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Canker Sores

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Same thing happened to me last month. I

soon ended up with both conjunctivitis and a bad strep. Doctor prescribed

antibiotics and all cleared up. I assumed that my immune system was/is weak.

Since then, I haven’t had trouble with canker sores (just came back from

the Dentist and all was well).

Bonnie – DX 2/2006

From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Tipton

Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009

12:41 PM

Subject: Canker Sores

Over the past three to four weeks I've had a problem with canker sores

in my mouth. No sooner than one heals another appears. Has anyone else had a

problem with canker sores?

Can this be a sign that my immune system is getting weaker?

I've had CLL since June of 2001



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I have not had problems with canker sores, but did have problems with

cold sores when my immune system was a mess. IVIG seems to be keeping

that and the other infections under control.

Pat Kennedy

Canker Sores

Over the past three to four weeks I've had a problem with canker sores

in my mouth. No sooner than one heals another appears. Has anyone else

had a problem with canker sores?

Can this be a sign that my immune system is getting weaker?

I've had CLL since June of 2001



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I have had the same problem - a month of mouth sores, one after another, then

they went

away completely (knock wood - btw, gargling helps). I think the other posters

are right:

that it's a dip in the immune system. Im the course of my " remission " I've been


periods of great health, then dipped into periods of curious infections that are

not related

to IVG levels - though you should ask your MD about that. A few summers ago, I

was laid

out flat by a mysterious fever, exhaustion, and weight loss that no one could

figure out.

My bloods were good. Last winter it was finger infections - one after another.

But it went

away. This winter it's a chronic low-grade sinus infection.

My strategy now is to deal with it immediately. It's a new world and my old


patterns are not operating. Salt water is one of my best friends. At the first

sign of

infection, the hand specialist told me to soak my fingers in salt water. I also

gargle in salt

water, and have just decided that a Neti pot might be the answer for the

sinuses. L-Lysine

vitamins also help.

I truly hope this helps you with this painful and annoying problem. Most


though, is to keep your MD in the loop to keep track of your blood levels.

Best wishes,



> I have not had problems with canker sores, but did have problems with

> cold sores when my immune system was a mess. IVIG seems to be keeping

> that and the other infections under control.


> Pat Kennedy



> Canker Sores





























> Over the past three to four weeks I've had a problem with canker sores

> in my mouth. No sooner than one heals another appears. Has anyone else

> had a problem with canker sores?






> Can this be a sign that my immune system is getting weaker?






> I've had CLL since June of 2001






> Thanks,



> Tipton


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Canker sores can be real problems in patients with CLL and lymphomas,

as well as anyone on chemotherapy. Two approaches that I have seen

help are:

1. Vitamin C: usually just 500 mg daily. Some physicians do not like

patients to be on vitamin C during chemotherapy, but after chemothearpy

it may help.

2. Increase the dose of the anti-viral being used, either Valtrex,

Famvir, or acyclovir.

Rick Furman, MD


> Over the past three to four weeks I've had a problem with canker

sores in my

> mouth. No sooner than one heals another appears. Has anyone else had a

> problem with canker sores?


> Can this be a sign that my immune system is getting weaker?


> I've had CLL since June of 2001


> Thanks,

> Tipton


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  • 9 months later...

I have heard often that mouth sores (cankers) are caused by a lysine

deficiency...unless of course the canker is caused by accidental trauma. It may

also be a vit C and B deficiency as well, however I do believe that some

supplemental lysine will take care of it.

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