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??? to TeeJay and other Crohnies/LDN users

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I'd like to ask you several questions.

I have a 12 year old son who has been Dx with Crohn's over 2.5 years ago. His main treatment for all this time has been exclusive enteral (liquid) nutrition. He had had several very careful food reintroductions during this time without any luck – the boy just can not eat and flares and while others can remove trigger foods from their diet and their health will improve my son needs to go back on liquids exclusively.

We started LDN at the low dose of 2.5 ml on August 16 in a liquid form (I prepare it myself from the pure Naltrexone tablets) while he was in a mild flare and slowly progressed to 4.5 ml without any sleep disturbance but his symptoms of Crohn's kept progressing (while his seasonal allergies dissapeared). So I decreased the dose back to 2.5 ml recently just in case.

Also, my son takes probiotics, cod liver oil, vitamins and minerals. He stopped taking Pentasa two month prior starting LDN.

My questions for TeeJay are – for how long your daughter was using LDN in capsuls before she started to use transdermal cream and how long it took her to notice improvements in her Crohn's?

And questions for other Crohnies – how long it took you to see any differences in your condition after starting LDN? Are any of you had the similar experience with food intolerance as my son?


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