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Re: Going Postal

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Congrats to you and your son, that is something to be

proud of. About eating what you want, I remember

ny Carson interviewing some health food expert and

ny asked him if eating all that stuff would really

make you live longer. He said " No, but it will seem a

lot longer. " :) -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Diane I would say for sure if you ate what you

> wanted it would kill ya but

> look at it like this...You would go out full and

> happy!!!! hahahaMy son

> called and now he is sick too...He still had to go

> to football practice..Did

> I tell you all he made athletic of the year in

> school?? Yes I AM PROUD but he

> really earned it..He also made 2 touch downs in a

> row for his game the other

> night..His head was big after that one.



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DH, Maybe you should go for the spokesman deal/fee.


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> DH name the deodrant and don't forget the TP too!!!

> hahaha.Hope everyone is

> doing ok this morning!!!



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I know what you mean. My wife doesn't care for it that

I often won't answer the phone, I just don't feel like

talking to anybody. I figure I have an answering

machine, and if it's important I can return the call.

I know that our loved ones need to try to understand

us, but I guess we have to understand that it's a

little tough on them too, because we are unable to

give them the time and attention that we are

accustomed to giving. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Depression is the worse part of it all.. I know I

> deal with many bouts of it

> myself..I'm not one who cries often but I do go

> without answering my door for

> days on end..Hubby and daughter are lucky at times

> to get very much out of

> me..That's the sad part..They deserve better than

> that..I think depression is

> the hardest to fight...



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I have been lucky enough to escape that experience

too. Twice in my life I have been standing right next

to somebody who got nailed, one of them right on the

lips. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Hey do you all want a good laugh this morning???

> Here it goes...My brother is

> 40 yrs. old and he and my hubby were walking in the

> yard the other day and

> would you beleive a bird flew over and pooped on his

> arm??? I laughed so

> hard I almost peed my pants..He said " Sis I am 40

> yrs. old and this is the

> first time it ever happened to me " ..To get me back

> my neice has a taco bell

> dog too and it ran up to me the other day and peed

> on my leg....Geez what is

> the world coming to when a bird poops on one and a

> dog pees on the

> other..Needless to say my brother laughed at me

> too..Sorry but I was thinking

> of the Falcon pic!!!!



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I think the answer is probably somewhere in between.

If we sit around pouring alcohol and drugs down our

throats, we are tempting death a little bit too hard.

Then again if you sit around and worry about your

health, the worry will probably cause more damage than

whatever it is you're worried about. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> My godfather was put on a diet at one time and he

> came to our house saying

> how he hated having to starve himself..He always

> looked healthy and strong

> until that time...I remember me and my family

> speaking of how bad he looked

> when he left and my dad said he would rather die

> happy and full than

> miserable and thin....My godfather passed away 3

> months later on Christmas

> Eve during a hunting trip of heart failure...Makes

> me think which one is

> best?? Do we go without to try to keep our bodies

> healthy and be aggrevated

> or do we make ourselves happy by doing and eating

> what we want..Like you said

> Dave " Look at the WTC victims "



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Very antique. I believe he's quite dead. I think he

lived to see his 100th birthday, though. He didn't

inhale those cigars. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Look at Burns with his cigar smoking and

> all... I bet he doesn't

> always eat right and goodness he's antique!!!!!!



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And I am proud Diane..He is only 12..6'1 and a size 13 foot...He does work hard for what he gets...His coach told him if the entire team had the heart he does they would win every game..That made him feel good..I hope one day I can go to one of his games poor little big fellow...Girl I gotta poke this chest out.It's the only way it could be seen.hahaha

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hahaha....I remember after years of abuse my 1st hubby was working on something and had a wrench in his hand and was really straining and don't you know that his hand slipped and that wrench hit him right in the nose...I was geting there just in time to see it..I started to ask him if he was ok and had to put my hand over my mouth and go behind the house to laugh my ass off....Oops did I say the A word?? Anyway I knew then God don't sleep and he works in mysterious ways.........I still laugh thinking of it..I know he was bleeding but it was well deserved after his treatment of me......

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OK Dennis.... Mennon Fresh scent is good...... Go ahead.... Give us a

laugh..... We won't tell Judy..... LOL.......

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Darn Jan!!!!!

Your brother was sh-t on and pis-ed in the same week...... He is on

someones sh-t list..... ROFLOL...ha-ha-ha

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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You tell your son that I am very proud of him..... Go ahead Jan.....

Strut around like a proud turkey with your chest out..... You should be

proud.... You Go Girl..... ;o

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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Yes I agree. I tried to explain that to her but she repeats what she learns and would need to be older to find the difference...I myself have to stay away from the drugs or I will abuse them..These new glasses sure take some getting use to..At least I can see but they have a no line biofocal and it's hard to adjust to them.

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I think that's pretty normal. Whenever somebody takes

a spill or something of that sort, my first instinct

is to make sure they're ok, and the second is to laugh

my head off! I do laugh at myself as well.

One time my cousin & I were walking down the sidewalk

when we were kids, goofing around and I think my

cousin was laughing. This dog ran out of its yard and

bit my cousin right in the butt and then ran off. He

wasn't hurt and I started laughing at him, the dog ran

back out and bit me in the butt! I guess he didn't

like our laughing. Neither of us were hurt. :)


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I hate to admit I am one of THOSE people that laugh

> at others when something

> happens..I know it's wrong but I am also first to

> laugh ay myself when I trip

> or a dog pees on me...I have never been zapped by a

> bird though..If you knew

> how my brother is..He doesn't get upset and is very

> slow speaking..It was

> funny just to hear him talk about it..I laughed and

> told him I would have

> given anything to see it happen to him..Well God

> don't sleep..that's when the

> dog got me...It was still funny though........



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Kids are learning a lot more about the dangers of

cigarettes/alcohol and other drugs than we ever did. I

think that's a good thing, but they should know that

there is such a thing as responsible use. I know for

me the only responsible thing is complete abstinance,

but many people can enjoy an occasional drink without

any ill effects. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Maybe he didn't inhale but didn't he get the second

> hand smoke???My daughter

> was on my hubby about him drinking a beer the

> other day..She is 11 and in

> the dare program...She told him since he drank he

> was on drugs because it was

> the same thing..He was getting aggrevated but

> yesterday he didn't drink

> one!!! Kids say the darndest things!!! Words from

> the mouths of babes leave

> such a mark don't they??



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I've got them too. It took me a while to get used to

them, but now my eyes seem to know where to look

without me thinking about it.

I remember I used to make that argument to my dad

about alcohol being a drug when he got on my case

about smoking pot. I said that it was better than

alcohol. He reminded me that I used alcohol too. I

had no response to that one... :)


--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Yes I agree. I tried to explain that to her but she

> repeats what she learns

> and would need to be older to find the

> difference...I myself have to stay

> away from the drugs or I will abuse them..These new

> glasses sure take some

> getting use to..At least I can see but they have a

> no line biofocal and it's

> hard to adjust to them.



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-dz- You have me laughing my butt off about that butt biting dog.... Bet

you were surprised when he got you too!!!!!! Hee-hee-hee!!!!!!! Too


Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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I see dad's say the darndest things too..I'm trying to get use to the specks but it is hard to walk with biofocals.......Geez I bet I look high!!! Oh well at least I know I'm not...

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Dave that sure is true...It was a trip going down the first time..I hope it is better today...My 13 yr. old and I were on the phone last night and she asked if I had them on and I said I took them off before my bath and they are still off. She said "Put them back on now!" "You have to get use to them!" She can fuss because she just got hers 2 weeks ago..Humm seemed odd having my child tell me how to do things...LOL Turning cooler here again this week..Doesn't help for colds...Hope everyone is going to have a great day today.....

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SNOW???????? I haven't seen snow here in over 10 yrs.....I would love to have just 1 White Christmas......Kids are full of great advice aren't they...My glasses slide down my nose at times and Kristy told me I looked like a nerd when I push them up!!!!!! Now wasn't that great to hear the day I got them!!!

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That was quite an episode. We were about 9 & 10, but I

still remember that vividly. I was scared when he came

after me, too, but he just nipped at us, didn't tear

anything. -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> -dz- You have me laughing my butt off about that

> butt biting dog.... Bet

> you were surprised when he got you too!!!!!!

> Hee-hee-hee!!!!!!! Too

> Funny...........


> Angel Hugs,

> Diane


> May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope,

> Peace & Unity






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They warned me to be careful of steps. When you look

down, you'll be seeing through the bifocals and get a

distorted picture. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> I see dad's say the darndest things too..I'm trying

> to get use to the specks

> but it is hard to walk with biofocals.......Geez I

> bet I look high!!! Oh well

> at least I know I'm not...



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I know what you mean. My son tells me when he thinks I

should have a haircut. He's full of advice for me.. :)

I didn't find them too difficult to get used to, even

though I don't wear them all the time. Driving works

out real well, when you look down at your dash, you're

looking through the bifocals and when you look back up

at the road, you're seeing through the long distance

lense. It's getting cool here, too. Most of the

leaves seem down, we have high wind warnings and snow

showers predicted tonight. -dz-

--- Jannewilms42@... wrote:

> Dave that sure is true...It was a trip going down

> the first time..I hope it

> is better today...My 13 yr. old and I were on the

> phone last night and she

> asked if I had them on and I said I took them off

> before my bath and they are

> still off. She said " Put them back on now! " " You

> have to get use to them! "

> She can fuss because she just got hers 2 weeks

> ago..Humm seemed odd having my

> child tell me how to do things...LOL Turning cooler

> here again this

> week..Doesn't help for colds...Hope everyone is

> going to have a great day

> today.....



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I am sure you look cute in them... She has to get used to seeing you in

them..... They shouldn't slide down if they are fitted correctly.

Angel Hugs,


May Rainbow Dreams Color Your World With Love, Hope, Peace & Unity

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