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I have the same problem with the Company I worked for.

I had to go on permanent disability. But first, with

the Company, you had to go Short term (one year)with

full benefits, next, (long term) with half pay and

fewer benefits and qualify for SSD. They work

together with the Company I worked for. If I ever get

better, I would half to come in as a new hire. Or

they would pay for my education to do something else.

My biggest fear would be loosing my Insurance. The

Emergeny leave I am not sure about. But I don't think

it would be long enough for you to go through

treatment. It would be ref. in the enternet I am

sure. I thank God for the Company I worked for even

though I lost things. It is better than some who have



--- dragonrider <dragonrider@...> wrote:

> I know I will try this once and that will be it for

> me!!!I took my shot about 6 last night and felt fine

> till 2 this afternoon: I went to bed and slept for 4

> hours, now I feel like a newborn kitten again, so

> weak!! I don't see how I am going to be able to go

> back to driving!!! Does anyone know anything about

> emergency medical leave? in Dec. when I had my gall

> bladder out . they had me sigh in as a rehire when I

> went back to work, they put me back to 1 weak vac

> instead of 2, lost my Ins. had to resign up (but at

> least they didn't make me wait 6 mo for it!!) I was

> off for one mo, and I don't know what will happen

> this time ! any body know anything ?? like who to

> contact.


> Dear Lord, Either Quiet The Waves

> Or Lift Me Above Them;

> It's Too Late To Learn To Swim.


> Crowley



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Guest guest


I have the same problem with the Company I worked for.

I had to go on permanent disability. But first, with

the Company, you had to go Short term (one year)with

full benefits, next, (long term) with half pay and

fewer benefits and qualify for SSD. They work

together with the Company I worked for. If I ever get

better, I would half to come in as a new hire. Or

they would pay for my education to do something else.

My biggest fear would be loosing my Insurance. The

Emergeny leave I am not sure about. But I don't think

it would be long enough for you to go through

treatment. It would be ref. in the enternet I am

sure. I thank God for the Company I worked for even

though I lost things. It is better than some who have



--- dragonrider <dragonrider@...> wrote:

> I know I will try this once and that will be it for

> me!!!I took my shot about 6 last night and felt fine

> till 2 this afternoon: I went to bed and slept for 4

> hours, now I feel like a newborn kitten again, so

> weak!! I don't see how I am going to be able to go

> back to driving!!! Does anyone know anything about

> emergency medical leave? in Dec. when I had my gall

> bladder out . they had me sigh in as a rehire when I

> went back to work, they put me back to 1 weak vac

> instead of 2, lost my Ins. had to resign up (but at

> least they didn't make me wait 6 mo for it!!) I was

> off for one mo, and I don't know what will happen

> this time ! any body know anything ?? like who to

> contact.


> Dear Lord, Either Quiet The Waves

> Or Lift Me Above Them;

> It's Too Late To Learn To Swim.


> Crowley



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 2 months later...


Bug me, bug me, bug me. That's how my staff gets me to finish my work.

It does get a bit overwhelming when you have to run a company and do

what you like best, helping people find answers. I did start a

non-profit research institute (Southwood Research Institute) and will be

applying for grants to continue my work into childhood (and adult)

neurological disorders.

Be in touch with everyone. I promise.


[ ] Mark

Hi Mark,

Thank you, you are so sweet. I knew you had so much on your plate

back then and I didn't want to bother you. I know I get so

overwhelmed with Mallorie's condition everyday. The inquiries you

recieve must get overwhelming too especialy if they are as desperate

to help their children (or themselves) as I am. I am so glad to hear

that Tasya is doing well.

I think the organic acid test that the metabolic doctor did was sent

to Baylor but I'm not sure. I don't think I even have a copy of those

results. We did have one done from Great Plains Lab that I had sent

you. I will double check about the other organic acid test and email

you privately.

I look forward to reading the information about Taysa when it is


Take care,

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Mark and ,

Here in the UK you would not be referred to a specialist unless your BP was

consistently above 160/110. Personally I think that is wrong but I don't

make the rules and just have to live with them and try to work to get a more

enlightened attitude.

You are measuring your BP on your own portable device? Do you know how

accurate it is? The one I have at home is advertised as being as accurate as

the machines used in hospital but when tested within my GPs surgery we found

it consistently inaccurate.......... between 10 and 15 points too high with

new batteries and 10 to 15 points low with used batteries so I no longer use

it much. You may be worrying over false data and it would be best to listen

to your body and how that feels rather than stressing out over what a case

of electronics is telling you.

I needed 200mg of spironolactone a day to bring my BP down and you can take

up to 400mg if that is what is needed. The docs usually start low on it and

up the dose until they get to where you need to be. It needs to be done

gradually which is not what you want to hear but I won't tell you lies.

It is very frustrating waiting for things to happen and also accepting that

you are not the most important body in the room as far as the medics are

concerned. Mind I have found now that I get appointments that run twice as

long as the average as all the medics want to ask questions as they've not

seen Conn's before. They also all want to see the scars - is this usual or

do I just have the luck to have nosy doctors and nurses? I can always tell

if someone knows about Conn's by the reaction - most times you see the eyes

focus right on you and then the questions start. If the doc doesn't respond

at all I know he is not up to date and I need to find a new doc. I usually

ask if he is familiar with hyperaldosteronism or does he need to go and look

it up. I no longer give a damn about ruffling feathers.

The worst thing is the waiting for your body to respond and for the doctors

to decide what they are going to do next. In my case the diagnosis was

pretty quick and it was 6 months later I had an adrenalectomy. By UK

standards that is very fast - I waited three years to have an impacted

wisdom tooth removed in the 1980s as that is not considered important - I'd

have it done privately now I know better. The tooth that is not the


Elaine wrote:

" The only residual symptom of

my Conn's is the tiring easily after exertion " and " My anxiety-prone


can be minimised since I am now aware that having one

adrenal makes me less able to cope with stress. I have

learnt to adjust my lifestyle, pace myself and give

myself as much time to relax as possible. "

My experience so far as well, but I am getting stronger every week although

you get good and bad days. I'm really looking forward to being out in my

kayak again next year. That is something I never gave up during treatment

although the trips became much shorter and I paddled flat water and nothing

with more than a ripple or two last year. Oh, except for the big surf at

Beadnell Bay but that was due to lack of judgement and by the time my DH

realised how big the surf was I was too far into it to turn back.

" Our fear comes from not knowing anyone else personally

who had this disorder. Until today I have not met

anyone personally who has Conn's or has a family

member/relative/friend with Conn's. "

That is why we are all here!

And it doesn't help when your close family will not accept that you are ill

and expect you to run round doing all the stuff you have forced yourself to

do for years even when you were in a great deal of difficulty. My Father

suggested I walked 4 miles to meet him last week and got extremely upset

when I refused as there is no way I can walk that far at the moment. So I am

a self-centred, ungrateful, lazy witch - you can add the rest yourselves. I

took a taxi to meet up with him so I also waste good money and have no care

for the environment...... he hasn't heard of Conn's and know no-one with it

so it must all be in my imagination or at least no where near as bad as the

cut on his finger where he managed to cut himself when chopping


" We are all

survivors and fighters here and we won't let anyone of

us fall and not help him up coz we've all been there. "

Nods of agreement and hand clapping and cheering from Scotland (can you hear


" When my BP used to shoot up for no reason, I had the

same horror moments like you, imagining my head

exploding, getting another stroke etc. Believe me,

when I was suspected of having Conn's and checked out

the sites, I was SO relieved there was an explanation

and a cure for my hypertension. "

The sheer relief of knowing there was a cause for all this!

Have you looked at WideBertha's site:


we have chat times and she will send you a chat reminder if you ask nicely!

The times work well for me for the Tuesday chats. Not just Conn's people but

all sorts of endocrine patients and we all have a lot in common no matter

where we live.

All for now. Take care and remember:

Nihil illegitimus carborundum!


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  • 4 weeks later...


My fingers are definitely crossed.

On a related note: When researching Cleveland I was looking at the

page on their website that lists what publications their gastros had

written for. I noticed there were several article references to a

particular journal. I called & got the information & have ordered

this journal. The entire issue (Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics

of North America volume 11) is devoted to A, is about 1/2 " thick and

was published in 2001. I expect it today or tomorrow. You may be

hearing from me if I read anything noteable in there.


> Lemme know how it goes at Cleveland, since that's where I'm hoping

to go this year too!


> I hope your experience with them is as great as I've heard from

others who have gone there!


> Debbi

> Re: Solid or soft food post-op??



> Sue,

> Appointment is at Cleveland Clinic in a week. Gave up on U-M. I

> didn't want to wait til end of Feb. for appointment for my


> Thanks for your reply. Hope things STAY good for you!


> Mark

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OOOOH, that sounds so interesting!

Please do let us know what you find.... some of us may want to order a copy of our own!

Re: Solid or soft food post-op??> > > Sue,> Appointment is at Cleveland Clinic in a week. Gave up on U-M. I > didn't want to wait til end of Feb. for appointment for my daughter.> Thanks for your reply. Hope things STAY good for you!> > Mark

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I forgot to mention this issue cost $74.00! Ouch!

> > Lemme know how it goes at Cleveland, since that's where I'm


> to go this year too!

> >

> > I hope your experience with them is as great as I've heard from

> others who have gone there!

> >

> > Debbi

> > Re: Solid or soft food post-op??

> >

> >

> > Sue,

> > Appointment is at Cleveland Clinic in a week. Gave up on U-M.


> > didn't want to wait til end of Feb. for appointment for my

> daughter.

> > Thanks for your reply. Hope things STAY good for you!

> >

> > Mark

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YIKES! Okay, so maybe some of us WON'T want to order one of our own.... :o)

Re: Solid or soft food post-op??> > > > > > Sue,> > Appointment is at Cleveland Clinic in a week. Gave up on U-M. I > > didn't want to wait til end of Feb. for appointment for my > daughter.> > Thanks for your reply. Hope things STAY good for you!> > > > Mark

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  • 1 month later...


So you are CLEAR of the virus? For how long? Your comment "Jeanine is selling" says it all.

What authority does Jeanine have anyway? She has a website, so what? She has Hep C, so do millions of other people.

She advocates taking an illegal, harmful drug Mark. Do you honestly believe smoking cannabis could be good for your body? For your lungs? For your liver?

As I have stated: if Jeanine had a cure for Hep C she'd be an international hero, not someone promoting marijuana on a message board.

Re: [ ] Vocabulary!

Ooops, Mark -- must have been brain fog.

Now Mark, I don't believe we know each other and I know you've gotten into Jeanine's little scam of natural cures but be honest buddy: Is it working? If it was possible wouldn't she be hailed as a hero worldwide? Wouldn't everyone with Hep C be cured by now?

Or is it she sells the stuff? Could it be she LIKES smoking dope? Could it be that sick people will latch onto anything out of hope?

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did you even read my post? Your brain is on one track and it is going no where. You must have Hep c very badly. Your liver is speaking, out not you.

Sincerely,Mark Chiocchi

Re: [ ] Vocabulary!

Ooops, Mark -- must have been brain fog.

Now Mark, I don't believe we know each other and I know you've gotten into Jeanine's little scam of natural cures but be honest buddy: Is it working? If it was possible wouldn't she be hailed as a hero worldwide? Wouldn't everyone with Hep C be cured by now?

Or is it she sells the stuff? Could it be she LIKES smoking dope? Could it be that sick people will latch onto anything out of hope?

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I read it backwards. Once again Mark: did Jeanine's natural herbs or whatever she sells clear you of Hep C? That's a yes or no question Mark.

Take care,

Re: [ ] Vocabulary!

Ooops, Mark -- must have been brain fog.

Now Mark, I don't believe we know each other and I know you've gotten into Jeanine's little scam of natural cures but be honest buddy: Is it working? If it was possible wouldn't she be hailed as a hero worldwide? Wouldn't everyone with Hep C be cured by now?

Or is it she sells the stuff? Could it be she LIKES smoking dope? Could it be that sick people will latch onto anything out of hope?

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The whole foods I am taking have me feeling really good and only been on them for 3 weeks. I never said that I cleared hep c. I said if the hep c does not pass that's ok as long as I feel good of what I am taking. BTW... I'm not taking herbs, I am taking whole foods. The only herb I am taking is Milk Thistle.

Sincerely,Mark Chiocchi

Re: [ ] Mark


I read it backwards. Once again Mark: did Jeanine's natural herbs or whatever she sells clear you of Hep C? That's a yes or no question Mark.

Take care,

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Okay, so Jeanine's stuff doesn't cure Hep C.

Thank you for the answer.

Best of luck Mark.

Re: [ ] Mark


I read it backwards. Once again Mark: did Jeanine's natural herbs or whatever she sells clear you of Hep C? That's a yes or no question Mark.

Take care,

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Hey Mark, I think he LIKES you. Better watch out.......

Re: [ ] Mark


I read it backwards. Once again Mark: did Jeanine's natural herbs or whatever she sells clear you of Hep C? That's a yes or no question Mark.

Take care,

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For the record, Friends.. I had HCV, for 28 years.

I do not HCV now.

According the best doctora the US gov can provide, I have no signs of the disease in my body...and SSI even wanted to sue me, until I proved to them that I did have HCV, via my blood work and biopsy.

Why is everyone giving a Pharm Rep their time and energy? He is not here to heal, or to help...as any good Pharmer knows.

He is a maggot feeding off of death and decay.... he cannot live in an environment where he has nothing to feed on, warriors...

Peace, Jeanine


>From: " Gaulke"

>Reply- >

>Subject: Re: [ ] Mark >Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:16:22 -0600 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Received: from n24.grp.scd. ([]) by mc7-f11.law1.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Mon, 17 Feb 2003 06:16:52 -0800 >Received: from [] by n24.grp.scd. with NNFMP; 17 Feb 2003 14:16:31 -0000 >Received: (EGP: mail-8_2_3_4); 17 Feb 2003 14:16:31 -0000 >Received: (qmail 65744 invoked from network); 17 Feb 2003 14:16:31 -0000 >Received: from unknown ( by m7.grp.scd. with QMQP; 17 Feb 2003 14:16:31 -0000 >Received: from unknown (HELO mail2.wi.rr.com) ( by mta1.grp.scd. with SMTP; 17 Feb 2003 14:16:30 -0000 >Received: from Basement ([]) by mail2.wi.rr.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.5.1877.757.75); Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:05:01 -0600 >X-Message-Info: dHZMQeBBv44lPE7o4B5bAg== >X-eGroups-Return: sentto-2436732-4268-1045491391-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-Sender: scottgaulke@... >X-Apparently- >Message-ID: <000a01c2d68f$25e00160$6401a8c0@Basement> >References: <000401c2d602$af090dc0$6401a8c0@Basement> <007b01c2d68b$a7bb1890$6401a8c0@Basement>

>X-Priority: 3 >X-MSMail-Priority: Normal >X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106 >X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106 >X--Profile: scott_gaulke >Mailing-List: list ; contact -owner >Delivered-mailing list >Precedence: bulk >List-Unsubscribe:

>Return-Path: sentto-2436732-4268-1045491391-hepc=hotmail.com@... >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Feb 2003 14:16:52.0991 (UTC) FILETIME=[381D58F0:01C2D68F] > >Mark, > >So you are CLEAR of the virus? For how long? Your comment "Jeanine is selling" says it all. > >What authority does Jeanine have anyway? She has a website, so what? She has Hep C, so do millions of other people. > >She advocates taking an illegal, harmful drug Mark. Do you honestly believe smoking cannabis could be good for your body? For your lungs? For your liver? > >As I have stated: if Jeanine had a cure for Hep C she'd be an international hero, not someone promoting marijuana on a message board. > > > Re: [ ] Vocabulary! > > > Ooops, Mark -- must have been brain fog. > > Now Mark, I don't believe we know each other and I know you've gotten into Jeanine's little scam of natural cures but be honest buddy: Is it working? If it was possible wouldn't she be hailed as a hero worldwide? Wouldn't everyone with Hep C be cured by now? > > Or is it she sells the stuff? Could it be she LIKES smoking dope? Could it be that sick people will latch onto anything out of hope? > >

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  • 6 months later...

Teri, they did have me on a transplant list, but I was taken off the list

because they found 5 tumors instead of 2 ! Thanks for the sympathy, but

if you really want to help me, pray for me, please ! Thank you

From: " Teri " <covert@...>

Reply-Hepatitis C

<Hepatitis C >

Subject: Mark

Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 04:00:43 -0500

Dear Mark,

I'm so sorry to hear your sad story!! I do hope they have you on a

transplant list!! I'm glad you feel so good and have all your energy, what a

blessing that is! I'm at loss for words, but if you need to talk please

email me any time.


What is liver biopsy & endoscopy?

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 21:20:10 +0530

Dear friends,

I am living in India. Recently I have diagnosed as chronically hepatitis


positive. I'm already suffering from severe bleeding disorder Hemophilia.

I'm of 26, qualified electrical engineer & working as a sales


Here in India HCV is a less known disease with lesser treatment facility.


such conditions, it's hard for a HCV infected person to manage. I had

consult with gastroenterologist, he tell me for liver biopsy & endoscopy.

Can anyone tell me what is liver biopsy & endoscopy? I am feared about


this. I hope you someone will reply me.

Vikas Gupta

Thanks for reading the info i sent you !


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Teri, I was going to be a candidate for liver transplant, but then i had two

tumors only. And the size was only 2 centimeters apiece. To be a liver

transplant candidate, your tumors must be no bigger than 3 centimeters big,

and have no more than 3 in qty in the same organ.When they did the 2nd

catscan on me they found 5 tumors in my liver.That alone took me off the

transplant list.But what made things worse was that one of the tumors was 5

centimeters in size.That makes strike two against my transplant.I guess

they figure with that qty and size of the tumors, it already spread to other

parts of my body.Teri, you are not intrusive at all, ask me anything you


your friend,


From: " Teri " <covert@...>

Reply-Hepatitis C

<Hepatitis C >

Subject: Mark

Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 17:02:27 -0500


" To create a little flower is the labor of ages. "

- Blake


Dear Mark,

I will pray for you! But i don't understand if the tumors are in the liver

itself why would they not have you as a translplant recipient? I don't mean

to be intrusive but I have no real understanding of this type of situation,

if you would enlighten me i would greatly appreciate it!!


What is liver biopsy & endoscopy?

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 21:20:10 +0530

Dear friends,

I am living in India. Recently I have diagnosed as chronically



positive. I'm already suffering from severe bleeding disorder


I'm of 26, qualified electrical engineer & working as a sales


Here in India HCV is a less known disease with lesser treatment



such conditions, it's hard for a HCV infected person to manage. I had

consult with gastroenterologist, he tell me for liver biopsy &


Can anyone tell me what is liver biopsy & endoscopy? I am feared about


this. I hope you someone will reply me.

Vikas Gupta

Thanks for reading the info i sent you !


Get MSN 8 and enjoy automatic e-mail virus protection.


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Teri, the anwser to your question is, because some of my tumors are in the

left lobe of the liver, some are in the right side, some are in the

middle.Since these tumors are not in just one place, they already migrated

to the other side of the liver.So they figure It could be in other parts of

the body as well, like lymph nodes, bone marrow, ect.

From: " Teri " <covert@...>

Reply-Hepatitis C

<Hepatitis C >

Subject: Mark

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 03:42:45 -0500

Dear Mark,

Thank you for explaining that to me. My thought on the matter is if the

tumors are in the liver why if you removed the liver would the cancer

already be in the rest of your body? I know cancer spreads but haven't they

did ultra sounds of your stomach? I would think that rhe cancer would show

up, but what the hell do I know!!! LOL But sounds logical.

I pray you stay feeling great clear up to that moment if that's Gods choice!

But with everyones prayers maybe he will decide you have more good to



What is liver biopsy & endoscopy?

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 21:20:10 +0530

Dear friends,

I am living in India. Recently I have diagnosed as chronically



positive. I'm already suffering from severe bleeding disorder


I'm of 26, qualified electrical engineer & working as a sales


Here in India HCV is a less known disease with lesser treatment



such conditions, it's hard for a HCV infected person to manage. I


consult with gastroenterologist, he tell me for liver biopsy &


Can anyone tell me what is liver biopsy & endoscopy? I am feared



this. I hope you someone will reply me.

Vikas Gupta

Thanks for reading the info i sent you !


Get MSN 8 and enjoy automatic e-mail virus protection.


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Teri, the anwser to your question is, because some of my tumors are in the

left lobe of the liver, some are in the right side, some are in the

middle.Since these tumors are not in just one place, they already migrated

to the other side of the liver.So they figure It could be in other parts of

the body as well, like lymph nodes, bone marrow, ect.

From: " Teri " <covert@...>

Reply-Hepatitis C

<Hepatitis C >

Subject: Mark

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 03:42:45 -0500

Dear Mark,

Thank you for explaining that to me. My thought on the matter is if the

tumors are in the liver why if you removed the liver would the cancer

already be in the rest of your body? I know cancer spreads but haven't they

did ultra sounds of your stomach? I would think that rhe cancer would show

up, but what the hell do I know!!! LOL But sounds logical.

I pray you stay feeling great clear up to that moment if that's Gods choice!

But with everyones prayers maybe he will decide you have more good to



What is liver biopsy & endoscopy?

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 21:20:10 +0530

Dear friends,

I am living in India. Recently I have diagnosed as chronically



positive. I'm already suffering from severe bleeding disorder


I'm of 26, qualified electrical engineer & working as a sales


Here in India HCV is a less known disease with lesser treatment



such conditions, it's hard for a HCV infected person to manage. I


consult with gastroenterologist, he tell me for liver biopsy &


Can anyone tell me what is liver biopsy & endoscopy? I am feared



this. I hope you someone will reply me.

Vikas Gupta

Thanks for reading the info i sent you !


Get MSN 8 and enjoy automatic e-mail virus protection.


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Teri, There is a transplant team or board that determines what the

qualifications for a transplant are.Who gets them and who dosent.With the

quantity of tumors I have , they figure im a lost cause.Unsaveable.!!! So

they rather give a tumor to someone who has a better chance of survival.They

say if I get a new liver the cancer that is hidding somewhere else will come

come back and attack my transplant liver.The thing that really ticks me

though is , did you know that there are people that are sitting in state

prisons and federal prisons that have hep c, are on the list for transplaant

??? Teri, that is why I do need your prayers, to beat this, when all odds

are against me.God writes the final page to my demise, not no doctor. Until

then, I pray everday,go to church reguarly, and thank GOD for my incredible

feelling of good health right now.Thanks Teri (:

God bless you

your friend in need

of your prayers.

Mark A. Pina

From: " Mark Pina " <cyberdude2u@...>

Reply-Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C

Subject: Re: Mark

Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2003 23:00:15 -0700

Teri, the anwser to your question is, because some of my tumors are in the

left lobe of the liver, some are in the right side, some are in the

middle.Since these tumors are not in just one place, they already migrated

to the other side of the liver.So they figure It could be in other parts of

the body as well, like lymph nodes, bone marrow, ect.

From: " Teri " <covert@...>

Reply-Hepatitis C

<Hepatitis C >

Subject: Mark

Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 03:42:45 -0500

Dear Mark,

Thank you for explaining that to me. My thought on the matter is if the

tumors are in the liver why if you removed the liver would the cancer

already be in the rest of your body? I know cancer spreads but haven't they

did ultra sounds of your stomach? I would think that rhe cancer would show

up, but what the hell do I know!!! LOL But sounds logical.

I pray you stay feeling great clear up to that moment if that's Gods choice!

But with everyones prayers maybe he will decide you have more good to



What is liver biopsy & endoscopy?

Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 21:20:10 +0530

Dear friends,

I am living in India. Recently I have diagnosed as chronically



positive. I'm already suffering from severe bleeding disorder


I'm of 26, qualified electrical engineer & working as a sales


Here in India HCV is a less known disease with lesser treatment



such conditions, it's hard for a HCV infected person to manage. I


consult with gastroenterologist, he tell me for liver biopsy &


Can anyone tell me what is liver biopsy & endoscopy? I am feared



this. I hope you someone will reply me.

Vikas Gupta

Thanks for reading the info i sent you !


Get MSN 8 and enjoy automatic e-mail virus protection.


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Mark I agree with you that the newlsetters are full of fluff. I do

like the social part of LPA very much and it should be reported on

but there is so much more that could be in these newsletters.

Things like Social Security, how some lp's get their college paid

for them! Services like vocational rehab are some suggestions that

I MADE but were ignored by some and told by others that it isn't in

a sense their responsibility to report on. That is exactly what

needs to be reported on.

Now I do disagree with you that everyone sitting around saying how

the MAN kept them down. What events have you attended?? I honestly

hardly ever hear that and I would say I know alot of people of all

ages in all parts of this country. I really don't see that pity

party aspect. Events are made up of different people, some have

issues some don't, some are successful and some are not.

As with these " non-important " issues, well I am sorry but todays

youth are tomorrows leaders and anyway to help them which also means

preventing them from acting like drunk fools at a conference IS


I suggest writing to the editors of LPA and your district director

about some of the changes you have suggested, they are good



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


Thanks for the info. I believe that if the meds are not the right ones

for a child or adult that it will have the opposite effect. When

was little, we had to sedate her to do a hearing test or MRI, I

don't remember which, and the sedation (it was that liquid stuff I forgot

what it was called, hydrochloride?) had the opposite effect on her, it

made her so hyper I couldn't control her and she was bouncing off the

walls. I believe that the same thing may be happening with the AEDs.


On Tue, 25 May 2004 12:25:31 -0700 " Mark Schauss "

<schauss@...> writes:

> Grace,


> The fact that the meds are increasing her seizure activity is not

> uncommon, even if the neuro disagrees. My daughter Tasya clearly

> was

> allergic (for lack of a better term) to both Depakote and

> diastat/valium/atavan. When she was trying to wean off the

> Depakote

> with our great pediatric neuro helping, she went into a 6 hour

> seizure

> as they kept giving her more and more diastat and atavan to try to

> stop

> it. Turns out when they injected her with Benadryl the seizure

> stopped.

> This led the two neuros we work with to admit that maybe, just maybe

> her

> seizure activity increase was due to her reaction to the meds.


> Glucose should be around 80-85 after fasting for 8 hours. Don't

> know

> what it would be with the testing procedure you're using.


> Mark


> Re: Digest Number 1495

> >

> > MJH,

> > What does taurine do for your child in relation to

> > taking lamictal. My son has started taking it again

> > with some breakthroughs and I now am remembering the

> > side effect to his personality. Moodiness, anger and

> > slow to complete things like (ADD symptoms). He still

> > does well in school, impossible to get the homework

> > and reading done unless he takes concerta. He has

> > trouble swallowing the concerta hard pill. Any tips on

> > pill swallowing?

> >

> >

> > --- " Grace H. " <foxyfox8@...> wrote:

> > > MJH,

> > >

> > > I forgot to tell you on my last reply to you, but I

> > > started on

> > > Taurine Thursday night. I started her on 250mg. I'm

> > > also taking it since

> > > I always take any vitamin I give her to make sure

> > > that it's OK.

> > >

> > > Grace

> > >

> > .

> > .

> > >>>> Grace

> >

> > My heart doc prescribe l-Taurine for me in Januaray, 500 mg twice

> a

> > day.

> >

> > Charlie's been getting l-Taurine, 500mg three times a day for

> about

> > two

> > years. This is NOT because he is taking Lamictal and Depakote but


> > because Taurine

> > deficiency is common in people with seizures.

> >

> > Pills that are NOT enteric coated (hard shell) can be crushed and

> > dissolved

> > in hot water or incorporated in yoghurt or applesauce.

> >

> > Charlie was ADHD and on three psychoactive drugs when we got him.

> > We

> > withdrew him and used diet and behavorial modification and other

> > things to help his

> > brain along those lines. There are a lot of good books and

> websites

> > for

> > natural approached to treating ADHD.

> >

> > Grace, you said that pharmaceuticlas have significantly increased

> > the

> > seizures.... why do the docs continue with them? I would be

> asking

> > tough questions

> > and finding another doc.

> >

> > Hope this helps

> >

> > mjh

> > http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/

> >

> >

> >

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Diastat is sometimes used in a liquid formula. That was one of the

worst things that was ever given to my daughter. It is all part of the

valium/valerian/valproic acid family. This is why I caution people

about thinking that herbs, such as valerian are safe. There are many

kids and adults who will get negative effects from valerian (of course

many will benefit from it).

Re: Digest Number 1495

> >

> > MJH,

> > What does taurine do for your child in relation to

> > taking lamictal. My son has started taking it again

> > with some breakthroughs and I now am remembering the

> > side effect to his personality. Moodiness, anger and

> > slow to complete things like (ADD symptoms). He still

> > does well in school, impossible to get the homework

> > and reading done unless he takes concerta. He has

> > trouble swallowing the concerta hard pill. Any tips on

> > pill swallowing?

> >

> >

> > --- " Grace H. " <foxyfox8@...> wrote:

> > > MJH,

> > >

> > > I forgot to tell you on my last reply to you, but I started

> > > on Taurine Thursday night. I started her on 250mg. I'm

> > > also taking it since

> > > I always take any vitamin I give her to make sure

> > > that it's OK.

> > >

> > > Grace

> > >

> > .

> > .

> > >>>> Grace

> >

> > My heart doc prescribe l-Taurine for me in Januaray, 500 mg twice

> a

> > day.

> >

> > Charlie's been getting l-Taurine, 500mg three times a day for

> about

> > two

> > years. This is NOT because he is taking Lamictal and Depakote but


> > because Taurine

> > deficiency is common in people with seizures.

> >

> > Pills that are NOT enteric coated (hard shell) can be crushed and

> > dissolved in hot water or incorporated in yoghurt or applesauce.

> >

> > Charlie was ADHD and on three psychoactive drugs when we got him. We

> > withdrew him and used diet and behavorial modification and other

> > things to help his

> > brain along those lines. There are a lot of good books and

> websites

> > for

> > natural approached to treating ADHD.

> >

> > Grace, you said that pharmaceuticlas have significantly increased

> > the seizures.... why do the docs continue with them? I would be

> asking

> > tough questions

> > and finding another doc.

> >

> > Hope this helps

> >

> > mjh

> > http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/

> >

> >

> >

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  • 7 months later...


is hanging in there. Since we started the weaning of AEDs, she's more

alert, happier and her speech has also improved. When it comes to us, we just

never knew what to expect with the AEDs, the side effects were different with

each AED and not good.

How are you doing Mark!


mark hogue <markhogue2002@...> wrote:




Grace <foxyfoxgrace@...> wrote:RB,

I don't know the reason for the ball thing going on in your vision, but after my

daughter started Lamcital she was doing very strange things with her writing

which led me to believe that either her eyes or her brain were doing some

strange things. When I took her to the eye doctor for an eye exam, the eye doc

told me that she had nystagmus wich is uncontrollable eye movement. Since I

started weaning her off of the Lamictal, she's no longer doing the weird writing

thing anymore so I'm assuming that the nystagmus has either stopped or gotten

better, I won't know this for sure until our next visit.


evolretep <Luvsonginc@...> wrote:


Within the last six months or perhaps longer I see double vision as I

begin tolook to the corners of my eyes. I take 300mgs of Dilantin and

10.25 of apem (Valium). I am slowly weaning off both. Once in a

while I may see what looks to be a small round or ball shape of light

in the corner of my left eyes; it seems to be falling from the top of

the eye to the bottom. It is not a flash but a ball similar to what

one sees if they were to press on the corner of the eye and see that

ball of light on the other side of the eye. This is the best I can

describe it.

This is very scary to say the least. Has anyone experienced any of

these symptoms while on these drugs or while weaning? I heard

symptoms like these could be hyperthyroidism or cataracts. Perhaps

so, but I am very curious about these drugs causing these symptoms in

addition to a host of others. It is hard asking Drs. who will only

ask me to come in and give me a prescrition. Your response would be

greatly appreciated.


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Grace <foxyfoxgrace@...> wrote:Mark,

is hanging in there. Since we started the weaning of AEDs, she's more

alert, happier and her speech has also improved. When it comes to us, we just

never knew what to expect with the AEDs, the side effects were different with

each AED and not good.

How are you doing Mark!


mark hogue <markhogue2002@...> wrote:




Grace <foxyfoxgrace@...> wrote:RB,

I don't know the reason for the ball thing going on in your vision, but after my

daughter started Lamcital she was doing very strange things with her writing

which led me to believe that either her eyes or her brain were doing some

strange things. When I took her to the eye doctor for an eye exam, the eye doc

told me that she had nystagmus wich is uncontrollable eye movement. Since I

started weaning her off of the Lamictal, she's no longer doing the weird writing

thing anymore so I'm assuming that the nystagmus has either stopped or gotten

better, I won't know this for sure until our next visit.


evolretep <Luvsonginc@...> wrote:


Within the last six months or perhaps longer I see double vision as I

begin tolook to the corners of my eyes. I take 300mgs of Dilantin and

10.25 of apem (Valium). I am slowly weaning off both. Once in a

while I may see what looks to be a small round or ball shape of light

in the corner of my left eyes; it seems to be falling from the top of

the eye to the bottom. It is not a flash but a ball similar to what

one sees if they were to press on the corner of the eye and see that

ball of light on the other side of the eye. This is the best I can

describe it.

This is very scary to say the least. Has anyone experienced any of

these symptoms while on these drugs or while weaning? I heard

symptoms like these could be hyperthyroidism or cataracts. Perhaps

so, but I am very curious about these drugs causing these symptoms in

addition to a host of others. It is hard asking Drs. who will only

ask me to come in and give me a prescrition. Your response would be

greatly appreciated.


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