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Yes, my name is . Sorry I didn't sign my first post.

I have read the information on the website about supplements along with the

other information on candida. But I still have questions about the safety of

consuming as much vitamin A as most cod liver oil supplements contain. It isn't

clear to me why Bee recommends such a high daily dosage of vitamin A. Other

materials I've read suggest that this isn't safe.

Thank you for your welcome and help.


> Hi. Is your name ?


> You should have received some posts when you joined this group. Ensure that

> you read those.


> If you're not able to find the information for which you seek readily

> (believe me, its ALL here!), then go to Bee's website and use her search

> engine for 'supplements'. There will be a couple of articles showing you

> how much cod liver oil she recommends and her resources for obtaining it.


> Also, you can use the search engine on the Group. Weight loss as

> you're experiencing has just been discussed within this past week.


> Welcome! Please sign your posts in the future as Bee likes to know the

> names of her members.


> , began 03/09/10


> [ ] new to the group


> Hi. I'm new to this group and program. One question I have, which has

> probably been addressed in the past, is whether the dosage of cod liver oil

> recommended (in particular the high dose of vitamin A) is safe.


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> Hi. I'm new to this group and program. One question I have, which has

probably been addressed in the past, is whether the dosage of cod liver oil

recommended (in particular the high dose of vitamin A) is safe.

+++Hi . My recommended vitamin A dose is not at all high, since groups Dr.

Weston Price studied throughout the world obtained so much more vitamin A and

they were healthy.

+++Of course vitamin A must have vitamin D, omegas and saturated fats I

recommend like butter, coconut oil, lard, etc. in order to be absorbed and

utilized properly. Orginally I got the doses from Adele who wrote many

books back in the 1950s, and they are also the doses I took when I did a

purification program in 1983. I've also taken those doses ever since, but of

course I take cod liver oil, eat saturated fats, and get proper nutrition


+++If the vitamin A I recommend were not safe, people on this program wouldn't

be getting healthy like they are.


> I've been on a diet similar to the one Bee promotes for many years due to the

fact that I have celiac disease and can't tolerate gluten (or other grains) nor

can I tolerate starchy or sweet foods. Only recently within the past year) have

I added more healthy fat to my diet - but at the cost of losing a lot of weight

(over 20 pounds) that I really couldn't afford to lose. The result is that now

I am bone thin and still lacking in energy. I suspect that I'm consuming too

much protein relative to fats and vegetables. Also, my digestion has been a

mess. I recently started using digestive enzymes, which have seemed to help. I

have not tried the betaine HCl - but plan to. Anyway, I'm looking forward to

learning from this group.

+++You say healthy fat, so was it butter, unrefined coconut oil, lard, and other

natural occurring fats from animals?

+++The fact is that everyone, even when healthy, are intolerant to glutens,

fibers, starches, sweet foods, sugars, etc. - read this:

Fiber Menace Book, Chapter 1:


+++Weight is the least of your issues when you are unhealthy, since your body

needs to use all of its resources and energy into healing and detoxifying. I

lost a lot of weight too, but it did normalize. Having low weight doesn't mean

you aren't getting nutrients needed, it simply means your body is not working on

building up muscle and fat at this time.

+++Taking digestive enzymes is a waste, since they only work in an alkaline

environment, and stomach acid (HCl) neutralizes it. That's why I only recommend

taking Betaine hydrochlorine acid and/or eating sauerkraut if you have poor

digestion. To understand digestion read this section in my main candida



All the best, Bee

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Guest guest


> Welcome,


> It's a great group, very informative, supportive and educational. I too am

bone thin but I'm perservering because I hear the weight does return if we keep

on the diet. I lost 30 pound from illness and 6 lbs since I've started the diet

about a month ago. As my son said to me... " Mom, I don't think you have much

weight to lose. "

> So I'm hoping I won't lose too much more because I will be or there will be

nothing to live off of. I'm 5'7 " and now down to 115. UHG!

+++Hi Gail. I understand how you feel since I was losing 3 lbs. per day for

awhile on the program I did back in 1985.

Low weight doesn't mean you are not getting proper nutrition which is what you

live off of.


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Guest guest


> Yes, my name is . Sorry I didn't sign my first post.


> I have read the information on the website about supplements along with the

other information on candida. But I still have questions about the safety of

consuming as much vitamin A as most cod liver oil supplements contain. It isn't

clear to me why Bee recommends such a high daily dosage of vitamin A. Other

materials I've read suggest that this isn't safe.


> Thank you for your welcome and help.

+++Hi . Please have patience since I reply to all messages every morning 7

days a week.

I just replied to your question above this morning so search for Message #94141.


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Guest guest

Thank you for the information.

The healthy fats I've added have mainly been extra virgin olive oil (5-6

tablespoons daily) and some unrefined coconut oil (1 or 2 teaspoons daily) - no

butter or lard, mainly because I have a hard time digesting butter.

Again, thank you for the helpful information and links to articles.


> +++You say healthy fat, so was it butter, unrefined coconut oil, lard, and

other natural occurring fats from animals?

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> Thank you for the information.


> The healthy fats I've added have mainly been extra virgin olive oil (5-6

tablespoons daily) and some unrefined coconut oil (1 or 2 teaspoons daily) - no

butter or lard, mainly because I have a hard time digesting butter.

+++Hi ,

Extra virgin olive oil is okay as long as it is not heated. If you are

overweight it will increase it, so only have 1 tbsp per day.

No one would have a hard time digesting butter and lard or any other good fats I

recommend. That is because most of them are absorbed directly from the small

intestines through the lymphatic system straight into the bloodstream and don't

require any digestive enzymes nor bile in order to be absorbed and utilized.

Since you are new please ensure you read:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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  • 2 months later...

Hi familyman2010 and Welcome,

Your in the right place 29 yrs. ago I went through the same dam thing.  Dr.'s

could not figure out what was wrong with me so they told me I suffer from Major


I had to go along with I was so dam sick I was off work on sick leave.  You need

to read my story so you don't end up going down that long sick road I did seeing

the wrong kind of Dr.'s.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239

Also read the Heart Update going so long with the wrong treatment did my heart

in I had to have Heart Bypass surgery 2 yrs. ago.

You labs look OK except for your Testosterone levels at 336 for Total T your

levels are that of a man over 100 yrs old.  Your Dr. is not up on his math going

by the Bell Curve you in the bottom 99% or all the men sampled for this range.


Here is what I feel you need to do first don't go on Testosterone meds until you

figure out why your low.  If you do go on the meds it will be very hard to

figure out and you will see what I am talking about when you read my story.

You need more labs on your sex hormones go to www.allthingsmale.com and read his

FAQ's and read his paper TRT: A Recipe for Success in this are the labs you need

and why print this out give it to your Dr. ask your Dr. if he will work with Dr.

over the phone to test and treat you this way your Dr. will learn about

this on your dime.

There are many things that lower Testosterone in men my labs when I was frist

tested for TT were 120 I was in my late 30's yet I still wanted sex and had it

on avg. 2 to 3 x's a week.

Men that lose this I have found they have due to the low T high or very low

levels of Estradiol E2.  So if you test high above 30 best at 20 pg/ml getting

this down can bring up your TT levels some 200 to 300 points.


In the above link this happens to older men but I see this in younger men. And

high levels will give you ED kill your libido make you feel angzity even

feelings of panic.  I was on TRT about 10 yrs when I started getting ED and

could not reach an orgasm it took me 10 yrs to figure this out. It was high

Estradiol from being on TRT the Estradiol is made from Testosterone and in time

on TRT levels of Estradiol will go up.  It will kill your sex life undo all the

good the TRT was doing and make you feel dam bad. 

Some of the things men feel when levels are to high are they have sore and hard

nipples, feel hot and sweat easy, look red on the upper part of there body and

face, have some bad brain fog, I was having Panic Attacks from it. 

Also higher levels of Estradiol will make your SHBG levels go up and this binds

up the Testosteone in your body so it does not work. So getting this down your

Free Testosterone levels will go up.

The two main things that can cause this are your Primary meaning your Testis are

not working. On labs you have low T and very high LH and FSH this is the

message from your Pituitary in your brain that tells your testis to make more

testosterone. If your labs look like this you need to have your testis looked

at by a Uro.

The other thing is you can be Secondary meaning your Pituitary does not tell

your testis to make enough testosterone your TT levels will be low with low LH

and FSH but you need to have lower levels of Estraidol. If your Estradiol

levels are high your brain sees this as Testosterone and thinks your

testosterone levels are very high so it will slow down sending the LH and FSH

message to your testis and they stop makeing Testosterone.

So if your labs show your Estradiol levels high over 30 pg/ml get this down

first then redo your labs see if your TT is still low with lower LH and FSH.

This now would mean your Pituitary is not working right and you need an MIR on

your Pituitary to rule out a tumor this is rare to be cancer.

I have this problem but in my case it was from a head injury that I had in an

auto accident some 29 yrs ago. My MIR was clean but my labs and an ACTH stim.

test that shows me to be Secondary.

Here are some links about low T that will inform you you need to learn this so

when you see a Dr. you will know it is up on this and able to take care of you.






The best Test for Estradiol that I use is at Quest labs an Estradiol Senitive

test #4021.

I hope this helps you.  



> From: familyman2010@... <familyman2010@...>

> Subject: New to the Group


> Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 10:12 PM

> Hello all. I am new to this group and

> have enjoyed spending the last several hours reading

> archives and looking over the files area. I just wanted to

> make an introduction and give a bit of my background. I am

> 35 years old and been struggling for almost 5 years with

> mild depression, fatigue, poor memory, irritability,

> difficulty concentrating, and brain fog. Actually, I had

> been experiencing these symptoms longer but only sought

> treatment after a divorce 5 years ago. My family doctor

> diagnosed me with depression and anxiety and started me on

> antidepressants. Over the course of 3 years I tried 7

> different meds without one ounce of relief. I was always

> fair and gave each of them a minimum of 8 weeks to begin

> working. I finally gave up and simply decided that I would

> just have to live this way. It has been absolutely

> miserable. Fast forward 2 years and I have recently gotten

> remarried and it is an amazing relationship. As happy as my

> new bride makes me, I am still suffering with all the same

> symptoms and it is sometimes difficult to even make it

> through the day. Also, shortly after getting married I

> realized that I was not able to achieve or maintain an

> erection a majority of the time. I went back to my family

> doctor and he gave me a sample of Cialis. This medication

> allowed me to maintain an erection but it was at this time I

> began to realize that I also had zero libido. My wife is

> beautiful and goes above and beyond the call of duty to get

> me " interested " but it just isn't there. This is when I

> started researching and realized I might have low

> testosterone. It had honestly never crossed my mind, and I

> had NO idea that it could cause so many symptoms. I was a

> bit excited thinking I had finally discovered what had been

> causing me to be so miserable for so many years. I went back

> to the doctor and told him I suspected low testosterone so

> he ordered a battery of tests. He called the next day and

> said my testosterone was normal. It really took the wind out

> of my sails. I continued to do research that indicated I

> might have low levels of testosterone so I decided to get a

> copy of the lab results and see what I could figure out on

> my own. Here are the results of what he tested:


> TEST               



> Glucose, Serum        90   

>       65-99

> BUN               

>    12          5-26

> Creatinine, Serum     0.97   

>     0.76-1.27

> eGFR               

>   >59         >59

> BUN/Creatinine Ratio  12       

>   8-27

> Sodium, Serum     

>    142     

>    135-145

> Potassium, Serum      4.9   

>      3.5-5.2

> Chloride, Serum       103 

>        97-108

> Carbon Dioxide, Total 25         

> 20-32

> Calcium, Serum        9.8   

>      8.7-10.2

> Protein, Total, Serum 7.4     

>    6.0-8.5

> Albumin, Serum        4.2   

>      3.5-5.5

> Globulin, Total       3.2 

>        1.5-4.5

> A/G Ratio         

>    1.3     

>    1.1-2.5

> Bilirubin, Total      0.4   

>      0.0-1.2

> Alkaline Phosph, S    71     

>     25-150

> AST (SGOT)           

> 14          0-40

> ALT (SGPT)           

> 17          0-55

> Cholesterol, Total    161     

>    100-199

> Triglycerides     

>    143     

>    0-149

> HDL Cholesterol       46 

>         >39

> VLDL Cholesterol Cal  29       

>   5-40

> LDL Cholesterol Calc  86       

>   0-99

> LDL/HDL Ratio     

>    1.9     

>    0.0-3.6

> TSH               

>    1.760   

>    0.450-4.500

> Throxine (T4)     

>    8.3     

>    4.5-12.0

> T3 Uptake         

>    34         

> 24-39

> Free Throxine Index   2.8   

>      1.2-4.9

> Testosterone, Total   336   

>      280-800


> So I realize that according to the lab, my testosterone is

> within normal limits, but my research indicates it is still

> very likely to be the root of my problems. I have scheduled

> another appointment to talk to my doctor about TRT, at least

> on a trial basis to see if there is any improvement. In the

> past he has been open to my thoughts and opinions so

> hopefully he will agree to it. If not then I suppose it's

> time to start looking for another doctor who is willing to

> look beyond the numbers. I hope to find relief soon and I

> wish the very same for all of you who are suffering.




> ------------------------------------



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I had the same experience. The test results came back with testosterone

level = 345 with a normal range of 280-800. The doctor said I was normal.

I responded, as I have said in another message, that my research indicated

that: (1) any level below 350 should be treated. (2) here are my symptoms.

(3) i have tried antidepressants, etc... (4) if my testosterone level is not

the problem, then what did he suggest as our next step to determine what the

problem was.

He ordered the testosterone injections. If it doesn't work, then you will

know one more thing. At your level, it can't hurt you since your normal

range could go up to 800 and you would be high, but not dangerously so.

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:12 AM, philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>wrote:



> Hi familyman2010 and Welcome,


> Your in the right place 29 yrs. ago I went through the same dam thing.

> Dr.'s could not figure out what was wrong with me so they told me I suffer

> from Major Depression.


> I had to go along with I was so dam sick I was off work on sick leave. You

> need to read my story so you don't end up going down that long sick road I

> did seeing the wrong kind of Dr.'s.

> http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239


> Also read the Heart Update going so long with the wrong treatment did my

> heart in I had to have Heart Bypass surgery 2 yrs. ago.


> You labs look OK except for your Testosterone levels at 336 for Total T

> your levels are that of a man over 100 yrs old. Your Dr. is not up on his

> math going by the Bell Curve you in the bottom 99% or all the men sampled

> for this range.

> http://www.intelligencetest.com/stan-deviation.htm


> Here is what I feel you need to do first don't go on Testosterone meds

> until you figure out why your low. If you do go on the meds it will be very

> hard to figure out and you will see what I am talking about when you read my

> story.


> You need more labs on your sex hormones go to www.allthingsmale.com and

> read his FAQ's and read his paper TRT: A Recipe for Success in this are the

> labs you need and why print this out give it to your Dr. ask your Dr. if he

> will work with Dr. over the phone to test and treat you this way your

> Dr. will learn about this on your dime.


> There are many things that lower Testosterone in men my labs when I was

> frist tested for TT were 120 I was in my late 30's yet I still wanted sex

> and had it on avg. 2 to 3 x's a week.


> Men that lose this I have found they have due to the low T high or very low

> levels of Estradiol E2. So if you test high above 30 best at 20 pg/ml

> getting this down can bring up your TT levels some 200 to 300 points.

> http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/content/full/89/3/1174

> In the above link this happens to older men but I see this in younger men.

> And high levels will give you ED kill your libido make you feel angzity even

> feelings of panic. I was on TRT about 10 yrs when I started getting ED and

> could not reach an orgasm it took me 10 yrs to figure this out. It was high

> Estradiol from being on TRT the Estradiol is made from Testosterone and in

> time on TRT levels of Estradiol will go up. It will kill your sex life undo

> all the good the TRT was doing and make you feel dam bad.


> Some of the things men feel when levels are to high are they have sore and

> hard nipples, feel hot and sweat easy, look red on the upper part of there

> body and face, have some bad brain fog, I was having Panic Attacks from it.


> Also higher levels of Estradiol will make your SHBG levels go up and this

> binds up the Testosteone in your body so it does not work. So getting this

> down your Free Testosterone levels will go up.


> The two main things that can cause this are your Primary meaning your

> Testis are not working. On labs you have low T and very high LH and FSH this

> is the message from your Pituitary in your brain that tells your testis to

> make more testosterone. If your labs look like this you need to have your

> testis looked at by a Uro.


> The other thing is you can be Secondary meaning your Pituitary does not

> tell your testis to make enough testosterone your TT levels will be low with

> low LH and FSH but you need to have lower levels of Estraidol. If your

> Estradiol levels are high your brain sees this as Testosterone and thinks

> your testosterone levels are very high so it will slow down sending the LH

> and FSH message to your testis and they stop makeing Testosterone.


> So if your labs show your Estradiol levels high over 30 pg/ml get this down

> first then redo your labs see if your TT is still low with lower LH and FSH.

> This now would mean your Pituitary is not working right and you need an MIR

> on your Pituitary to rule out a tumor this is rare to be cancer.


> I have this problem but in my case it was from a head injury that I had in

> an auto accident some 29 yrs ago. My MIR was clean but my labs and an ACTH

> stim. test that shows me to be Secondary.


> Here are some links about low T that will inform you you need to learn this

> so when you see a Dr. you will know it is up on this and able to take care

> of you.

> http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=450553

> http://www.griffinmedical.com/male_hormone_modulation_therapy.html

> http://www.medibolics.com/ArimidexBoostsTestosterone.htm






> The best Test for Estradiol that I use is at Quest labs an Estradiol

> Senitive test #4021.


> I hope this helps you.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil




> > From: familyman2010@... <familyman2010%40rocketmail.com> <

> familyman2010@... <familyman2010%40rocketmail.com>>

> > Subject: New to the Group

> > < %40>

> > Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2010, 10:12 PM


> > Hello all. I am new to this group and

> > have enjoyed spending the last several hours reading

> > archives and looking over the files area. I just wanted to

> > make an introduction and give a bit of my background. I am

> > 35 years old and been struggling for almost 5 years with

> > mild depression, fatigue, poor memory, irritability,

> > difficulty concentrating, and brain fog. Actually, I had

> > been experiencing these symptoms longer but only sought

> > treatment after a divorce 5 years ago. My family doctor

> > diagnosed me with depression and anxiety and started me on

> > antidepressants. Over the course of 3 years I tried 7

> > different meds without one ounce of relief. I was always

> > fair and gave each of them a minimum of 8 weeks to begin

> > working. I finally gave up and simply decided that I would

> > just have to live this way. It has been absolutely

> > miserable. Fast forward 2 years and I have recently gotten

> > remarried and it is an amazing relationship. As happy as my

> > new bride makes me, I am still suffering with all the same

> > symptoms and it is sometimes difficult to even make it

> > through the day. Also, shortly after getting married I

> > realized that I was not able to achieve or maintain an

> > erection a majority of the time. I went back to my family

> > doctor and he gave me a sample of Cialis. This medication

> > allowed me to maintain an erection but it was at this time I

> > began to realize that I also had zero libido. My wife is

> > beautiful and goes above and beyond the call of duty to get

> > me " interested " but it just isn't there. This is when I

> > started researching and realized I might have low

> > testosterone. It had honestly never crossed my mind, and I

> > had NO idea that it could cause so many symptoms. I was a

> > bit excited thinking I had finally discovered what had been

> > causing me to be so miserable for so many years. I went back

> > to the doctor and told him I suspected low testosterone so

> > he ordered a battery of tests. He called the next day and

> > said my testosterone was normal. It really took the wind out

> > of my sails. I continued to do research that indicated I

> > might have low levels of testosterone so I decided to get a

> > copy of the lab results and see what I could figure out on

> > my own. Here are the results of what he tested:

> >

> > TEST


> >

> > Glucose, Serum 90

> > 65-99

> > BUN

> > 12 5-26

> > Creatinine, Serum 0.97

> > 0.76-1.27

> > eGFR

> > >59 >59

> > BUN/Creatinine Ratio 12

> > 8-27

> > Sodium, Serum

> > 142

> > 135-145

> > Potassium, Serum 4.9

> > 3.5-5.2

> > Chloride, Serum 103

> > 97-108

> > Carbon Dioxide, Total 25

> > 20-32

> > Calcium, Serum 9.8

> > 8.7-10.2

> > Protein, Total, Serum 7.4

> > 6.0-8.5

> > Albumin, Serum 4.2

> > 3.5-5.5

> > Globulin, Total 3.2

> > 1.5-4.5

> > A/G Ratio

> > 1.3

> > 1.1-2.5

> > Bilirubin, Total 0.4

> > 0.0-1.2

> > Alkaline Phosph, S 71

> > 25-150

> > AST (SGOT)

> > 14 0-40

> > ALT (SGPT)

> > 17 0-55

> > Cholesterol, Total 161

> > 100-199

> > Triglycerides

> > 143

> > 0-149

> > HDL Cholesterol 46

> > >39

> > VLDL Cholesterol Cal 29

> > 5-40

> > LDL Cholesterol Calc 86

> > 0-99

> > LDL/HDL Ratio

> > 1.9

> > 0.0-3.6

> > TSH

> > 1.760

> > 0.450-4.500

> > Throxine (T4)

> > 8.3

> > 4.5-12.0

> > T3 Uptake

> > 34

> > 24-39

> > Free Throxine Index 2.8

> > 1.2-4.9

> > Testosterone, Total 336

> > 280-800

> >

> > So I realize that according to the lab, my testosterone is

> > within normal limits, but my research indicates it is still

> > very likely to be the root of my problems. I have scheduled

> > another appointment to talk to my doctor about TRT, at least

> > on a trial basis to see if there is any improvement. In the

> > past he has been open to my thoughts and opinions so

> > hopefully he will agree to it. If not then I suppose it's

> > time to start looking for another doctor who is willing to

> > look beyond the numbers. I hope to find relief soon and I

> > wish the very same for all of you who are suffering.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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  • 1 month later...

Hi April!

I am new too. I have been on the diet for 1 month now and I have made a lot of

progress. I am same age and am in the process of weaning my 2nd baby. Reading

all the articles and searching on her website site is quite helpful...



> HI Everyone,


> I just joined yesterday and I am so happy to find this group. I have many of


> symptoms that have been listed. Looking back, I have suffered with many of


> for many years. I am 33, almost 34 years old and a mother of three.



> I stopped nursing my last child three months ago and I contributed my loss of

> hair to that. Now, reading different posts and other articles, I see that it


> be because of candida.



> I just read the post about using coconut oil to help stop fungus

> on the scalp? If that is true, I was wondering how to proceed with the use of

> the oil. Do you put it on and then rinse it, or leave it on all day?


> Thanks so much and I look forward to learning more. Thanks for this

forum. This

> is exactly what I was needing.


> Many Thanks,

> April 






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Hi, April and Amy,

I am starting this program tomorrow. I am a 35 year old Mother of two, and I've

been suffering with many candida symptoms for about two years now. I am so

excited to have found this website. It explains many things that I didn't

understand concerning my health problems. I am just so excited to begin this

program, and I can't wait to see the results. I plan on keeping a journal of

everything as I go, so that I can keep track of everything going on with my

body. I am so ready to begin feeling healthy and energetic once again!

Best wishes to you both!

> >

> > HI Everyone,

> >  

> > I just joined yesterday and I am so happy to find this group. I have many of

the symptoms that have been listed. Looking back, I have suffered with many of

them for many years. I am 33, almost 34 years old and a mother of three.

> >  

> > I stopped nursing my last child three months ago and I contributed my loss

of hair to that. Now, reading different posts and other articles, I see that it

may be because of candida.

> >

> >  

> > I just read the post about using coconut oil to help stop fungus

> > on the scalp? If that is true, I was wondering how to proceed with the use

of the oil. Do you put it on and then rinse it, or leave it on all day?

> >

> > Thanks so much and I look forward to learning more. Thanks for this

forum. This is exactly what I was needing.

> >

> > Many Thanks,

> > April 

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> HI Everyone,


> I just joined yesterday and I am so happy to find this group. I have many of


> symptoms that have been listed. Looking back, I have suffered with many of


> for many years. I am 33, almost 34 years old and a mother of three.



> I stopped nursing my last child three months ago and I contributed my loss of

> hair to that. Now, reading different posts and other articles, I see that it


> be because of candida.



> I just read the post about using coconut oil to help stop fungus

> on the scalp? If that is true, I was wondering how to proceed with the use of

> the oil. Do you put it on and then rinse it, or leave it on all day?


> Thanks so much and I look forward to learning more. Thanks for this

forum. This

> is exactly what I was needing.


+++Hi April. Welcome to our group.

That's good you are reading messages on this group, but there much more than

just using coconut oil on the an area that has candida, since healing must come

from inside the body.

That is because Candida cannot be cured by " killing it off. " Candida is only

cured by building up the immune system, which is done by:

1) Consuming " proper nutrients " (Bee's diet plus supplements),

2) Eliminating toxins and foods that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and


3) Eliminating damaging foods, and

4) Eliminating toxins in general.

When you are healthy enough your own body will automatically " make " candida (or

any bug, cancer, etc.) change back into the organism it is supposed to be when

the body is healthy.

So the place to start is by reading two important articles that are the basis of

this group, so you will understand what you need to do and why:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group:


The best in health, Bee

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> Hi, April and Amy,


> I am starting this program tomorrow. I am a 35 year old Mother of two, and

I've been suffering with many candida symptoms for about two years now. I am so

excited to have found this website. It explains many things that I didn't

understand concerning my health problems. I am just so excited to begin this

program, and I can't wait to see the results. I plan on keeping a journal of

everything as I go, so that I can keep track of everything going on with my

body. I am so ready to begin feeling healthy and energetic once again!


> Best wishes to you both!

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

Since you are new please ensure you read two important articles so you know what

you need to do and why:

How to Successfully Overcome Candida:


Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group:


The best in health, Bee

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  • 1 month later...


> Hi Bee and everyone,

> My name is and I've been on the diet for almost two months. I will be

25 this month but feel so much older. I still need to add a few supplements,

but am taking coconut oil, cod liver oil, vitamin c, calcium, and magnesium, and

have eliminated all sugars and carbs except the ones listed on Bee's healthy

diet page. The symptoms I have dealt with since childhood include severe

allergies (cats, mold, pollen. etc.) chronic migraines and headaches,anxiety

(generalized anxiety disorder) and eczema. Over the last five years after

having to take antibiotics several times, more symptoms have emerged such as

oral thrush, about 4 UTI's, a yeast infection,dry, itchy skin, severe fatigue,

pms, brain fog, constipation, and hypoglycemia. Over the last three years I

have endured 3 extremely stressful events which I feel so deteriorated my

condition that it prompted me to take action, and I'm so glad I found this



> I am happy to report that the hypoglycemia seemed to disappear immedietely

upon eliminating sugar. I have noticed significant improvement with

headaches/neck pain except during detox, and with my pms and cramping as well.

My skin is also improving, and I have been very regular for the past two weeks.

I have probably lost about 15 pounds, however I am not too concerned because I

am still within a healthy range for my height. The thing that I struggle with

most is fatigue and intense anxiety. It's ironic because I was diagnosed with

having an anxiety disorder because of my overwhelming fear of illness, and now

am actually really sick which makes this process especially challenging. I am

also a vocalist and my body is my instrument. I feel so depressed that I am

unable to pursue my career the way I could when I was well.


> Anyway, I really appreciate having come across Bee's website and this group

for encouragement. My mom is a former FDA environmental scientist specializing

in food safety and is writing a book on the dangers of mercury exposure as we

speak. She had some different ideas about this diet, but I find that Bee's

extensive experience and research on candida has given me the most hope and

results so far. Thanks Bee!

+++Hi ,

Welcome to our group. That's great you are on my program. You are well on your

way to health now!

This program works at a cellular level, so it is highly possible you'll be able

to pursue your career as a vocalist. You are young, so you have a lifetime

ahead of you.

I cure my candida 23 years ago. I am healthier now at 69 years old than I was


So onward & upward!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello I am Janice and if I can help you in any way please let me know. I

also started out at the L-5 S-1 so we already have something in common. Really

though the area that your dealing with is the same many of us have to deal with

it seems to be a very soft issue to deal with.The sciatic is also pretty weak

also.Please do not let anyone injct you in the spine. Epidural steroid

injections can cause you more trouble that you can imagine. It's called

Arachnoiditis you can llok it up on the puter and see how it can effect you.

This is why the doctors speak of scare tissue problems.

It's good to have you in the group. I hope that you spen a lot of time here

learning. Please don't hesitate to ask.


New to the Group


My name is , and I'm new here. I've been dealing with back problems for

11 years now. This is a recap of what I have been up to:


- *1999 sciatica left leg*

- *1999 herniated disc L5-S1*

- *2000 ruptured disc; partial discectomy*

- *2002 spinal fusion L5-S1*

- *bursitis left hip*

- *bursitis right hip*

- *2009 EMG showed radidiculopathy L5-S1*

- *2009- present pain doctor*

- *2010 spinal cord stimulator trial; removed after one week. Hated it.

Could not stand constant annoying sensation and feeling of being hooked up.


*That's pretty much where I stand right now, but am weaning off morphine

with doctor help. Look fwd. to meeting people, and hopefully find new ways

of treating my problems.

Thanks for letting me join.



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Please understand that the steroids that they used to use that caused

arachnoiditis are no longer used.


From: Janice <faraway1@...>

Subject: Re: New to the Group

spinal problems

Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 5:27 PM


Hello I am Janice and if I can help you in any way please let me

know. I also started out at the L-5 S-1 so we already have something in common.

Really though the area that your dealing with is the same many of us have to

deal with it seems to be a very soft issue to deal with.The sciatic is also

pretty weak also.Please do not let anyone injct you in the spine. Epidural

steroid injections can cause you more trouble that you can imagine. It's called

Arachnoiditis you can llok it up on the puter and see how it can effect you.

This is why the doctors speak of scare tissue problems.

It's good to have you in the group. I hope that you spen a lot of time here

learning. Please don't hesitate to ask.


New to the Group


My name is , and I'm new here. I've been dealing with back problems for

11 years now. This is a recap of what I have been up to:


- *1999 sciatica left leg*

- *1999 herniated disc L5-S1*

- *2000 ruptured disc; partial discectomy*

- *2002 spinal fusion L5-S1*

- *bursitis left hip*

- *bursitis right hip*

- *2009 EMG showed radidiculopathy L5-S1*

- *2009- present pain doctor*

- *2010 spinal cord stimulator trial; removed after one week. Hated it.

Could not stand constant annoying sensation and feeling of being hooked up.


*That's pretty much where I stand right now, but am weaning off morphine

with doctor help. Look fwd. to meeting people, and hopefully find new ways

of treating my problems.

Thanks for letting me join.



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*Well heck, back in 1999-2000, they gave me probably 8 steroid epidurals! I

may have had a couple more down the road- it has been a long haul. I know

they used kenalog in a few of them. Never heard of arachnoiditis- sounds

like a spider. lol I know I already have scar tissue there- found that out

during child birth. They had to give me 2 epidurals. Anesthesiologist said

that scar tissue from other epidurals can necessitate additional injections

(during labor) if you go that route.

I have found that the sciatica is the bane of my existence. All this spinal

stuff just seems to feed off of each occurrence or problem. I mean, the

bursitis I have in both hips is horrible. It's chronic. (Forgot to mention

that I had the left bursa removed a couple years ago. It grew back

obviously just as bad.) No doubt I developed bursitis as a result of

compensating with my body in a way that was injurious to that area- plus the

sciatic nerves seem to bundle in that hip area I believe. It was all shown

in that last EMG showing radiculopathy. It's exhausting.



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I have been on steroids for the biggest part of my life and although it keeps me

breathing it has never helped the sciatica has never been helped but it might

work for someone else.


New to the Group


My name is , and I'm new here. I've been dealing with back problems for

11 years now. This is a recap of what I have been up to:


- *1999 sciatica left leg*

- *1999 herniated disc L5-S1*

- *2000 ruptured disc; partial discectomy*

- *2002 spinal fusion L5-S1*

- *bursitis left hip*

- *bursitis right hip*

- *2009 EMG showed radidiculopathy L5-S1*

- *2009- present pain doctor*

- *2010 spinal cord stimulator trial; removed after one week. Hated it.

Could not stand constant annoying sensation and feeling of being hooked up.


*That's pretty much where I stand right now, but am weaning off morphine

with doctor help. Look fwd. to meeting people, and hopefully find new ways

of treating my problems.

Thanks for letting me join.



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Oral steroids would not be effective for back pain, an injection to bathe the

nerves from the outside may prove beneficial. Epidural steroid injections are

done by the thousands every day, I personally will never have them, besides they

are only for a few specific things.

I have had many types of steroid injections though and found them all to be very

beneficial. Usually your body grows accustomed to them if you have multiple

injections for the same area. It just becomes less effective.

--- Babbitt

From: R. <figure1789@...>

Subject: Re: New to the Group

spinal problems

Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 8:44 PM



Do you take oral steroids? I asked about them but was told they would not

be effective.



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That's what happened to me- the steroid injections became less effective

over time. Just before starting a new series of them, my disc blew. That

was January, 2000. Almost a year ago to the date (bad memory).

What is the difference between an injection to bathe the nerves from the

outside and an actual epidural?



On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 9:26 PM, Babbitt <tpowell1977@...>wrote:



> Oral steroids would not be effective for back pain, an injection to bathe

> the nerves from the outside may prove beneficial. Epidural steroid

> injections are done by the thousands every day, I personally will never have

> them, besides they are only for a few specific things.

> I have had many types of steroid injections though and found them all to be

> very beneficial. Usually your body grows accustomed to them if you have

> multiple injections for the same area. It just becomes less effective.


> --- Babbitt




> From: R. <figure1789@... <figure1789%40woh.rr.com>>


> Subject: Re: New to the Group

> To:

spinal problems <spinal problems%40gro\


> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 8:44 PM




> *Janice,



> Do you take oral steroids? I asked about them but was told they would not


> be effective.




> OH


> *



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Arachnoitis is a disease caused by scar tissue growing and destroying nerves as

it goes. I have this disease look it up on the computer it might be part of your

problem. The arachnoid layer of the spine is very inflammed and the pain gets

terrible. There is no cure and no known effective treatment. All the members

here need to look this disease up really think about it then talk to your doctor

about it. There are still doctors who dont' believe in the disease but let me

tell you it does exist and if you want to look it up and read about it you may

see yourself in the words I have written.

I am about to lose my ability to walk due to this disease. In a few months I may

be crippled from the waist down. I also have quada equina syndrome. Taht is a

lot of trouble in ht saddle area and the legs.


Re: New to the Group

*Well heck, back in 1999-2000, they gave me probably 8 steroid epidurals! I

may have had a couple more down the road- it has been a long haul. I know

they used kenalog in a few of them. Never heard of arachnoiditis- sounds

like a spider. lol I know I already have scar tissue there- found that out

during child birth. They had to give me 2 epidurals. Anesthesiologist said

that scar tissue from other epidurals can necessitate additional injections

(during labor) if you go that route.

I have found that the sciatica is the bane of my existence. All this spinal

stuff just seems to feed off of each occurrence or problem. I mean, the

bursitis I have in both hips is horrible. It's chronic. (Forgot to mention

that I had the left bursa removed a couple years ago. It grew back

obviously just as bad.) No doubt I developed bursitis as a result of

compensating with my body in a way that was injurious to that area- plus the

sciatic nerves seem to bundle in that hip area I believe. It was all shown

in that last EMG showing radiculopathy. It's exhausting.



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Yes I take oral steroids and must take them everyday for the rest of my life if

I want to continue breathing.


Re: New to the Group


Do you take oral steroids? I asked about them but was told they would not

be effective.



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I too agree that the oral steroids won't be much help in the back. It has been

proven that the injections in the back can and do cause Arachnoiditis. I too

have had the epidural steoird injections in my back. I didn't know any better

they did help for a short time like 6 months then the pain and symptoms came

right back.I hope that everyone reads this and does their own research. I am not

asking anyone to believe me.


Re: New to the Group

spinal problems

Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 8:44 PM


Do you take oral steroids? I asked about them but was told they would not

be effective.



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Re: Arach janice freq warns about and dismisses in lastvthread--

My understanding from literature and recently trained ortho surgical residents u

CAN get arachnoiditus from the puncture of dura by needle regardless of type


And that it can be bacterial or non bacterial- is this not correct?

Also, to group--after failed discectomy 7 weeks ago, I am on my back in bed

from 10pm-2:30pm everyday. Sept /oct had severe sciatica and 30# oxy to last a

month so was having 6 days little to no sleep then used Rx day 7 for two months.

Finally got into pain doc who said given all thevapproaches I'd tried over

years, it was down to increased neurontin and pain killers and resulting side

effects, TENS, or surgery.

He wants to see me again to talk about TENS b4 giving me a referral to a surgeon

for a second opinion after the failed surgery.

***********Does anyone have one and like it or know of anyone w success w -


I really don't want to lose another 4-6mos of my life to a second surgery, but

being asleep 1/2 the day on Rx or getting a TENS also don't look to attractive.


Happy 2011,

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I've rejected them more because of how few people I know of who received

anything remotely resembling long-term relief from them. If you could go

in every 6 months, get an injection, and be pain free for another 6 months

I " d be first in line, but that's not how it seems to work.

I do wish I could find someone who thought " pain management " meant more

than that, but that seems to be all most of them know. I'd rather see a

balance of drugs, physical therapy/exercise, whatever, not just a needle into

the spinal canal and cross your fingers.

In a message dated 1/16/2011 1:30:16 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

tpowell1977@... writes:

Thanks for sharing that Janice! That makes complete sense to me.

I myself had decided early on to never have those kind of injections, long

before I knew of any of the potential side effects, but it just didn't

FEEL like it was a good thing to do. It's interesting to see how my intuition

was correct! I was 18 at the time of that decision...funny.

--- Babbitt


> From: Janice <faraway1@...>

> Subject: Re: New to the Group

> spinal problems

> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 5:27 PM








> Â










> Hello I am Janice and if I can help you in any way please let

me know. I also started out at the L-5 S-1 so we already have something in

common. Really though the area that your dealing with is the same many of

us have to deal with it seems to be a very soft issue to deal with.The

sciatic is also pretty weak also.Please do not let anyone injct you in the

spine. Epidural steroid injections can cause you more trouble that you can

imagine. It's called Arachnoiditis you can llok it up on the puter and see how

it can effect you. This is why the doctors speak of scare tissue problems.


> It's good to have you in the group. I hope that you spen a lot of time

here learning. Please don't hesitate to ask.


> Janice


> New to the Group




> *Hi,


> My name is , and I'm new here. I've been dealing with back

problems for


> 11 years now. This is a recap of what I have been up to:


> *




> - *1999 sciatica left leg*


> - *1999 herniated disc L5-S1*


> - *2000 ruptured disc; partial discectomy*


> - *2002 spinal fusion L5-S1*


> - *bursitis left hip*


> - *bursitis right hip*


> - *2009 EMG showed radidiculopathy L5-S1*


> - *2009- present pain doctor*




> - *2010 spinal cord stimulator trial; removed after one week. Hated it.


> Could not stand constant annoying sensation and feeling of being

hooked up.


> *




> *That's pretty much where I stand right now, but am weaning off morphine


> with doctor help. Look fwd. to meeting people, and hopefully find new



> of treating my problems.


> Thanks for letting me join.




> OH


> *




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