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hi liz, i'm very glad to hear that your child has had only positive

experiences with rheumys. i still can't say the same. i do try to have a

good attitude, but when it comes to meds, i dont know much at all. it's

just been the last 3 years i've even tried any and then it was just the ones

that were useless like celebrex and arthrotec. for like a mo i felt better

on plaqenuil, but then nothinf, then i got so sick from it i could barely

control my bodily functions. about pregnancy, methotrexate was the one my

old rheumy said would work but also would not allow me to have children if i

used it for an extended period of time. i have read where pregnant women go

into complete remissions and feel wonderful but that they come out of

remission several weeks after birth. i have had severe joint damage, but

now after all the joint replacements i had, i have a very good quality of

life and my biggest fear about meds is finding one that works, makes me feel

great, stops working, then i am back at rock bottom having to struggle to

deal without meds again. i know that it probably sounds stupid to you, but

i am used to the way i am now and as long as i can, i'd rather not rock the

boat. do you know what i mean? i'm not sure if i am explaing this

correctly. anyway, thanks for your encouragement and i am glad to know that

are good rheumys out there helping you. thanks, brandy


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Tij,

I just love you! Yes the Apr. and May pictures are me. You're so sweet!

I plan on sending a new picture in soon.

Your posts are so uplifting. You're such an encouragement to me. Thank


Have a great night!

Love, Liz



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Hi Liz,

You are an inspiration to me too! :) THANKS! Good for you and your

jelly belly vanishing. SO COOL! So, that picture was 1 month later I

presume. WHOA! You did GREAT GIRL! Be proud of YOU! I'm amazed at the

results. I measured other places today and learned I had dropped

inches in my ankles, calves, upper thigh and thigh! My " arms " even

reduced. This didn't happen this fast on the " other guys " ...WHOA!

Makes me a happy camper. I also noticed I like doing LL a lot more.

For instance, when on the " other guys " I would do it in the morning

and that was that, well, sometimes in the evening a few breaths. With

LL, I find myself sitting at a stop light, or riding in my car, or

waiting for someone, reading...I just think " breath " and keep doing

them. I even did them in line at the Post Office, being last in line,

quieter, but went through the motions. No one suspected! hee hee It

was helpful, 'cause today Tij feels THINNER than ever! (and I am so

close to my time of the month) It AMAZES ME totally! I never had this

results before. I just think everyone has to find their way to

figuring out what works best for them. I read on your board before I

did this many breaths and that many and I thought, Whoa...where do

they find the time...now I know. I am doing it too!

May I ask if you have the 20 minute workout videos and which do you

use? Workout #1 or #2? I have started with the instructional, but


an interest in her 20 minute video as well. Just wanted to have some

comparisons. Thanks again. Keep on breathing, you're doing GREAT!

Best of success to you, you " jelly belly conquerer! " WHOOPIE!!!

Tij :)

> Hi Tij,


> I just love you! Yes the Apr. and May pictures are me. You're so


> I plan on sending a new picture in soon.


> Your posts are so uplifting. You're such an encouragement to me.


> you.


> Have a great night!

> Love, Liz

> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!

> Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:

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Hi Tij,

I'm sorry that it has taken me this long to get back to you, I read your

post earlier today. I had company in from out of town tonight, so

needless to say I cleaned like a mad woman through the day. Here it is

11:35 in the evening and this is my 1st chance since this morning to


I usually do my own workout using exercises from LL, BF, and a lot of

traditional ones with the LL breathing. I have both videos 1 and 2. As

a matter of fact I just got the Zoo tape and tape 2 in the mail today. I

haven't had time to do them yet. My son did the Zoo tape while I watched

and folded clothes and I watched part of tape 2 while eating lunch. Both

tapes 1 and 2 work most of the body. Tape 1 has some standing leg work

and tape 2 has sitting leg work. Texas Mom and Karma have said that their

legs get such a workout on # 2 that they quiver. My suggestion is to buy

both, especially if you're going to do it before the 31st. They're on

sale till the end of this month. If you buy 2 or more you can get them

for $15 each plus handling. If you buy just 1 it will be $23 plus


Have a great night sleep and a great Sun. Keep breathing it's working!

Love, Liz



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Thanks Liz,

That really answered my questions. I asked Tara too early on, but

wanted other feedback. I guess both will do for me. I need leg

workout, well...lower body the most. Might as well jump on a sale!

Thanks again!

More soon, Tij :)

> Hi Tij,


> I'm sorry that it has taken me this long to get back to you, I read


> post earlier today. I had company in from out of town tonight, so

> needless to say I cleaned like a mad woman through the day. Here it


> 11:35 in the evening and this is my 1st chance since this morning to

> write.


> I usually do my own workout using exercises from LL, BF, and a lot


> traditional ones with the LL breathing. I have both videos 1 and

2. As

> a matter of fact I just got the Zoo tape and tape 2 in the mail

today. I

> haven't had time to do them yet. My son did the Zoo tape while I


> and folded clothes and I watched part of tape 2 while eating lunch.


> tapes 1 and 2 work most of the body. Tape 1 has some standing leg


> and tape 2 has sitting leg work. Texas Mom and Karma have said that


> legs get such a workout on # 2 that they quiver. My suggestion is

to buy

> both, especially if you're going to do it before the 31st. They're


> sale till the end of this month. If you buy 2 or more you can get


> for $15 each plus handling. If you buy just 1 it will be $23 plus

> handling.


> Have a great night sleep and a great Sun. Keep breathing it's


> Love, Liz

> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!

> Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

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  • 1 month later...

It Works!!! But how do you breathe while whistling? LOL!! My BB is much

" taughter " this AM so for a couple of days I think I will just do the

standing pelvic tilt, tighten my " oh so much smaller " haha muscles and

breathe while I think whistle while you breathe pah pah pah pah pah pah!

I guess we all know what I'll be singing today! LOL!!


>Hi Pumping Iron ,


>80+ breaths that's marvelous and breathing while you iron, you're

>good!!!!!! I don't iron very much unless I don't have a choice. I usually

>just spray our clothes with a water bottle and throw them into the dryer

>for about 20 minutes and the wrinkles are gone. This works for most



>Hey I'm going to re- post a jingle that I posted for missing in action

>Texas Mom and Cristi awhile back. It has to do with breathing while you

>work (iron). :-) It goes to the tune of " Whistle While you Work " .


> Breathe While You Work


> Just breathe while you work: pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah.

>You'll be less stressed, put it to the test, while blowing through the

>golden straw.

>Just do those pelvic tilts and your rump and hams will melt

>While cleaning your mess, do---- your best to breathe while you work.



>Love, Liz



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good for you Songbird,

Keep up the " thigh busters " you're doing swell! You'll be struting

on the " cat-walk " (no pun from Tiggers' intended) very soon!

All the best to you and thin thin thighs! Tig :)

> Hi everyone,


> I did 80 LL breath stretches and 30 BBB's today. I went shopping

> tonight and while I was walking around I noticed that my thighs were

> really sore. I only worked them a little today, you would've



> I exercised them all day. Oh what the power of oxygen and a couple


> exercises can do! No more step aerobics or lunges for me. All they


> was ruin my knees and bulk up my thighs. Just give me oxygen, a few

> stretches and a couple of leg lifts, that's what works for me. :-)


> Love, Liz

> ________________________________________________________________


> Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!

> Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit:

> http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Liz,

Thanks! Now that I changed some of my eating habits... (too long enough to figure out how to do it and still enjoy life!!) - and still working on them, along with Karma's Alkaline discovery, I really do think that I am losing weight with the breathing.

I'm not one of the lucky ones that was able to lose weight without making some changes.

Now I'm so much more inspired to continue breathing, because I am seeing the benefit on my scale. And I love it!!!

Thanks again for giving me that boost!

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:10:25 -0500 stevku@... writes:

Hi ,I'm glad that my post reminded you to breathe. It's great that you'rebeing so consistent with your workouts! I'm proud of you!Love, Liz________________________________________________________________

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Hi Karma,

Thanks, I'm still not over this and neither is anyone else in my family.

All that I can say is this bug loves us. LOL

Texas Mom and I have been keeping in touch with each other. She's doing

well. She felt like she needed a break from the list for a while. She

said recently that she'll probably rejoin soon. I'll tell her that you've

been asking about her.

Love, Liz



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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Liz!!

Yes, I just had a tummy tuck and a thigh lift. And yes, BOTH were covered by

my insurance. I've heard of many insurance companies covering the tummy but

to my knowledge I don't know of any covering the thigh lift.

Yes, my doctor did take pictures (he showed them to me yesterday when I went

in for my appt) but he didn't send them to the insurance co. He just sent in

a request for it to be covered and stated that I had had infections, etc.

This was bending the truth a bit as I had never had any infections or

problems and did not have big apron. It was actually just loose skin but not

real bad. Only my belly button was occasionally itchy. Partners agreed to

cover the tummy but not the thighs at first. I ask Dr. Lambeth to call them

personally to see if they would agree to at least cover the OR and

anesthesia, etc. and I would pay out of pocket to him, the surgeon for the


I don't know what the heck he told them but his nurse called me back and said

Partners agreed to cover it all. I couldn't believe it but I sure wasn't

gonna question it!

I got back in to my Jr. size 5 levi's last night when I went out on the town,

so alot of my swelling has diminished now. My leg is doing better and I fell

human again, after only 3 weeks today. I really had no problems from the

tummy tuck at all....not an incredible amount of pain either...about like a

c-section. I only took pain pills for 2 days after getting out of the

hospital, and those 2 days were a week later. I think I was doing too much

but I started hurting where the drain was taken out of my belly.

Maybe I'll get really brave and post some pictures of the surgery scars this

week, just to show how it looks. Please feel free to ask any questions you

may have Liz. I be happy to answer if I can.... Good luck to you getting


in Raleigh

MGB 11/22/99 270/130 size 24/6

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 8/9/01 6:22:46 PM, smittyx03@... writes:

<<a lady from Ill. I think her name was Debbie and she had the MGB

along with her daughter Chris. was only around 16 years old.

They had the MGB done last year. Has anyone heard from these people?

If so could you please let me know how they are doing?>>


I've been in email contact with Deb and she and are doing well. Stayed

with them for a night in May and they both look TERRIFIC! They are thinking

about coming for the picnic, but not sure at this point. Deb is not on the

list...you can email her at DebLaMan@....

Tricia in IL

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Liz, yes. She's doing very well. Not losing as fast as she'd like but definately

doing well.


> ** Original Subject: RE: (unknown)

> ** Original Sender: smittyx03@...

> ** Original Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2001 20:23:59 -0400

> ** Original Message follows...


> Flo, Is she o.k. ? Liz




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I just loved your enthusiasm in this message!

Yes, my dear Liz, you are melting, melting away!!! You are shrinking, melting

and becoming so sleek and slender that I can only imagine how your turn heads

when you walk by!

See what the combination of doing your Life Lift faithfully, drinking your

water, eating healthy foods and Keeping your wonderful, (now famous) positive

attitude has done for you!



Oxygen (LifeLift breathing)+Water+Healthy Food for your Mind (Positive thoughts)

Equal Your Success

http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.aerobicbreathing.com

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Re: Liz Reporting in on Wednesday

Thank you Rashelle!!!!! Using your example of fat really puts it in

perspective. Sometimes I think, man I only lost 16lbs. this year, but last year

I didn't lose any. So 16 is good. I think about friends of mine who lose 10 lbs.

in a month, put it back on, lose it in a month, put it back on etc. etc. That

can't be good for your body. So even though I'm a slow loser, I think I'm doing

good and hopefully by this time next year I'll have another 15 to 20 lbs. off.

But even if I don't with LL the inches are melting aw----aaaaayyyyyyyy and

that's what really matters. Thank you for sharing your precious LL with us!!!!!!

Hey I wore a pair of pants tonight that I had on just a month ago and they're

looser and more comfortable than they were then. Yea!!!!!!:-)

Love ya!!!!



Hello dear Liz,

Congratulations on the 16 pound loss. That is incredible. No wonder you are

getting so many compliments.

If you piled up 16 pounds of ground beef and took a good look at how much

you have eliminated from your body, you would be soooo impressed with yourself.

When I had my Health Center we used to take 1/4 pound cubes of butter and we

would stick them next to our thighs and tummy just to see how much of a

difference that 1/4 pound cube could make in the shape of our bodies. It is

pretty impressive when you times those 1/4 pounds 16 times = 64 and imagine them

spread out all over your body.

Now you understand why your Father-in-Law was so impressed with the way you


You are one awesome woman!!!!



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Hey, your the one with the famous positive attitude. It's just rubbing

off on me. :-)

Love, Liz


I just loved your enthusiasm in this message!

Yes, my dear Liz, you are melting, melting away!!! You are shrinking,

melting and becoming so sleek and slender that I can only imagine how

your turn heads when you walk by!

See what the combination of doing your Life Lift faithfully, drinking

your water, eating healthy foods and Keeping your wonderful, (now famous)

positive attitude has done for you!



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Hello Sweet Liz,

I would love to take credit for how wonderful you are, but I honestly think you

just come by it naturally.

Thanks for giving me credit though. It is a nice feeling to think I may have

contributed to anything positive for you.

Take good care,



Oxygen (LifeLift breathing)+Water+Healthy Food for your Mind (Positive thoughts)

Equal Your Success

http://www.lifelift.com or http://www.aerobicbreathing.com

To join our support group click here:


Subscribe to Free Oxygen Plus Newsletter


Re: Liz

Hey, your the one with the famous positive attitude. It's just rubbing off on

me. :-)

Love, Liz


I just loved your enthusiasm in this message!

Yes, my dear Liz, you are melting, melting away!!! You are shrinking,

melting and becoming so sleek and slender that I can only imagine how your turn

heads when you walk by!

See what the combination of doing your Life Lift faithfully, drinking your

water, eating healthy foods and Keeping your wonderful, (now famous) positive

attitude has done for you!



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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


After I posted that I seemed to remember reading that whole thing

a while back and someone else said it wasn't true. I've never been

too good at science type things so I can't give an opinion. I'll take

your word for it, Liz. It seems like if it were true there would be

warnings on microwaves. If there weren't any warnings and someone

got hurt, I would think that the manufacturer would be responsible

legally. Right?

Re: Fw: Warning about heating WATER in your microwave


Sorry , but this is NOT true. The only way that water can be super

heated is to add pressure. The age of the container has no bearing unless

there are cracks, faults and that can happen in any age container.

I don't know what happened to the young man, but not this. Many things can

go wrong. I wish him well if there is such a person.

A typical cybermyth.

Please forgive me,


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  • 2 months later...
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On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Connie wrote:

> Liz, sounds like you are really busy. How are you feeling?

Can you tell a difference with the Remicade yet?

I could almost immediately in my hands.. the fingers.. the one is still

bent and my wrsits hurt but when i left the infusion center and got on the

hospital community access computer and typed my hands didn't hurt at all

and felt a warm sensation. WOW! I was shocked cus i wasn't expecting that.

I just kind of happened to notice it as I was typing.. didn't try to test

it or anything like that...

My lower back still hurts though the new brace did help that. I'm not

wearing it though only to places I will be walking a long ways.. like my

volunteer job. Dr. sa ys not to get addicted to it so that i'll be

dependent and it will weaken my muscles.

I wonder if i am fusing there.

I had no side effect except a tiny whisper of a headache. I have noticed

that wounds are slower to heal (and i get a lot of scratches from

kitty=cats) and my throat is slightly sore most of the time. My muscles

don't seem quite so tired. though i did have that instance of falling the

other day...

Thanks for the wishes Connie.. i'll see how it all goes tomorrow... I'm

SHOCKED that i got on remmy so fast.. i hope you do soon! HUGS!



" No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. " Eleanor Roosevelt


EMAIL: juliette@... **ICQ 49746198** MSN & AIM LizKP1952**

PERSONAL HOMEPAGE PAGE http://members.tripod.com/~LizK

ADDult HOME PAGE: http://members.tripod.com/~LizK/addult.htm


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  • 3 months later...

I'm not sure where she lives but please email her! She is really sweet. Keep

in mind she is deaf so she doesn't talk on the phone I don't think. She did

tell me she can speak but she speaks like deaf people! Whatever that means!

She is worried her son will begin to speak like her so she has early

intervention or some program like that. They want her to have her child's

immunization record and she is scared to say she doesn't vax without all her

ducks in a row. She says they will take children away from disabled parents

in a heartbeat. Her husband is also deaf. So please contact her she will be

relieved to know there is someone else on her side.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks Sweet Rashelle!!!!!! You sure made my day!!!!!

Love ya!!!!



On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 11:17:20 -0800 Rashelle Haines <rashelle@...>


Hello Sweet Liz,

I saw your test and thought that I wanted to remind you how much you mean

to all of us, especially me.

You are a treasure in every way. Your caring heart and your sweet

disposition are a gift to all of us.

I am so grateful to know that Kista has you to care for her right now.

You are both very dear to me.



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