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Re: Good Morning:

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Is THAT the secret? Well, I'm a sucker for that one

all the way! :) -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> We probably live longer because we don't eat all of

> the junk we feed you

> guys!! ha ha ha ha ha...... LOL... (Just kidding)

> hee-hee




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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I guess that explains why we can NEVER give blood.

Well I still have all intentions of living to 95,

cause of death: shot by a jealous husband. Seriously

though, I know what you mean about the indirect

affects of liver disease, if I have learned one thing

from all this I learned quite a bit about the liver

and it is one impressive powerhouse, when it's working

right. -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> -dz-

> There is no such thing as a cure for Hep C.... It

> goes into remission

> but lives in the bone marrow..... No hep c isn't the

> killer...It is the

> complications and damage it does to our livers and

> other organs.... I

> wish I still had that article from a medical

> center......




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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Hi Diane

I hope that you are doing OK today, and all goes well with your lab reports.

It has been kind of quiet around here lately. I noticed that this happened a

couple of weeks ago.

[ ] Good Morning:

> Good Morning -dz- and everyone else where ever you might be.


> I have been down the campground.... No access to being online down

> there... So you had drunk on your porch.... At least he went on his

> way.... Where is everyone at????????/ I am going to call and get the

> results of my labwork sometime this week. My Dr. ran a check to see if I

> have cancer in my blood.... I put the test off since April and I will

> probably put off calling too...... I do want the PCR results tho' and my

> viral load. Are you feeling any better -dz-? Has been online???

> What happened to Jan??? & SJ, Vicky and Dennis and all the rest?? I will

> be online when I am home. Still having a lot of pain where I had the

> breast surgery... Just never bounced back from it... I guess it takes

> time..... Sending love to each of you and hope everyone is hanging in

> there.....



> Angel Hugs,

> Diane




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So you're sane enough to take this insane treatment? I

have heard of Primerica, I believe they are a type of

multi-level marketing company, I am not sure what

their product is. -dz-

--- MrsDHANDSOME1@... wrote:

> I'm still here! I had a root canal done this morning

> at 7:30 so I've been

> feeling " little " most of the day. I called the

> psychologist that scored my

> tests I took lat week at the VA hospital and he

> assured me that I am just

> dandy and there would be no problem with my psych

> therefore I could sustain

> treatment, if I so choose to do so. I also got the

> beginning of my Hep A ans

> B vaccines . . . I am to have another B vaccine 30

> days from the first one,

> and then in 6 months I am to have one of each and

> then I will be done. Funny

> thing is . . . the doctor in Indianapolis told me

> that I can receive my other

> vaccines at my primary care physician here in Terre

> Haute. I stopped by there

> the other day and they told me (can you believe

> this???) that they don't have

> that vaccine in stock and that they couldn't order

> it. I was instructed by

> the clinic to call up to Indy and have them either

> send the vaccine to me or

> them. Then they will give me the shot. Is that

> stupid or what? Anyway, I

> called up there Monday afternoon and they were

> supposed to get back to be

> before the end of the day (Monday). Guess I'll be

> calling them in the

> morning. This afternoon I was supposed to go to

> Indianapolis for a job

> interview with Primerica, a subsidiary of Citicorp.

> Anyone ever heard of

> them? I called and postponed the interview as soon

> as the numbness wore off

> as I was in terrible pain and there wasn't any way I

> was going to drive to

> Indy by myself . . . not on pain pills. Oh, Terri

> just IMed me a bit ago and

> told me that it's final - Pfizer will recognize

> domestic partnership as of

> January 1, 2002, so I'll have great back-up health

> insurance if the VA

> doesn't mind their manners. LOL That's about it from

> me . . . the Slim-Fast

> diet sux (pardon my French) and I've gained 6 pounds

> back over-night . . . I

> am not a happy girl about that. I'm wondering if it

> is from all that homemade

> ice cream (1 1/2 gallons) Terri insisted on making

> last night . . . ya think?

> Hope everyone's hump day is going well . . . I'll

> check back before the end

> of the week. I see I have a long list of mail yet to

> read and knowing me, I

> can't keep my mouth shut, so I'll probably answer a

> few here and there.

> Debbie, I emailed you privately - I hope you don't

> mind. I'm thinking you

> might need a friend. I wish all of yall well . . .


> Always,

> SJ



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Hi S.J.

I haven't heard from Terri in a while..... Tell her I said Hello.....

Hope you are ok with your dental work..... I am glad that you will be ok

with the insurance thing....Get your butt out here more..... No

excuses!!!!! LOL......... ;o

Angel Hugs,


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I noticed that too. I have sent a few of them myself,

so it doesn't surprise me when I get one now and then.


--- diane214@... wrote:

> Did I miss something....... There is a blank message

> from S.J. Hi

> S.J. How are you? Miss ya!!!!!!! ((((((S.J.))))))




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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Diane . . . you know Terri???? LOL Are you referring to "my Terri" or another Terri on the list? Yes I am blond but Terri isn't and she can't place you. Clear up this mystery for us, please. Are you hearing from me enough yet? LOL We're still looking for those mosquitoless plants. Besides I've been here lots more than you . . . since I wasn't camping. I, too, am on Trazadone, 50mg, for sleep. Last night it did the trick . . . I'm thinking this may be THE ONE that works for me. Hope your pain subsides . . . I know how that goes.



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Well, I'm on a diet, make it 3/4 of a BIG piece of

pie.... -dz-

--- diane214@... wrote:

> ha-ha -dz- We know what we are doing!!!!! ;o Want a

> big piece of

> pie????? LOL.............




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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You mean you're not a touch typist? I guess you still

have to be able to at least FIND the keyboard. My

grandpa on my mom's side always told me he was too

stubborn to die, his dr gave him 6 weeks to live and

he ended up outliving the dr. (he lived for 7 more

years) That's the stubborn Irish in me.

--- diane214@... wrote:

> -dz-

> I'll still be here at 95 trying to see the

> keyboard....... I am a

> fighter and I am not going nowhere..... ;o




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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No touch typist here..... Used to be, but with numb hands I can't even

feel the keyboard let alone trust what I may write... Got that stubborn

Ornery Irish in me too......... ;o

Angel Hugs,


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Hi SJ; If the trazodone doesn't do the trick, you might want to try Valerian Root. You can get it at the health food store. It works well for my hubby---but it stinks!! Smells like old socks!! I remember a Terri who was on the list a while ago--where did she go? I haven't posted much lately--was on vacation (Hey Janet--I tried crawfish for the first time and almost ate the whole thing--found out I was just supposed to eat the tail) and trying to get the kids ready to start school plus working more than usual. Kids go back August 23 and I'll have more time to post. Sherry B. Re: [ ] Good Morning: Diane . . . you know Terri???? LOL Are you referring to "my Terri" or another Terri on the list? Yes I am blond but Terri isn't and she can't place you. Clear up this mystery for us, please. Are you hearing from me enough yet? LOL We're still looking for those mosquitoless plants. Besides I've been here lots more than you . . . since I wasn't camping. I, too, am on Trazadone, 50mg, for sleep. Last night it did the trick . . . I'm thinking this may be THE ONE that works for me. Hope your pain subsides . . . I know how that goes. Always, SJ

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LOL Sherry! I aalmost gagged at the thought of taking something that smelled like stinky socks. Tell me this . . . does this stench come from the drug itself or the gas that is released from the body that takes the drug? I know, for a fact, I couldn't take anything that tastes like smelly socks . . . promise!

There was a Terri on the list? Was I here when she was? Oh yoooohooooo Terri! Speak up . . . if there was a Terri on this list I can be certain it wasn't my Terri. That's what I know . . .



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I am an Aries so together we can rock some boats...... The Bull and the

Ram..... Look out Hep C.....You are outnumbered here........

LOL........ Love you all.

Angel Hugs,


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Those darned crawlfish are too scarey looking for me to eat...... Why do

they cook them with the heads on??????? Yuk........ They are probably

good, but I can't get past the look of them..... We are not supposed to

hve shellfish..... Real bad for the liver.... I think it has something

to do with iodine....... I know I ate Lobster and thought I was

dying..... Never had a problem in the past.....

Angel Hugs,


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Can't stop those fighting Irish! Manual dexterity is

not my strongest suit, but sheer repetition, has got

me up to about 60 wpm.


--- diane214@... wrote:

> No touch typist here..... Used to be, but with numb

> hands I can't even

> feel the keyboard let alone trust what I may

> write... Got that stubborn

> Ornery Irish in me too......... ;o




> Angel Hugs,


> Diane




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Well, it's no picnic, but I am managing. It's a very

personal decision. I think that the earlier the tx is

given, the greater the chance for responding. That's

what decided me. If I was just considering it now, I

would certainly wait for the peg combo at the very

least. It's a bit of a crap shoot. Sometimes I wonder

if ignorance wouldn't have been bliss. I felt fine

before I knew I had this. I just took what I thought

was the best chance to whup it and now I've just got

to follow through. Good luck whatever you decide to

do. -dz-

--- MrsDHANDSOME1@... wrote:

> Yes, ~dz~, I am sane enough . . . but the more I

> hear the closer I lean

> toward taking treatment vicariously through those of

> you that are . . . and

> hold out for THE ONE treatment that zaps HCV out of

> us once and for all. I

> can wait . . . I am a Taurus and I am oh so very

> stubborn. Besides, I need to

> be the cheerleader for you all as you travel through

> treatment journies. I'm

> here for all of yall.


> Always,

> SJ



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