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> Joe. I am having a fusion...They are taking out the L4-l5 disc replacing


> with bone graft. possibly BMP study instead of my own bone and screws and

> rods will be added..Gee I hope I dont go off at the metal detecters..LOL

> (good thing I dont fly anymore)..



I would suggest going with donor bone like I did. I had a 2 level

ACDF on C5/6/7 and my 2 titanium plates and screws don't

set off the detector. They will probably give you a bone fusion

stimulator to wear. I wore mine for 4 months. It seemed to help

everything fuse faster.


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> Joe. I am having a fusion...They are taking out the L4-l5 disc replacing


> with bone graft. possibly BMP study instead of my own bone and screws and

> rods will be added..Gee I hope I dont go off at the metal detecters..LOL

> (good thing I dont fly anymore)..



I would suggest going with donor bone like I did. I had a 2 level

ACDF on C5/6/7 and my 2 titanium plates and screws don't

set off the detector. They will probably give you a bone fusion

stimulator to wear. I wore mine for 4 months. It seemed to help

everything fuse faster.


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Joe..I might be involved in a study called BMP. Its bone made in a test


But my surgeon says the rescovery has been excelent. I wont know untill

hopefully today if they will use me.If not then my doc will only use my own


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Joe..I might be involved in a study called BMP. Its bone made in a test


But my surgeon says the rescovery has been excelent. I wont know untill

hopefully today if they will use me.If not then my doc will only use my own


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Hi ,

I guess most of us can relate to worrying about something triggering JRA in our healthy children.Systemic JRA can present itself so differantly it's really hard to say"yes it sounds like it or no it doesn't".s rash never really was textbook until after the steroids,before treatment he was covered in huge hives everywhere and welts across his back,he also had the classic fevers and synovitis and lost range of motion in every major joint.It seemed like every square inch of his body waqs red,raised huge patches with a big white hives about the size of a pencil eraser.I remember being at another ped office holding my baby tightly in my arms while other parents looked at him like he had the plague.While we were there she mentioned another rash causing disease called Kawasaki Disease.

I pray the labs poiunt straight towards allergies and it comes back something much more managable then SoJRA.Sorry to write a mini novel.


Becki and 4systemic

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Ask them to check her thyroid as well. My neice has Hashimoto's ( autoimmune thyroid disease) and hives were the first symptom for her.

Please keep us posted,



Well, I was hoping never to be in this position, but it's time to ask the experts(meaning all of you). My son who has JRA is doing great. My daughter who is 14 with never a worry in the world has been fighting hives for the past week, to the point where we went to the ER with breathing difficulties, at that time the ER doc put her on predisone 50mg (she gave her 4 doses) and Atarax for the itching. After her dose yesterday she went through the day hive free, but this am she awoke with hives everywhere. I called our doctor who wants to see her. He told me there could be an underlying rhuematological disease. We are starting blood work and he is going to send us to an allergist to start. My only thought would be systemic JRA.....what are your thoughts. He didn't get into details over the phone...I may be jumping to conclusions to fast, the adrenalin is kicking in. A blast from the past.

Hope this makes sense.

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Hi ,

Robbie never had hives - just small patches of the classical stills rash that

came and went quickly until the last flare, during which he had larger areas

covered with the rash - but still no itchy symptoms or what I would call hives.

(Becki's had lots of hives, poor little guy.) Robbie did have some

trouble breathing during his second flare/second hospitilization during which he

was finally diagnosed, but a really bad allergic reaction can cause breathing

difficulties, even an allergic asthma. I hope you have some answers soon, and I

pray that it is something easier to treat than JRA.


Rob's Mom (5,systemic)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Wish I knew the specific answer - but the question's sure interesting! Lyme is

endemic in that area - or maybe one has to travel downstate.

Sometimes one has to wonder what planet doctors are from.

I would suggest checking downstate, toward the coast, and around the Connecticut

River Valley. That seems to be where Lyme is concentrated. From what I

have read.

But maybe someone will specifically know of one.


Live in Northern New Hampshire. Neighbor is a logger. Has Lyme

symptoms. Was told by local health person that he can't have Lyme

because he doesn't have arthritis (I was told that in 1988 during my

fifth year of undiagnosed Lyme--finally got treatment in 1996)He

apparently tested postive for both mono and Lyme, but negative on the

follow-up Lyme which,I understand,is not uncommon even if one has

Lyme. He would have had it approximately one year now. The local

person told him he was not at risk from Lyme (what planet is this

person from?? Logging is in the highest risk category). They have

given him an MRI twice--once up here and once at a medical center.

Lyme was not discussed at the medical center (same medical center I

was in and out of for 14 years before I found a doctor who recognized

the symptoms). They have done tons of blood tests and basically told

him they don't know what is wrong with him. Anyone know anywhere the

man can go to at least meeet with a knowledgeable doctor?? Many thanx.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Carmen,

If you don't get any replies here, try the graves_support board at

groups. It seems there are one or two men there who achieved remission


Take care, Elaine

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  • 4 weeks later...
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That TSH would be considered HYPERthyroid. You need to get free T3 and

free T4 tests done, and then post results with ranges. You can get your

own tests done at http://www.healthcheckusa.com I am telling you this

because hypers are not treated correctly IMO. I was " hyper " twice but I was

severely hypo--I needed thyroid meds. TSH test has lots of problems. You

could try OTC progesterone cream--might help.


> Someone please give me some information on TSH levels.

> I've been waiting to see an endocrinologist for two months. I don't

> know much about hypothyroidism, except that my TSH is 0.011 and my

> Free T4 is 1.07. Can someone tell how to understand these numbers?

> I've gained 35 pounds in the past two years!! Help.





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You should notice improvement within a week or two, but it takes a full 6-8

weeks to notice the maximum effect of the meds. By then, your thyroid hormone

levels will be normal or low. TSH will remain low and can be misleading so be

sure that your actual thryoid hormone levels, FT4 and FT3 are measured when you

have your blood tests. At this time, the hormone stored in your thyroid gland

has all been released, and you need a lower dose of meds, just enough to

reduce production of new thyroid hormone. The meds will also help your immune

system stop producing the thyroid antibodies that cause Graves' disease. When


happens you're in remission and no longer need meds to control your symptoms.

This generally takes 12-18 months. Take care, Elaine

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Sorry once again, late in posting b/c of family time.

My guess would be your sciatic nerve is giving you problems... and UGH taht is

the Worst pain next to having a toothache, having the nerve hit!! I had that

once and boy, did the words fly! I apologized to the doctor and the others in

the room and said of course that wasn't meant for you, or your ears, but OUCH!

My shots never helped, I had 3 sets done myself, series of 3 each... before

first surgery, after first surgery, and after my second surgery... last time

they were suggested I laughed and said well.. I'm not one to turn down options

but being I struck out 3 times in the past, no need to go down that painful road

again. I'm sorry they didn't work for you, since you posted this msg have you by

chance had any other tests or answers to help you out?



> I had a epidural cortisone shot 5 days ago ( see message no 4833) and

> the pain has doubled , I have worse leg numbness and the pain in the

> tailbone and down back off legs from the glutes.Ihave a heniated disk

> and they did a MRI last week , I rang the surgery to see if the

> secretary would give me the results as I dont see the surgeon till

> August ( hes on holidays) she read the report and it said they

> couldnt find any neurological damage ( nerves ?) if so where is this

> pain been coming from for the last 3 months .should the pain after

> the cortisone be so extreme? they hit a nerve doing it and I nearly

> hit the roof. they apologised and said the nerve is probably

> inflamed, I just dont understand it all yet...Is it the disk causing

> the pain or the compression of a nerve? even though they said theres

> not. I am also losing some feeling in the right leg and foot along

> with the usual pins and needles.the pressure in the hips and lower

> back is incredable. any ideas would be so much



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

You will find a lot of help here. Also, when you are done writing your

story, you should copy/paste it on the " Whole Approach " forum

(http://wholeapproachforums.com/6/ubb.x?a=cfrm & s=660609395). They have a

wonderful moderator by the name of Tari-Lee. I often find her suggestions

and help to be very informative.

I know this is tough, but w/persistant diet and a positive outlook

(probiotics/anti-fungals help too if you can afford them), YOU WILL BEAT


I am looking forward to your story.


>From: YeastOfBurden@...



>Subject: Help

>Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 01:34:36 -0400 (EDT)


>I'm fairly new here. I'm going to try to type out my story & some

>questions that I have over the next few days. I am begging EVERYONE to

>PLEASE read it & give me your input. I feel like I would almost rather

>die than to try to tackle the recent onset of health problems I have but

>I'm trying to be strong. When I do post my story PLEASE take the time

>to read & help. I have no one to turn to but you folks & I'm happy to

>return the favor any way I can. Thank You, Ð


Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. Over

27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying every day! Visit The

Animal Rescue Site (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day to

give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and participate in the fight to

save animals in need.


Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online


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Anyone out there in the Houston area?


--- Patty Lager <jr5star@...> wrote:

> You will find a lot of help here. Also, when you

> are done writing your

> story, you should copy/paste it on the " Whole

> Approach " forum


(http://wholeapproachforums.com/6/ubb.x?a=cfrm & s=660609395).

> They have a

> wonderful moderator by the name of Tari-Lee. I

> often find her suggestions

> and help to be very informative.


> I know this is tough, but w/persistant diet and a

> positive outlook

> (probiotics/anti-fungals help too if you can afford

> them), YOU WILL BEAT

> THIS!!!!


> I am looking forward to your story.


> -Patty



> >From: YeastOfBurden@...

> >Reply-candidiasis

> >candidiasis

> >Subject: Help

> >Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2003 01:34:36 -0400 (EDT)

> >

> >I'm fairly new here. I'm going to try to type out

> my story & some

> >questions that I have over the next few days. I am

> begging EVERYONE to

> >PLEASE read it & give me your input. I feel like I

> would almost rather

> >die than to try to tackle the recent onset of

> health problems I have but

> >I'm trying to be strong. When I do post my story

> PLEASE take the time

> >to read & help. I have no one to turn to but you

> folks & I'm happy to

> >return the favor any way I can. Thank You, Ð

> >



> Over ten million animals are abused, neglected or

> abandoned yearly. Over

> 27,000 defenseless animals are being harmed or dying

> every day! Visit The

> Animal Rescue Site

> (http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/home) every day

> to

> give a bowl of food -- at no cost to you -- and

> participate in the fight to

> save animals in need.




> Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online






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  • 1 month later...

I'm so sorry that your husband is having such a hard time. The only thing I

can suggest is taking things that will boost your immune system, like

different vitamins. Milk Thistle is supposed to be good for the liver, and

Transfer Factor Plus is supposed to boost the immune system about 240%.

I've taken it for a couple of years and my Hep C is in control and I never

seem to get sick. You can do a search on the internet to find out more

about it.

Otherwise, I'm a strong believer in prayer, and will keep you husband in my



At 10:37 AM 9/13/2003 -0000, you wrote:





>My husband is seriously ill. He was awaiting for a transplantation <BR>

>when he got infected with HCV (infection took place at the hospital) <BR>

>and he has a serious problem with his liver.<BR>

>My husband is infected with staphylococcus (also got infected at the <BR>

>hospital). Due to general weakness of his organism this infection is <BR>

>hard to defeat.<BR>

>The chance of transplanation allowed him to function and to face his <BR>

>illness. At the moment there appeared some bleedings in the lower <BR>

>part of alimentary canal. Base illness: lupus (softening now). <BR>

>My husband was trying to fight all his health problems, but now due <BR>

>to HCV and staphylococcus infection he is in a deep depression.<BR>

>All the tries to cure him, both conventional and inconventional, have <BR>

>failed so far.<BR>

>Please, help me, where to cure him, how to cure him. Any help will be <BR>

>appreciate. Money is not important.<BR>






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try http://www..net/info/info.htm#HIP

>Hi all. I cannot find my copy of the hulda clark liver/gall bladder

>flush. If someone has a copy, could you sent it to me or to the



>I also need info on how to do a castor oil pack if anyone has that.


>Thank you so much




Health * Peace * Love * 4Ever



( >__< ) Ribbit

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  • 1 month later...


Both my son (age 21) and I are Pseudos. I would be happy to respond to your

specific questions about his stages of walking, etc. Please forward your

questions to me and I'll do my best.


Ron Roskamp

Former National Treasurer of LPA

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If you are taking a cleanse/product, they have the tendency to

trigger constipation before they benifit and it is proper to take a

laxative to move your system. However this shouldn't happen time

after time. Wouldn't a small enema relieved you better and quicker?

The good thing that you had done for yourself was had a test! Bravo!

Gurgling is a sign of trapped gas and the burping too. Have you

tried digestive enzymes for the burping? Even if you do take enzymes

and you wind up constipated you will have gurgling and burping. :)

I had a stool analyasis done by an alternative doctor and it showed

what foods I wasn't digesting. This is the first big indicator of

what is not working well. They will offer suggestions to help you

fix it.

I have IBS and candida and bad fatigue and other stuff. What

information I found very helpful was the need for increased magnesium

in our system. It seems that the large intestings uses and needs

magnesium mainly, and if your body is in short supply then it can

result in bowel pain. If you want to try this mineral take a calcium

and magnesium complex.

If you take just magnesium you might get the runs and not absorb the

magnesium. These two minerals work better together. When I started

magnesium my bowl pain went away except during my cycle.

I then found a product called MSM. Seems if our body is low in

sulfer it won't function right either and our bowel needs proper

levels of sulfer too. I took that for only a few months and my

problem went away. Except when I ate sugar. Some people found MSM

killed their candida too. But it didn't help mine.

Food sensitivies can cause bowel pain, as well as bulky stool, which

then contribute to more bowel pain. I resolved my bowel pain

completely by finding what imbalances that I have. Minerals are so

important to our body, you wouldn't believe! But taking a blend of

minerals may not fix your problem. If you are very deficient in 1

mineral you must target that one mineral at a higher dose. Also

consider this too, if your digestion isn't breaking down your food

into smaller particles then your bowels won't be able to absorb

them. Look for a chelated mineral if you can find it. Anyone with

IBS should study into the whole digestive system, not find solutions

for pain alone.

Since I also was badly constipated I found Homozon to be the best

cleanse for me. It is not for everybody, especially if you work away

from a toilet. Do a search on the ingredients on the products you

want to try, this may help you find what is right for your body.

That is what I found to help me. It might help you or you might have

other issues contributing you your IBS.

Liz D.

>, ihave had some tests done they say there is nothing wrong, i also

get a LOT of gurgling and burping, any ideas what this is? any ideas

of what to do for my ibs-c? any ideas of a better more effective



> Tina


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  • 1 month later...

thank you so much! you've just described my life...the high stress points are

always when i lose it...the eating gets worse, excercise gets less. you're

absolutely right. my doctor's put me on a .05 mg dose of sinthroid, despite my

normal labs, mainly i think to keep me quiet. :-) he's been great actually. i'm

hoping this'll help. i want to go back and get another test once i start feeling

better, so that i know what level i do feel good at.

Aprilcupcake@... wrote:

Hi Aria. I too had " normal " labs. Except for my reverse T3. This was not

even measurable. My free T4 was also within the reference range.

So, I am one of those who converts fine but, simply doesnt have enough T4

to work with.

Your TSH being normal indicates the pituitary, hypothalmus axis if functioning

properly. This is a GOOD thing. You will be much easier to treat.

I too have had periods where I felt better, and times when I felt worse.

Over time the good periods have become shorter.

I know that the good times were when I was paying attention to the way

I ate and exercised. I had a tendency to go downhill during pregnancy.

But, after you give birth your level of responsibility goes way up and

you just cant concentrate on " you " all of the time.

Our stress levels are also higher then too.

But, when you roller coaster like this all of the time, you arent giving

your body a " clear message " . With regards to what you need from your

brain. So your pituitary gland gets confused basically.

Your brain in particular is designed to " maintain the status quo " or,

whatever it perceives as the " norm " .

So, if you take care of yourself or go on a diet for six months only to quit

and go back to your old ways what does your brain think is the norm?

During the times that you do not take care of yourself and eat too many carbs

and dont move around etc... your body has to put out more of the things

it has to " normalize " the situation. When you change what is normal too often

your body forgets what " normal " is. And acts erratically. Thats where I am


I have made major changes in the way I eat etc..

and medication has helped tremendously, now that I have the proper dosage.

I feel awful if I go under 150mg of Synthroid. Some days I need 200mg.

I am lucky to have a doctor who treats symptoms and not numbers.

She knows that I do not feel well unless I am slightly Hyper by the numbers.

You may be one too. Its ok. We all are very different chemically.

fight for what makes you feel well again.

And dont forget that what you do to yourself has a major impact.

You will get there!


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  • 2 weeks later...

does anybody know of any natural medicine that can

> cure bacterial vaginitis, I have been looking everywhere but can't

> find anything, if I go back to the doctor he will just give me more

> antibiotics again, and I just can't take anymore, i am at my wits

> end with all this stuff.




I'm in the same boat now myself. I had several infections last year

and the antibiotics I took have contributed to the Candida problems

I'm facing now.

I've been searching the internet but so far have not found an answer.

I tend to get some level of irritation almost every month. A lot of

times I find that using an acidophilus gel cap vaginally helps but

this time I think its a bacterial infection. I did read that if you

leave a bacterial infection untreated it can lead to pelvic

inflamatory disease so I plan to call the doctor Monday. I do know I

do better taking a vaginal antibiotic cream rather than an oral

antibiotic, at least then you're killing the bacteria (good and bad)

in only one part of the body. After that I would definitely follow up

with the acidophilus!

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Three words: " ozonated olive oil " for the vaginitis. It's all good and it

doesn't matter what kind of bacteria or yeasts are there. Ozone

insufflations are even better.

http://plasmafire.com is the source, or simply email

spressman@... with appropriate subject line.

Eveyone, ozone therapy can be expensive depending on the gear, but it

does work. The gear can be purchased at the above link.

Duncan Crow



> ok this is my problem again, I allready have this yeast problem and

> now again I think that I am getting bacterial vaginitis again , this is

> why I am in the situation that I am in with this yeast thing, the doctors

> put me on triple antibiotics for over 2 months when I had bv and I told

> them I can't take all that medicine, that it will give me more yeast

> problems but you know how they are , there is no such thing , anyway does

> anybody know of any natural medicine that can cure bacterial vaginitis, I

> have been looking everywhere but can't find anything, if I go back to the

> doctor he will just give me more antibiotics again, and I just can't take

> anymore, i am at my wits end with all this stuff.

> Thanks

> Tammy

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hi , I am sorry to hear that you have the same problem that I do,(what a

bummer) I have seen were some people have said to take a clove of garlic remove

the paper, make little slits in it, and thread a needle, put the needle through

the garlic and then insert the galic into your vagina, leaving the thread

hanging out like a tampon, I have also read were taking boric acid and filling

capsules with it and then insurting them into your vagina works to, but I must

say it is kind of scary putting something up your crotch that has skull and

cross bones on and is said to kill rats, I have not tried either method does

anybody know if any of these things work, us gals out here have to have some

natural meds to beat this problem, all the doctors want to do is keep giving

antibiotics, which just makes us sicker.


does anybody know of any natural medicine that can

> cure bacterial vaginitis, I have been looking everywhere but can't

> find anything, if I go back to the doctor he will just give me more

> antibiotics again, and I just can't take anymore, i am at my wits

> end with all this stuff.




I'm in the same boat now myself. I had several infections last year

and the antibiotics I took have contributed to the Candida problems

I'm facing now.

I've been searching the internet but so far have not found an answer.

I tend to get some level of irritation almost every month. A lot of

times I find that using an acidophilus gel cap vaginally helps but

this time I think its a bacterial infection. I did read that if you

leave a bacterial infection untreated it can lead to pelvic

inflamatory disease so I plan to call the doctor Monday. I do know I

do better taking a vaginal antibiotic cream rather than an oral

antibiotic, at least then you're killing the bacteria (good and bad)

in only one part of the body. After that I would definitely follow up

with the acidophilus!

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I can't recommend garlic enough. I've suffered from vaginitis for years

(because of lots of antibiotics, yada, yada). I can't say that garlic has

" cured " the problem because I will always have to watch the sugar intake -

however, when my v'itis becomes extremely uncomfortable and/or painful, a

few garlic capsules bring things down to acceptable levels within hours.

For me at any rate. I know one man's cure is another man's poison

sometimes. But maybe it could help you. Good luck - Penny




> does anybody know of any natural medicine that can

> > cure bacterial vaginitis, I have been looking everywhere but can't

> > find anything, if I go back to the doctor he will just give me more

> > antibiotics again, and I just can't take anymore, i am at my wits

> > end with all this stuff.

> >

> >

> Tammy,

> I'm in the same boat now myself. I had several infections last year

> and the antibiotics I took have contributed to the Candida problems

> I'm facing now.


> I've been searching the internet but so far have not found an answer.

> I tend to get some level of irritation almost every month. A lot of

> times I find that using an acidophilus gel cap vaginally helps but

> this time I think its a bacterial infection. I did read that if you

> leave a bacterial infection untreated it can lead to pelvic

> inflamatory disease so I plan to call the doctor Monday. I do know I

> do better taking a vaginal antibiotic cream rather than an oral

> antibiotic, at least then you're killing the bacteria (good and bad)

> in only one part of the body. After that I would definitely follow up

> with the acidophilus!






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