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my story

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I couldn't help but feel overwhelming compassion when I read your post.

I know it probably doesn't matter much, but you are not alone in the way you

feel. I too, am very frightened having this horrible disease. Just the other

day, I was talking to a lyme friend. I told her that when I looked in the

mirror, that I did not see myself any more. I feel like I have bcome lost

somewhere inside myself. I know I do not have all the answers but one thing I

do know is.........God is in control. We all need to pick a certain time a day

to agree in prayer. Unity can move mountians. We can pray protection for our

doctors and for a Wake up call in Washington. God says we receive not because

we ask not.....I will join with you in prayer for these things and a comeplete

healing for all of us. Faith is a weapon that has been given to us by God. So

let us put our faith in Him and hang in there to the very end.......Love

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- thank you, thank you, thank you. This is a horrible nightmare and I

also realize that for me God is the only one who has got me this far. I have

witnessed the strength of prayer in many situations. Let's set that time and

get things going. I'm with you also. Write me again and we'll devise

something.. I know only too well about looking in the mirror - it is not me - it

hasn;t been me for so long - I pray that you too will find your answers - soon.


Vicki S, NJ

[ ] re:My story


I couldn't help but feel overwhelming compassion when I read your post.

I know it probably doesn't matter much, but you are not alone in the way

you feel. I too, am very frightened having this horrible disease. Just the

other day, I was talking to a lyme friend. I told her that when I looked in the

mirror, that I did not see myself any more. I feel like I have bcome lost

somewhere inside myself. I know I do not have all the answers but one thing I

do know is.........God is in control. We all need to pick a certain time a day

to agree in prayer. Unity can move mountians. We can pray protection for our

doctors and for a Wake up call in Washington. God says we receive not because

we ask not.....I will join with you in prayer for these things and a comeplete

healing for all of us. Faith is a weapon that has been given to us by God. So

let us put our faith in Him and hang in there to the very end.......Love

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Hi nne,

Welcome to our group, I live in NJ, not too far from PA. Sounds as if

you got bit in Mexico, never met anyone with a bite from there, but I know

plenty of Lyme disease is there. Your search for treatment is so familiar,

many of us see 5 or more doctors before we get a firm diagnosis. What a

shame that you knew so little about LD and the bullseye rash when you were

bitten, we really need to inform the public more about the signs of this

disease, sadly because you did not receive immediate treatment for your tick

bite, you are one of us. I am so happy your PCR's turned up positive, I

never had one yet, after almost four years with this disease. I guess all

the abx I have taken through the years, don't know for sure why, but I

vividly remember removing my tick, and all my problems began there.

Sorry about your argument with your HMO, Lyme disease is not considered a

specialty and if the doctor you are seeing is not on your list of approved

doctors you are pretty much out of luck. Any chance of changing insurers???

I had to do that to see my LLMD, took me six months to see him as I had to

wait to change the insurance, but fortunately I had found a very

understanding primary who did give me abx (antibiotics) in the meantime.

Unfortunately they were not the right kind, turns out I had Human Monocytic

Ehrlichiosis, and doxy is the drug for that, I could have died, and believe

me I felt like I was, yet one of the idiot infectious disease doctors I saw

in the meantime, said I needed psychiatric care.

Good for you writing to your elected officials, we need them to understand

how severe this disease is. Yesterday about 100 people with Lyme went to

Washington to try to educate some of them, I hope it helped.

Again, welcome to our group, I hope you like us, we are a pretty good group,

very supportive.



From: Bianca <bigpapa@...>

>Hi everyone!


>I recently joined lyme-aid and figured out it was time to introduce

>myself and my story. I am from Pennsylvania. Almost a year ago, while

>in Mexico, I noticed a bulls-eye rash on my left forearm. I was

>uneducated on lyme at the time, so I dismissed it. I went on with the

>trip. A week of returning I had a flu like illness, swollen glands,

>stiff neck light sensitiveity etc. I did not remember the rash and it

>was gone now.


>Months passed. I kept having sore throats, swollen glands etc. My

>doctor sent me to everyone. I have seen 9 different doctors. I live in

>an area with a teaching hospital. I was told that we did not have lyme

>here and that it is overdiagnosed. I have been told I had chronic

>fatigue, lymphoma, fibro, anxiety disorder, you know the story.

>Finally, I began to do research on my own. I have family members with

>Lyme. I had a few WB " s and . Both came back negative, numerous

>times. I kept researching, lyme net etc. I finally posted a note and

>someone gave me the name of a LLMD. I went to him. I did a LYME PCR

>and a test for babesiosis. Guess what I have both. I have finally

>started treatment and am feeling a little better. I think the protocol

>my doctor is using for the babesiosis has worked. Praise the lord! I

>can turn my head. I am so grateful for the woman who gave me that

>doctors name.


>So now I sit and wait to feel " whole " again. I have written to every

>political official I could and anyone else that would listen. I am

>currently fighting with my HMO to get them to cover my LLMD. They are

>denying it! Anyone, have any ideas! Anyway, I wrote enough. Thank you

>for creating such a resource. I would never had been able to get the

>help that I did without places like this! Thank you!



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Guest guest

Hi nne,

Welcome to our group, I live in NJ, not too far from PA. Sounds as if

you got bit in Mexico, never met anyone with a bite from there, but I know

plenty of Lyme disease is there. Your search for treatment is so familiar,

many of us see 5 or more doctors before we get a firm diagnosis. What a

shame that you knew so little about LD and the bullseye rash when you were

bitten, we really need to inform the public more about the signs of this

disease, sadly because you did not receive immediate treatment for your tick

bite, you are one of us. I am so happy your PCR's turned up positive, I

never had one yet, after almost four years with this disease. I guess all

the abx I have taken through the years, don't know for sure why, but I

vividly remember removing my tick, and all my problems began there.

Sorry about your argument with your HMO, Lyme disease is not considered a

specialty and if the doctor you are seeing is not on your list of approved

doctors you are pretty much out of luck. Any chance of changing insurers???

I had to do that to see my LLMD, took me six months to see him as I had to

wait to change the insurance, but fortunately I had found a very

understanding primary who did give me abx (antibiotics) in the meantime.

Unfortunately they were not the right kind, turns out I had Human Monocytic

Ehrlichiosis, and doxy is the drug for that, I could have died, and believe

me I felt like I was, yet one of the idiot infectious disease doctors I saw

in the meantime, said I needed psychiatric care.

Good for you writing to your elected officials, we need them to understand

how severe this disease is. Yesterday about 100 people with Lyme went to

Washington to try to educate some of them, I hope it helped.

Again, welcome to our group, I hope you like us, we are a pretty good group,

very supportive.



From: Bianca <bigpapa@...>

>Hi everyone!


>I recently joined lyme-aid and figured out it was time to introduce

>myself and my story. I am from Pennsylvania. Almost a year ago, while

>in Mexico, I noticed a bulls-eye rash on my left forearm. I was

>uneducated on lyme at the time, so I dismissed it. I went on with the

>trip. A week of returning I had a flu like illness, swollen glands,

>stiff neck light sensitiveity etc. I did not remember the rash and it

>was gone now.


>Months passed. I kept having sore throats, swollen glands etc. My

>doctor sent me to everyone. I have seen 9 different doctors. I live in

>an area with a teaching hospital. I was told that we did not have lyme

>here and that it is overdiagnosed. I have been told I had chronic

>fatigue, lymphoma, fibro, anxiety disorder, you know the story.

>Finally, I began to do research on my own. I have family members with

>Lyme. I had a few WB " s and . Both came back negative, numerous

>times. I kept researching, lyme net etc. I finally posted a note and

>someone gave me the name of a LLMD. I went to him. I did a LYME PCR

>and a test for babesiosis. Guess what I have both. I have finally

>started treatment and am feeling a little better. I think the protocol

>my doctor is using for the babesiosis has worked. Praise the lord! I

>can turn my head. I am so grateful for the woman who gave me that

>doctors name.


>So now I sit and wait to feel " whole " again. I have written to every

>political official I could and anyone else that would listen. I am

>currently fighting with my HMO to get them to cover my LLMD. They are

>denying it! Anyone, have any ideas! Anyway, I wrote enough. Thank you

>for creating such a resource. I would never had been able to get the

>help that I did without places like this! Thank you!



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Thank you so much for the warm welcome. It is comforting to know that there are

people who do understand. This disease can be so trying! I look forward in

getting to know all of you! As we all know,

together we can make a difference! Wishing you all a good day tomorrow! Good

night all.


Marta McCoy wrote:

> Hi nne,

> Welcome to our group, I live in NJ, not too far from PA. Sounds as if

> you got bit in Mexico, never met anyone with a bite from there, but I know

> plenty of Lyme disease is there. Your search for treatment is so familiar,

> many of us see 5 or more doctors before we get a firm diagnosis. What a

> shame that you knew so little about LD and the bullseye rash when you were

> bitten, we really need to inform the public more about the signs of this

> disease, sadly because you did not receive immediate treatment for your tick

> bite, you are one of us. I am so happy your PCR's turned up positive, I

> never had one yet, after almost four years with this disease. I guess all

> the abx I have taken through the years, don't know for sure why, but I

> vividly remember removing my tick, and all my problems began there.

> Sorry about your argument with your HMO, Lyme disease is not considered a

> specialty and if the doctor you are seeing is not on your list of approved

> doctors you are pretty much out of luck. Any chance of changing insurers???

> I had to do that to see my LLMD, took me six months to see him as I had to

> wait to change the insurance, but fortunately I had found a very

> understanding primary who did give me abx (antibiotics) in the meantime.

> Unfortunately they were not the right kind, turns out I had Human Monocytic

> Ehrlichiosis, and doxy is the drug for that, I could have died, and believe

> me I felt like I was, yet one of the idiot infectious disease doctors I saw

> in the meantime, said I needed psychiatric care.

> Good for you writing to your elected officials, we need them to understand

> how severe this disease is. Yesterday about 100 people with Lyme went to

> Washington to try to educate some of them, I hope it helped.

> Again, welcome to our group, I hope you like us, we are a pretty good group,

> very supportive.

> Hugs,

> Marta


> From: Bianca <bigpapa@...>


> >Hi everyone!

> >

> >I recently joined lyme-aid and figured out it was time to introduce

> >myself and my story. I am from Pennsylvania. Almost a year ago, while

> >in Mexico, I noticed a bulls-eye rash on my left forearm. I was

> >uneducated on lyme at the time, so I dismissed it. I went on with the

> >trip. A week of returning I had a flu like illness, swollen glands,

> >stiff neck light sensitiveity etc. I did not remember the rash and it

> >was gone now.

> >

> >Months passed. I kept having sore throats, swollen glands etc. My

> >doctor sent me to everyone. I have seen 9 different doctors. I live in

> >an area with a teaching hospital. I was told that we did not have lyme

> >here and that it is overdiagnosed. I have been told I had chronic

> >fatigue, lymphoma, fibro, anxiety disorder, you know the story.

> >Finally, I began to do research on my own. I have family members with

> >Lyme. I had a few WB " s and . Both came back negative, numerous

> >times. I kept researching, lyme net etc. I finally posted a note and

> >someone gave me the name of a LLMD. I went to him. I did a LYME PCR

> >and a test for babesiosis. Guess what I have both. I have finally

> >started treatment and am feeling a little better. I think the protocol

> >my doctor is using for the babesiosis has worked. Praise the lord! I

> >can turn my head. I am so grateful for the woman who gave me that

> >doctors name.

> >

> >So now I sit and wait to feel " whole " again. I have written to every

> >political official I could and anyone else that would listen. I am

> >currently fighting with my HMO to get them to cover my LLMD. They are

> >denying it! Anyone, have any ideas! Anyway, I wrote enough. Thank you

> >for creating such a resource. I would never had been able to get the

> >help that I did without places like this! Thank you!

> >

> >nne


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi! You are on the right track, and there is light at the other end of the

tunnel. I have used ParaGone, and I do have to say that it works. Do be

prepared for a die-off, which for some of us is long and painful. Mine lasted

for three weeks, and I had all the symptoms that I have suffered since a little

girl (mostly upper respiratory problems). This happens when the dead and live

toxins are being excreted from the body. Our body reacts to them in order to

preserve itself, and therefore the mucus, body odor, symptoms of infections,

etc. etc, etc. At the end of the treatment, I have continued with the

anti-fungals, supplements and diet. This way I am sure I am building up a

healthier system. Sandy.

- My Story

Hi...this is my story. I am 25 years and have been diagnosed with

interstitial cystitis this year. In short it is a very painful

bladder disease in which the bladder is consistantly inflammed(It is

like having a UTI all the time, althought unlike a UTI, interstitial

cystitis is not caused by bacteria.) It is not known how you get IC

and there is no known cure. It is considered possibly a autoimmune

disease or a symptom of an autoimmune disease. With IC....to

minimize the pain....you must follow a strict diet of low acid food

and beverages, such as no fruit, no fruit juices, no tomatoes, onions


About a couple of months ago, my mother suggested maybe I should go

to a herbalist. I had a consultation with her and she said many of

my symptoms....fatigue, being in a fog, forgetfullness, constipation,

weight gain, blurred vision etc. seemed like the symptoms of yeast

overgrowth. At first I really thought I was wasting my time and

money when she told me this....but I thought I might as well try

it....I have nothing to lose.

I got the herbs and the first couple of days I was sooooo tired, more

tired than I usually was anyway. On the third day it was soooooooo

amazing.....I woke up feeling like a completely different person. I

had energy and I was no longer in that fog.

In the meantime, my husband and I were selling our house and my diet

was not very good at the time, a lot of stress, and one night out on

the town drinking did not agree with me....and I found myself back to

feeling so bad again. I had a taste of life for a week and here I

was back to feeling trapped in a body that did not want me to live.

I continued taking the herbs for the rest of the month hoping for the

best, but to no avail.

That is when I decided to do some research and find out what natural

anitfungal medications to take. In the meantime I knew garlic was an

antifungal so I decided until I can finish my research I stuck with

the garlic for about 5 days....and I noticed the fog was coming and

going...so I knew I was on the right track.

A week ago, I found Paragone....an antifungal and parisite internal

cleansing system in a health food store. I have been a a complete

diet consisting of no dairy, no sweets, no complex carbs, all organic

foods, I have found everything I needed at a local health food store.

For instance....instead of sandwiches.....I will have sliced turkey

or chicken rolled up in lettuce with a dressing I found at a health

food store that contains no vinegar and no sugar. It is very hard to

change a lifestyle where everything you eat has sugar, but it can be

done with perseverance....and I will do it for my health.

I have noticed that my pain has decreased in my bladder, I have more

energy, since I have not had any sugar, and watched my diet along the

cleansing system. I have been getting up early in the morning with

no problems......and if you knew me.....you would know that is a


Has anyone ever taken Paragone? Please let me know your comments on

it...and how it worked for you....Thanks


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Guest guest

Hi! You are on the right track, and there is light at the other end of the

tunnel. I have used ParaGone, and I do have to say that it works. Do be

prepared for a die-off, which for some of us is long and painful. Mine lasted

for three weeks, and I had all the symptoms that I have suffered since a little

girl (mostly upper respiratory problems). This happens when the dead and live

toxins are being excreted from the body. Our body reacts to them in order to

preserve itself, and therefore the mucus, body odor, symptoms of infections,

etc. etc, etc. At the end of the treatment, I have continued with the

anti-fungals, supplements and diet. This way I am sure I am building up a

healthier system. Sandy.

- My Story

Hi...this is my story. I am 25 years and have been diagnosed with

interstitial cystitis this year. In short it is a very painful

bladder disease in which the bladder is consistantly inflammed(It is

like having a UTI all the time, althought unlike a UTI, interstitial

cystitis is not caused by bacteria.) It is not known how you get IC

and there is no known cure. It is considered possibly a autoimmune

disease or a symptom of an autoimmune disease. With IC....to

minimize the pain....you must follow a strict diet of low acid food

and beverages, such as no fruit, no fruit juices, no tomatoes, onions


About a couple of months ago, my mother suggested maybe I should go

to a herbalist. I had a consultation with her and she said many of

my symptoms....fatigue, being in a fog, forgetfullness, constipation,

weight gain, blurred vision etc. seemed like the symptoms of yeast

overgrowth. At first I really thought I was wasting my time and

money when she told me this....but I thought I might as well try

it....I have nothing to lose.

I got the herbs and the first couple of days I was sooooo tired, more

tired than I usually was anyway. On the third day it was soooooooo

amazing.....I woke up feeling like a completely different person. I

had energy and I was no longer in that fog.

In the meantime, my husband and I were selling our house and my diet

was not very good at the time, a lot of stress, and one night out on

the town drinking did not agree with me....and I found myself back to

feeling so bad again. I had a taste of life for a week and here I

was back to feeling trapped in a body that did not want me to live.

I continued taking the herbs for the rest of the month hoping for the

best, but to no avail.

That is when I decided to do some research and find out what natural

anitfungal medications to take. In the meantime I knew garlic was an

antifungal so I decided until I can finish my research I stuck with

the garlic for about 5 days....and I noticed the fog was coming and

going...so I knew I was on the right track.

A week ago, I found Paragone....an antifungal and parisite internal

cleansing system in a health food store. I have been a a complete

diet consisting of no dairy, no sweets, no complex carbs, all organic

foods, I have found everything I needed at a local health food store.

For instance....instead of sandwiches.....I will have sliced turkey

or chicken rolled up in lettuce with a dressing I found at a health

food store that contains no vinegar and no sugar. It is very hard to

change a lifestyle where everything you eat has sugar, but it can be

done with perseverance....and I will do it for my health.

I have noticed that my pain has decreased in my bladder, I have more

energy, since I have not had any sugar, and watched my diet along the

cleansing system. I have been getting up early in the morning with

no problems......and if you knew me.....you would know that is a


Has anyone ever taken Paragone? Please let me know your comments on

it...and how it worked for you....Thanks


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Guest guest

Hi! You are on the right track, and there is light at the other end of the

tunnel. I have used ParaGone, and I do have to say that it works. Do be

prepared for a die-off, which for some of us is long and painful. Mine lasted

for three weeks, and I had all the symptoms that I have suffered since a little

girl (mostly upper respiratory problems). This happens when the dead and live

toxins are being excreted from the body. Our body reacts to them in order to

preserve itself, and therefore the mucus, body odor, symptoms of infections,

etc. etc, etc. At the end of the treatment, I have continued with the

anti-fungals, supplements and diet. This way I am sure I am building up a

healthier system. Sandy.

- My Story

Hi...this is my story. I am 25 years and have been diagnosed with

interstitial cystitis this year. In short it is a very painful

bladder disease in which the bladder is consistantly inflammed(It is

like having a UTI all the time, althought unlike a UTI, interstitial

cystitis is not caused by bacteria.) It is not known how you get IC

and there is no known cure. It is considered possibly a autoimmune

disease or a symptom of an autoimmune disease. With IC....to

minimize the pain....you must follow a strict diet of low acid food

and beverages, such as no fruit, no fruit juices, no tomatoes, onions


About a couple of months ago, my mother suggested maybe I should go

to a herbalist. I had a consultation with her and she said many of

my symptoms....fatigue, being in a fog, forgetfullness, constipation,

weight gain, blurred vision etc. seemed like the symptoms of yeast

overgrowth. At first I really thought I was wasting my time and

money when she told me this....but I thought I might as well try

it....I have nothing to lose.

I got the herbs and the first couple of days I was sooooo tired, more

tired than I usually was anyway. On the third day it was soooooooo

amazing.....I woke up feeling like a completely different person. I

had energy and I was no longer in that fog.

In the meantime, my husband and I were selling our house and my diet

was not very good at the time, a lot of stress, and one night out on

the town drinking did not agree with me....and I found myself back to

feeling so bad again. I had a taste of life for a week and here I

was back to feeling trapped in a body that did not want me to live.

I continued taking the herbs for the rest of the month hoping for the

best, but to no avail.

That is when I decided to do some research and find out what natural

anitfungal medications to take. In the meantime I knew garlic was an

antifungal so I decided until I can finish my research I stuck with

the garlic for about 5 days....and I noticed the fog was coming and

going...so I knew I was on the right track.

A week ago, I found Paragone....an antifungal and parisite internal

cleansing system in a health food store. I have been a a complete

diet consisting of no dairy, no sweets, no complex carbs, all organic

foods, I have found everything I needed at a local health food store.

For instance....instead of sandwiches.....I will have sliced turkey

or chicken rolled up in lettuce with a dressing I found at a health

food store that contains no vinegar and no sugar. It is very hard to

change a lifestyle where everything you eat has sugar, but it can be

done with perseverance....and I will do it for my health.

I have noticed that my pain has decreased in my bladder, I have more

energy, since I have not had any sugar, and watched my diet along the

cleansing system. I have been getting up early in the morning with

no problems......and if you knew me.....you would know that is a


Has anyone ever taken Paragone? Please let me know your comments on

it...and how it worked for you....Thanks


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Guest guest

Hi! You are on the right track, and there is light at the other end of the

tunnel. I have used ParaGone, and I do have to say that it works. Do be

prepared for a die-off, which for some of us is long and painful. Mine lasted

for three weeks, and I had all the symptoms that I have suffered since a little

girl (mostly upper respiratory problems). This happens when the dead and live

toxins are being excreted from the body. Our body reacts to them in order to

preserve itself, and therefore the mucus, body odor, symptoms of infections,

etc. etc, etc. At the end of the treatment, I have continued with the

anti-fungals, supplements and diet. This way I am sure I am building up a

healthier system. Sandy.

- My Story

Hi...this is my story. I am 25 years and have been diagnosed with

interstitial cystitis this year. In short it is a very painful

bladder disease in which the bladder is consistantly inflammed(It is

like having a UTI all the time, althought unlike a UTI, interstitial

cystitis is not caused by bacteria.) It is not known how you get IC

and there is no known cure. It is considered possibly a autoimmune

disease or a symptom of an autoimmune disease. With IC....to

minimize the pain....you must follow a strict diet of low acid food

and beverages, such as no fruit, no fruit juices, no tomatoes, onions


About a couple of months ago, my mother suggested maybe I should go

to a herbalist. I had a consultation with her and she said many of

my symptoms....fatigue, being in a fog, forgetfullness, constipation,

weight gain, blurred vision etc. seemed like the symptoms of yeast

overgrowth. At first I really thought I was wasting my time and

money when she told me this....but I thought I might as well try

it....I have nothing to lose.

I got the herbs and the first couple of days I was sooooo tired, more

tired than I usually was anyway. On the third day it was soooooooo

amazing.....I woke up feeling like a completely different person. I

had energy and I was no longer in that fog.

In the meantime, my husband and I were selling our house and my diet

was not very good at the time, a lot of stress, and one night out on

the town drinking did not agree with me....and I found myself back to

feeling so bad again. I had a taste of life for a week and here I

was back to feeling trapped in a body that did not want me to live.

I continued taking the herbs for the rest of the month hoping for the

best, but to no avail.

That is when I decided to do some research and find out what natural

anitfungal medications to take. In the meantime I knew garlic was an

antifungal so I decided until I can finish my research I stuck with

the garlic for about 5 days....and I noticed the fog was coming and

going...so I knew I was on the right track.

A week ago, I found Paragone....an antifungal and parisite internal

cleansing system in a health food store. I have been a a complete

diet consisting of no dairy, no sweets, no complex carbs, all organic

foods, I have found everything I needed at a local health food store.

For instance....instead of sandwiches.....I will have sliced turkey

or chicken rolled up in lettuce with a dressing I found at a health

food store that contains no vinegar and no sugar. It is very hard to

change a lifestyle where everything you eat has sugar, but it can be

done with perseverance....and I will do it for my health.

I have noticed that my pain has decreased in my bladder, I have more

energy, since I have not had any sugar, and watched my diet along the

cleansing system. I have been getting up early in the morning with

no problems......and if you knew me.....you would know that is a


Has anyone ever taken Paragone? Please let me know your comments on

it...and how it worked for you....Thanks


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Hi! You are on the right track, and there is light at the other end of the

tunnel. I have used ParaGone, and I do have to say that it works. Do be

prepared for a die-off, which for some of us is long and painful. Mine lasted

for three weeks, and I had all the symptoms that I have suffered since a little

girl (mostly upper respiratory problems). This happens when the dead and live

toxins are being excreted from the body. Our body reacts to them in order to

preserve itself, and therefore the mucus, body odor, symptoms of infections,

etc. etc, etc. At the end of the treatment, I have continued with the

anti-fungals, supplements and diet. This way I am sure I am building up a

healthier system. Sandy.

- My Story

Hi...this is my story. I am 25 years and have been diagnosed with

interstitial cystitis this year. In short it is a very painful

bladder disease in which the bladder is consistantly inflammed(It is

like having a UTI all the time, althought unlike a UTI, interstitial

cystitis is not caused by bacteria.) It is not known how you get IC

and there is no known cure. It is considered possibly a autoimmune

disease or a symptom of an autoimmune disease. With IC....to

minimize the pain....you must follow a strict diet of low acid food

and beverages, such as no fruit, no fruit juices, no tomatoes, onions


About a couple of months ago, my mother suggested maybe I should go

to a herbalist. I had a consultation with her and she said many of

my symptoms....fatigue, being in a fog, forgetfullness, constipation,

weight gain, blurred vision etc. seemed like the symptoms of yeast

overgrowth. At first I really thought I was wasting my time and

money when she told me this....but I thought I might as well try

it....I have nothing to lose.

I got the herbs and the first couple of days I was sooooo tired, more

tired than I usually was anyway. On the third day it was soooooooo

amazing.....I woke up feeling like a completely different person. I

had energy and I was no longer in that fog.

In the meantime, my husband and I were selling our house and my diet

was not very good at the time, a lot of stress, and one night out on

the town drinking did not agree with me....and I found myself back to

feeling so bad again. I had a taste of life for a week and here I

was back to feeling trapped in a body that did not want me to live.

I continued taking the herbs for the rest of the month hoping for the

best, but to no avail.

That is when I decided to do some research and find out what natural

anitfungal medications to take. In the meantime I knew garlic was an

antifungal so I decided until I can finish my research I stuck with

the garlic for about 5 days....and I noticed the fog was coming and

going...so I knew I was on the right track.

A week ago, I found Paragone....an antifungal and parisite internal

cleansing system in a health food store. I have been a a complete

diet consisting of no dairy, no sweets, no complex carbs, all organic

foods, I have found everything I needed at a local health food store.

For instance....instead of sandwiches.....I will have sliced turkey

or chicken rolled up in lettuce with a dressing I found at a health

food store that contains no vinegar and no sugar. It is very hard to

change a lifestyle where everything you eat has sugar, but it can be

done with perseverance....and I will do it for my health.

I have noticed that my pain has decreased in my bladder, I have more

energy, since I have not had any sugar, and watched my diet along the

cleansing system. I have been getting up early in the morning with

no problems......and if you knew me.....you would know that is a


Has anyone ever taken Paragone? Please let me know your comments on

it...and how it worked for you....Thanks


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Thanks for your reply....I have been getting a bronchial cough,

headache, and flulike......but despite all of that, I still feel

better, like I can feel my body is getting healthier everyday :) It

feels great :)


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  • 8 months later...

Kay, as you probably know quite well, the chances of winning the Lotto and the chances of an abusive relationship improving are just about equal.

Figure out ANY way to be on your own and GO.

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Here's a hug for you. I know you've probably already heard it, but you

should get out of the abusive relationship NOW. Chances of winning the

Lotto really aren't in your favor. As far as loved ones not asking, I got

upset because my mother never called to find out how Tommy's endo and

colonoscopy went. When I confronted her about it, she apologized. She

didn't realize how important these tests are and how serious the disease

is. I find that when you look healthy, people don't take your illness

seriously. It's not that they don't love you. Maybe it's time to have a

talk with them to let them know how sick you really are and what they can

do to help you. Anyway, just my two cents worth.

Debbie (Tommy's Mom)

> [Original Message]

> From: <Kaytarot@...>

> < >

> Date: 2/25/01 4:37:32 AM

> Subject: [ ] my story


> That was a great link Gayle,

> Thanks. I printed it and read all 22

> pages of it.

> I came to the conclusion that what it all boils down to, was

> I am malnurished, poor diet, and I drank alot two yrs ago.

> When my daughter got molested, I wanted to die. I tried to,

> I prayed to die. When I couldnt, I dealt with my pain, forgave

> myself (hard hard) and the healing began..I no longer have to hide

> the pain, I just blow it off to the wind. (thats why Jerry I stopped


> drinking so easy).. Now..nutrition, I dont know what to eat.

> I hate veggies. I eat now to feed me, I could live without food.

> Im in another abusive relationship, and wishing to win the lotto

> so I can leave. My mother, sisters, best fiend and boyfriend, not

> once

> asked about my doctors visit, or the labs..Ive been in a living hell

> for about 10 years now but Im strong and optimistic. No man is worth


> me drinking again.

> My quest is to be healthy, live alone and be the most beautiful

> person I can be.


> Kay







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I am happy that I could help. Never realized it was 22 pages. I keep it in my

favorites as reference. This link was also the easiest to understand. As for

family and friends asking how your doctors visits were. My family most of the

time don't really know when I go. I have doctors appointments so often I get

sick of it myself. My family will never take the time to understand my

problems. Use to have me in tears. So now I remind them shortly before my

appointments in case I have to be admitted or they find something new wrong

with me and the docs always do and it is always something major. Being sick

can be lonely. It is an adjustment you have to make within yourself. I look

at it as my new way of life and it will not beat me. I recommend you

eliminate as much stress as you can being sick is a monster. And any

irritation makes you feel bad. I am just now putting things back into my life

I had to let go of since transplant. I bought a new professional 35 mm

camera, I am way into photography and video. I want things I love to do and

live in my life and letting go all the rest. Hope you can find your way. You

really need to see what you really want in your life.

gayle trans/6-99 ^oo^


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  • 3 months later...
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Hi, I'm , I go to a live and dried blood spot

analysis naturopath using a dark-field microscope.

This allowed me to see the bud-form candida in

my blood, which initially was rated a 4 in a scale of

1 to 4. About 3 months later after diet modification

and herbal tablets, the candida had completely gone.

It is very motivating to see, for yourself, the level of

this stuff on a video screen decrease as you do the

right thing.


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Dear Amy,

Your story sounds in so many ways to me, and I am sure others here

familiar. Some doctors may sneer at the mention of candida, but trust

me, it exists. If you ll remember correctly there have been a whole

multitude of diseases that were at first ignored or shot down by the

mainstream medical community.

As to what your next steps should be, I would see a herbologist, or a

naturopath. And DEFINITELY stick to a really strict diet. Its hard I

know, but it really is worth it in the end. As to antibiotics, again

try to get away from them as much as possible.

You need to have some tests really, to let you know to what extent

the candida has developed, but in the mean time there are a number of

things you can take that can only do good.

1) Gratefruit seed extract - horrible taste but very good

2) Aloe Vera caps

3) Olive leaf extract - build immune system

4) Acidophilous pills - Replenish the good bacteria - Primal defense

is a good brand but is pricey.

also there may be someother things to get, I am on about 3 times

that, but its a personal thing. Also buy a couple of books on

candida, and a recipe book form amazon, these will help you

One thing to note though is that there are a wide variety of opinions

on this subject, and so I tend to err on the side of caution, and

stick to the most harsh diet I can, but your doctor will tell you


But from what you say it really sounds like you have found the


Good luck and I hope this helps!


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Mog :

I live in Australia ( Adelaide ), and other than this

city I cannot help. I can only suggest hunting around

for live and dried blood analysis and darkfield



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Amy, Get the books THE YEAST CONNECTION by Dr. Cook and THE MISSING DIAGNOSIS by Dr. Truss you 'll find yourself in these pages just like the rest of us. I can't help you with a local Dr. But check out www.ghtdirect.com/20002 The Hydroxygen + get rid of Candida.EVERYONE who becomes a member gets a free web site. I am regaining my health my strength and my life back . It's been answer to prayer ,If you send me you address I'll send you and anyone else a free sample just like my sister-in law did to me!!! In Jesus name , Ruth Amy Oliver <aeo3506@...> wrote: Jesus

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Carla,

Thanx for writing again.I'm guessing if you sent your story off to the group yesterday it should've been there by now. I didn't recieve any notification of any new message till this one. I'm sorry to say, but it might not have worked. Usually by the time, you click send and check 2 minutes later it should be there.

Anyways I hope things go well with the ENT and the audiogram. I haven't gone for one yet, and not sure if I will. It's been almost 5 months since my surgery but I can already tell that my hearing is about the same or even a little better then before. The doctor thinks that is wonderful. I do have to try and get in sometime this week as I've been in a lot of pain, but it has not been so bad today.

Hope things are well with you. And talk to you soon.


lawcarla@... wrote: I sent my story off yesterday. I don't know when it will be posted. How long does it take usually? I went to the doctors today and got the number for our ENT here. I need to schedule a followup and cleaning. I also have to get and audiogram, and I have to go to a different town to do that because the navy base hospital here doesn't have the stuff. It will be a month at least. The doctor told me they are pretty booked. That's it. I wonder if my hearing has gotten worse or not. guess I'll find out soon.

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  • 6 months later...


Thanks for sharing you story. You know, often we feel like we are the only

ones enduring hardship and for someone to open up and tell there story, let's

us know, WE ARE NOT ALONE.

I am glad you have the strenght to fight, as a matter of fact, maybe God

placed this upon you because He knew you are not a quiter.

My prayers are with you,

God Bless,


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By the way, I totally agree with you that children are predisposition for

autism and seizures. Some thing either genetically or an enviromental

influence that makes these children have adverse reactions to the vaccines,

if it were not so why doesn't every child have these reactions?


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  • 1 month later...
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Sorry that you had to find us by getting ReActive Arthritis

(Reiters Syndrome). Your symptoms and history sound much like many

of us have shared previously.

As to which foods are the safest? Make sure that meats and hot

meals are throuroughly cooked. Err on the side of caution when

considering whether a food in the refrigerator may be past its

prime. It is better to waste some food than come down with another

food poisoning situation. Yes, bowel infections, i.e., food

poisoning, can trigger another flare-up, at least that is what I

have experienced.

What causes RS to flare, or to go into a remission-like period is

not fully understood. It is impossible to predict when either will

occur. I am glad to read that you are experiencing a

remission-like period of time. Good luck.

Ray, moderator

RS/ReA, HLA-B27 negative, symptoms since childhood, age 52, male,

Sjogrens Syndrome, Raynauds Phenomena, Fibromyalgia, CHronic

Fatigue SYndrome, Asthma, Migraines

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  • 1 month later...
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Post where you are and that you are looking for a llmd (lyme literate

doctor). He should be able to help you.



>From: " elsagenevieve " <elsagenevieve@...>



>Subject: [ ] My Story

>Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2002 16:01:00 -0000




>As a teenager I got Lymes. I was sick for a long time and mom

>thought it was a flu or something. Lucky for me mom was an R.N. and

>the community educator(sp) at the local hospital and had recently

>started the first Lymes support group in Sonoma county. Although she

>didn't recognize it immediately once I got a really wierd rash it

>clicked. She took me to our family doctor. Unfortunatly he felt

>Lymes was like chronic fatigue syndrome, unknown and probably not

>real. He wouldn't even document my rash. He definitely refused to

>give me any antibiotics. My mom made an appointment with a local

>dermatologist. He listened, documented and treated me aggressivly

>with minicycline, doxicycline, and tricycline.


>I did eventually feel better but I was warned this may not be the end.

>Now 11 years later I suffer from arthritus, mood swings, insomnia,

>pain, etc... Its finally time for me to seek more treatment. I

>called a doctor and he said bring proof, bring your files. Guess

>what!!! My doctor destroys medical records after 7 years, and mine

>are gone. Rash, treatment and all.


>What do I do? Cancel and not waste my money. Are there any better

>tests out there I should submit to? Are they accurate this late in

>the game? My appt. is Tuesday and I'm getting all those feelings

>about doctors not believing me etc...


> Any advice appreciated,






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You might ask the derm doc if he reported your case to the state and

CDC, like they are supposed to do, under penalty of law for failure

to report.

You could then obtain the reported case number, which will be all the

proof the other doc needs.

Since Lyme is a clinical diagnosis, print, then fill out the Lyme

symptom check list (see


Also, you might print out " When To Suspect Lyme " (see

http://www.angelfire.com/biz/romarkaraoke/whento.htm) and take it to

the doc.

, in Euless, Texas

> Hi,


> As a teenager I got Lymes. I was sick for a long time and mom

> thought it was a flu or something. Lucky for me mom was an R.N.


> the community educator(sp) at the local hospital and had recently

> started the first Lymes support group in Sonoma county. Although


> didn't recognize it immediately once I got a really wierd rash it

> clicked. She took me to our family doctor. Unfortunatly he felt

> Lymes was like chronic fatigue syndrome, unknown and probably not

> real. He wouldn't even document my rash. He definitely refused to

> give me any antibiotics. My mom made an appointment with a local

> dermatologist. He listened, documented and treated me aggressivly

> with minicycline, doxicycline, and tricycline.


> I did eventually feel better but I was warned this may not be the


> Now 11 years later I suffer from arthritus, mood swings, insomnia,

> pain, etc... Its finally time for me to seek more treatment. I

> called a doctor and he said bring proof, bring your files. Guess

> what!!! My doctor destroys medical records after 7 years, and mine

> are gone. Rash, treatment and all.


> What do I do? Cancel and not waste my money. Are there any better

> tests out there I should submit to? Are they accurate this late in

> the game? My appt. is Tuesday and I'm getting all those feelings

> about doctors not believing me etc...


> Any advice appreciated,


> Elsa

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