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I'm still here

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Hi Joan,

I am also on the Bicillin shots and boy! let me tell you! they are no walk

in the park....from the 4th shot to the present (8th shot) I have been in the

biggest, strongest, most powerful herx I could ever imagine possible! It all

started after the 4th shot: severe anxiety/panic attacks, deep crippling,

fatigue, all my symptoms intensified 100%, then I got new symptoms...very

scary symptoms too! If youlook up Bicilin shots in Dr. B's guidelines, it

says that they cause " strong, prolonged herxheimer-like reactions that can

last from 6 or more weeks " . I have had other women write to me with symptoms

such as paralysis, vomiting, numbness/tingling, weakness, fatigue, etc......I

know exactly what you are going through and it is not fun. I have also been

told that this horrific period usually gets better around the 12th-14th shot.

Hope this helps!


Brooklyn (grew up in Suffolk Co. LI)

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How long have you been on the Neurontin? I had a lot of problems while taking

it. Jeannie in N.C.

[ ] I'm still here

Hi Guys,

I just wanted to let those who remember me (and new members), that I am

still around. I haven't been online in a while due to burn-out. I have

been working on my lawsuit (when my brain cooperates), gave my 1st

deposition, and have been writing letters for the campaigns.

I am now on Biaxin and Bicillin shots. After the first shot, I felt a

surge of energy for a few hours (psychological?) which

subsided...nothing new after the 2nd shot...but boy, the 3rd one was a

doozy!...unbelieveable nerve pain (while on Neurontin), agitation,

sweats, nightmares, twitches (on magnesium oxide) and uncontrollable


If anybody has had Bicillin shots, please let me know if you experienced

any of the above sx. It's scary.


Joan LI NY

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  • 2 years later...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. Does Floyd collect unemployment? Good luck finding him a new gig... :) -dz-Janet <jfw4359@...> wrote:

Hey there Dave..Tje woest part of the yUCK is gone but it seems to bein my chest and I still have a runny nose..No temp though..I think whT'A Mking me sick is the F has lost his ob ND HASN'T BEEN LOOKING FOR ONE EITHER...Now that ticks me off and woould make anyone sick hAVING HIM AROUND THE HOUSE 24/7//omg IT'S ROUGH.. I'm fixing to find him a job if he likes it or not...I don't even talk to im much right now..He's passed out in the chair and as far as i'm concerned he can stay there too.. Now aren't I a happy camper..But it sure is nice hearing from you!!!!

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  • 10 months later...

In a message dated 9/24/2004 9:38:46 PM Central Daylight Time, clonezfan100@... writes:

On a good note, my husband & I celebrated 14 yearsof marriage this past Wednesday. We don't have anychildren so we went to see the 3rd Harry Potter movie & had dinner out. We don't usually go anywherefancy-that's not our style.


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  • 6 years later...
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Kys. What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still herebird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night. Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites. All the bestKrys

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Kys. What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still herebird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night. Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites. All the bestKrys

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THank you so much for your thorough reply !You have really done a lot of good things that has made you so close to mite free.Yes, I am happy that we are not being attacked at night, or at least do not notice it...Also that it is not all of us at once, but of course I would like to take the problem instead of my daughter.You are right - we only have a shower. But it is a good suggestion to try and spray MMS. How much would you delute it?Olivia gets about 2-3 new lesions every day now, so everything that could help would be great, but I to get doxy for a child here is as good as impossible. I´ll give it a try though.Take care LInda and say hello to your husband and wish him better with the staph infection,

that is not a nice thing to have...HugsCeciliaFrom: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 10:02:03 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

I am so sorry Cecilia the eldest daughter is still getting lesions. I did feel a decrease in symptoms, including crawling on feet from the Doxy - so maybe if you could get a hold of some of the Doxy somehow, it might help. To me it is a hard drug to take. I had to go off of it temporarily and with the MMS both are hard on the stomach. Did you say you do not have a bathtub? Somehow I don't think you do and I think you said the new home only has a shower. I was thinking the MMS even sprayed on her body might help her. The baths help a lot with the MMS added. But spray would help too. I am glad at least to hear you are not getting attacked at night. That was a big relief when that stopped for us - it took over a year with little mini attacks off and on. Vicks over areas near the nose always helped me.

Husband had mites in his ears and I didn't get that because I used silicone earplugs every single night. I guess they didn't like ploughing through all that silicone to get to their nest. The sulfer cream I put up the nose with cotton tipped swabs helped when mites would go up the nose and eventually activity stopped there. As far as the scalp was concerned activity has stopped entirely. I put tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and oregano oil mixed together in a little bottle and applied the oils with an eyedropper parting the hair with it and mixed that vigorously into my scalp after I showered or bathed. It stops all activity FLAT. I have had nothing in the scalp or hair for a long, long time--maybe 6 months or more. It smells, but who cares. You just have to be very careful not to get it near the eyes because it will burn. At this point as of today I can say I'm at least

95% there. So to anyone here, it can be greatly improved very steadily. It has helped me so much to have a cooperative spouse too. Btw, what I believe I had months ago with a staph infection on the head that produced an acne type of thing, that spread to the eyes. The Doxy wiped all of that out and I have none of it remaining. However, my husband has it now, so he is starting Doxy too. I believe this is what had spread to my eyes a year ago. I tried everything I could to get rid of it, including as you might recall, buying special prescriptions from China that seemed to help, but did not eradicate.From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 12:38:32 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

So sorry to hear the mites attacks you again. Here my eldest daughter is getting lesions all the time now. None on me or my husband and only a few on my small one, but it is worst when the kids gets it.One thing is positive though, we sleep at night and can not say we feel when getting attacked.HugsCeciliaFrom: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 5:06:42 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

Me also :-)

It has gone a bit quiet here lately and I also thought that everybody moved to the other (Morg.) forum.

I am very glad that you guys are still out there ! Once again, I would have been absolutely helpless without the support of you all !!

The weather has changed to very hot and humid. Therefore the mites decided to torture me again.

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Healing hugs,

Aggi --- Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...> schrieb am Di, 28.6.2011:

Von: Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...>Betreff: Re: I'm still hereAn: bird mites Datum: Dienstag, 28. Juni, 2011 16:05 Uhr

Me too - I check this site all the time, but don't have much to say anymore now that I feel almost free of the curse. But I still love to read everyones' experiences and enjoy seeing us help each other. I think we are a 'blessed group' as well as 'cursed by mites group'. We have all learned so much from each other. Our lives will never be the same.

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 4:07:27 AMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Me, too BIll!


From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 6:27:52 AMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Oh yes... I'm here Bill. :)

From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 9:17:11 PMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Testing anybody out there ? Bill 110:1 (APsalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.`,,`,,`... __/ /\____ ____ , o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\```)( | | | | | | | || |l |,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :As forme and my house, We will serve YHWH! ,,`,,``(Mat 27:4050 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many

bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,Psalm 68:18 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.On Sun Jun 26th, 2011 8:52 AM EDT Doe wrote:>Hi Pdidit>> How are you , I saw the feet were in question, I always use 1 tbls borax & 3-4 cups of warm water in a tub or my favorite is in a pair of rubber

boots , so I can walk around as I soak for 30-60 mins , Bora x has soaked out every problem I have had . It took 60 days of soaking for one affliction super crawling likea dollar bill being dragged over my foot . > It took 2 weeks for another that seemed like worms in the soles. > Sock cleaning : boil for 3 hrs & wash in Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent . Liquid Arm & Hammer dosent have sodium carbonate it says Arm & Hammer tech support > Flying bugs : tri-jet fogger with 1 cup borax , 1 cup windex & 1.5 gal of hot hot water & fog till you can see into the room . That will slow them down & posion them . >>> God bless you Pdidit >>Love In Jesus, >Bill>>>ps I put 1/2 cup borax or Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent in the tub shower every timme I shower to keep my feet free. & I wear boots always so th bug


get my

feet of ankles & I kill any bug the does get up my leg instantly with http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/dog_mange_cure.html>>The mix:> 2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster>16 oz peroxide (3%)> 32 oz water.>mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide>>I up grade to>1 cup water >1 cup peroxide > 8 tbls borax >if I get a stubborn spot , it anhialates the bug . & is totoally painless>>On Sat Jun 25th, 2011 3:42 PM EDT S wrote:>>>Hi Kayjay>>>>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5 product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising results and that's good


Keep us posted!>>>>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic

enzymes internally; while I think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.>>>> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?]. I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons, including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and

perpetuating factor of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have? >>>>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons, which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within, is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue

to produce these 'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing running shoes. As it> stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!>>>>Your thoughts?>>>>Thanks!>>Love>>Pdidit>>>>>>>>>>>

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THank you so much for your thorough reply !You have really done a lot of good things that has made you so close to mite free.Yes, I am happy that we are not being attacked at night, or at least do not notice it...Also that it is not all of us at once, but of course I would like to take the problem instead of my daughter.You are right - we only have a shower. But it is a good suggestion to try and spray MMS. How much would you delute it?Olivia gets about 2-3 new lesions every day now, so everything that could help would be great, but I to get doxy for a child here is as good as impossible. I´ll give it a try though.Take care LInda and say hello to your husband and wish him better with the staph infection,

that is not a nice thing to have...HugsCeciliaFrom: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 10:02:03 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

I am so sorry Cecilia the eldest daughter is still getting lesions. I did feel a decrease in symptoms, including crawling on feet from the Doxy - so maybe if you could get a hold of some of the Doxy somehow, it might help. To me it is a hard drug to take. I had to go off of it temporarily and with the MMS both are hard on the stomach. Did you say you do not have a bathtub? Somehow I don't think you do and I think you said the new home only has a shower. I was thinking the MMS even sprayed on her body might help her. The baths help a lot with the MMS added. But spray would help too. I am glad at least to hear you are not getting attacked at night. That was a big relief when that stopped for us - it took over a year with little mini attacks off and on. Vicks over areas near the nose always helped me.

Husband had mites in his ears and I didn't get that because I used silicone earplugs every single night. I guess they didn't like ploughing through all that silicone to get to their nest. The sulfer cream I put up the nose with cotton tipped swabs helped when mites would go up the nose and eventually activity stopped there. As far as the scalp was concerned activity has stopped entirely. I put tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and oregano oil mixed together in a little bottle and applied the oils with an eyedropper parting the hair with it and mixed that vigorously into my scalp after I showered or bathed. It stops all activity FLAT. I have had nothing in the scalp or hair for a long, long time--maybe 6 months or more. It smells, but who cares. You just have to be very careful not to get it near the eyes because it will burn. At this point as of today I can say I'm at least

95% there. So to anyone here, it can be greatly improved very steadily. It has helped me so much to have a cooperative spouse too. Btw, what I believe I had months ago with a staph infection on the head that produced an acne type of thing, that spread to the eyes. The Doxy wiped all of that out and I have none of it remaining. However, my husband has it now, so he is starting Doxy too. I believe this is what had spread to my eyes a year ago. I tried everything I could to get rid of it, including as you might recall, buying special prescriptions from China that seemed to help, but did not eradicate.From: "Cecilia Borg" <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2011 12:38:32 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

So sorry to hear the mites attacks you again. Here my eldest daughter is getting lesions all the time now. None on me or my husband and only a few on my small one, but it is worst when the kids gets it.One thing is positive though, we sleep at night and can not say we feel when getting attacked.HugsCeciliaFrom: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 5:06:42 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

Me also :-)

It has gone a bit quiet here lately and I also thought that everybody moved to the other (Morg.) forum.

I am very glad that you guys are still out there ! Once again, I would have been absolutely helpless without the support of you all !!

The weather has changed to very hot and humid. Therefore the mites decided to torture me again.

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Healing hugs,

Aggi --- Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...> schrieb am Di, 28.6.2011:

Von: Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...>Betreff: Re: I'm still hereAn: bird mites Datum: Dienstag, 28. Juni, 2011 16:05 Uhr

Me too - I check this site all the time, but don't have much to say anymore now that I feel almost free of the curse. But I still love to read everyones' experiences and enjoy seeing us help each other. I think we are a 'blessed group' as well as 'cursed by mites group'. We have all learned so much from each other. Our lives will never be the same.

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 4:07:27 AMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Me, too BIll!


From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 6:27:52 AMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Oh yes... I'm here Bill. :)

From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 9:17:11 PMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Testing anybody out there ? Bill 110:1 (APsalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.`,,`,,`... __/ /\____ ____ , o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\```)( | | | | | | | || |l |,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :As forme and my house, We will serve YHWH! ,,`,,``(Mat 27:4050 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many

bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,Psalm 68:18 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.On Sun Jun 26th, 2011 8:52 AM EDT Doe wrote:>Hi Pdidit>> How are you , I saw the feet were in question, I always use 1 tbls borax & 3-4 cups of warm water in a tub or my favorite is in a pair of rubber

boots , so I can walk around as I soak for 30-60 mins , Bora x has soaked out every problem I have had . It took 60 days of soaking for one affliction super crawling likea dollar bill being dragged over my foot . > It took 2 weeks for another that seemed like worms in the soles. > Sock cleaning : boil for 3 hrs & wash in Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent . Liquid Arm & Hammer dosent have sodium carbonate it says Arm & Hammer tech support > Flying bugs : tri-jet fogger with 1 cup borax , 1 cup windex & 1.5 gal of hot hot water & fog till you can see into the room . That will slow them down & posion them . >>> God bless you Pdidit >>Love In Jesus, >Bill>>>ps I put 1/2 cup borax or Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent in the tub shower every timme I shower to keep my feet free. & I wear boots always so th bug


get my

feet of ankles & I kill any bug the does get up my leg instantly with http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/dog_mange_cure.html>>The mix:> 2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster>16 oz peroxide (3%)> 32 oz water.>mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide>>I up grade to>1 cup water >1 cup peroxide > 8 tbls borax >if I get a stubborn spot , it anhialates the bug . & is totoally painless>>On Sat Jun 25th, 2011 3:42 PM EDT S wrote:>>>Hi Kayjay>>>>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5 product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising results and that's good


Keep us posted!>>>>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic

enzymes internally; while I think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.>>>> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?]. I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons, including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and

perpetuating factor of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have? >>>>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons, which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within, is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue

to produce these 'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing running shoes. As it> stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!>>>>Your thoughts?>>>>Thanks!>>Love>>Pdidit>>>>>>>>>>>

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THank you so much for your concern Krys, how is your mother now?CeciliaFrom: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 10:08:56 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

Cecilia,I am very sorry to hear about your daughter's lesions; it is singularly distressing to have ones children suffer. All the bestKrysOn 28 June 2011 14:38, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

So sorry to hear the mites attacks you again. Here my eldest daughter is getting lesions all the time now.

None on me or my husband and only a few on my small one, but it is worst when the kids gets it.One thing is positive though, we sleep at night and can not say we feel when getting attacked.


From: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>

bird mites

Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 5:06:42 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

Me also :-)

It has gone a bit quiet here lately and I also thought that everybody moved to the other (Morg.) forum.

I am very glad that you guys are still out there ! Once again, I would have been absolutely helpless without the support of you all !!

The weather has changed to very hot and humid. Therefore the mites decided to torture me again.

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Healing hugs,

Aggi --- Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...> schrieb am Di, 28.6.2011:

Von: Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...>Betreff: Re: I'm still hereAn: bird mites

Datum: Dienstag, 28. Juni, 2011 16:05 Uhr

Me too - I check this site all the time, but don't have much to say anymore now that I feel almost free of the curse. But I still love to read everyones' experiences and enjoy seeing us help each other. I think we are a 'blessed group' as well as 'cursed by mites group'. We have all learned so much from each other. Our lives will never be the same.

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites

Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 4:07:27 AMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Me, too BIll!


From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>

bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 6:27:52 AM

Subject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Oh yes... I'm here Bill. :)

From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites

Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 9:17:11 PMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Testing anybody out there ? Bill 110:1 (APsalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth

:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.`,,`,,`... __/ /\____ ____ , o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\```)( | | | | | | | || |l |,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :As forme and my house,

We will serve YHWH!

,,`,,``(Mat 27:4050 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many

bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,

Psalm 68:18 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.

On Sun Jun 26th, 2011 8:52 AM EDT Doe wrote:>Hi Pdidit>> How are you , I saw the feet were in question, I always use 1 tbls borax & 3-4 cups of warm water in a tub or my favorite is in a pair of rubber

boots , so I can walk around as I soak for 30-60 mins , Bora x has soaked out every problem I have had . It took 60 days of soaking for one affliction super crawling likea dollar bill being dragged over my foot . > It took 2 weeks for another that seemed like worms in the soles.

> Sock cleaning : boil for 3 hrs & wash in Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent . Liquid Arm & Hammer dosent have sodium carbonate it says Arm & Hammer tech support > Flying bugs : tri-jet fogger with 1 cup borax , 1 cup windex & 1.5 gal of hot hot water & fog till you can see into the room . That will slow them down & posion them .

>>> God bless you Pdidit >>Love In Jesus, >Bill>>>ps I put 1/2 cup borax or Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent in the tub shower every timme I shower to keep my feet free. & I wear boots always so th bug can't

get my

feet of ankles & I kill any bug the does get up my leg instantly with http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/dog_mange_cure.html

>>The mix:> 2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster>16 oz peroxide (3%)> 32 oz water.>mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide>>I up grade to>1 cup water

>1 cup peroxide > 8 tbls borax >if I get a stubborn spot , it anhialates the bug . & is totoally painless>>On Sat Jun 25th, 2011 3:42 PM EDT S wrote:>>>Hi Kayjay

>>>>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5 product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising results and that's good too.

Keep us posted!>>>>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic

enzymes internally; while I think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

>>>> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?]. I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons, including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and

perpetuating factor of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have? >>>>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons, which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within, is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue

to produce these 'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing running shoes. As it> stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

>>>>Your thoughts?>>>>Thanks!>>Love>>Pdidit>>>>>>>>>>>

-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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THank you so much for your concern Krys, how is your mother now?CeciliaFrom: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 10:08:56 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

Cecilia,I am very sorry to hear about your daughter's lesions; it is singularly distressing to have ones children suffer. All the bestKrysOn 28 June 2011 14:38, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:

So sorry to hear the mites attacks you again. Here my eldest daughter is getting lesions all the time now.

None on me or my husband and only a few on my small one, but it is worst when the kids gets it.One thing is positive though, we sleep at night and can not say we feel when getting attacked.


From: Aggi Assmann <aggi_assmann@...>

bird mites

Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 5:06:42 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

Me also :-)

It has gone a bit quiet here lately and I also thought that everybody moved to the other (Morg.) forum.

I am very glad that you guys are still out there ! Once again, I would have been absolutely helpless without the support of you all !!

The weather has changed to very hot and humid. Therefore the mites decided to torture me again.

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Healing hugs,

Aggi --- Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...> schrieb am Di, 28.6.2011:

Von: Doris Kennedy <kean2465@...>Betreff: Re: I'm still hereAn: bird mites

Datum: Dienstag, 28. Juni, 2011 16:05 Uhr

Me too - I check this site all the time, but don't have much to say anymore now that I feel almost free of the curse. But I still love to read everyones' experiences and enjoy seeing us help each other. I think we are a 'blessed group' as well as 'cursed by mites group'. We have all learned so much from each other. Our lives will never be the same.

From: Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...>bird mites

Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 4:07:27 AMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Me, too BIll!


From: "Goldstein@..." <Goldstein@...>

bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 6:27:52 AM

Subject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Oh yes... I'm here Bill. :)

From: " Doe" <doe1769@...>bird mites

Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 9:17:11 PMSubject: Re: Re: blog moved, forum added, F-5 helping athletes foot, toenail fungus

Testing anybody out there ? Bill 110:1 (APsalm of .) The LORD said unto my Lord,Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies. 3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth

:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.. Jesus is Lord of All l:*-::-*:..:*-::-*:.`,,`,,`... __/ /\____ ____ , o`,/__/ _/\_ //____/\```)( | | | | | | | || |l |,.- ,.-~~-., `-. :As forme and my house,

We will serve YHWH!

,,`,,``(Mat 27:4050 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; 52 And the graves were opened; and many

bodies of the saints which slept arose, 53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. 54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God. 55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee,

Psalm 68:18 18 Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, [for] the rebellious also, that the LORD God might dwell [among them]. 19 Blessed [be] the Lord, [who] daily loadeth us [with benefits, even] the God of our salvation. Selah.

On Sun Jun 26th, 2011 8:52 AM EDT Doe wrote:>Hi Pdidit>> How are you , I saw the feet were in question, I always use 1 tbls borax & 3-4 cups of warm water in a tub or my favorite is in a pair of rubber

boots , so I can walk around as I soak for 30-60 mins , Bora x has soaked out every problem I have had . It took 60 days of soaking for one affliction super crawling likea dollar bill being dragged over my foot . > It took 2 weeks for another that seemed like worms in the soles.

> Sock cleaning : boil for 3 hrs & wash in Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent . Liquid Arm & Hammer dosent have sodium carbonate it says Arm & Hammer tech support > Flying bugs : tri-jet fogger with 1 cup borax , 1 cup windex & 1.5 gal of hot hot water & fog till you can see into the room . That will slow them down & posion them .

>>> God bless you Pdidit >>Love In Jesus, >Bill>>>ps I put 1/2 cup borax or Arm & Hammer Powdered Laundry Detergent in the tub shower every timme I shower to keep my feet free. & I wear boots always so th bug can't

get my

feet of ankles & I kill any bug the does get up my leg instantly with http://www.earthclinic.com/Pets/dog_mange_cure.html

>>The mix:> 2 tblspns borax (20 mule team Borax laundry booster>16 oz peroxide (3%)> 32 oz water.>mix it , and the borax nuetralizes the peroxide>>I up grade to>1 cup water

>1 cup peroxide > 8 tbls borax >if I get a stubborn spot , it anhialates the bug . & is totoally painless>>On Sat Jun 25th, 2011 3:42 PM EDT S wrote:>>>Hi Kayjay

>>>>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5 product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising results and that's good too.

Keep us posted!>>>>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic

enzymes internally; while I think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

>>>> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?]. I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons, including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and

perpetuating factor of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have? >>>>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons, which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within, is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue

to produce these 'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing running shoes. As it> stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

>>>>Your thoughts?>>>>Thanks!>>Love>>Pdidit>>>>>>>>>>>

-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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Hi, !THanks for your reply!Yes, I have been thinking as you; is it mites? We brought nothing into the apartement except credit cards and id.s that were kept in DE for 24 hours. So nothing in Olivias room that we took in from the old house. Only thing she kept was her bicycle, but that is left outdoors, 150metres from the flat and she hasn´t used it for 1 week so that seems impossible that should be the source. We went to a dermatologist to see if they could tell if it was something else, but it was useless as usual... Don´t know, they said can be bites can be sensitivity reaction. It is some kind of inflammatory state... Well, I kind of could have known without going...Of course we hope it is something else, but it also seems strange why she suddenly

should have somthing skin- sensitivity when she has never had it and was without lesions 6 weeks before we left the house. It is warmer here now, don´t know if that has any impact.Great to hear that you are doing so well and how good you´re doing with the repainting and your treatments.Take care!CeciliaFrom: Benton <sarahbenton48@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 11:20:29 PMSubject: Re:

I'm still here


Are you sure these are mites? Seems they would have been left behind. Is there something near or in the kid's room that you brought? Maybe you should clean it. This is very strange:(

Love and light,

>>>Hi Kayjay>>>>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5 product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising results and

that's good too. Keep us posted!>>>>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while I think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.>>>> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?]. I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on my own in the beginning... so many things to

attack at once with morgellons, including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating factor of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have? >>>>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons, which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within, is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were getting better, then got another attack with the

warm weather here, that brought on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce these 'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing running shoes. As it> stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!>>>>Your thoughts?>>>>Thanks!>>Love>>Pdidit>>>>>>>>>>>

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Hi, !THanks for your reply!Yes, I have been thinking as you; is it mites? We brought nothing into the apartement except credit cards and id.s that were kept in DE for 24 hours. So nothing in Olivias room that we took in from the old house. Only thing she kept was her bicycle, but that is left outdoors, 150metres from the flat and she hasn´t used it for 1 week so that seems impossible that should be the source. We went to a dermatologist to see if they could tell if it was something else, but it was useless as usual... Don´t know, they said can be bites can be sensitivity reaction. It is some kind of inflammatory state... Well, I kind of could have known without going...Of course we hope it is something else, but it also seems strange why she suddenly

should have somthing skin- sensitivity when she has never had it and was without lesions 6 weeks before we left the house. It is warmer here now, don´t know if that has any impact.Great to hear that you are doing so well and how good you´re doing with the repainting and your treatments.Take care!CeciliaFrom: Benton <sarahbenton48@...>bird mites Sent: Tue, June 28, 2011 11:20:29 PMSubject: Re:

I'm still here


Are you sure these are mites? Seems they would have been left behind. Is there something near or in the kid's room that you brought? Maybe you should clean it. This is very strange:(

Love and light,

>>>Hi Kayjay>>>>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5 product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising results and

that's good too. Keep us posted!>>>>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while I think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.>>>> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?]. I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on my own in the beginning... so many things to

attack at once with morgellons, including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating factor of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have? >>>>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons, which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within, is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were getting better, then got another attack with the

warm weather here, that brought on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce these 'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing running shoes. As it> stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!>>>>Your thoughts?>>>>Thanks!>>Love>>Pdidit>>>>>>>>>>>

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& Cecilia,Thanks for asking after my mother. I think, like many here, she has periods where progress seems to be being made & periods where things seem to regress. I wish there was a complete & certain cure.

A while ago, because I was thiking about the fungal aspect of the infestation, I had suggested trying a product called Virkon S. It is an anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal etc. which is safe around animals; it was the goverment recommended viricidal disinfectant recomended by the government (UK) during the foot & mouth epidemic of several years ago. As far as I can gather, it is not indicated for acarids in particular. Anyway, seems she soaked the house in Virkon using a garden pump sprayer & was very pleased with the results (though she wondered whether she might have drowned the mites LOL). She had also been using sulphur & dead sea salt in her bath. Apparently the vineagar seemed to be loosing its efficacy, so she'd gone onto using coal tar shampoo & is happy with the results at the moment.

Cecilia,Just an idea, have you tried anything like putting oil of lemon eucalyptus onto your daughter's skin especially at night? It smells pretty strong but it is lemony & not unpleasant. So far this year I have been finding it very effective at keeping mosquitoes at bay. For whatever reason I seem to be one of those people mozzies find highly tasty. In previous years, my children have even commented that when they go for a walk with me the mozzies bother me & leave them alone!   I learnt here, & then read more, about how certain people are more attractive to mozzies than others, just as some people are more attractive to biting mites than others. I also read here about someone finding the oil of lemon eucalyptus effecive against mites, so I put the two together.

I am learning so much from everyone here, it is even applicable in my home life though, touch wood, we are not attractive to mites. I find I am getting particularly wary of moulds & fungi!All the best Krys

On 28 June 2011 16:25, Benton <sarahbenton48@...> wrote:


Kys.  What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still here

bird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM


Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-((( 


Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night.  Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites.

All the bestKrys


-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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& Cecilia,Thanks for asking after my mother. I think, like many here, she has periods where progress seems to be being made & periods where things seem to regress. I wish there was a complete & certain cure.

A while ago, because I was thiking about the fungal aspect of the infestation, I had suggested trying a product called Virkon S. It is an anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal etc. which is safe around animals; it was the goverment recommended viricidal disinfectant recomended by the government (UK) during the foot & mouth epidemic of several years ago. As far as I can gather, it is not indicated for acarids in particular. Anyway, seems she soaked the house in Virkon using a garden pump sprayer & was very pleased with the results (though she wondered whether she might have drowned the mites LOL). She had also been using sulphur & dead sea salt in her bath. Apparently the vineagar seemed to be loosing its efficacy, so she'd gone onto using coal tar shampoo & is happy with the results at the moment.

Cecilia,Just an idea, have you tried anything like putting oil of lemon eucalyptus onto your daughter's skin especially at night? It smells pretty strong but it is lemony & not unpleasant. So far this year I have been finding it very effective at keeping mosquitoes at bay. For whatever reason I seem to be one of those people mozzies find highly tasty. In previous years, my children have even commented that when they go for a walk with me the mozzies bother me & leave them alone!   I learnt here, & then read more, about how certain people are more attractive to mozzies than others, just as some people are more attractive to biting mites than others. I also read here about someone finding the oil of lemon eucalyptus effecive against mites, so I put the two together.

I am learning so much from everyone here, it is even applicable in my home life though, touch wood, we are not attractive to mites. I find I am getting particularly wary of moulds & fungi!All the best Krys

On 28 June 2011 16:25, Benton <sarahbenton48@...> wrote:


Kys.  What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still here

bird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM


Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-((( 


Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night.  Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites.

All the bestKrys


-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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Thanks Krys for the lemon eucalyptus suggestion. I try and see if I can find it. Would that be in a health store or pharmacy?For your mum, I guess she has tried it, but Selsun shampoo is very good. I was pleased with coal tar shampoo, but found selsun even better for the itching and problems in the scalp. If she hasn´t tried that is a suggestion.Take care!CeciliaFrom: Krys Brennand

<krys109uk@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, June 29, 2011 2:43:39 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

& Cecilia,Thanks for asking after my mother. I think, like many here, she has periods where progress seems to be being made & periods where things seem to regress. I wish there was a complete & certain cure.

A while ago, because I was thiking about the fungal aspect of the infestation, I had suggested trying a product called Virkon S. It is an anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal etc. which is safe around animals; it was the goverment recommended viricidal disinfectant recomended by the government (UK) during the foot & mouth epidemic of several years ago. As far as I can gather, it is not indicated for acarids in particular. Anyway, seems she soaked the house in Virkon using a garden pump sprayer & was very pleased with the results (though she wondered whether she might have drowned the mites LOL). She had also been using sulphur & dead sea salt in her bath. Apparently the vineagar seemed to be loosing its efficacy, so she'd gone onto using coal tar shampoo & is happy with the results at the moment.

Cecilia,Just an idea, have you tried anything like putting oil of lemon eucalyptus onto your daughter's skin especially at night? It smells pretty strong but it is lemony & not unpleasant. So far this year I have been finding it very effective at keeping mosquitoes at bay. For whatever reason I seem to be one of those people mozzies find highly tasty. In previous years, my children have even commented that when they go for a walk with me the mozzies bother me & leave them alone! I learnt here, & then read more, about how certain people are more attractive to mozzies than others, just as some people are more attractive to biting mites than others. I also read here about someone finding the oil of lemon eucalyptus effecive against mites, so I put the two together.

I am learning so much from everyone here, it is even applicable in my home life though, touch wood, we are not attractive to mites. I find I am getting particularly wary of moulds & fungi!All the best Krys

On 28 June 2011 16:25, Benton <sarahbenton48@...> wrote:

Kys. What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still here

bird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night. Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites.

All the bestKrys

-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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Guest guest

Thanks Krys for the lemon eucalyptus suggestion. I try and see if I can find it. Would that be in a health store or pharmacy?For your mum, I guess she has tried it, but Selsun shampoo is very good. I was pleased with coal tar shampoo, but found selsun even better for the itching and problems in the scalp. If she hasn´t tried that is a suggestion.Take care!CeciliaFrom: Krys Brennand

<krys109uk@...>bird mites Sent: Wed, June 29, 2011 2:43:39 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here

& Cecilia,Thanks for asking after my mother. I think, like many here, she has periods where progress seems to be being made & periods where things seem to regress. I wish there was a complete & certain cure.

A while ago, because I was thiking about the fungal aspect of the infestation, I had suggested trying a product called Virkon S. It is an anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal etc. which is safe around animals; it was the goverment recommended viricidal disinfectant recomended by the government (UK) during the foot & mouth epidemic of several years ago. As far as I can gather, it is not indicated for acarids in particular. Anyway, seems she soaked the house in Virkon using a garden pump sprayer & was very pleased with the results (though she wondered whether she might have drowned the mites LOL). She had also been using sulphur & dead sea salt in her bath. Apparently the vineagar seemed to be loosing its efficacy, so she'd gone onto using coal tar shampoo & is happy with the results at the moment.

Cecilia,Just an idea, have you tried anything like putting oil of lemon eucalyptus onto your daughter's skin especially at night? It smells pretty strong but it is lemony & not unpleasant. So far this year I have been finding it very effective at keeping mosquitoes at bay. For whatever reason I seem to be one of those people mozzies find highly tasty. In previous years, my children have even commented that when they go for a walk with me the mozzies bother me & leave them alone! I learnt here, & then read more, about how certain people are more attractive to mozzies than others, just as some people are more attractive to biting mites than others. I also read here about someone finding the oil of lemon eucalyptus effecive against mites, so I put the two together.

I am learning so much from everyone here, it is even applicable in my home life though, touch wood, we are not attractive to mites. I find I am getting particularly wary of moulds & fungi!All the best Krys

On 28 June 2011 16:25, Benton <sarahbenton48@...> wrote:

Kys. What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still here

bird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM

Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-(((

Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night. Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites.

All the bestKrys

-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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Thanks for the suggestion Cecilia, I'll suggest the Selsun shampoo; I'm pretty sure that is available in UK.I get oil of Lemon Eucalyptus from Amazon. I imagine it is probably easily available online, as natural products are popular. I think it is only a repellent but maybe it would help keep the mites away from Olivia. It might be an idea to mix it with a natural oil in case it is too strong for Olivia's young skin.

All the bestKrysOn 29 June 2011 13:38, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:


Thanks Krys for the lemon eucalyptus suggestion. I try and see if I can find it. Would that be in a health store or pharmacy?

For your mum, I guess she has tried it, but  Selsun shampoo is very good. I was pleased with coal tar shampoo, but found selsun even better for the itching and problems in the scalp. If she hasn´t tried that is a suggestion.

Take care!Cecilia

From: Krys Brennand

<krys109uk@...>bird mites

Sent: Wed, June 29, 2011 2:43:39 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here


& Cecilia,Thanks for asking after my mother. I think, like many here, she has periods where progress seems to be being made & periods where things seem to regress. I wish there was a complete & certain cure.

A while ago, because I was thiking about the fungal aspect of the infestation, I had suggested trying a product called Virkon S. It is an anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal etc. which is safe around animals; it was the goverment recommended viricidal disinfectant recomended by the government (UK) during the foot & mouth epidemic of several years ago. As far as I can gather, it is not indicated for acarids in particular. Anyway, seems she soaked the house in Virkon using a garden pump sprayer & was very pleased with the results (though she wondered whether she might have drowned the mites LOL). She had also been using sulphur & dead sea salt in her bath. Apparently the vineagar seemed to be loosing its efficacy, so she'd gone onto using coal tar shampoo & is happy with the results at the moment.

Cecilia,Just an idea, have you tried anything like putting oil of lemon eucalyptus onto your daughter's skin especially at night? It smells pretty strong but it is lemony & not unpleasant. So far this year I have been finding it very effective at keeping mosquitoes at bay. For whatever reason I seem to be one of those people mozzies find highly tasty. In previous years, my children have even commented that when they go for a walk with me the mozzies bother me & leave them alone!   I learnt here, & then read more, about how certain people are more attractive to mozzies than others, just as some people are more attractive to biting mites than others. I also read here about someone finding the oil of lemon eucalyptus effecive against mites, so I put the two together.

I am learning so much from everyone here, it is even applicable in my home life though, touch wood, we are not attractive to mites. I find I am getting particularly wary of moulds & fungi!All the best Krys

On 28 June 2011 16:25, Benton <sarahbenton48@...> wrote:


Kys.  What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still here

bird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM


Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-((( 


Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night.  Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites.

All the bestKrys


-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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Guest guest

Thanks for the suggestion Cecilia, I'll suggest the Selsun shampoo; I'm pretty sure that is available in UK.I get oil of Lemon Eucalyptus from Amazon. I imagine it is probably easily available online, as natural products are popular. I think it is only a repellent but maybe it would help keep the mites away from Olivia. It might be an idea to mix it with a natural oil in case it is too strong for Olivia's young skin.

All the bestKrysOn 29 June 2011 13:38, Cecilia Borg <ceciliaborg@...> wrote:


Thanks Krys for the lemon eucalyptus suggestion. I try and see if I can find it. Would that be in a health store or pharmacy?

For your mum, I guess she has tried it, but  Selsun shampoo is very good. I was pleased with coal tar shampoo, but found selsun even better for the itching and problems in the scalp. If she hasn´t tried that is a suggestion.

Take care!Cecilia

From: Krys Brennand

<krys109uk@...>bird mites

Sent: Wed, June 29, 2011 2:43:39 PMSubject: Re: I'm still here


& Cecilia,Thanks for asking after my mother. I think, like many here, she has periods where progress seems to be being made & periods where things seem to regress. I wish there was a complete & certain cure.

A while ago, because I was thiking about the fungal aspect of the infestation, I had suggested trying a product called Virkon S. It is an anti bacterial, anti viral, anti fungal etc. which is safe around animals; it was the goverment recommended viricidal disinfectant recomended by the government (UK) during the foot & mouth epidemic of several years ago. As far as I can gather, it is not indicated for acarids in particular. Anyway, seems she soaked the house in Virkon using a garden pump sprayer & was very pleased with the results (though she wondered whether she might have drowned the mites LOL). She had also been using sulphur & dead sea salt in her bath. Apparently the vineagar seemed to be loosing its efficacy, so she'd gone onto using coal tar shampoo & is happy with the results at the moment.

Cecilia,Just an idea, have you tried anything like putting oil of lemon eucalyptus onto your daughter's skin especially at night? It smells pretty strong but it is lemony & not unpleasant. So far this year I have been finding it very effective at keeping mosquitoes at bay. For whatever reason I seem to be one of those people mozzies find highly tasty. In previous years, my children have even commented that when they go for a walk with me the mozzies bother me & leave them alone!   I learnt here, & then read more, about how certain people are more attractive to mozzies than others, just as some people are more attractive to biting mites than others. I also read here about someone finding the oil of lemon eucalyptus effecive against mites, so I put the two together.

I am learning so much from everyone here, it is even applicable in my home life though, touch wood, we are not attractive to mites. I find I am getting particularly wary of moulds & fungi!All the best Krys

On 28 June 2011 16:25, Benton <sarahbenton48@...> wrote:


Kys.  What is the update on your mom's condition?

From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>Subject: Re: I'm still here

bird mites Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM


Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever stop :-((( 


Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night.  Mybe you'll be able to get rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will breed & put an end to the biting mites.

All the bestKrys


-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

-- They shut the road through the woods

Seventy years ago.

Weather and rain have undone it again,

And now you would never know

There was once a road through the woods

Before they planted the trees.

It is underneath the coppice and heath,

And the thin anemones.

Only the keeper sees

That, where the ring-dove broods,

And the badgers roll at ease,

There was once a road through the woods.

Yet, if you enter the woods

Of a summer evening late,

When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

Where the otter whistles his mate.

(They fear not men in the woods,

Because they see so few)

You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

Steadily cantering through

The misty solitudes,

As though they perfectly knew

The old lost road through the woods….

But there is no road through the woods.

The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling

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Guest guest

Hi ,

I am so glad you are still joining us here :-)

Very true what you are saying, life is like a roller coaster when having bird

mites. The days are usually ok, not nice really, but from 5 pm onwards the

situation turns into bad and the later it gets, the worse it is getting, too !

The weather conditions playing a big role as well.

My mites are dining in shifts really, the ones in the office are active during

the day, since I am not spending the nights there;-)

but the biggest biting attacks are still happening at home and during the night.

They are most active between 12 and 2. I do feel like a big mite cookie as they

all want to nibble on me all day long.

The number of bites in the car has decreased since the dutchy's are living in

there. I also feel there is something additionally which could be a fungus. I

told you about that weired film on my hair.

Whenever I get in touch with humidity, my hair seems to be getting alive and

this is exactly happening where that film is. The same occurs when putting my

feet on the carpet in the office or car.

I also feel my tolerance level going down, the longer I am afflicted with this

crap. One just needs to be rewarded for all the time and effort putting into

this, but making so little progress, it is just frustrating at times ! When I

am not at work I can hardly think of anything else, but how to get rid of the


And then on top of all I can't even talk to my boyfriend about it, he thinks I

am imagining all this, tells me to keep my mind open and that it could be

something else, and when I ask " what " , his only reply would be " I don't know " .

Even went to a psychiatrist last year... just to please my boyfriend. Besides,

got the same reaction there, like " Keep your mind wide open and do not focus on

mites only " . Was nice to talk to someone, but after 6 sessions I decided that I

did not get real help there either. It is helping me more talking to you guys

here, that is for sure !

So sorry to read about your recent problems It is awful, just being forced

to be fighting problem after problem after problem and I really don't know how

you find the strength and are still here to be helping all the others as well.

You deserve an award for your ability in making people happier !

> >

> >>Hi Kayjay

> >>

> >>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5

product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming

that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising

results and that's good too. Keep us posted!

> >>

> >>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while I

think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with

everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think

the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle

returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly

spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough

quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

> >>

> >> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may

be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?].

I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few

years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on

my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons,

including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating factor

of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is

addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have?

> >>

> >>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after

wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons,

which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this

disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying

critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so

have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything

cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within,

is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were

getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought

on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce these

'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need

to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing

running shoes. As it

> > stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can

easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

> >>

> >>Your thoughts?

> >>

> >>Thanks!

> >>Love

> >>Pdidit

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >


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Guest guest

Hi ,

I am so glad you are still joining us here :-)

Very true what you are saying, life is like a roller coaster when having bird

mites. The days are usually ok, not nice really, but from 5 pm onwards the

situation turns into bad and the later it gets, the worse it is getting, too !

The weather conditions playing a big role as well.

My mites are dining in shifts really, the ones in the office are active during

the day, since I am not spending the nights there;-)

but the biggest biting attacks are still happening at home and during the night.

They are most active between 12 and 2. I do feel like a big mite cookie as they

all want to nibble on me all day long.

The number of bites in the car has decreased since the dutchy's are living in

there. I also feel there is something additionally which could be a fungus. I

told you about that weired film on my hair.

Whenever I get in touch with humidity, my hair seems to be getting alive and

this is exactly happening where that film is. The same occurs when putting my

feet on the carpet in the office or car.

I also feel my tolerance level going down, the longer I am afflicted with this

crap. One just needs to be rewarded for all the time and effort putting into

this, but making so little progress, it is just frustrating at times ! When I

am not at work I can hardly think of anything else, but how to get rid of the


And then on top of all I can't even talk to my boyfriend about it, he thinks I

am imagining all this, tells me to keep my mind open and that it could be

something else, and when I ask " what " , his only reply would be " I don't know " .

Even went to a psychiatrist last year... just to please my boyfriend. Besides,

got the same reaction there, like " Keep your mind wide open and do not focus on

mites only " . Was nice to talk to someone, but after 6 sessions I decided that I

did not get real help there either. It is helping me more talking to you guys

here, that is for sure !

So sorry to read about your recent problems It is awful, just being forced

to be fighting problem after problem after problem and I really don't know how

you find the strength and are still here to be helping all the others as well.

You deserve an award for your ability in making people happier !

> >

> >>Hi Kayjay

> >>

> >>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5

product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming

that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising

results and that's good too. Keep us posted!

> >>

> >>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while I

think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with

everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think

the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle

returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly

spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough

quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

> >>

> >> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may

be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?].

I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few

years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on

my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons,

including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating factor

of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is

addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have?

> >>

> >>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after

wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons,

which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this

disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying

critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so

have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything

cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within,

is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were

getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought

on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce these

'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need

to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing

running shoes. As it

> > stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can

easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

> >>

> >>Your thoughts?

> >>

> >>Thanks!

> >>Love

> >>Pdidit

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >


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Poor , life is not good without a little treat now and then.

I help myself in having a little whiskey when the mites do not let me sleep, but

that is an exception. I usually drink herbal tea before going to bed as it helps

me to calm down and relax. I have been on sleeping pills for about 8 months when

my mitemare kicked-off, and I don't want to go back this route.

This is funny with your snoring husband, sounds familiar, because my boyfriend

snores like a bear as well after having had alcoholic drinks. But that's for

weekends only and then I just decide to sleep on the couch :-)

> >

> >>Hi Kayjay

> >>

> >>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5

product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming

that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising

results and that's good too. Keep us posted!

> >>

> >>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while I

think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with

everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think

the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle

returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly

spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough

quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

> >>

> >> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may

be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?].

I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few

years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on

my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons,

including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating factor

of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is

addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have?

> >>

> >>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after

wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons,

which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this

disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying

critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so

have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything

cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within,

is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were

getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought

on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce these

'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need

to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing

running shoes. As it

> > stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can

easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

> >>

> >>Your thoughts?

> >>

> >>Thanks!

> >>Love

> >>Pdidit

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >


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Valerian root is great ! I have been taking it for about 8 months in the

beginning of my infestation and I would not have been able to go to sleep

without it. Also, no side effects ever plus being able to wake up in the morning

without problems. Think I should get it again for the real bad nights. Thanks

Krys for mentioning it !

> >

> >>Hi Kayjay

> >>

> >>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5

product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming

that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising

results and that's good too. Keep us posted!

> >>

> >>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while I

think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with

everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think

the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle

returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly

spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough

quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

> >>

> >> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may

be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?].

I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few

years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on

my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons,

including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating factor

of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is

addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have?

> >>

> >>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after

wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons,

which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this

disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying

critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so

have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything

cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within,

is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were

getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought

on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce these

'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need

to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing

running shoes. As it

> > stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can

easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

> >>

> >>Your thoughts?

> >>

> >>Thanks!

> >>Love

> >>Pdidit

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >













> --

> They shut the road through the woods

> Seventy years ago.

> Weather and rain have undone it again,

> And now you would never know

> There was once a road through the woods

> Before they planted the trees.

> It is underneath the coppice and heath,

> And the thin anemones.

> Only the keeper sees

> That, where the ring-dove broods,

> And the badgers roll at ease,

> There was once a road through the woods.


> Yet, if you enter the woods

> Of a summer evening late,

> When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

> Where the otter whistles his mate.

> (They fear not men in the woods,

> Because they see so few)

> You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

> And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

> Steadily cantering through

> The misty solitudes,

> As though they perfectly knew

> The old lost road through the woods….

> But there is no road through the woods.


> The Way Through the Woods - Rudyard Kipling


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Hi Cecilia,

This must be so awful for your daughter and for you being a parent!

It might be an allergic reaction to something since you moved to a new place. I

was thinking of possibilities of being re-infested with mites. Does your husband

go to the same office or workplace every day ? Then it is possible that he

carried the mites there, because mites do use people as " taxis " , although being

unaffected, it is possible that he took some mites there and brought them back

into your new house.

I just so much hope that this never happened and I still keep crossing my

fingers for you and your family. You have given up everything and just deserve a

peaceful and healthy life.

Big hug,


> >>

> >>>Hi Kayjay

> >>>

> >>>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5

> >>>product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time


> >>>that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising

> >>>results and that's good too. Keep us posted!

> >>>

> >>>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while


> >>>think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal


> >>>everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I


> >>>the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another


> >>>returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about


> >>>spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough

> >>>quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

> >>>

> >>> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that

may be

> >>>impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection

[?]. I

> >>>have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last


> >>>years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I

studied on

> >>>my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with


> >>>including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating

> >>>factor of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would

> >>>and/or is addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that


> >>>have?

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after


> >>>how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons, which


> >>>loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this disease

> >>>struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying

> >>>critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have

around so

> >>>have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear


> >>>cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from


> >>>is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet


> >>>getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that


> >>>on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce


> >>>'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really


> >>>to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program


> >>>running shoes. As it

> >> stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I


> >>easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

> >>>

> >>>Your thoughts?

> >>>

> >>>Thanks!

> >>>Love

> >>>Pdidit

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >

> >


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Hi Krys,

I'll swop my mites for your mozzies anytime, lol

At least you can see mozzies, whereas I am in combat with the invisible enemy.

It is wearing me out cleaning a clean house over and over again. The Virkon S

sounds promising. It is even available here in Germany surprisingly and I am so

happy that your mum is doing better. She is even taking sulfur baths now ... wow

! No side effects at all ?

I have just looked up coal tar shampoos and I'd like to add that to my remedies.

Also available is a combined coal tar/sulfur shampoo.

Does the Virkon leave a white residue on surfaces once it has dried off ?

> >

> >

> > From: Krys Brennand <krys109uk@...>

> >

> > Subject: Re: I'm still here

> > bird mites

> > Date: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 8:18 PM

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Only 4 hours of sleep last night.... Don't think this will ever ever

> > stop :-(((

> >

> >

> >

> > Sorry to hear they had a go at you last night. Mybe you'll be able to get

> > rid of them in the autumn when the weather gets cooler; you'll be able to

> > get more Dutchys, to go after the biting mites. Presumably the Dutchys will

> > breed & put an end to the biting mites.

> > All the best

> > Krys

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> --

> They shut the road through the woods

> Seventy years ago.

> Weather and rain have undone it again,

> And now you would never know

> There was once a road through the woods

> Before they planted the trees.

> It is underneath the coppice and heath,

> And the thin anemones.

> Only the keeper sees

> That, where the ring-dove broods,

> And the badgers roll at ease,

> There was once a road through the woods.


> Yet, if you enter the woods

> Of a summer evening late,

> When the night-air cools on the trout-ringed pools

> Where the otter whistles his mate.

> (They fear not men in the woods,

> Because they see so few)

> You will hear the beat of a horse's feet,

> And the swish of a skirt in the dew,

> Steadily cantering through

> The misty solitudes,

> As though they perfectly knew

> The old lost road through the woods….

> But there is no road through the woods.

> *

> The Way Through the Woods* - Rudyard Kipling


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Hello !

This is good old Germany where houses do not have air conditioners at all :-)

I have got myself a strong blowing fan yesterday and kept it blowing on me all

night. Got a few mites biting my backside, but on top I was fine and at least

been able to go to sleep.

In the car I have the predators now and do not want to do anything to disturb

them as they seem to be eating up the enemy ;-)

I have started dieting last Monday as in cutting sugar, carbs and dairy

products. I treat myself with one small cup of strong coffee in the morning as I

am just addicted to that adrelanine bliss, haha. Finding it ok without milk now.

Tonight I had a very nice and hot Thai vegeterian soup with a bit of chicken in

it and some olives for desert. Gosh, I would kill for ice cream already, having

those temperatures here now, lol

Remind me to send you some real yummie German chocolate, once you have finished

your diet ! I am very proud of you and very happy about the progress you

are making ! Stay strong girl :-)

Icing sugared hugs (sounds like bad English, but I'm sure you know what I


> >

> >>Hi Kayjay

> >>

> >>Wanted to thank you for dispelling some of the mystery surrounding the F-5

product. I checked out your site and think it is great! Know how time consuming

that must be, so good job! Anyway, continued updates are showing promising

results and that's good too. Keep us posted!

> >>

> >>I believe in enzymes and take a lot of systemic enzymes internally; while I

think it is a slower process in getting rid of pathogens and might not deal with

everything involved, it seems the safest route to go until we know more. I think

the enzymes are helping and that I am getting better, but then another cycle

returns so am not quite sure what to say or how to report about that...mainly

spinning my wheels? LOL.. I dunno but maybe I am not taking a large enough

quantity for what I have going on in my system right now.

> >>

> >> I am waiting for fry lab report to see if I have a blood protozoan that may

be impeding my progress, but also think I may have a strongyloid infection [?].

I have this newly acquired 'mottled' skin that has shown up within the last few

years which is one sign that I may have this, aside from specimen's I studied on

my own in the beginning... so many things to attack at once with morgellons,

including the agrobacteria that is probably at the route and perpetuating factor

of this infection. So do you believe that this topical enzyme would and/or is

addressing some of these internal parasites and agrobacteria that we have?

> >>

> >>Anyway,I was wondering what your trick was to wearing socks? And after

wearing, how do you disinfect them ? I have had to move away from all cottons,

which I loved and like many of us, cotton was mainly all I wore before this

disease struck. So many years later and am still dealing with this! These flying

critters I have continue to be a magnet to any cotton I still do have around so

have shelved these for now--but I also feel as if when trying to wear anything

cotton, especially loose knit cotton such as socks--that something from within,

is extracting and using it for some part of the infection. My legs and feet were

getting better, then got another attack with the warm weather here, that brought

on the familiar lumps and moving sensations...and I continue to produce these

'artifacts' from the soles of my feet at different intervals. But I really need

to get around this somehow since I want to start an exercise program wearing

running shoes. As it

> > stands, I continue to fall back on my rubber crocs all the time, which I can

easily wash and disinfect but sure can't exercise in them!

> >>

> >>Your thoughts?

> >>

> >>Thanks!

> >>Love

> >>Pdidit

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >


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