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Yes, send some pics! I am glad you are feeling so great! I am feeling really good, too. I think those thyroid hormones have helped alot.

It won't look for that study as I am swamped with accounting work to do. I just remember thinking if the NSAID's didn't help and you are suffering from inflammation, what the heck could you do to stop it? There's alot of natural herbs and supplements out there that are supposed to help, (like bromelain and tumeric), so I decided that was the only way to go anyway.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 7:12 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Well if want to post it if you find it that is fine, but in reality I don't need a study to tell me since I know from how they work, or don't work ha ha. To be honest Patty right now if it was not for the foot thing I am feeling fantastic. I cannot believe the amount of energy I have these days. I mean it is amazing. Plus you should see my arms! And my whole body is really toned, the swimming and pilates is doing the trick,. maybe I should post some pictures of the improvements ha ha!



----- Original Message -----

From: ~*Patty*~

Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 8:08 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

I read in some doctor's study or commentary about breast implants that on our type of inflammation, the typical NSAID's usually don't work. If someone wants me to find the study, I'll look. (May take some time, though.)

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 6:40 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

I have always wondered why the anti inflammatory meds have never worked at all on me, cept to upset my tummy! I have always done so much better for pain relief with narcotics!


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Leanda it would appear that the implants started it all and with the shunts and the implants, wow what a combination to aussalt the body with. I realize the shunt is life saving, the implants however are not. The obvious thing is to get the implants out of course. You already seem aware of that, and that is the first step toward healing!

Good luck honey!

----- Original Message -----

From: leanda

Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 5:28 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Hi Patti,

Yes, I thought about that too, that shunts are made of silicone. However, I became sick and got them in 1994. My implants were from 91.


----- Original Message -----

From: ~*Patty*~

Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 7:01 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's


What year did you get the shunts placed? Shunts are also made of silicone, unfortunately.....


----- Original Message -----

From: leanda

Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 4:59 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Hi ,

Re. the surgeries I've had, well, I've had the illnesses from hell. I developed hydrocephalus, Pseudotumor Cerebrai and Arnold Chiari Malformation. 3 surgeries were to place shunts and one was to decompress my brain stem and make it bigger so the brain fluid could pass without limitations. I had and still are, suffering from inflammation.

I got my implants in 91, and in 94, my health took a big turn. I still have them and working on having them explanted by end of year. However, I have sooooo many things wrong with me, I'm about to consult with a lawyer. I even developed a bone marrow blood disorder called Thrombocythimea. I don't know if there's a correlation, but if there is, WOW... My family even thinks I should go and see an exorcist. Heeheee. Sometimes I think they are right.

Anyway , that's the scoop. What do you think?


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 1:44 PM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Leanda I am so curious what kind of surgeries have you had?

Wow that is allot to go through. Refresh my memory, are you still implanted or have you been explanted? Are you suffering from pain in your heels, feet or achilles tendon or is it just in your ankles?

Seems to be a common issue for us. I know my feet are a mess. Can't decide if it is from running, high heels or just the implant illness that I have been aflicted with.


----- Original Message -----

From: leanda

Sent: Sunday, September 29, 2002 7:15 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Dear Bonnie,

Thanks again for the medical scoop on thyroid. I have had low thyroid for many years and have been taking synthroid. They never told me it might be Hashimoto's and I didn't ask. I have also been taking MSM due to lots of pain in my ankles. I can hardly walk without it and have seen a big difference. I take glucosamine as well.

As far as curls, I can do without half of them. My hair has gotten even curlier but I have 3 head/brain surgeries so far and this last surgery changed my hair completely. Oh well...

Thanks again Bonnie. You are our medical EXPERT!!


----- Original Message -----

From: Bos@...

Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 7:14 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Leanda-- Most BI women have a thyroid problem of some kind--usually Hoshimoto's--it's an organ-specific autoimmune hypothyroidism; when the immune system is dysregulated/screwed up it chooses to produce antibodies often against the thyroid or the pituitary hormone that makes the thyroid work. It would be good for you to have your thyroid checked by an endocrinologist. And, as you have seen on this newsgroup--do not believe that it will be for the rest of your life--undoubtedly, that's what you will be told because to date, that's what most conventional doctors think. Hypothyroidism can make your hair coarse--but more curly? Naturally curly hair itself is more coarse and dry. . .dryness plays a part in silicone disorders also. I lost a lot of natural curl for years until I started taking MSM for the joint stiffness. MSM is essentially biological sulfur--not only does it make thyroid hormones work better (they work through sulfation) but it makes hair curlier, as the curl is due to sulfide-to-sulfide bonding. Are you taking MSM? If so, keep taking it. If not, might be a good idea. In any event, if you are taking it when you have thyroid tests and then you quit, it would be good to have thyroid tests again a few weeks later. Bonnie

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If it's FRIZZ-EASE I tried it when it first came out--didn't work for me.

It may have changed over the years so maybe I'll try it again. Of course,

it may be more humid where I am--I can't remember where you are. . .



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Thanks! I'm trying to get back into things--have been going to a beauty

supply store. So far, for me, I haven't found a conditioner that works

better than Tressame! It's a cheap one that I found when I was sick and

broke--their shampoo and style gel isn't good for me though.

I guess it's a matter of finding the right combination--my hair really took a beating

in this ordeal and I have a lot of different things to contend with--mainly, I lost the pigment (except for one area) and therefore need to color that--

there are some things in dark coloring that have been questionable for years. So whatever I use has to be compatible with the coloring and with my now very

"unporous" hair. . .it's a challenge. But the "frizz" has always remained the same. I'll look for that product next spring when it gets humid again.


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Dear Bonnie,

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. This has been a 'hell' of a week. Real quick, I wanted to respond to the hair thing. I get the product from good ol Walmart (love that store)...it's called FRIZZ-EASE or something like that. They have many different types to accomplish different things. The one I'm using now is specifically for the frizz. They all work fairly well and at Walmart they aren't too expensive either. Thank God for these products for I wouldn't even come out of the house, my hair has gotten soooo curly, I can't stand it. My husband says he married an 'orphan Annie'...heehee.

Try it and let me know how it works for you.



----- Original Message -----

From: Bos@...

Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 9:39 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Most shunts are made of silicone--some are not--it would be well to find out what yours are made of. I'm not sure that all of them don't create some inflammation; inflammation would be expected intially, but whether it becomes chronic is the issue. I lived on Advil during some of the bad years--but I've discovered something about it. . .less is more sometimes. You are probably doing it better than I because as I felt it's effects I would do more. The pharmacist clued me in to Advil, as Mayo had given me a prescription for Naprosyn which I could no longer afford; when Alleve came out I switched as it's formula is closer to Naprosyn than Advil. I still use it occasionally, if I get a headache from the cold weather. Do you feel better just taking an aspirin rather than Advil? I'm wondering if what you are taking is attacking the inflammation or thinning the blood. Aspirin is a better blood thinner. . .that's something you could play with and see. If you have positive effect from anything, it's worth pursuing--it must be doing something beneficial--what and why? It can lead you to the problem. Have you tried B3/niacin? Although this is natural, it can have quite an effect on blood vessels and I would definitely check with your doc before taking it, with your shunts and inflammation difficulties--it might be exactly what you need, but it might be exactly what you don't, either. Even some conventional docs recommend it for high cholesterol and blood pressure-- I believe it enlarges the blood vessels. What is the new product that handles the frizz? I'm definitely interested.(Not that we can get it in Indiana. . .but maybe. . .we are getting a lot of national stores and restaurants in Indianapolis) Yes, the humidity gets to natural curl, but even when it's drier, perspiration can do it too. Some of your hair changes can be due to anesthetics also. . .not the curl, but in texture. . .many drugs can affect hair. Good luck at UCLA, Leanda--make sure to let us know of your progress. Bonnie

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I am prone to frizz too! But I use the stuff from the beauty salon, my hair is the one thing I don't scrimp $$$ on! I use a product called straight out hair serum. It last forever as you only use a dab of it, then I use smooth out cream and also I use Abba shampoo and True Mint conditioner, these all work so well and it is worth the $$$! I never buy drug store hair products, not worth it!

----- Original Message -----

From: Bos@...

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 7:32 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Leanda-- If it's FRIZZ-EASE I tried it when it first came out--didn't work for me. It may have changed over the years so maybe I'll try it again. Of course, it may be more humid where I am--I can't remember where you are. . . Thanks. Bonnie

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Thank you, Leanda-maybe between your suggestion and 's

I can find something that works! Actually, I was so sick for

a few years that this was the least of my worries, but now

it has moved up the list again LOL


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I don't know about "straighteners" but have to assume they

are in fact permanents with new names--I used to use

permanents and just comb the hair straight--no, it doesn't ruin hair at all.

The longer the hair grows, the less curl, however as the weight

of the hair pulls it down. I had very long hair and cut it once--big

mistake! There are two things that bother me--I wish to wear bangs

and the frizz. . .I do find it helpful to have the hair all one length though.


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Frizz-Ease makes lots of different types of hair products, all having to do with curl. I had tried it too but I wasn't crazy about them. This one is new and it's in a lavender small container. It may work for you. It has for me.

You take care and have a super day!!


----- Original Message -----

From: Bos@...

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 6:32 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Leanda-- If it's FRIZZ-EASE I tried it when it first came out--didn't work for me. It may have changed over the years so maybe I'll try it again. Of course, it may be more humid where I am--I can't remember where you are. . . Thanks. Bonnie

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I've been scared to try hair straightners for fear it might ruin my hair. I'm getting braver now and I think I'm ready to try something. I'm getting the courage. Gotta do something...


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 7:17 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

I am prone to frizz too! But I use the stuff from the beauty salon, my hair is the one thing I don't scrimp $$$ on! I use a product called straight out hair serum. It last forever as you only use a dab of it, then I use smooth out cream and also I use Abba shampoo and True Mint conditioner, these all work so well and it is worth the $$$! I never buy drug store hair products, not worth it!

----- Original Message -----

From: Bos@...

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 7:32 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Leanda-- If it's FRIZZ-EASE I tried it when it first came out--didn't work for me. It may have changed over the years so maybe I'll try it again. Of course, it may be more humid where I am--I can't remember where you are. . . Thanks. Bonnie

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Have you tried a professional flat iron? These work really great in combination with frizz ease and blow drying!

----- Original Message -----

From: leanda

Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 6:01 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

I've been scared to try hair straightners for fear it might ruin my hair. I'm getting braver now and I think I'm ready to try something. I'm getting the courage. Gotta do something...


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 7:17 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

I am prone to frizz too! But I use the stuff from the beauty salon, my hair is the one thing I don't scrimp $$$ on! I use a product called straight out hair serum. It last forever as you only use a dab of it, then I use smooth out cream and also I use Abba shampoo and True Mint conditioner, these all work so well and it is worth the $$$! I never buy drug store hair products, not worth it!

----- Original Message -----

From: Bos@...

Sent: Friday, October 04, 2002 7:32 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Leanda-- If it's FRIZZ-EASE I tried it when it first came out--didn't work for me. It may have changed over the years so maybe I'll try it again. Of course, it may be more humid where I am--I can't remember where you are. . . Thanks. Bonnie

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Isn't that funny how that happens? LOL

----- Original Message -----

From: Bos@...

Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 8:11 AM

Subject: Re: Hashimoto's

Thank you, Leanda-maybe between your suggestion and 's I can find something that works! Actually, I was so sick for a few years that this was the least of my worries, but now it has moved up the list again LOL Bonnie

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  • 8 years later...
Guest guest

I remembered something else when you said kelp, the naturopath told daughter to stay away from salt and ONLY use sea salt and very, very little at that.


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Addressing Thyroid related health disorders

Sometimes (most often is more accurate) the thyroid gland and in general the

glandular system takes over the burden of detoxification (internal cleaning)

when the regular channels of elimination are overburdened. So, number one on the

" to do " list with a thyroid problem is to pay attention to and help your

detoxification organs (intestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and lungs) to function

at full effectiveness. Doing this job will assist in relieving any

detoxification burden on your thyroid gland that can be relieved.

To explain the above concept further, here's an example of how the

detoxification system is related to the glandular system. It is a well known

medical fact, that certain forms of harmful bacteria can produce toxic

substances in the intestinal tract. These toxic substances travel to the liver

from the intestines and impair the liver's ability to manufacture and utilize T3

(T3 is a relative of thyroxin and it helps regulate the speed of metabolism in

the tissues). Friendly bacteria are very important to stop harmful bacteria

from producing these toxic substances. As a result of repopulating your

intestinal tract with potent friendly bacteria, your liver should have an

increased ability to function normally and this could indirectly support your

thyroid gland.

When you choose your friendly bacteria supplements, make sure they are

microblended with a whole food rich in minerals such as: acidophilus and bifidus

microblended with kelp or blue green algae - http://tinyurl.com/24ajq and

http://tinyurl.com/26rur. The minerals in these sea vegetables enables the

friendly bacteria to increase their speed of multiplication in the gut and will

also increase the total number of organisms (friendly bacteria) that will

eventually flourish in your intestines.

Number two in the " to do " list is to make sure you're getting enough minerals in

your diet (iodine, iron and selenium). In the past, doctors used to think that

a deficiency of iodine alone was a cause of the dysfunction of the thyroid

gland. But it is known today that selenium is critical in activating an enzyme

responsible for controlling thyroid function. However, taking isolated iodine

and selenium supplements is not a good idea because humans require only a few

micrograms of these nutrients each day to meet normal needs. Too much of either

of these minerals can produce toxicity. It is best to find foods high in these

minerals: Blue green algae - http://tinyurl.com/g1iz, dulse, kelp and other sea

vegetables are high in iodine and selenium. When consumed as part of a whole

food, these minerals can be assimilated and utilized for thyroid hormone

synthesis by your body without fear of toxicity.

Other dietary recommendations:

• Enzyme Therapy: Since the endocrine glands are driven by digested foods.

Correcting any digestive problems with the use of plant-based digestive enzymes

is a good idea - http://tinyurl.com/mkwo

• Coconut oil is the most healthy saturated fat for the endocrine glands.

Raw butter is as good. Coconut oil stimulates thyroid function and thus

promotes weight loss in those who are overweight.

• Fruits and fruits smoothies are important to help modulate blood sugar and

calm the adrenal glands and normalize production of thyroid hormone.

• Carrots' fiber tones the bowel, binds toxins and reduces the reabsorption

of estrogen.

• Do not drink tap water. Some city water contains organic hydrocarbons

which could result in blocking the activity of thyroid hormones. Make sure you

drink only spring water.

• Simplify your diet. Eat the following for a period of three months:

salmon, eggs (boiled), yams, fruits, and vegetables (juice parsley, celery,

carrots and apples), brown rice, seeds and nuts, coconut butter or coconut oil

for cooking.

• Supplements use is important: 300 to 400 mg. of CoQ10 (daily for three

months) - http://tinyurl.com/f1f7. Plus for the long term, food enzymes with

meals, friendly bacteria, wheat sprouts - http://tinyurl.com/6vxtu, and blue

green algae supplements.

Following this plan, you're likely to see the potential of great improvement

without the use of medications.


Food Is Your Best Medicine. Henry Bieler, M.D.

The Enzyme Cure. Lee.

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Thank you so much, lots there for me to read and do!

From: algaelady1 <carol@...>Subject: Re: Hashimoto'shealth Date: Sunday, March 6, 2011, 9:40 AM

Addressing Thyroid related health disordersSometimes (most often is more accurate) the thyroid gland and in general the glandular system takes over the burden of detoxification (internal cleaning) when the regular channels of elimination are overburdened. So, number one on the "to do" list with a thyroid problem is to pay attention to and help your detoxification organs (intestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and lungs) to function at full effectiveness. Doing this job will assist in relieving any detoxification burden on your thyroid gland that can be relieved. To explain the above concept further, here's an example of how the detoxification system is related to the glandular system. It is a well known medical fact, that certain forms of harmful bacteria can produce toxic substances in the intestinal tract. These toxic substances travel to the liver from the intestines and impair the liver's ability to manufacture and utilize T3 (T3 is a

relative of thyroxin and it helps regulate the speed of metabolism in the tissues). Friendly bacteria are very important to stop harmful bacteria from producing these toxic substances. As a result of repopulating your intestinal tract with potent friendly bacteria, your liver should have an increased ability to function normally and this could indirectly support your thyroid gland. When you choose your friendly bacteria supplements, make sure they are microblended with a whole food rich in minerals such as: acidophilus and bifidus microblended with kelp or blue green algae - http://tinyurl.com/24ajq and http://tinyurl.com/26rur. The minerals in these sea vegetables enables the friendly bacteria to increase their speed of multiplication in the gut and will also increase the total number of organisms (friendly

bacteria) that will eventually flourish in your intestines.Number two in the "to do" list is to make sure you're getting enough minerals in your diet (iodine, iron and selenium). In the past, doctors used to think that a deficiency of iodine alone was a cause of the dysfunction of the thyroid gland. But it is known today that selenium is critical in activating an enzyme responsible for controlling thyroid function. However, taking isolated iodine and selenium supplements is not a good idea because humans require only a few micrograms of these nutrients each day to meet normal needs. Too much of either of these minerals can produce toxicity. It is best to find foods high in these minerals: Blue green algae - http://tinyurl.com/g1iz, dulse, kelp and other sea vegetables are high in iodine and selenium. When consumed as part of a whole food, these minerals can be assimilated and

utilized for thyroid hormone synthesis by your body without fear of toxicity. Other dietary recommendations: • Enzyme Therapy: Since the endocrine glands are driven by digested foods. Correcting any digestive problems with the use of plant-based digestive enzymes is a good idea - http://tinyurl.com/mkwo • Coconut oil is the most healthy saturated fat for the endocrine glands. Raw butter is as good. Coconut oil stimulates thyroid function and thus promotes weight loss in those who are overweight. • Fruits and fruits smoothies are important to help modulate blood sugar and calm the adrenal glands and normalize production of thyroid hormone. • Carrots' fiber tones the bowel, binds toxins and reduces the reabsorption of estrogen.• Do not drink tap water. Some city water contains organic hydrocarbons which could result in blocking the

activity of thyroid hormones. Make sure you drink only spring water.• Simplify your diet. Eat the following for a period of three months: salmon, eggs (boiled), yams, fruits, and vegetables (juice parsley, celery, carrots and apples), brown rice, seeds and nuts, coconut butter or coconut oil for cooking.• Supplements use is important: 300 to 400 mg. of CoQ10 (daily for three months) - http://tinyurl.com/f1f7. Plus for the long term, food enzymes with meals, friendly bacteria, wheat sprouts - http://tinyurl.com/6vxtu, and blue green algae supplements.Following this plan, you're likely to see the potential of great improvement without the use of medications.Resources:Food Is Your Best Medicine. Henry Bieler, M.D. The Enzyme Cure.


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Some cruciferous vegetables contain goitrogen, which is thought to

inhibit thyroid function.  Once you cook, blanch or steam these

vegetables, it inhibits the goitrogen.  Other things contain

goitrogen, tho - strawberries, peanuts, peanut butter, peaches and a

few other fruits that aren't coming to mind at the moment.  You

could google and find them.

On 3/5/2011 5:48 PM, Dagney Taggert wrote:


Thanks so much!  This is a start.  I do not

want the meds, I am 68 and until 2-3 years ago I

was on no meds, now I'm on losartan for HBP. One

med's enough. I'll avoid the cruciferous

veggies.  I have used a "greens type drink" on

and off, maybe I'll get back to that. I think I

have had this for years as my thyroid has been

sensitive (but not painful) a long time, I've

had hot flashes for 16 years - maybe some are

thyroid and not all menopause. I have to find a

naturopath.  I am a veggie and won't take

something made from pig organs either.  Glad to

hear your daughter is doing so well!

Thanks again!


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If you are hypo, taking too much iodine or sometimes just taking

iodine is enough to throw you into Hashimoto's.

On 3/5/2011 8:24 PM, webriter wrote:


I've had terrible hot flashes for the last

well almost 30 years, but I've found out that

it's triggered by sugar.  NOT raw Honey, Just

Sugar!  I'm helping my thyroid by taking one

kelp tablet per day.  Since I get so little

sleep I was always tired, but the kelp has

made living easier.  If I had to quit eating

cruciferous veggies I might just as well curl

up and kiss my behind goodby, and just quit

breathing.  No sugar And no Brussels sprouts,

well they make life worth living. 


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