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Canker Sores

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In a message dated 7/20/03 12:23:59 PM Central Daylight Time,

ddoodles@... writes:

> My son had real problems with these, a friend suggested L-Lysine I don't

> remember the dose, but I think she had him take 2 500mg 3X a day, for 10 days.

> so we tried it. I don't know if they are related but his warts also

> disappeared and its been 3 years.

> Thank you,


> ddoodles@...

> Check out my eBay store


Thank you, I bought him some, but he doesn't take it like he should.

AAARRGGH, some men! (I added the " some " for Butch)

Kay, Stoli and Queso

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  • 1 year later...
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Canker sores can also be brought on by stress. My brother had problems with

them for years and now, as an adult, he has learned to calm himself down when

he feels one forming. He used to get several at a time and would actually

lose a noticable amount of weight while they healed. My mom tried everything to

cure him. He knows that nuts irritate the inside of his mouth so he avoids

them. Kelley in NV

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From what I've been reading about canker sores some people are just

prone to them, they can have them continually or a batch every few

months. They're formed at the site of a 'trauma' like from biting your

cheek, a ball in the face, or sharp potato chips. They last about two

weeks and can be pretty painful.

There are different concoctions and over the counter goops to ease the


They could be caused or just antagonized by allergy to sodium lauryl

sulfate, wheat, etc.

I wonder if they dry mouth that can come with an ssri makes it

worse....but I can't yet find anything that discusses it.

I got Cody a toothpaste (biotene) made for dry mouth - it also happens

to be sls free - it seemed to speed the healing of the last canker sore

batch, but he says he has more now.....we'll see.

> Wow what timing...my dd, 10 yrs, wake up this am with her first


> sore. What is the brand toothpaste that you suggest to relieve her


> the sore? Do you think it might be the start of adolesence bringing

> them on or an ssri?



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Oh boy, yes! My son (the non-OCD kid) gets them frequently, as did my husband

when he was younger. He gets a fever, swollen glands and feels run down when

he gets them too. They are clearly stress-related, but only some people get

them. To relieve the pain Tanac works very well. I've never heard of SLS causing

or aggravating them, but I'm ready to try a toothpaste without one!

Best wishes,

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

My son has had several canker sores over the years and we use a

liquid lysine (I think it is an amino acid). Try a few drops in

water. Although the effect isn't immediate, the lysine seems to

help heal the sores. Good luck.




> > Wow what timing...my dd, 10 yrs, wake up this am with her first

> canker

> > sore. What is the brand toothpaste that you suggest to relieve


> of

> > the sore? Do you think it might be the start of adolesence


> > them on or an ssri?

> >

> >

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  • 2 months later...

> Any tried and true home remedies for canker sores? I rarely have

them but

> suddenly have a doozey.

Hi Kellie,

I had a canker sore a few weeks ago and just used coconut oil to heal

it. I keep my coconut oil in the fridge and would scoop about a tsp.

of it out of the jar and put it in my mouth on the side where my

canker sore was...the coconut oil would slowly melt over the sore. I

did this about 3 or 4 times a day. The pain was gone in about a day

and a half, the canker sore itself was gone in just a few days time.


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>> Is there a relationship between canker sores and thrush?

> Hi Kellie, Yea, I want to know the relationship too. I have both. I had sore

throat and lots of white coating on my tongue before but it's getting alot

better now. I still have some white coating but I think everyone at least have

some(please correct me if I'm wrong?). If u've candida then u can have too much

white coating. Now, sometimes I still have sore throat but better than before.

I saw some web sites said blood blisters on tongue is canker sores? I'm not sure

if that's rite.

But hydrogen peroxide really help when u've thrush and canker sore. U can also

try Pau d'arco tea as well. I really found it great. But at the beginner when I

drink it I got even more blisters on the tongue and the sore throat is even

worse but after couple of days when I drink again I didn't feel bad. I actually

felt that I'm really getting better and I'm so sure that was the healing process

or die-off symptom.

There was a point I was so worried to see those blisters on my tongue. And when

I felt so stress it got bigger and the color turned like blood. But it's a bit

smaller now. I think those two things really help. But people and web sites said

if u've blister on tongue then u may have it on your stomach. So u must heal

your stomach first. Anyway, I hope they will be gone soon.

Hope this help....


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I have two whoppers of cold sores on my upper lip too. Isn't this all kinds of

fun? I'm putting campho phonique (sp?) on them but it doesn't seem to phase


Oh well I won't be kissing or getting close to anyone since I live alone &

rarely see anyone...a truly lonely life which is nothing more than " existence " &

survival for the past 3 years. Really not a " life " at all actually. I need a

" life " .

Canker sores are just as irritating. Sorry I haven't got any remedies for those

either. Good luck with yours using the garlic. Sounds like what I'd think to do




From: K. Wells

Any tried and true home remedies for canker sores? I rarely have them but

suddenly have a doozey. I put garlic on it, since that seems to be the

preferred cure for many things, and the burning sting made my eyes water and

my heart race, but I soldiered on and applied it several times, but today it

is considerably larger, yet flatter, with tiny satellite sores around it.

(More than you wanted to know! Where else but this list do you get to hear

such detailed and intimate descriptions of the various ways the body can

protest?) I've since tried hydrogen peroxide. I've never had thrush. Is

there a relationship between canker sores and thrush?

As always, thanks for your collective wisdom.


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I wonder if coconut oil would reduce the swelling & pain of my abcessed tooth &

gums there as well? The cut garlic hurts like crazy putting it on there. Tho it


From: jahlstrom78

Hi Kellie,

I had a canker sore a few weeks ago and just used coconut oil to heal

it. I keep my coconut oil in the fridge and would scoop about a tsp.

of it out of the jar and put it in my mouth on the side where my

canker sore was...the coconut oil would slowly melt over the sore. I

did this about 3 or 4 times a day. The pain was gone in about a day

and a half, the canker sore itself was gone in just a few days time.


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Have you tried Vicks Vapor Rub on the canker sore? I have a friend who

swears by it and I've seen the stuff help will healing the sore in no time.



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Is it healing for cold sores on the lips too?

From: Beverly Sapp

Have you tried Vicks Vapor Rub on the canker sore? I have a friend who

swears by it and I've seen the stuff help will healing the sore in no time.


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I have used DMSO cream for cold sores on lips, I have been cold sore free for

over 6 months.

not sure if it is same virus as Canker sores

Re: [ ] Canker sores

Is it healing for cold sores on the lips too?

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DMSO? do you buy it at a health food store or where else? IS it expensive?

From: Holly B

I have used DMSO cream for cold sores on lips, I have been cold sore free for

over 6 months.

not sure if it is same virus as Canker sores

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Dear Kellie,

I also have a doozey of canker sores on both sides of my mouth right

now. The stress of changing jobs last week got to me. Vitamin E oil

is helping mine the most. At least it is crusted over and not oozing.

I prick a vitamin E capsule and rub it in. Also I'm taking extra

vitamin C.

Luv, Bee

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Dear ,

Evidently canker sores are caused by a depressed immune system, so

there is a candida connection for sure! I got a lot of canker sores

before I cured my candida. Any treatments used for thrush will help,

esp. antifungals such as garlic tea, Pau D'arco tea, and coconut oil.

Or mouth washes will also help, i.e. 1/2 hydrogen peroxide 1/2 water,

strong salt water solution. Holding them in the mouth and swishing

them around for 2 minutes at a time is recommended.


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Canker sores inside the mouth get crusted over? I have cold sores on my lips

that are getting crusty. Is that what you mean? I'll give the vitamin E a try

tho. Am already taking extra C on your suggestion.

From: Bee Wilder

Dear Kellie,

I also have a doozey of canker sores on both sides of my mouth right

now. The stress of changing jobs last week got to me. Vitamin E oil

is helping mine the most. At least it is crusted over and not oozing.

I prick a vitamin E capsule and rub it in. Also I'm taking extra

vitamin C.

Luv, Bee

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  • 3 months later...


> Dear all,

> I have had candida for a while, and recently started getting

canker sores in my mouth. I have read about the link between them and

candida somehwere, perhaps in the files from this group... Can anyone

help me locate info that? Is there a connection? Does it signify

anything about the stage of candida? How to get rid of them?

> Thanks so much for any help you can provide!

> Irina

==>Dearest Irina. Did you realize you send us the entire Digest

along with your message? Please review How to Trim Messages in the

Group Info Folder in our files. Thanks a bunch my friend.

==>Canker sores are very common with candida. Yes, there is a

definite connection. I not only had thrush in my mouth, but I also

had canker sores, and aphus ulcers, abcesses, etc. You can use all

of the treatments recommended for thrush as well, which is a file,

but I don't believe there is anything written about treating canker

sores specifically.

==>To treat mix about a teaspoon of good ocean sea salt in 4 ounces

of lukewarm water and use it as a mouth wash, holding it in your

mouth and swishing it around well for at least two minutes. You can

also get alum at the drug store; wet your finger & dab it in the

powdered alum and pat it liberally on each canker. It will make your

mouth pucker but it won't hurt you. You could also use 1/2 3%

hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 clean lukewarm water the same way as the

sea salt solution. Do not eat or drink anything for about 15 minutes

after treatments.

The best in health,


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

thanks Terri-

I was thinking of taking my daughter to an endocronologist to have her

hormones tested-and to have addit testing on her Thyroid--she is only 14 so I am

sure any

hormone changes are probably pretty normal for an adolescent- sometimes I call


Sybill under my breath-she can be quiet the " beast child " at times.lol

but it may be worth it to see if some of the incredible ups & downs with her

mood are do to a hormonal imbalance- we are also having a pshychiatrict eval as

well because her moods have been alittle more erractic then the typical mood

swings that one might see in a teenager---

Sue Petrelli

cerdaclan <tcerda@...> wrote:

I have not read all the posts about cankers, but thought I would share

my story. I am 46, have CVID. A year ago, I had a radical

hysterectomy. About 3 months later, I started to get incurable canker

sores and horrible anxiety. I kept telling my doc about it and they

kept telling me it was nothing. I had to figure it out on my own. My

own canker sores seemed to be from a hormone imbalance and the stress

caused by it. I played and played with HRT and finally got it under

control. But for about 4 months, I could not get rid of them with

anything....listerine....hydrogen peroxide....acidophilis etc. once I

got my hormones figured out, they went away.

Good luck!

Terri (mom 46, molly, 5 and maggie 3 all with CVID)

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  • 3 months later...

At the advice of our pediatrician, we use a Q-tip to dab some Maalox

directly on the sore. It coats and protects the sore. An added bonus -- my

daughters love the cherry taste! I've tried it when I've had canker sores


and it really does seem to help.


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> At the advice of our pediatrician, we use a Q-tip to dab some Maalox

> directly on the sore. It coats and protects the sore. An added

bonus -- my

> daughters love the cherry taste! I've tried it when I've had canker

sores myself,

> and it really does seem to help.


> --Lori




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  • 11 months later...

Hi ,Canker sores are a form of the herpes virus. Macrobiotics would suggest to utilize sea weeds especially to resolve them. Eating sea veggies like Arame, HIziki and Dulse are especially beneficial. You may wish to keep some of the arame for example tucking inside the mouth for a bit too. Some people take Lycine suppliments to ward them off or assist in eliminating them once a breakout is out. I have found very good results when people take Monolaurin suppliments every single day on an empty stomach (starting with 6 capsules) until they no longer get outbreaks. The lauric acid from the monolaurin will break down the lipid envelope on the virus and the breakouts will diminish. Good quality salt (a good sea salt) should not aggrivate the virus. It is the iodized stripped down table salt that can be a problem. On 9/9/07, Dissen <a_dissen@...> wrote:

This may seem like a silly question, but does anybody

have any advice as to the cause/treatment of canker

sores? I feel like my whole life I've been told it

was from eating too much salty or spicy foods, and

that very well could be true but I keep wondering if

there might be something else. My younger brother

gets them all the time, and I'd love to be able to

tell him something besides salt and spice, but if

that's all there is to it then that's fine. Luckily

he doesn't have any right now, and I have no idea what

put this topic on my mind this morning, but this way I

can have some info to tell him the next time he gets a

batch (which, for his sake, I hope won't be for a

while!). And are there any good macro remedies for

treating them once they have come?


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-- Food & Life Coach Marque " Love Your Body, Love Your Life " www.Marque.com310.453.7525

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Hi ,Canker sores are a form of the herpes virus. Macrobiotics would suggest to utilize sea weeds especially to resolve them. Eating sea veggies like Arame, HIziki and Dulse are especially beneficial. You may wish to keep some of the arame for example tucking inside the mouth for a bit too. Some people take Lycine suppliments to ward them off or assist in eliminating them once a breakout is out. I have found very good results when people take Monolaurin suppliments every single day on an empty stomach (starting with 6 capsules) until they no longer get outbreaks. The lauric acid from the monolaurin will break down the lipid envelope on the virus and the breakouts will diminish. Good quality salt (a good sea salt) should not aggrivate the virus. It is the iodized stripped down table salt that can be a problem. On 9/9/07, Dissen <a_dissen@...> wrote:

This may seem like a silly question, but does anybody

have any advice as to the cause/treatment of canker

sores? I feel like my whole life I've been told it

was from eating too much salty or spicy foods, and

that very well could be true but I keep wondering if

there might be something else. My younger brother

gets them all the time, and I'd love to be able to

tell him something besides salt and spice, but if

that's all there is to it then that's fine. Luckily

he doesn't have any right now, and I have no idea what

put this topic on my mind this morning, but this way I

can have some info to tell him the next time he gets a

batch (which, for his sake, I hope won't be for a

while!). And are there any good macro remedies for

treating them once they have come?


Luggage? GPS? Comic books?

Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search

http://search./search?fr=oni_on_mail & p=graduation+gifts & cs=bz

-- Food & Life Coach Marque " Love Your Body, Love Your Life " www.Marque.com310.453.7525

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I do not think canker sores are a herpes virus. They are a virus,

but a different one. This site explains it well:


Nutritional deficiencies may be the problem, Adele said that

niacin may help.

On Sep 9, 2007, at 7:33 AM, Marque wrote:

> Hi ,


> Canker sores are a form of the herpes virus. Macrobiotics would

> suggest to utilize sea weeds especially to resolve them. Eating

> sea veggies like Arame, HIziki and Dulse are especially

> beneficial. You may wish to keep some of the arame for example

> tucking inside the mouth for a bit too. Some people take Lycine

> suppliments to ward them off or assist in eliminating them once a

> breakout is out. I have found very good results when people take

> Monolaurin suppliments every single day on an empty stomach

> (starting with 6 capsules) until they no longer get outbreaks. The

> lauric acid from the monolaurin will break down the lipid envelope

> on the virus and the breakouts will diminish. Good quality salt (a

> good sea salt) should not aggrivate the virus. It is the iodized

> stripped down table salt that can be a problem.


> On 9/9/07, Dissen <a_dissen@...> wrote:

> This may seem like a silly question, but does anybody

> have any advice as to the cause/treatment of canker

> sores? I feel like my whole life I've been told it

> was from eating too much salty or spicy foods, and

> that very well could be true but I keep wondering if

> there might be something else. My younger brother

> gets them all the time, and I'd love to be able to

> tell him something besides salt and spice, but if

> that's all there is to it then that's fine. Luckily

> he doesn't have any right now, and I have no idea what

> put this topic on my mind this morning, but this way I

> can have some info to tell him the next time he gets a

> batch (which, for his sake, I hope won't be for a

> while!). And are there any good macro remedies for

> treating them once they have come?






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I do not think canker sores are a herpes virus. They are a virus,

but a different one. This site explains it well:


Nutritional deficiencies may be the problem, Adele said that

niacin may help.

On Sep 9, 2007, at 7:33 AM, Marque wrote:

> Hi ,


> Canker sores are a form of the herpes virus. Macrobiotics would

> suggest to utilize sea weeds especially to resolve them. Eating

> sea veggies like Arame, HIziki and Dulse are especially

> beneficial. You may wish to keep some of the arame for example

> tucking inside the mouth for a bit too. Some people take Lycine

> suppliments to ward them off or assist in eliminating them once a

> breakout is out. I have found very good results when people take

> Monolaurin suppliments every single day on an empty stomach

> (starting with 6 capsules) until they no longer get outbreaks. The

> lauric acid from the monolaurin will break down the lipid envelope

> on the virus and the breakouts will diminish. Good quality salt (a

> good sea salt) should not aggrivate the virus. It is the iodized

> stripped down table salt that can be a problem.


> On 9/9/07, Dissen <a_dissen@...> wrote:

> This may seem like a silly question, but does anybody

> have any advice as to the cause/treatment of canker

> sores? I feel like my whole life I've been told it

> was from eating too much salty or spicy foods, and

> that very well could be true but I keep wondering if

> there might be something else. My younger brother

> gets them all the time, and I'd love to be able to

> tell him something besides salt and spice, but if

> that's all there is to it then that's fine. Luckily

> he doesn't have any right now, and I have no idea what

> put this topic on my mind this morning, but this way I

> can have some info to tell him the next time he gets a

> batch (which, for his sake, I hope won't be for a

> while!). And are there any good macro remedies for

> treating them once they have come?






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Thank you and ! =)

--- Marque <susanmarque@...> wrote:

> Hi ,


> Canker sores are a form of the herpes virus.

> Macrobiotics would suggest to

> utilize sea weeds especially to resolve them.

> Eating sea veggies like

> Arame, HIziki and Dulse are especially beneficial.

> You may wish to keep

> some of the arame for example tucking inside the

> mouth for a bit too. Some

> people take Lycine suppliments to ward them off or

> assist in eliminating

> them once a breakout is out. I have found very good

> results when people

> take Monolaurin suppliments every single day on an

> empty stomach (starting

> with 6 capsules) until they no longer get outbreaks.

> The lauric acid from

> the monolaurin will break down the lipid envelope on

> the virus and the

> breakouts will diminish. Good quality salt (a good

> sea salt) should not

> aggrivate the virus. It is the iodized stripped

> down table salt that can be

> a problem.


> On 9/9/07, Dissen <a_dissen@...>

> wrote:

> >

> > This may seem like a silly question, but does

> anybody

> > have any advice as to the cause/treatment of

> canker

> > sores? I feel like my whole life I've been told it

> > was from eating too much salty or spicy foods, and

> > that very well could be true but I keep wondering

> if

> > there might be something else. My younger brother

> > gets them all the time, and I'd love to be able to

> > tell him something besides salt and spice, but if

> > that's all there is to it then that's fine.

> Luckily

> > he doesn't have any right now, and I have no idea

> what

> > put this topic on my mind this morning, but this

> way I

> > can have some info to tell him the next time he

> gets a

> > batch (which, for his sake, I hope won't be for a

> > while!). And are there any good macro remedies for

> > treating them once they have come?

> >

> >

> >

> >



> > Luggage? GPS? Comic books?

> > Check out fitting gifts for grads at Search

> >


http://search./search?fr=oni_on_mail & p=graduation+gifts & cs=bz

> >

> >




> --

> Food & Life Coach Marque

> " Love Your Body, Love Your Life "

> www.Marque.com

> 310.453.7525



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