around children with Ds.

I posted a bulletin on Uno Mas and remarkably a woman in Tucson happened to

see it and wrote to me and now we are like best friends. Her son is 3 with

Ds and she also has a 5 year old. My 3 yr.old plays with them and Kathy is

in love with Sara and especially Maggie. Anyway, I remember seeing Chase,

her son, for the first time and thinking that he was just a normal little

adorable boy. Everything became fine. So, I am meeting this " new " woman.

I am not going to try to convince her not to give her baby up but I think

after seeing how wonderful twins are and that Ds. need not be the end of her

world...............I think her husband may be putting some pressure on her.

I have been reading how some of your husbands are uncomfortable, I am

grateful that Dean has loved and honored Maggie from the minute she was born

to now and I know he always will. It is unfortunate that people could let

Ds interefer with the wonderful little person their child is and will


Thanks for reading my saga. I love having this place to talk about my

unique stuff.


Wow the price really must vary. I get mine from the Nurta Chem company in

Canada ( where you get the MSB). Yes you have to have a prescription from a

doctor and it takes about two weeks delivery. I got a bottle of 180 capsuels

(powder form) at 200mg a capsuel for a total of $18.00 - US money.I also

have how to get it from Europe but it takes about a month and it costs about

$25.00 for the smallest quanity. Can't remember what that was but since we

were using the MSB I thought it would be easier to get it there. They also

said once we knew could tolerate it they can just put the correct

dosage in with the supplement so its one less step. Oh one thing I do

remember we had asked them to get us the medication quickly (once we made

the decision to do this I was so excited I wanted it immediately) but

customes wouldn't let them send it that way so they didn't charge us for

shipping whcih was nice, but its not that mcuh anyway - so it may be a few

more dollars.

At first the nutrionalist said I should get the liquid form because of

's inability to chew foods at present but then she said the powder from

would have a longer shelf life and the powder was less expensive.I just tke

the capsuels and open them and sprinkle it on food or in applesauce and he

never notices a thing.

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I have heard that it is most effective when combined with other sups (ie

Ginko) has anyone had any experience with this.



Re: oxygen to brain

Christie wrote:


Does anyone in USA take piracetam, and if so did you

need a DR scriptto

order it? I have looked at the sites, and the least

expensive was $20,not

including air fare. This does sound promising and

again it is too badFDA

has not approved its use here.


Dear Christie, Yes, I am taking piracetam. I had it

from a doctor who prescribed it to me and ordered it

from Italy. This was a few years ago. However, I

never took it because I did not know what it was and I

was taking too many other things at the time. I saved

it and have just now pulled it out of the cabinet and

started taking it. It is very effective for me and

gets me through days that otherwise I would spend in

bed. Compared to all the other drugs and supplements

I hvae taken over the years, piracetam is a bargain!!



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> From: " Marilyn Seskin " <MWSesk@...>


> Could someone please explain what piracetam is and what it

> does.

Piracetam is considered to be a nootropic. Nootropics are

said to enhance brain metabolism.

> Does anyone know the mechanism?

Very long article about Piracetam and its analogues:




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  • 1 month later...

I have also put Emma onto Piracetam (not Nicki because I don't feel the need is

there). I never said a word to anyone and when I collected her from preschool a

couple of days after she starte the Pracetam, they raved about her improved

behaviour (she was a little unco-operative at times!!!) and how much work she

had done and how she was so focused!!! I confided in her Teacher Aid and told

her to keep a note of how things were going and now we see how well Emma is

doing and how much more she is achieving and we just look at each other and

smile! She is a much nicer child to have around and I really believe it is a

direct result of the Piractam. She has been on it now for 3 months and I'm

thinking my husband and I should be on it too!!!

Carolyn - mother of 5 - 4 kids and a husband!!!!



We started on Piracetam at the end of August and I could see a

difference. Drew had a harder time noticing it but his therapists all commented

on his behavior (I didn't tell them before hand) so I don't think it was wishful

thinking on my part. is a very laid back person. He has a strong

personality and a lovely sense of humor but not hyper at all. Greyson on the

other hand is the energizer bunny with a frozen on switch. Once was on the

Piracetam he was much more alert and aware of what was going on around him. You

could just see it in his eyes. the other thing is he has so much trouble with

fine motor skills and that if he couldn't do something after one try he would

toss it and move on. On the Piracetam he started to explore toys with more

interest. When we would go for walks in the stroller or to the zoo he used to

just sit now he is very active in looking around and commenting on what he sees

and is just more there. They say it can help with motor planning issues and that

is where also has trouble but no big differences so far in this. this is

what our experiences are so far.


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  • 3 months later...

I tried it alone and it did nothing for me -- It may have helped a little in

combination with neurontin but neurotntin and amantadine seeem much more


" Skari, M " wrote:

> From: " Skari, M " <SkariPM@...>




> > I went to this and Life Extension and

> > piracetam cannot be sold in US any

> > longer! I waited too long! Is anyone

> > still getting it somewhere?? chrisite


> I was told by a progressive doctor last week

> () that even though piracetam is not

> available in pre-made pill form, it is

> available from a compounding pharmacy!!

> I didn't not know this. Although getting

> a doc to prescribe it....


> I'm pretty sure you can still order piracetam

> from www.antiaging-systems.com <http://www.antiaging-systems.com> . (for US

> residents only and some other non EU countries)

> I just went to their web site and it looks like

> its still for sale. This company did send me a

> flyer last week saying that they could no longer

> sell GHB or even its precursors in the US

> anymore. mentioned that GHB was the

> drug that his CFS/FM patients had the best

> help from and now he can't scribe it even

> from a compounding pharmacy. However he says

> certain people are working to get it scheduled.

> He said this may happen in about a year, then

> can be prescribed like any other scheduled drug.

> (and yes - this is the same GHB that has the

> pejoritive moniker " date rape drug " - no

> relation to piracetam at all) I asked

> how this worked on PWCs and he said it almost

> totally normalised sleep and did away with

> fibro pain. He's the only person I hear that

> was using this for CFS.


> Patti

> --




> ---------------------------

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Steve, last night the light went on about piracetam from Stanislava's

remarks... the bromelain + piracetam cocktail may be effective --

Stanislava reports noticing the difference, and I ascribed all of the

increase in memory recall to bromelain (the last item added gets the

credits!). Well, as I wrote, I had started piracetam a week before the

bromelain with no effect -- the fibran and other coagulation may have been

preventing the piracetam from getting into the cells. You may wish to retry

it with the following combo:

bromelain: 2400 GDU/Day

piracetam: 2400 mg/day (reduce after one week)

Taken as 3-4 dosages/day for one week. [ Stanislava, nothing that I've read

suggested any problems with the above dosages - is that your read too?] ...


PWC living with 2 four-footed PWCs (Pembroke Welsh Corgi's that is)

My PlayIt Safe doing the trinity! ( Antibiotics, Anticoagulation and

Anti-alkaline blood)

An Ideal CFS Supplement? http://www.folkarts.com/idef/bromelain.htm

Dogs: http://corgi.folkarts.com

Re: piracetam

> From: " Dr. Steve " <moores@...>


> I tried it alone and it did nothing for me -- It may have helped a little

in combination with neurontin but neurotntin and amantadine seeem much more



> " Skari, M " wrote:


> > From: " Skari, M " <SkariPM@...>

> >

> >

> >

> > > I went to this and Life Extension and

> > > piracetam cannot be sold in US any

> > > longer! I waited too long! Is anyone

> > > still getting it somewhere?? chrisite

> >

> > I was told by a progressive doctor last week

> > () that even though piracetam is not

> > available in pre-made pill form, it is

> > available from a compounding pharmacy!!

> > I didn't not know this. Although getting

> > a doc to prescribe it....

> >

> > I'm pretty sure you can still order piracetam

> > from www.antiaging-systems.com <http://www.antiaging-systems.com> .

(for US

> > residents only and some other non EU countries)

> > I just went to their web site and it looks like

> > its still for sale. This company did send me a

> > flyer last week saying that they could no longer

> > sell GHB or even its precursors in the US

> > anymore. mentioned that GHB was the

> > drug that his CFS/FM patients had the best

> > help from and now he can't scribe it even

> > from a compounding pharmacy. However he says

> > certain people are working to get it scheduled.

> > He said this may happen in about a year, then

> > can be prescribed like any other scheduled drug.

> > (and yes - this is the same GHB that has the

> > pejoritive moniker " date rape drug " - no

> > relation to piracetam at all) I asked

> > how this worked on PWCs and he said it almost

> > totally normalised sleep and did away with

> > fibro pain. He's the only person I hear that

> > was using this for CFS.

> >

> > Patti

> > --

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------

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It is NOT APPROVED by the FDA -- so it may not be sold NOR prescribed in the US

(with a few special exceptions). It is an Over the counter drug in Europe....

You know that place that is trying to ban beef from the US because they don't

think that Bovine Growth Hormone is safe and hauls products off the shelf at the

first sign of quality compromise... that place where most of the Imuplus,

Immunocal is produced....


.... hopefully the group will not be charged under the Riko


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

From: bwentdg@...

Is this OTC or a prescription drug ?<BR>

-----Original Message-----<BR>

From: C.Tab. <tab@...><BR>

onelist <onelist><BR>

>Found it and ordered it.  Feel like I'm breaking a law  -most excitement<BR>

>I've had for a while!!  Thanks,  CHristie<BR>

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[Mike] Has anyone tried ordering it from Master's Marketing? They are in



[Patti:] I've tried them, but they never got back to me with a price quote

and I asked them 2 or 3 times so I gave up.

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Is this OTC or a prescription drug ?

Re: piracetam

>From: " C.Tab. " <tab@...>




>Found it and ordered it. Feel like I'm breaking a law -most excitement

>I've had for a while!! Thanks, CHristie






>>From: " Skari, M " <SkariPM@...>


>'m pretty sure you can still order piracetam

>>from www.antiaging-systems.com <http://www.antiaging-systems.com> . (for


>>residents only and some other non EU countries)

>>I just went to their web site and it looks like

>>its still for sale. This company did send me a

>>flyer last week saying that they could no longer

>>sell GHB or even its precursors in the US

>>anymore. mentioned that GHB was the

>>drug that his CFS/FM patients had the best

>>help from and now he can't scribe it even

>>from a compounding pharmacy. However he says

>>certain people are working to get it scheduled.

>>He said this may happen in about a year, then

>>can be prescribed like any other scheduled drug.

>>(and yes - this is the same GHB that has the

>>pejoritive moniker " date rape drug " - no

>>relation to piracetam at all) I asked

>>how this worked on PWCs and he said it almost

>>totally normalised sleep and did away with

>>fibro pain. He's the only person I hear that

>>was using this for CFS.









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It is NOT APPROVED by the FDA -- so it may not be sold NOR prescribed in the

US (with a few special exceptions). It is an Over the counter drug in


.... hopefully the group will not be charged under the Riko


[Patti:] I don't think ordering piracetam and its ilk from overseas is

illegal in the US, even though it is not FDA approved. Before I made my

order I looked into this as much as I could. My understanding is that is

the AIDS activists that are responsible for creating this legal loophole

with their powerful lobbying techniques. As far as I can tell, US residents

can legally import non-scheduled drugs without a script as long as it

follows certain criteria, such as being for personal use only, not more than

3 months supply, etc. Piracetam is not scheduled so can be ordered. I'm

sure there are other powerful lobbies trying to close off this loophole and

we may not be able to do this much longer. If anyone is a bit squeemish

about ordering piracetam I read that l-pyroglutamic acid works almost as

good as piracetam and is definitely available OTC in the US. Also,

piracetam is supposed to work better with choline and DMAE. FDA approved

means it is approved for marketing, promotion and advertising. According to

the book " Smart Drugs & Nutrients " , physicians " have the right to prescribe

any medication they believe will be helpful to their patient " . This is

probably how the doctor I talked last week to is able to prescribe


[Patti:] Of course I could be wrong....

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Be careful of trailing comments from me.... I like black humour... (and I don't

mean African-American humor)

----- Original Message -----

From: Skari, M

... hopefully the group will not be charged under the Riko


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  • 5 weeks later...


Found it and ordered it. Feel like I'm breaking a law -most excitement

I've had for a while!! Thanks, CHristie

>From: " Skari, M " <SkariPM@...>

'm pretty sure you can still order piracetam

>from www.antiaging-systems.com <http://www.antiaging-systems.com> . (for US

>residents only and some other non EU countries)

>I just went to their web site and it looks like

>its still for sale. This company did send me a

>flyer last week saying that they could no longer

>sell GHB or even its precursors in the US

>anymore. mentioned that GHB was the

>drug that his CFS/FM patients had the best

>help from and now he can't scribe it even

>from a compounding pharmacy. However he says

>certain people are working to get it scheduled.

>He said this may happen in about a year, then

>can be prescribed like any other scheduled drug.

>(and yes - this is the same GHB that has the

>pejoritive moniker " date rape drug " - no

>relation to piracetam at all) I asked

>how this worked on PWCs and he said it almost

>totally normalised sleep and did away with

>fibro pain. He's the only person I hear that

>was using this for CFS.









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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

My late wife, , who died last September from a failed liver transplant

took Piracetam successfully in 1995 to treat encephalopathy.

Off course her condition, Budd-Chiari syndrome, a liver disorder that

had manifested into end stage liver cirrhosis cannot be compared to CFSFMS

but she was super sensitive to medications since her liver metabolized

so slowly.

She had no side effects. No drowsyness. She was on many medications

and had no interactions at all.

Unfortunately, I don't recall her dosage. I think she started with 400 mg.

then went to 800 mg.

Do you have literature on it? If not I will look for it and post it upon your


Oh, what happened when she started taking it. In her case, encephalopathy,

the Piracetam allowed her brain to function with less oxygen. She had

clearer thinking within a couple of hours. It worked so well she was able

to avoid a liver transplant for a couple of years.

On 5/24/00 the esteemed Bob R wrote: Piracetam:



>I have a couple of questions about Piracetam and wondering if you or

>someone in the group can help.

>Can Piracetam be taken with other medications?

>What can you expect when you first start taking this medication,..

>Are you drowzy for a couple of days and then it wears off.


>What is a good dose to start at 400mg or 800mg,. I guess it is best

>to take it in the morning.


>Any input is appreciated.




>Bob R




>Missing old school friends? Find them here:




>This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences

>with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested

>in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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Guest guest

My impression is that there are few if any complications... check the links to (authorative) information at


This substance has been in use for decades -- so it would appear to be well understood...

Our experience has been a noticable increase in cognative function (memory, concentration) within hours

Ken Lassesen 2 @ 2 ft PWC, 2 @ 4ft PWC2 ft PWC: http://www.folkarts.com/idef/4 ft PWC: http://corgi.folkarts.com/Fax: (520) 832-6836 ICQ #: 2122097 (also Netmeeting with Video)

----- Original Message -----

From: Bob R.

egroups Can Piracetam be taken with other medications? What can you expect when you first start taking this medication,.. Are you drowzy for a couple of days and then it wears off.What is a good dose to start at 400mg or 800mg,. I guess it is best to take it in the morning.Any input is appreciated.Thanks,Bob R

This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment discussed here, please consult your doctor.

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  • 4 months later...

What is Piracetam, is it a drug? If there were earlier posts describing

what it is, I didn't see them.

I'm always looking for anything that improves brain function.



> Stania,


> It may well be causing me sleep problems. I just started out following

> what I saw Ken doing in his updates. At two a day, I wanted to spread them

> out, so I did them at breakfast and dinner. When I added a third one on

> Sunday, I put it at lunch. Your timing is excellent for this question, as

> last night was probably the worst night's sleep I have gotten (actually,


> gotten) in a long time. I think I will change the timing to 2 at breakfast

> and one at lunch and see what happens.


> Thanks,

> -Theresa



> >Theresa, doesn't the evening dose interfere with your sleep? My (healthy)

> son takes P for ADD and complains he cannot sleep when he takes it in the

> afternoon.

> >Stania


> >>

> >>Steve,

> >>

> >> I started the piracetum a couple of weeks ago. I began at 2 a day

> >>(morning and evening) and just yesterday went up to 3





> This list is intended for patients to share personal experiences with each

other, not to give medical advice. If you are interested in any treatment

discussed here, please consult your doctor.



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and Dean,

My husband Dean and I have never given our daughter Maurine piracetam

because I am scared of a non FDA approved drug. We're not talking a

vitamin here. We have used the special D.S. vitamin supplements, but

now Maurine hates the taste and, at 7, won't even take the regular

kids vitamins we give to our other triplets. I am still in a

quandary, but while the results remain inconclusive I think we must

hold off.

I could also relate to your experience of " being checked out " . My

friend and colleague just found out her baby (she's carrying) had

D.S. We have been talking for a month now. I have been sharing

books and we even met at the D.S. buddy walk here at the Capitol (I

live just outside of D.C.) I thought that was very brave and

wonderful of her to go to. However just this weekend she received

the shocking news that her baby had died in utero (she was maybe 7

months along). I'm not sure how to go about helping her in the loss.

Anne, mother to Maurine (D.S.), Margaret, and (7 1/2)

> Okay-I swear I go around-and-around with the vitimin and piracetam


> Maggie just had her 9 month check up and I asked her ped. about

having her

> tested to see if she needs vitimins and her response was basically,

" if it

> ain't broke, don't fix it " . She said we would know if Mags was


> Maggie is eating all table foods and I am pretty fanatical about


> I think I do a good job of including many vitimins balanced with

protein and

> carbs................It is hard to know if I am doing the right

thing or

> enough. The piracetam scares me a little. I live in Tucson and

the border

> is only about 45 minutes away. Many of my friends, in our support


> routinely go down for piracetam.


> I have a somewhat hard thing to do this week. I was put in touch

with a

> woman in my area who is pregnant w/twins and the boy of a boy/girl

set has

> Ds. She wants to give the baby up for adoption but isn't sure if

it is the

> right thing. She is meeting with me to check us out. I remember,


> finding out about Maggie, despartely wanting to be around children

with Ds.

> I posted a bulletin on Uno Mas and remarkably a woman in Tucson

happened to

> see it and wrote to me and now we are like best friends. Her son

is 3 with

> Ds and she also has a 5 year old. My 3 yr.old plays with them and

Kathy is

> in love with Sara and especially Maggie. Anyway, I remember seeing


> her son, for the first time and thinking that he was just a normal


> adorable boy. Everything became fine. So, I am meeting this " new "


> I am not going to try to convince her not to give her baby up but I


> after seeing how wonderful twins are and that Ds. need not be the

end of her

> world...............I think her husband may be putting some

pressure on her.

> I have been reading how some of your husbands are uncomfortable, I


> grateful that Dean has loved and honored Maggie from the minute she

was born

> to now and I know he always will. It is unfortunate that people

could let

> Ds interefer with the wonderful little person their child is and


> become.


> Thanks for reading my saga. I love having this place to talk

about my

> unique stuff.


> Piracetam



> Wow the price really must vary. I get mine from the Nurta Chem

company in

> Canada ( where you get the MSB). Yes you have to have a

prescription from a

> doctor and it takes about two weeks delivery. I got a bottle of 180


> (powder form) at 200mg a capsuel for a total of $18.00 - US money.I


> have how to get it from Europe but it takes about a month and it

costs about

> $25.00 for the smallest quanity. Can't remember what that was but

since we

> were using the MSB I thought it would be easier to get it there.

They also

> said once we knew could tolerate it they can just put the


> dosage in with the supplement so its one less step. Oh one thing I


> remember we had asked them to get us the medication quickly (once

we made

> the decision to do this I was so excited I wanted it immediately)


> customes wouldn't let them send it that way so they didn't charge

us for

> shipping whcih was nice, but its not that mcuh anyway - so it may

be a few

> more dollars.


> At first the nutrionalist said I should get the liquid form

because of

> 's inability to chew foods at present but then she said the

powder from

> would have a longer shelf life and the powder was less expensive.I

just tke

> the capsuels and open them and sprinkle it on food or in applesauce

and he

> never notices a thing.

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  • 1 month later...

Tried it for a week with and she initially responded very well~

more verbal and affectionate. By the following week she was bouncing off

the walls, hyper and aggressive. I don't ever hear ANY good reports

about this drug with autistic kids. Down Syndrome Yes, Autism no.

Although I believe Kara, wherever she

is. has had success with her DS/aut child.


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we havent treid that did reasearch it great extent but due to out of pocket

costs and docs advise against it, med wise with other meds etc, nathan use to

always be " high functioning " too, but he has slowed with age too, his ds team

says this is normal as the tasks are harder and take longer to master as one

grows. shawna

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a message dated 11/25/00 9:11:14 AM Pacific Standard Time,

soulwoman1@... writes:

<< A great place to get overseas meds is at International

Antiaging Systems www.antiaging-systems.com. I have

used them several times with no problems and they are

a reputable company. For other listings go to



Thanks, can you get these without a prescription?

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Thanks for the pharmacy info. I'm familiar with both web sites but have

never ordered from either. I can never get their price list off their

difficult to navigate websites. www.libsol.net has very cheap prices, ships

fairly quickly, and exhibits prices for all their drugs openly on their

website. Steve B.


> A great place to get overseas meds is at International

> Antiaging Systems www.antiaging-systems.com. I have

> used them several times with no problems and they are

> a reputable company. For other listings go to

> http://www.ceri.com/





> __________________________________________________


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 05/26/2001 2:40:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

oxyplus writes:


If you can get some piracetam, it is especially good for athletes

competing in mountain elevations. It allows brain cells to operate

normally in low oxygen conditions. n the US we can buy it from England,

but I don't know what country you are in.


Jim... I am about 6o miles of Denver, Co. This sounds like something that

would benefit both hubby and I. Where might I purchase some? Do you know if

it would be in conflict with any medications? I am on Rythmol for atrial Fib.

plus HBP meds.

Thanks for all your help.....Kiasi

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  • 8 months later...

I found I do much better on vinpocetine or Vincamine (either one) versus not

on it. But I'm also taking a bunch of other things, and perhaps it is a

combination benefit.



> BlankI have been taking vinpocetine to help with mental fog and it doesn't

seem to do much.Have others tried it and if so did it help and did it need

to be combined with something else?

> I thought I'd try piracetam.Where does one buy it?


> Phil






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