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Flu Shot

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Hi Glen,

I'm not sure about the flu shot & Lyme but one thing you may have to be

careful of is the Mercury in the flu shot. I had Mercury Toxicity in addition to

Lyme so my doc advised me not to get the flu shot due to the Mercury levels. I

didn't think the Mercury stayed n your system but it does so it would slowly

build up over time. I hope that helps!


Glenroy Wolfsen <wolfsen@...> wrote:

Does anyone know it is advisable to get the FLU SHOT while still

infected with Lyme??

Glen from NJ..

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My pharmacist isn't in now - he is very good on these issues - having had Lyme

along with his whole family - I am going to call tomorrow - they are open a

short time and he might have some good advice - either way, I will get back to

you ASAP

- Glen

ps) I can't seem to " cut " any of the other parts of these message in this email

system I am using - so I am sorry to have all of this sent again>>!!

Re: [ ] Flu Shot

I've gotten mixed answers about this on other forums, so I dont know WHAT I'm

gonna do either. My job gives them and it will be offered soon. A few mentioned

the mercury. A few said they will not go near a flu shot because of our already

weakened resistance, and some said they definately will get it due to just

that...the risk of getting flu and being sick warrents the shot. What I really

dont get is that they are all mostly saying that their LLMD is telling them

these things, which tells me that Nobody knows and so here I am still confused.

I am a nurse in a nursing home, and my gut is telling me maybe I SHOULD get the

shot to help protect me from what ills the aging population. If you find out

anything definative on this,Glen, please bring it back here. luv Kath

Jeannie W <jeanniew58@...> wrote: Hi Glen,

I'm not sure about the flu shot & Lyme but one thing you may have to be

careful of is the Mercury in the flu shot. I had Mercury Toxicity in addition to

Lyme so my doc advised me not to get the flu shot due to the Mercury levels. I

didn't think the Mercury stayed n your system but it does so it would slowly

build up over time. I hope that helps!


Glenroy Wolfsen <wolfsen@...> wrote:

Does anyone know it is advisable to get the FLU SHOT while still infected with


Glen from NJ..

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I've gotten mixed answers about this on other forums, so I dont know WHAT I'm

gonna do either. My job gives them and it will be offered soon. A few mentioned

the mercury. A few said they will not go near a flu shot because of our already

weakened resistance, and some said they definately will get it due to just

that...the risk of getting flu and being sick warrents the shot. What I really

dont get is that they are all mostly saying that their LLMD is telling them

these things, which tells me that Nobody knows and so here I am still confused.

I am a nurse in a nursing home, and my gut is telling me maybe I SHOULD get the

shot to help protect me from what ills the aging population. If you find out

anything definative on this,Glen, please bring it back here. luv Kath

Jeannie W <jeanniew58@...> wrote: Hi Glen,

I'm not sure about the flu shot & Lyme but one thing you may have to be careful

of is the Mercury in the flu shot. I had Mercury Toxicity in addition to Lyme so

my doc advised me not to get the flu shot due to the Mercury levels. I didn't

think the Mercury stayed n your system but it does so it would slowly build up

over time. I hope that helps!


Glenroy Wolfsen <wolfsen@...> wrote:

Does anyone know it is advisable to get the FLU SHOT while still infected with


Glen from NJ..

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Hi Glen

Can't answer your question directly and have no scientific knowledge on it,

but I did have to get a MMR booster a couple years ago for college and it did a

terrible number on my system.I fought it tooth and nail with the college but

either I got it or I wouldn't be let back in to college. On top of it all I have

already had the MMR shot three other times, but only had proof of one. And my

titer came back that I still wasn't immune to mumps. Go figure!

I know an MMR shot is not the same as the flu shot, but in a sense it

is...with putting something in your body that is part of an illness. I think its

putting one more stressor on your body with a slim chance that without it you'll

get the flu. I'd rather take my chances with getting the flu. And yes I've had

the flu and we've all felt like we have the flu with Lyme.


Glenroy Wolfsen <wolfsen@...> wrote:

Does anyone know it is advisable to get the FLU SHOT while still infected with


Glen from NJ..

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Please let us know what your pharmacist says. I wish I had read further in

emails, didn't see all the other answers.

I just know your putting something in your body that can stay in your body vs

maybe getting the flu. But with the situation Kathy said about being a nurse in

a nursing home that would maybe change my mind but probably not.

I have to go call my LLMD Monday, when I do I'll try and remember to ask her

thoughts on it.


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I never took a flu shot and worked in schools........finally when a bad one

was coming my dr. said I should, since lymies have such a compromised immune

system sometimes. What he does is give 1/2 shot then two weeks, the other

half.. I never got sick from the shot or the flu.......and believe me the

schools are a breeding spot for flu.

connie, michigan

Re: [ ] Flu Shot

> Glen


> Please let us know what your pharmacist says. I wish I had read further

> in emails, didn't see all the other answers.


> I just know your putting something in your body that can stay in your

> body vs maybe getting the flu. But with the situation Kathy said about

> being a nurse in a nursing home that would maybe change my mind but

> probably not.


> I have to go call my LLMD Monday, when I do I'll try and remember to ask

> her thoughts on it.


> Jaye




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Most forums I go to say that flu shots contain toxins that feed pathogens

and just tons of stuff about how bad they are. I have seen studies linking

them to Alzheimers and such. I get no vaccines any more.

Heidi N

From: Glen in NJ

" Does anyone know it is advisable to get the FLU SHOT while still infected

with Lyme?? "

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Thank for you mentioning the half dose + half dose of

your injection. I don't think that most in the

healthcasre fields understand how this might be

helpful for our compromised immune systems.

I don't think that those you are getting the 'free flu

shots at work' will have this opportunity... because

this is usally a 1-day only event. I wonder if they

could negotiate to have a 2nd needle made available to

them at a later time.

/ Charolette :-)

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Hi Sherry,

I work for a health authority that includes public health and I have asked

the nurses about that since I experienced misery as well. What they told me

was first I don't need to worry about harmful effects because the vaccine is

a dead one vs a live one which would be big trouble for those of us who use

immuno-suppressives. Then I was told that usually everyone is going to

experience some kind of side effect and that people like us who have

autoimmune disorders will almost always experience a flare up ranging from

mild to moderately severe - and that the 48 to 72 hour period of this that

other people experience will likely last a little longer for us because our

immune systems don't know when to back off. Last year after my flu shot I

had quite a bit of pain too but it did eventually calm down in about five

days. Unfortunately we are all different so there's no guarantee that what

one person experiences will be the same for us all. Their advice was to

just take my pain medication and hang in there. I would suggest though that

by the end of this week if you are still experiencing any extreme symptoms

go to your GP to make sure that your reaction is still within normal (for

us) range.

Hope this helps.

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Hi All,

" Crossing the Rubicon " by C. Ruppert has

some interesting stuff on vaccines.

http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw/103-4178961-9879054?initialSearch=1 & url=sea\

rch-alias%3Dstripbooks & field-keywords=Crossing+the+Rubicon%3A+The+Decline+of+the\

%0AAmerican+Empire+at+the+End+of+the+Age+of+Oil%0A+C.+Ruppert%0A & Go.x=10 & \


at www.amazon.com

On the web see



PS: I've been getting my flu shot every year

since I started antibiotics in 2000.

Ambitionn01@... wrote:


> Most forums I go to say that flu shots contain toxins

> that feed pathogens and just tons of stuff about how bad

> they are. I have seen studies linking them to Alzheimers

> and such. I get no vaccines any more.


> Heidi N


> From: Glen in NJ

> " Does anyone know it is advisable to get the FLU SHOT while still infected

> with Lyme?? "


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Hi Sherry,

I have gotten a flu shot, every year for the last 7 or more.

I haven't had a flare like you describe. Sometimes a little achy but

that has been about the extent. Though I've never been on Humira.

Could it possibly be an interaction? How close in time was your flu

shot to your Humira shot? Might that have something to do with it?

Hopefully you get back to normal soon. I'd definitely let your rheumy

know regardless of when you bounce back.

Stay Well,

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Hi all, I have had the flu shot for 20 years and never had a reaction. I have

had lyme for 5 years. i think its ok. The flu causes so many complications such

as pneumonia. I think its worth it. carrie


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I know it sounds unbelievable and doesn't make sense at first, but there

really is something to the MMR and autism and lyme and numerous other diseases.

I really don't like spending the time to look up references but I guess I

will. Basically, there is just too much of an overwhelming outcry linking the

MMR to various diseases that it just can't be ignored. The DPT comes in

second place. I have seen so many unbelievable stories, news reports, science,

etc. But the bottom line is the overwhelming evidence. You don't want to

know it. If you don't want to cry, than don't look at these websites because

your view of mankind will be changed forever. This is just a tidbit of the

beyond numerous arguments against vaccines. Do you really think all these

people have nothing better to do than to donate their time for such a cause if

there was not some truth to it. The evidence is beyond overwhelming. As far


MMR causing Lyme. Some theories I have heard is that it harms the immune

system, allowing pathogens like lyme to grow; vaccines contain pathogens that

link with other pathogens in us to make a new stronger species; and the

vaccines, themselves, contain pathogen contaminations, infected by the various

animals the vaccines are made from, being that it is unrealistic to believe that

all viruses can be removed from living tissue.





_http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6890106663412840646 & q=autism+vaccines

& total=492 & start=0 & num=10 & so=0 & type=search & plindex=0_

(http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6890106663412840646 & q=autism+vaccines & t\

otal=492 & start=0 & num=1

0 & so=0 & type=search & plindex=0)









_http://www.mercurypoisoned.com/_ (http://www.mercurypoisoned.com/)







Heidi N

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Hi there.

I got my flu shot last Wednesday, and can say I am pretty much back to

normal pain now. I had just noticed extreme pain in the morning and at

night, which is my normal m.o. anyway, but worse since the flu shot.

But if it helps me from getting the flu, I guess it was worth it.

I know everyone's body is different, but it sounds like a flare

triggered by the shot. I hope it passes quickly :0)


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c'mon people.... the world is not ALWAYS one big conspiracy... we should

probably stop taking aspirin too, as I've heard from the friend of my

brother's boss's wife's pool boy that the stuff can kill ya.... after all

it's only been around for about 125 years... I think we should test it

longer before pushing it on people.... ;-)

I think most medical experts (and on this one I bet you can boldly even lump

IDSA and ILADS docs together) would say get your flu shot unless you're

feeling sick, are really elderly and frail, are an infant or young child, or

have AIDS... MILLIONS of people get flu shots and the stats don't lie; as a

group they get the flu less... which if you are not clear on things medical,

is a good thing...

you need to mix more forums from medically diverse sources into your

reading. try the CDC (look, I know they got LD wrong, but they have a lot

right too...) and even WebMD for starters. you lose all credibility when you

imply that " getting no vaccines anymore " is somehow a good thing...

Lastly, where is the moderation on this group??? Posters like this

are dangerous....

I read this group very infrequently (gee I wonder why?), but felt compelled

to respond. Immunizations are a good thing. Encouraging people to not get

them is a bad, irresponsible thing. Ask any school nurse what they think

about parents who are ignorant or lazy about keeping up with their

children's immunizations. There is a sane, reasonable medical reason for

immunizing people, which is why states mandate it, and why schools won't

allow you to attend until & unless you can show you've received shot like

the MMR; it's called preventing the epidemic spread of harmful, sometimes

fatal, disease... which again, if you are high on crack, or are not quite

clear on things medical, is a good thing... ;-)

btw, I am C6 positive, got my flu shot last week, still have a pulse... and

I haven't gotten the flu yet... although maybe it's the damn flu shot

that's made me so irritable lately.... ;-) (just kidding)


From: [mailto: ] On Behalf

Of Ambitionn01@...

Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 9:25 AM

Subject: [ ] Re:Flu Shot

Most forums I go to say that flu shots contain toxins that feed pathogens

and just tons of stuff about how bad they are. I have seen studies linking

them to Alzheimers and such. I get no vaccines any more.

Heidi N

From: Glen in NJ

" Does anyone know it is advisable to get the FLU SHOT while still infected

with Lyme?? "

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<http://www.aol.com> com

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Thanks to all who replied. , our cases sound very similar.

The swelling hit at about 36 hours after the injection. I had been

having a slight amount of pain in the ball of that foot before, so I

can understand why it hit that particular area.

I wasn't worried about it being an adverse reaction to the flu shot -

just was wondering whether it being a trigger for a joint flare was

common. I'm pretty sure that is what this is and that the flu shot

triggered it. This is day 3 and I think it may be a little better.

The swelling, heat, and redness subsides greatly overnight but as

soon as I walk on it, it begins to flare again. I'm pretty much

staying in bed or in my recliner with ice. I think it's not as bad

as it was at this time yesterday, so hopefully a couple more days

things will be back to " normal. "

The rheumy's nurse called this morning to say that my blood work done

Friday looked good. I told her about the foot and she said if it's

not much better by tomorrow night I should come in Thursday and let

them take a look.

thanks everyone,

sherry z

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, I took my Humira Sat. morning after getting the flu shot Fri.

morning. I think the previous dose of Humira was pretty much worn off, setting

me up for a bad flare after the flu shot. I don't think there are any reported

interactions between Humira and flu shots. I just happened to have the flu shot

at the worst possible time in my Humira cycle.


sherry z

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She should have access to the package insert of the vaccine that is

being administered, then read the risks.

FDA offers info on various Influenza vaccine mercury levels as well

as other info:


The CDC offers info on Influenza adverse events:





> My daughter dental hygenist in NYC just called and asked if there

was a

> site for her to go to about the flue shot. They are putting the

> pressure on for all of the employees to have it and she keeps



> She wants something that she can show with the information about


> having it.


> Thanks

> Bonnie


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Well usually best not to debate them about it.

She just says no - she doesn't have to explain - why do people think they

have to explain and convince someone

Live your life the way you want and don't give into abuse or pressure!


much on my pages







>> My daughter dental hygenist in NYC just called and asked if there

>was a

>> site for her to go to about the flue shot. They are putting the

>> pressure on for all of the employees to have it and she keeps



>> She wants something that she can show with the information about


>> having it.


>> Thanks

>> Bonnie




Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

Voicemail US 530-740-0561

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email November 7 & 8

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I don’t know but my answer is always “take some more vita C”

Nita, yes my hands are full, but not my heart: 14, Jon 13,

10, 8, 6, Christian (RIP: 7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2,

and due 2/08

Some minds are like concrete:

Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.

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At 05:19 PM 11/15/2007 -0000, you wrote:

>Hi! Does anyone know how long after getting the flu shot the host sheds

>the virus? (being that it is a live virus) I have a daycare, & a child

>just received the shot & is sick from it. I want to make sure none of

>the other kids get it from him. My understanding was it is shed for 5

>to 7 days. Any additional info would be much appreciated. Thanks,



The flu shot is not live

The Flumist inhalable one is live.

But I have heard reports of people getting sick a person who got the shot,

but there is nothing on it as it is a killed vaccine and is not supposed to

do that.




Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

Voicemail US 530-740-0561

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email November 7 & 8

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The flu shot isn't live, but it almost always makes the recipients sick.

My son went to day care last week, and one of the boys had just had his

flu shot and was sick. (Fortunately, the mom said " well, now I know not

to do that anymore. " ) And Jack got a cold. Every single person I know

who gets the flu shot gets sick. And yet, they go back for more.

Lemmings. *sigh*


- sorry for the cynicism, it's been a rough day on the Internet


> Hi! Does anyone know how long after getting the flu shot the host sheds

> the virus? (being that it is a live virus) I have a daycare, & a child

> just received the shot & is sick from it. I want to make sure none of

> the other kids get it from him. My understanding was it is shed for 5

> to 7 days. Any additional info would be much appreciated. Thanks,





Robyn Image: Robyn and Jack

robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>




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, As fr as I know no one suggests that a flu shot

harms people with CLL, only that it may not help. I

get one every year and have had no problems. Carolyn,

age 78, Providence, Ri, dx 9/04, W & W

--- LINDA WARNER <warner@...> wrote:

> Hello to all. I just returned from vacation in

> Forida and I know it is time to get the flu shot. I

> am a little hesitant because last year I felt bad

> for about 2 weeks. I have had several flu shots in

> the past and never got sick. My CLL seems to be

> doing well last cbc showed my WBC went from 22,000

> to around 8,000. Any comments of the flu shot.

> Since I am felling better than I have felt in a

> while Im concerned that it may trigger the cll. Do

> all of you get the flu shot? Thanks for any

> comments.



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