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Hi rkrmom47,

I am 44 and had a neck fusion two years ago. I also have lower back issues and

most of all spinal cord issues (two cord surgeries in 3 years).

I have went, in three years, from being married, full time career person to a

divorced, dishelved heap of unemployed pain. My life now doesn't even resemble

what it use to be, but I am learning to deal with the shocking changes in my

life and the daily chronic pain.

Since God has decided to leave me on this earth awhile longer I am trying to do

what I can to enjoy my time.

Feel free to contact me if you would like.



> Hi every one,my dr says i need a fusion on my neck i also have low back

problems and being 48 my life has changed if some one is up for a chat please

contact me. Thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


> hi all!

> I am so glad to find this group--thank you Bee so much for your work, we need

more people doing research.


> I habv a light case of candida as well as inflamed gut etc. I used cortizone

for the rashes I have had since I was a baby. Now at 20 my food sensitivities

(21 in all) and skin rashes are getting the better of me.


> the question i have is how do you motivate yourself to eat only meats good

fats and veggies? I crave goat cheese and fruits and nut butters, brown rice and

other gluten free grains especially (I can't have dairy or eggs) I'bve eaten

pretty healthy for the last couple of years but am finding it difficult to stick

to such a diet...any ideas?

+++Hi there. Welcome to our group. What is your name please?

If you have had rashes since you were a baby, you wouldn't have a mild case of

candida, since you've had it all of your life.

All skin rashes and eruptions are toxins, which are produced by candida and are

also from many other sources. Candida produces over 79 different kinds of

toxins, most of which are alcohol.

The body gets rid of toxins through the skin in order to protect vital inner

organs from the toxins.

Food sensitivities are very misunderstood, with people " thinking " they are

allergic to them and should avoid them, when they aren't.

Human bodies cannot possibly be allergic to good foods from Mother nature, since

they are designed to consume them in order to be healthy. However, good foods,

herbs and spices will cause " healing reactions " which are misunderstood as

sensitivities or allergies - see this article:


Be sure to read the two links in that article about Food Allergy Tests and the

Antibody Theory.

Please ensure you read two important articles on candida, so you understand

candida, and understand what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


There is no substitute for reading and learning.

For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

Here's help for cravings and withdrawal symptoms:


All the best, Bee

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grohallan: water on the hip (bursitis) was my first symptom of what ultimately

was diagnosed six months later as PA. However, at that point, it was my only

symptom and the doc decided not to try cortisone and sent me to physical therapy

instead. It worked for the hip, though as time went on, the physical therapist

could feel inflammation developing in other parts of my body and it was she who

insisted that I see my doctor because she was convinced I was developing some

kind of " systemic inflammatory disease. "

When I was diagnosed, I went on Enbrel and within about 2 months was pretty much

back to normal if that offers you any hope. However, in the meantime, you might

ask about physical therapy for your hip, particularly since the cortisone

injections haven't helped (they've never worked for me - anywhere!) I had a lot

of fluid, too, on both sides of the joint. In fact, the doc mentioned something

about possibly having to remove it in some kind of outpatient procedure if the

physical therapy didn't work - but it did.

Joanna Hoelscher

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Thanks Joanna! I have had physiotherapy for 2 years already - and it really

helps keeping the range of motion as good as possible. Last week I ended up in

hospital because of so much pain. MR and x-rays showed that all of the cartilage

on the head of the femur and the socket is gone. Thats the reason I had so much

pain. Therefore I will have a total hip replacement 21 September. -

Things happen in my life and after I posted my first message here, I stayed 5

days in the hospital because of severe pain in the left hip - I have had

problems with this joint for several months, injections with cortisone etc etc

etc.... MR and x-rays show that all of the cartilage on the head of the femur

and the socket is gone. So - on the 21 September I will have a hip replacement.

This is the 3rd joint replacement after December 2007. I am very satisfied with

the result of the knee replacements and look forward to being through this

upcoming surgery too. After surgery I will start on Humira (in addition to MTX).


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You wrote:

> ... but all

> tests have proved negative. These tests have all been taken at a family

> doctor....

Please give us specific lab results with reference ranges, as these can

vary between labs.


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For some/many doctors the definition of hypothyroidism it TSH above

range, so if your TSH is in range [or low] they will not suspect

hypothyroidism. BTW, hyperthyroidism [note the " e " rather than an " o " ]

is the opposite of hypothyroidism, so HT is not a good abbreviation when

discussing the two ailments.

You might Google SUB-CLINICAL HYPOTHYROIDISM and check it out; and

possibly discuss it with your doctor.

Many if not most/all of the symptoms of hypothyroidism can also be

symptoms of other problems. Sorry I can't be of much help.





> Posted by: " Dave " dcbaden@...

> <mailto:dcbaden@...?Subject=%20Re%3ANew%20to%20the%20group>

> dcbaden <dcbaden>



> Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:46 pm (PDT)




> Hi all,


> I'm trying to investigate whether I have hypothyroidism.


> My story: I've been chasing down which " sleep disorder " I've had for

> the past 24 years with little success.

> I do have sleep apnea, but treatment has been less than fruitful. I'm

> also hypoglycemic, sometimes adjustment to blood sugar can relieve me

> of the horrendous fatigue I feel on an almost daily basis. I say

> almost daily because some days are just great, but 2 out of 3, I can

> barely get out of bed.


> I have now and always have had all of the classic symptoms indicative

> of HT. The mayo clinic website reads like a " day in the life " , but all

> tests have proved negative. These tests have all been taken at a

> family doctor.


> My question to the group:

> Is HT hard to diagnose, and if so, who can I go to to get an accurate

> diagnosis? I live in the Raleigh-Durham NC area. Can someone recommend

> a doctor who can do a thorough workup with little chance of " missing it " ?


> Thanks in advance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i am not aimming for treatment. im thinking that if i did it and it didnt

work,what kind of damage did the medication do to my body and my mind and even

if it did work,theres people out there still complaining about how they still

feel shitty and depressed. i see people that have had this for 30 yrs and are

still alive and functioning so...on that note,im 54 and ive had this for 14 yrs

and if got 14 yrs left,im ok with that. this life is temporary so i am looking

forward to Gods plan for me after im gone from here,i hope im good enough for

his plan :) 


as for now,i feel great besides my depression but if you knew where i come from

and the bullshit rode i traveled my depression is totally understandable...and

the DRAMA continues...i think the devil is out to get me,sure feels like it

From: Joss Kinch <josskinch@...>

Subject: New to the group

" Hepatitis C "

<Hepatitis C >

Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 4:23 PM


Hi :) I got diagnosed 15 years ago done a years treatment, didn't work. I'm

making sure that I make the most out of life. Of to Barbados next week. I'm

based in London. :) but I'm a scot been here for 30 years.

Sent from my iPhone

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  • 1 month later...


I can relate...

do you have some basic lab #s?

Total T

Free T



> Hey guys, I am 29 years old, and I recently figured and found out that I got

hypogonadism. I had this for a long time but thought it was normal, until

extreme stress took a toll on me. The woman I was married to used my weaknesses

against me,

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On Thu, 01 Oct 2009 03:50:14 -0000, you wrote:

>Hey guys, I am 29 years old, and I recently figured and found out that I got

hypogonadism. I had this for a long time but thought it was normal, until

extreme stress took a toll on me. The woman I was married to used my weaknesses

against me, and then weakened me enough that my symptoms progressed even more to

a point where I am just not myself anymore. I have lost my strength, my dignity

and my pride. I have been seeing multiple doctors who do not understand my

condition, and want to pump me up full of antidepressants and pretend that

Hypogonadism is not why I have my symptoms which in fact I know it is because of

this. I spoke to someone and they recommended that I join this group. So here I



Have you had lab tests yet to confirm your belief?

You should have at a minimum Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone,

estradiol, and prolactin to start.

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Well Welcome we have all been down that road here read my story. And the update

I lost 5 yrs of my life being told I am depressed and going on them dam meds.

http://forums.realthyroidhelp.com/viewtopic.php?f=5 & t=9239



> From: vadielunn <trance325@...>

> Subject: New to the group


> Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 11:50 PM

> Hey guys, I am 29 years old, and I

> recently figured and found out that I got

> hypogonadism.  I had this for a long time but thought

> it was normal, until extreme stress took a toll on me. 

> The woman I was married to used my weaknesses against me,

> and then weakened me enough that my symptoms progressed even

> more to a point where I am just not myself anymore.  I

> have lost my strength, my dignity and my pride.  I have

> been seeing multiple doctors who do not understand my

> condition, and want to pump me up full of antidepressants

> and pretend that Hypogonadism is not why I have my symptoms

> which in fact I know it is because of this. I spoke to

> someone and they recommended that I join this group. 

> So here I am. 




> ------------------------------------



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Hey there..my symptoms were very fatigue and tired. I really thought I was

getting the flu at the time, I went into the doc and tested negative for the flu

but my liver enzymes were in the 3000 range (way high), they were going to take

my gallbladder out, but then realized after a week in the hospital that it was

not the gallbladder. They ran every test on me that they could. I was turning

yellow (jaundice) my eyes were yellow and i hurt under my breast bone. They

finally did a liver biospy which should i was in stage 3 of 4 liver failure. I

had 3 days worth of symptoms, and I was that far along. It was very scary


> I hope you don't mind that I joined in and have been reading your

> posted messages. My Dr. in on the fence as to whether I have CMV hep

> or AIH. My dr. thought I was going into remission the last couple of

> months, then this past week my enzymes shot up to three times what

> they were last time (which was about three times higher than normal

> then).


> I really don't understand all the symptoms or what to expect. It

> seems I try to rationalize my ailments as being tired, or not

> getting enough rest...and of course my epilepsy doesn't help either.

> But then when I see my dr. he just ticks it off the list of symptoms.


> Can anyone share with me what their beginning symptoms were and how

> it progressed? It seems all the research I do conflicts with

> everything I found before. Any help you can give would be greatly

> appreciated.


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Hi Debbie,

Im Chenoa from North Carolina...I am also new to the group, and trying to figure

out how these post work..so bare with me.lol

> > I hope you don't mind that I joined in and have been reading your

> > posted messages. My Dr. in on the fence as to whether I have CMV

> hep

> > or AIH. My dr. thought I was going into remission the last couple

> of

> > months, then this past week my enzymes shot up to three times what

> > they were last time (which was about three times higher than normal

> > then).

> >

> > I really don't understand all the symptoms or what to expect. It

> > seems I try to rationalize my ailments as being tired, or not

> > getting enough rest...and of course my epilepsy doesn't help

> either.

> > But then when I see my dr. he just ticks it off the list of

> symptoms.

> >

> > Can anyone share with me what their beginning symptoms were and how

> > it progressed? It seems all the research I do conflicts with

> > everything I found before. Any help you can give would be greatly

> > appreciated.


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I am sorry to hear about all you have been through. I also had every side effect

of the prednizone. My doctor finally took me off the med after 2 months, I

gained 30 pounds, was a drug induced diabetic for 4 months (no longer though). I

had staph infection after staph infection that had to be cut and lanced. It was

awful. Prednizone and I were not friends at all.


> Hello


> Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Elaine, I'm 53 years old and live on

> Long Island, New York. I've had AIH for almost 2 years now. My case is rather

> unusual so I will try to make a long story as brief as possible.


> I spent nearly 9 months walking around looking like a giant bug light. My

> biliruben ran between 19 - 23 and my enzymes were well over 1000. I don't have


> tell you how ill I felt, as I'm sure you already know. Despite multiple

> scans, tests, consultations and a liver biopsy, my blood work did not confirm


> AIH diagnosis.


> In May 2003, a routine chest x-ray revealed a mass in my chest, thought to be

> a thymoma (cancer of the thymus gland), however, once again a needle biopsy

> failed to present a definite diagnosis. I needed a surgical biopsy but got

> caught in a real catch-22 situation. No one would do the surgery because of my

> liver, and no one would treat the liver because of the mass.


> In July I got all new doctors,had the surgical biopsy which confirmed a

> malignant thymoma and was sent to Sloan Kettering in NYC for treatment. Since


> type of tumor is frequently associated with auto immune disease, they

> immediately started me on 60 mg of prednisone for the liver and chemo with


> for the tumor. By January 2004 I was down to 20 mg a day of prednisone and

> stayed at that dose until recently.


> By February I was finally well enough to undergo surgery for removal of the

> tumor. I also lost part of my left lung and the pericardium (sack around the

> heart). Next came 6 weeks of radiation therapy.


> Once that was all done, my hepatologist started decreasing my prednisone. I

> was having a lot side effects from it - high blood pressure, high blood sugar,

> swollen joints, hand tremors, insomnia, depression and weight gain. Now I'm on

> 100 mg of Imuran and 7.5 mg of prednisone and hoping to go down to 5 by the

> end of the month.


> We are hoping that the removal of the tumor will have a positive effect on

> the AIH but no one knows for sure because I appear to be the first documented

> case in the US. I still feel awful and I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be

> back to my old self. Still, I have a lot to be grateful for--I'm still here to

> whine and complain and share my story with you kind folks.


> Regards

> Elaine C

> Long Island, NY


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Hi, Im Karla from Indiana and im also new to the group.

dx pbc, aih, sarcoidisis - ama neg 7/27/09


From: chenoa.fernandez <chenoataylor@...>

Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2009 11:09:05 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: New to the Group


Hi Debbie,

Im Chenoa from North Carolina...I am also new to the group, and trying to figure

out how these post work..so bare with me.lol

> > I hope you don't mind that I joined in and have been reading your

> > posted messages. My Dr. in on the fence as to whether I have CMV

> hep

> > or AIH. My dr. thought I was going into remission the last couple

> of

> > months, then this past week my enzymes shot up to three times what

> > they were last time (which was about three times higher than normal

> > then).

> >

> > I really don't understand all the symptoms or what to expect. It

> > seems I try to rationalize my ailments as being tired, or not

> > getting enough rest...and of course my epilepsy doesn't help

> either.

> > But then when I see my dr. he just ticks it off the list of

> symptoms.

> >

> > Can anyone share with me what their beginning symptoms were and how

> > it progressed? It seems all the research I do conflicts with

> > everything I found before. Any help you can give would be greatly

> > appreciated.


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Welcome, Karla. Tell us more, if you wish -- ask questions.


AIH dx 2000

Hi, Im Karla from Indiana and im also new to the group.

dx pbc, aih, sarcoidisis - ama neg 7/27/09

[ ] Re: New to the Group


Hi Debbie,

Im Chenoa from North Carolina...I am also new to the group, and trying to figure

out how these post work..so bare with me.lol

> > I hope you don't mind that I joined in and have been reading your

> > posted messages. My Dr. in on the fence as to whether I have CMV

> hep

> > or AIH. My dr. thought I was going into remission the last couple

> of

> > months, then this past week my enzymes shot up to three times what

> > they were last time (which was about three times higher than normal

> > then).

> >

> > I really don't understand all the symptoms or what to expect. It

> > seems I try to rationalize my ailments as being tired, or not

> > getting enough rest...and of course my epilepsy doesn't help

> either.

> > But then when I see my dr. he just ticks it off the list of

> symptoms.

> >

> > Can anyone share with me what their beginning symptoms were and how

> > it progressed? It seems all the research I do conflicts with

> > everything I found before. Any help you can give would be greatly

> > appreciated.


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  • 2 weeks later...


> Hi Bee,

> I am new to the group and have been studying your " Successfully Overcome

Candida " essay. I've been seriously struggling with candida for at least four

years now and already follow many of your recommendations. I have to say, one of

the biggest confusions for me while on this journey has been all the conflicting

information that is dispensed with so much confidence. Pritchford in

" Healing with Whole Foods " states that we should cut out fat to a large degree,

Cousins recommends raw food to prevent blood " composting " etc..., then

there is all the conflicting supplement information. I am awash, but I am going

to follow your protocol strictly and see what happens.

+++Hi Katz. Welcome to our group. That's good you've decided to follow my

protocol - for encouragement see encouragement and inspiration see these

wonderful Success Stories by members of this group:


> I have two questions:

> You recommend coconut oil, which I use and love. However, coconut milk seems

to upset my stomach. What can you tell me about this?

+++Only unrefined coconut oil is okay, and not any other form of coconut since

it contains too much natural sugar.

> Secondly, what I want to ask you is this: will I ever get to eat anything

besides meat and vegetables ever again? I no longer enjoy eating. Following one

of your links, I read the statement from one doctor that " once you have colitis

you always have colitis. " Is this what my eating life will look like forever? I

will adjust, if I have too, and I am trying to focus on other joys in life, but

it seems that if this is what my body really needs, why doesn't it enjoy it


+++Yes, of course you'll be able to eat other foods after you are healthy.

However to maintain life-long health you need to follow the basic principles of

this program, which is mainly providing your body with the nutrients it requires

so it can do its job as Nature intended.

+++I don't agree with that doctor's statement, since my brother, who is 61 years

old, cured his Chohn's disease (diarrhea and bowel inflammation similar to

colitis) on my program, after having it for over 20 years - it took him 20

months to do it, since natural healing takes 1 month for every year a person has

been unhealthy, which is according to Hering's Law of Cure.

+++The joys in life include excellent health! And like many other members your

taste buds will change and you will enjoy the foods on this program as you get

past the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It takes time for your body to

switch over from running on carbs/glucose to running on good fats too. Ensure

you follow the article Curing Candida, How to Get Started:


> Thanks so much for your group and your ideas.

+++You are so very welcome.

All the best, Bee

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  • 2 months later...

You may want to read this below, have yourself evaluated as a just-in-case:

http://ldn.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=forum & action=display & thread=703

Conditions most commonly seen with Lyme disease include Alzheimer's disease,

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS),

fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,

scleroderma, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease and various autoimmune



> Hi everyone, I have lupus and I would like to start on LDN. I am currently on

low dose of Prednisone and Plaquenil and still have flares. My doctors would

like to put me on other immusuppresent drugs, but I am totally against it. Is

there anyone who has lupus and has been on LDN for a while and what are the


> Thank you very much and I wish best health to everyone!

> G


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Hi, I just chucked the plaquenil, it did nothing for me and went on to the LDN and never looked back, I would say a couple of weeks I saw a big difference, used to get the 'butterfly' plus all the rest, had a high ANA but now all is well, no more rashes or anything to write home about, LDN took care of so many things for me, I wish you luck with it, for some it can take longer, it's really a case of getting the dose right for you........



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Hi All

I am so happy to see someone finish the process and be virus

free..I was diagnosed 4 years ago and tried the interferon but

had a neuropathy, nerve pain reaction in my legs and feet. I

had to stop the treatment. My kidneys are in trouble so I

tried Retuximad this time for 4 weeks prior to doing the interferon.

I had the same reaction after only one week. Has any one had a

person with the problem where they tried a different protocol

or allergy med with it?



> From: Gloria <gadamscan@...>

> Subject: Re: [ ] Fw: Last shot


> Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 11:35 PM













> Henry


> Don't say that too loud about the Interferon!! 


> Between it and the Ribivirin, a great great many people have been unable to

stay the course on treatment.  I believe that those of us that have been able

to stay on and last the whole 48 weeks must have something greater to do with

the rest of their lives.  Since this is my second go at it - I must owe my soul

to a Higher Power by now!!  I definitely plan to become as active as is

physically possible to the cause of Hep C next year!!  In fact, was just

speaking with a friend, that is very involved with the cause, about just that in

my most prior e-mail.


> Gloria













> You go girl...May God keep you in his loving care. ...!! I do hope it goes

fast... too.


> On another note... I took a very difficult exam for certification while on my

treatment plan...scored a 98% ...so once over the anxiety

> issues associated with the interferon were resolved. I function normally ...I

think this is great.  I also take a couple of extra Rib especially

> after the interferon injection. Theoretically the interferon enhances the

Ribivirin work more can be good.


> Years ago I worked in developing intereferon. ..it is a bit ironic that now I

am in need of it ... at the time it was like stems cells ...we knew

> it was good but did not know why it was good... now a truly know.


> Again... best to you stop in an say hello.



> Henry






> From: pam miller <pammangocomcast (DOT) net>


> Sent: Wed, December 23, 2009 8:38:08 PM

> Subject: Re: [ ] Fw: Last shot





> Thanks so much and Henry it goes sooo fast.  Pam


> [ ] Fw: Last shot [1 Attachment]




> Last night was my last shot. I wish everyone the best of luck and an easy

> treatment and a victory as I had. I'll finish my Riba this week.Thanks again

> to everyone even the lurkers knowing I wasn't alone got me to this point.


> For me the aniety of the unknown was worse than treatment.


> I can't wait till the new drugs come out so I can start seeing all the other

> people reaching undetectable also.


> Thanks everyone Pam


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: <7174763556vzwpix (DOT) com>

> <pammangocomcast (DOT) net>

> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 8:00 PM


> > This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from

> > Verizon Wireless!

> >

> > To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless

> > phone visit www.verizonwireless .com/picture.

> >

> > Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is

> > required.

> >











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Hmmmm sounds interesting...I thought I had neuropathy ....tooo leg pain and foot pain.

I had an MRI done and found out it was a nerve in my spinal column...Oh boy did it give me

hell. Recently got a cortizone injection and I am feeling better. Get an MRI ..see if it is a nerve

that is being pinched....or have you had that done???


From: debayers2u <billyb092@...> Sent: Wed, December 30, 2009 4:12:46 AMSubject: [ ] Re: New to the group

Hi AllI am so happy to see someone finish the process and be virus free..I was diagnosed 4 years ago and tried the interferon buthad a neuropathy, nerve pain reaction in my legs and feet. I had to stop the treatment. My kidneys are in trouble so I tried Retuximad this time for 4 weeks prior to doing the interferon.I had the same reaction after only one week. Has any one had a person with the problem where they tried a different protocol or allergy med with it? > > > From: Gloria <gadamscan@. ..>> Subject: Re: [ ] Fw: Last shot> > Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 11:35 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > Henry> > Don't say that too loud about the Interferon!! > > Between it and the

Ribivirin, a great great many people have been unable to stay the course on treatment. I believe that those of us that have been able to stay on and last the whole 48 weeks must have something greater to do with the rest of their lives. Since this is my second go at it - I must owe my soul to a Higher Power by now!! I definitely plan to become as active as is physically possible to the cause of Hep C next year!! In fact, was just speaking with a friend, that is very involved with the cause, about just that in my most prior e-mail.> > Gloria> > > > > > > > >  > > > > You go girl...May God keep you in his loving care. ...!! I do hope it goes fast... too.>  > On another note... I took a very difficult exam for certification while on my treatment plan...scored a 98% ...so once over the anxiety

> issues associated with the interferon were resolved. I function normally ...I think this is great. I also take a couple of extra Rib especially > after the interferon injection. Theoretically the interferon enhances the Ribivirin work more can be good.>  > Years ago I worked in developing intereferon. ..it is a bit ironic that now I am in need of it ... at the time it was like stems cells ...we knew > it was good but did not know why it was good... now a truly know.>  > Again... best to you stop in an say hello.>  >  > Henry> > > > > > From: pam miller <pammangocomcast (DOT) net>> > Sent: Wed, December 23, 2009 8:38:08 PM> Subject: Re: [ ] Fw: Last shot> >  > >  > Thanks so much

and Henry it goes sooo fast. Pam> > [ ] Fw: Last shot [1 Attachment]> >  > > Last night was my last shot. I wish everyone the best of luck and an easy > treatment and a victory as I had. I'll finish my Riba this week.Thanks again > to everyone even the lurkers knowing I wasn't alone got me to this point.> > For me the aniety of the unknown was worse than treatment.> > I can't wait till the new drugs come out so I can start seeing all the other > people reaching undetectable also.> > Thanks everyone Pam> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: <7174763556@ vzwpix. com>> <pammangocomcast (DOT) net>> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 8:00 PM> > > This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from

> > Verizon Wireless!> >> > To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless > > phone visit www.verizonwireless .com/picture.> >> > Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is > > required.> > > > > > > > > > > > > Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!>

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I believe that a pinched nerve in my brother's back is what he is suffering from!!! But, the doctors have spent so long trying to figure out if it had something to do with the Hep C, that I think they completely forgot it's something quite normal....I've had a round or two with sciatica and couldn't even get off the couch. Also, I've had my nerves get pinched between my ribs numerous times in the past. Excruciating pian!!!Gloria

Hmmmm sounds interesting. ..I thought I had neuropathy ....tooo leg pain and foot pain.

I had an MRI done and found out it was a nerve in my spinal column...Oh boy did it give me

hell. Recently got a cortizone injection and I am feeling better. Get an MRI ..see if it is a nerve

that is being pinched....or have you had that done???


From: debayers2u <billyb092aol (DOT) com> Sent: Wed, December 30, 2009 4:12:46 AMSubject: [ ] Re: New to the group

Hi AllI am so happy to see someone finish the process and be virus free..I was diagnosed 4 years ago and tried the interferon buthad a neuropathy, nerve pain reaction in my legs and feet. I had to stop the treatment. My kidneys are in trouble so I tried Retuximad this time for 4 weeks prior to doing the interferon.I had the same reaction after only one week. Has any one had a person with the problem where they tried a different protocol or allergy med with it? > > > From: Gloria <gadamscan@. ..>> Subject: Re: [ ] Fw: Last shot> > Date: Sunday, December 27, 2009, 11:35 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > Henry> > Don't say that too loud about the Interferon!! > > Between it and the

Ribivirin, a great great many people have been unable to stay the course on treatment. I believe that those of us that have been able to stay on and last the whole 48 weeks must have something greater to do with the rest of their lives. Since this is my second go at it - I must owe my soul to a Higher Power by now!! I definitely plan to become as active as is physically possible to the cause of Hep C next year!! In fact, was just speaking with a friend, that is very involved with the cause, about just that in my most prior e-mail.> > Gloria> > > > > > > > >  > > > > You go girl...May God keep you in his loving care. ...!! I do hope it goes fast... too.>  > On another note... I took a very difficult exam for certification while on my treatment plan...scored a 98% ...so once over the anxiety

> issues associated with the interferon were resolved. I function normally ...I think this is great. I also take a couple of extra Rib especially > after the interferon injection. Theoretically the interferon enhances the Ribivirin work more can be good.>  > Years ago I worked in developing intereferon. ..it is a bit ironic that now I am in need of it ... at the time it was like stems cells ...we knew > it was good but did not know why it was good... now a truly know.>  > Again... best to you stop in an say hello.>  >  > Henry> > > > > > From: pam miller <pammangocomcast (DOT) net>> > Sent: Wed, December 23, 2009 8:38:08 PM> Subject: Re: [ ] Fw: Last shot> >  > >  > Thanks so much

and Henry it goes sooo fast. Pam> > [ ] Fw: Last shot [1 Attachment]> >  > > Last night was my last shot. I wish everyone the best of luck and an easy > treatment and a victory as I had. I'll finish my Riba this week.Thanks again > to everyone even the lurkers knowing I wasn't alone got me to this point.> > For me the aniety of the unknown was worse than treatment.> > I can't wait till the new drugs come out so I can start seeing all the other > people reaching undetectable also.> > Thanks everyone Pam> > ----- Original Message ----- > From: <7174763556@ vzwpix. com>> <pammangocomcast (DOT) net>> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2009 8:00 PM> > > This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from

> > Verizon Wireless!> >> > To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless > > phone visit www.verizonwireless .com/picture.> >> > Note: To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime® 6.5 or higher is > > required.> > > > > > > > > > > > > Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!>

Canada Toolbar : Search from anywhere on the web and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now!

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Absolutely not, Liz. Please email me privately if you want to talk about

this more, I am a long time overlap expert! You need to be put on a

corticosteroid, then when your labs stabilize closer to normal, be weaned

off at the same time Imuran is introduced. I can guide you thru the

slippery slopes because I was dx w/AIH in 1995, then PBC was added in 1999.

J, I loved Cecile's post and will keep it in an important place for those

who think they know better, lol.



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  • 4 weeks later...


> Hi everyone,


> I'm new here and found the link for this site from another group. I know that

I'm overrun with candida and actually did the diet and cleanse a few years ago.

Then, when doing a cod liver oil pack on the abdomen, pulled a lot more out of

my body. Things got put aside while my husband was very ill and he eventually

passed away a couple of years ago. After a few years of pity parties and

depression, I now find myself ready to move on and try and get my health back.

+++Hi . Welcome to our group. That's good you found us.


> I have a quick question. I went to the " files " section of the group and saw

all kinds of great information there but couldn't access any of the files.

Every time I click on any of them, I get a link that says it isn't accessible.

Can anyone help me with this or give me another way to access this information?

+++We do not use the Files anymore since I set up my website January 2008. So

the files on the group are outdated. Instead to go my website:


+++Here's the Candida/Yeast Section:


Please ensure you read two important articles so you understand candida, and

know what you need to do and why:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement and inspiration see these wonderful Success Stories by members

of this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php


> Also, has anyone here done a cleanse to help kick-start this program? I'm

excited to find this great group of people who are evidently supporting each

other through this problem and look forward to getting to know lots of you.

And, if any of my questions are answered in previous posts, please direct me

where I can find them. Don't know if I'll ever get all the posts read but I'm

certainly going to try.

+++I do not recommend doing any kind of cleanses since they dump too many toxins

into the system which sick people are unable to handle. It is better to

detoxify the longer, slower way with my diet and supplements.

+++Also do not rely on posts on this group, since many are written to specific

people and advise them according to certain situations. Everyone just start

with the diet and supplements gradually, which is explained in the 2nd article

above. You don't want to change over to this program too quickly.

We look forward to know you better too. So now you know what you need to read,

so you can get off to a good start. After reading get back to us with

questions, concerns and of course successes you have on this program.

The best in health, Bee

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  • 1 month later...
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Welcome kelly i am sherry my son joshua 12 dx aspergers @ 10 but suspected since

he was 5 and dx adhd i dont post much but tons of great advice and comfort from

lots of parents w/ same dx and issues lots of love on the sight sherry in NC

On Sun Mar 14th, 2010 8:41 PM EDT Kabob wrote:

>HI, My name is and I have an 8.5 year old daughter that was diagnosed

with Aspergers a year and a half ago. I need a place to get ideas before I go

insane. We Homeschool Caitlin as she doesn't really function very well school

type settings. My daughter is exceptionally bright so that has never been an

issue. Its all the other stuff. The social stuff the hygiene the meltdowns.

We have her in so many outside activities to help her with her social deficits.

We try to put her in with as many typical kids as we can. But the problem for

us seems to be adults. No matter how much we try to guide them, give them

information they still just dont get it. She was part of an Awana's group

(church group) for almost 5 years. This year she was hit hard with many

challenges in our family. We had to move back to Ohio so that I could take care

of my sick mother. She passed away in July and at the same time the Aunt she was

closet to was diagnosed

with Cancer as well. All these things have affected her greatly. So

attending Awana's was sporadic at best. Their leadership changed and this year

they decided that they didn't want Caitlin to participate. She had one rough

night and a teacher grabbed her (we know what happens when you grab an autistic

child) and instead of calling us or contacting her babysitter that was in the

hallway when she started to have a bad night they decided to expel her from the

program. This is just one example of how we constantly battle the rest of the

world. She plays hockey and is actually quite good at it. But kids know how

to get to her and they pick at her till she explodes. I had a coach walk off

the ice screaming at me about Caitlin.

>Which just makes me yell back at the person yelling at me. Its very hard to

take and when they mistreat her I think its hurts just as much for me.


>I'm so frustrated I just feel like giving up most days, but I have this amazing

kid I love. I just wish the rest of the world could realize how great she is

too! Shes smart and funny and sooo loving! Ok I'm done blabbing I seriously

could on go on for days about what our challenges have been, but this is suppose

to be just an introduction LOL :-D


>Thanks for listening and look forward to more help!!






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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Barbara,

I'm new to this too! The " New User Welcome " file under the Files section of the

group (on the left hand side of your screen has a ton of helpful stuff!!!



> Hello everyone:


> I am new to the group and I have a 11 years old son with severe autism. I've

never tried chelation with my son. Perhaps due to ignorance and also a little

fear. During these past years I have tried various treatments, therapies, diet

and supplements in the hope of recovering my son. Unfortunately with little

success. My child does not respond to anything. Several months ago he began

having mild seizures also. My child has behavior problems, what concerns us most

is the increase in aggression and the obsession he has for years to break,

especially things made of glass, ceramic and similar materials. My son only

speaks a few phrases in English and Spanish to express their basic needs. Our

DAN doctor, who is also a homeopath, has tried to help, but we have not seen

good results. A couple of months ago we did some tests, including the porphyrins

in urine and we thought that would go out with high metals, but the doctor said

everything went normal. The doctor recommended some supplements and said that my

son came out with low glutathione levels and advised me to give L-Acetyl

Cysteine (NAC). I'm desperate to see my son get better. I would try the

chelation of the most secure way possible, but some things I still do not

understand well. My son is 11 years old and weighs 74 pounds. If someone could

help me with the doses that would be appropriate for him and the necessary basic

supplements I will be very grateful. Any advice will be appreciated.


> Thanks a lot,


> Barbara


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