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You are totally right. I need to stop dwelling on things on can't do and be

happy for the things I still can do. Great advice. Thank you :)

From: ray's wife <trophygirl38@...>

Subject: Re: new to the group

spinal problems

Date: Thursday, March 19, 2009, 9:16 AM

Hi, I am 43 and it all started back in 1999 when I was in my

thirties. All kinds of problems lower back wise and recently a new one to the

mix. Spondylolistheses which I am learning is that the whole thing has done a

major shift off track. I have had good days and bad and I tend to take the good

ones and run with them. I try not to focus on the bad things and try with all my

might to go with the good ones. That has been my savior. For real! I know you

might think I am nuts but I am a very physical type and some even say hyper. I

had a very hard time myself dealing with the I can'ts that back problems cause.

Now instead of thinking about the I can nots I fill them in with the I can do

this instead. Not easy I know but it does help. Welcome.

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Hi April and Awidoff,


 I am a mom of three and 31 years old. I had two surgeries on my back before

having children and then I had a fusion, had another child then had three more

surgeries. You CAN have children and you will be able to pick them up, but

unless you have a fusion or a disk replacement, you risk further damage. I had

my first ruptured disk at age 15, so at 31 I've been dealing with chronic back

pain for 16 years. I had absolutely NO problem carrying children, but that's me.

When I needed my first fusion and while recovering from it, I was not able to

care for my children much. I had to have help, but I'm fine now. I only work

part time to spare my body, so that I can be able to take care of my home and my

family. I have to decrease the demands I put on my body and since doing so, I

feel SO MUCH better.


You are NOT alone I being young and fearing for your future...I do everyday. I

don't know what condition I will be in for my " golden years " or even when my

kids are graduating high school. I take one day at a time and do my best. I have

not given up hope that I will have a wonderful future, and I think that's key.

You have to just keep going and expecting that life will be great.

--- in RI

From: April <nanny04@...>

Subject: Re: new to the group

spinal problems

Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 8:44 PM

Hi! Welcome to the group! I think that we can be of great support to each

other. Many people on this group would probably be surprised to find out

that I am also 26 years old. I had my first back surgery this past

October, and I had a spinal fusion on January 26th. I am still recovering

from the surgery. My fusion was at L4 L5. I also have a herniated disk at

C6 C7. My dream in life has always been to have children. My doctor

actually had two spinal fusions and then had four children. She said it

was neccessary to have a C section because of the ruptured disks. I have

the same fear as you do. I am not sure I will ever be able to carry my

children or even be an active mother to them. You are not alone!!!! I

have those feelings every single day. I hope to keep in touch with you.


new to the group

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 00:28:47 -0000

Hello! I'm excited to find a group like this. I'm 26 years old and

suffer from chronic low back pain due to multiple herniations in the

lumbar spine that I have accumulated over the past 8 years. I'm

having a hard time coping with having so many limitations at such a

young age and am afraid of what the up coming years will bring, since

my condition seems to be getting worse. I would love to be a mother

some day but am afraid I won't even be able to pick up my child. If

anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, I would really

appreciate it. Thank you!


Email2me.... The email service that cares. It is FREE.

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Thanks for the uplifting words, ! it does seem that it would be a good idea

to have the fusion done before starting to have children. Thanks again and good

luck to you!

From: April <nanny04email2me (DOT) net>

Subject: Re: new to the group

spinedisorderssuppo rtgroup@gro ups.com

Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 8:44 PM

Hi! Welcome to the group! I think that we can be of great support to each

other. Many people on this group would probably be surprised to find out

that I am also 26 years old. I had my first back surgery this past

October, and I had a spinal fusion on January 26th. I am still recovering

from the surgery. My fusion was at L4 L5. I also have a herniated disk at

C6 C7. My dream in life has always been to have children. My doctor

actually had two spinal fusions and then had four children. She said it

was neccessary to have a C section because of the ruptured disks. I have

the same fear as you do. I am not sure I will ever be able to carry my

children or even be an active mother to them. You are not alone!!!! I

have those feelings every single day. I hope to keep in touch with you.


new to the group

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 00:28:47 -0000

Hello! I'm excited to find a group like this. I'm 26 years old and

suffer from chronic low back pain due to multiple herniations in the

lumbar spine that I have accumulated over the past 8 years. I'm

having a hard time coping with having so many limitations at such a

young age and am afraid of what the up coming years will bring, since

my condition seems to be getting worse. I would love to be a mother

some day but am afraid I won't even be able to pick up my child. If

anyone has any suggestions or words of encouragement, I would really

appreciate it. Thank you!


Email2me.... The email service that cares. It is FREE.

http://www.email2me .com

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lmao...i cant help it!


53 here,i met my first husband and from there i tryed every drug on the market,i

had never even drank till i got together with him,he was my teacher i guess you

could say,mushrooms were a favorite for most of the people i hung with.lotta

lsd,i hated that shit. first time i tryed it i thought i  was seperating from

myself,its like i saw my profile,litterally!!! scarey shit! i was never big into

weed,it made me paranoid. i had to face the world while hubby,took all the

trips,if you know wat i mean,call me an enabler.



> From: bob Larson <bobListcablespeed (DOT) com>

> Subject: RE: new to the group

> Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

> Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 10:12 AM







> i've most likely had the hep since late 60's or early 70's.

> bloodwork at

> the VA in 2002 turned it up. i'd had the semi-regular URQ

> ache pretty light

> throughout the late 80's and 90's. my life has always been kind of

> underpowered for vitality, physical strength and endurance,

> and personal

> habits while gradually improved over the decades only got me

> up to average

> performance levels as i quit tobacco in '78 and replaced it

> with physical

> conditioning and better nutrition... but i still had a lot to

> learn, and my

> position in society didn't help a lot but kept me going

> although i smoked

> and grew a lot of pot to get through the hard times without suicide,

> homicide, or homelessness.


> never done tx or biopsy. the VA offered them, but i stalled

> and started

> learning about them. i'm not a very trusting person,

> especially of gov't or

> large organizations. .. i trust in my higher-power (god i

> guess) for clues

> and that's what's always seemed to keep me going. i don't

> like what i've

> learned about the odds of real dangers of tx or biopsy, and

> considering that

> with the low odds of success i decided if i was going to die

> i'd try waiting

> and watching, and doing what i could for myself. to do tx would entail

> abandoning my little life situation of possessions and those

> who depend on

> me to stay afloat. i figure with my general disposition that

> is much like

> the bad sides of tx, that i wouldn't be able to keep it together with

> riba-rage. i want nothing to do with psych meds or

> institutional psychiatry

> (VA) if possible, and now with most anything else produced by

> big pharma.


> the hep flared up acute in 2005-06, and by summer '06 i was

> almost unable to

> continue functioning. .. the whole list of hep symptoms... itching,

> depression worse than usual, brain fog, fatigue, neuritis/neuropathy ,

> cryoglob feet swollen and aching like they'd been hammered on

> the bottoms,

> fibromyalgia, joint aches... i'd been reading hep lists for a

> couple years

> but mainly focused on completing some obsessive personal

> goals which i did,

> but when it got bad started looking seriously for some way to

> get a fast

> handle on it. on the hep lists i picked up some refs to

> colloidal silver

> and looked into it and liked what i saw. jumped right in by

> buying a CS

> generator on ebay (which ebay no longer allows to be listed due to FDA

> watchdog pressure) for the cost of a couple bottles of health

> food store

> CS... this made economic sense, as if it didn't work i could

> sell it and

> recoup my $50 quickly. it worked like magic, like hitting a

> switch within

> 24 hours, then faded most benefit but steadily increased

> again over a month

> and has stayed effective... and is to this day 3 years later the main

> ingredient of known success in my arsenal. i now also do a

> bunch of herbs

> and supps, eat as organically as possible carefully selected

> foods with only

> occasional indulgences in a McGriddle or whatever. a payday

> out-for-dinner

> is to be able to hit the Whole Foods salad bar... and last

> year i fell in

> lust with sushi which is now a rare treat.


> i won't do tx until something that looks a lot more

> worthwhile comes along,

> unless i end up homeless (again) in this greed-afflicted

> economy and have to

> dump myself on the VA for somewhere to be where they'll

> probably pressure me

> to get with their program or move on. as long as i can make

> CS somehow i

> can probably make it ok. i can make it with a couple

> batteries & wires or

> with the lighter socket in a car as long as i don't lose my

> silver stash and

> can get decent water. i won't do a biopsy unless it's a

> mandatory part of

> doing tx... there's ways being developed and used to

> non-invasively assess

> liver damage and the VA might get to using them by the time i

> have to use

> the VA.

> i do use the VA for occasional bloodwork, and am now waiting

> to see the

> results of the first labs in a couple years... no PCR, but the rest.


> i took up cigars in '98 when my world collapsed (again) and

> don't get enough

> exercise. at least i don't inhale american tobacco co. chemical laced

> cigarettes.. . the thought of that is nauseating. cigars take

> the edge off a

> stressful life in the immediate sense but the longer term damage is

> obviously accumulating and undermining my hep protocols...

> but i just can't

> handle life around screaming nutcases etc for long without

> them. did well

> quitting all summer until thanksgiving '07 getting into

> rollerblades (knees

> can't handle running anymore)but the nutsos around me were

> too much in their

> maniacal battles in prep for a thanksgiving " holiday " and i caved.


> > RE: new to the group

> >

> > you're just fine,lol...you can be grumpy if you want so youve

> > had hep c for awhile? are you saying you have not done treatment?





















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lmao...i cant help it!


53 here,i met my first husband and from there i tryed every drug on the market,i

had never even drank till i got together with him,he was my teacher i guess you

could say,mushrooms were a favorite for most of the people i hung with.lotta

lsd,i hated that shit. first time i tryed it i thought i  was seperating from

myself,its like i saw my profile,litterally!!! scarey shit! i was never big into

weed,it made me paranoid. i had to face the world while hubby,took all the

trips,if you know wat i mean,call me an enabler.



> From: bob Larson <bobListcablespeed (DOT) com>

> Subject: RE: new to the group

> Hepatitis Csupportgr oupgroups (DOT) com

> Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 10:12 AM







> i've most likely had the hep since late 60's or early 70's.

> bloodwork at

> the VA in 2002 turned it up. i'd had the semi-regular URQ

> ache pretty light

> throughout the late 80's and 90's. my life has always been kind of

> underpowered for vitality, physical strength and endurance,

> and personal

> habits while gradually improved over the decades only got me

> up to average

> performance levels as i quit tobacco in '78 and replaced it

> with physical

> conditioning and better nutrition... but i still had a lot to

> learn, and my

> position in society didn't help a lot but kept me going

> although i smoked

> and grew a lot of pot to get through the hard times without suicide,

> homicide, or homelessness.


> never done tx or biopsy. the VA offered them, but i stalled

> and started

> learning about them. i'm not a very trusting person,

> especially of gov't or

> large organizations. .. i trust in my higher-power (god i

> guess) for clues

> and that's what's always seemed to keep me going. i don't

> like what i've

> learned about the odds of real dangers of tx or biopsy, and

> considering that

> with the low odds of success i decided if i was going to die

> i'd try waiting

> and watching, and doing what i could for myself. to do tx would entail

> abandoning my little life situation of possessions and those

> who depend on

> me to stay afloat. i figure with my general disposition that

> is much like

> the bad sides of tx, that i wouldn't be able to keep it together with

> riba-rage. i want nothing to do with psych meds or

> institutional psychiatry

> (VA) if possible, and now with most anything else produced by

> big pharma.


> the hep flared up acute in 2005-06, and by summer '06 i was

> almost unable to

> continue functioning. .. the whole list of hep symptoms... itching,

> depression worse than usual, brain fog, fatigue, neuritis/neuropathy ,

> cryoglob feet swollen and aching like they'd been hammered on

> the bottoms,

> fibromyalgia, joint aches... i'd been reading hep lists for a

> couple years

> but mainly focused on completing some obsessive personal

> goals which i did,

> but when it got bad started looking seriously for some way to

> get a fast

> handle on it. on the hep lists i picked up some refs to

> colloidal silver

> and looked into it and liked what i saw. jumped right in by

> buying a CS

> generator on ebay (which ebay no longer allows to be listed due to FDA

> watchdog pressure) for the cost of a couple bottles of health

> food store

> CS... this made economic sense, as if it didn't work i could

> sell it and

> recoup my $50 quickly. it worked like magic, like hitting a

> switch within

> 24 hours, then faded most benefit but steadily increased

> again over a month

> and has stayed effective... and is to this day 3 years later the main

> ingredient of known success in my arsenal. i now also do a

> bunch of herbs

> and supps, eat as organically as possible carefully selected

> foods with only

> occasional indulgences in a McGriddle or whatever. a payday

> out-for-dinner

> is to be able to hit the Whole Foods salad bar... and last

> year i fell in

> lust with sushi which is now a rare treat.


> i won't do tx until something that looks a lot more

> worthwhile comes along,

> unless i end up homeless (again) in this greed-afflicted

> economy and have to

> dump myself on the VA for somewhere to be where they'll

> probably pressure me

> to get with their program or move on. as long as i can make

> CS somehow i

> can probably make it ok. i can make it with a couple

> batteries & wires or

> with the lighter socket in a car as long as i don't lose my

> silver stash and

> can get decent water. i won't do a biopsy unless it's a

> mandatory part of

> doing tx... there's ways being developed and used to

> non-invasively assess

> liver damage and the VA might get to using them by the time i

> have to use

> the VA.

> i do use the VA for occasional bloodwork, and am now waiting

> to see the

> results of the first labs in a couple years... no PCR, but the rest.


> i took up cigars in '98 when my world collapsed (again) and

> don't get enough

> exercise. at least i don't inhale american tobacco co. chemical laced

> cigarettes.. . the thought of that is nauseating. cigars take

> the edge off a

> stressful life in the immediate sense but the longer term damage is

> obviously accumulating and undermining my hep protocols...

> but i just can't

> handle life around screaming nutcases etc for long without

> them. did well

> quitting all summer until thanksgiving '07 getting into

> rollerblades (knees

> can't handle running anymore)but the nutsos around me were

> too much in their

> maniacal battles in prep for a thanksgiving " holiday " and i caved.


> > RE: new to the group

> >

> > you're just fine,lol...you can be grumpy if you want so youve

> > had hep c for awhile? are you saying you have not done treatment?





















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Hi Corinne,

Welcome to our group! It's great that you figured out that you need to be on

this diet. You won't regret all the improvements in your family's lives.

I understand how frustrating it must be to have your husband not support your

efforts to get healthy. My brother-in-law doesn't support my sister and it's a

constant battle in their house.

My husband didn't have many outwards symptoms of candida either, but he followed

the diet anyway and has noticed many improvements, especially with his OCD

symptoms. He also doesn't worry/fret about things like he used to and no longer

bites his fingernails after 30 years of biting them! I'm sure Bee's program

would really help with your husband's ADD symptoms.

You said you flare up when your husband cheats on the diet. Bee tells us that

you can't 'catch' candida from another person. See this article:


It appears as though the candida is being passed back and forth because he is

just irritating stuff that is already going on in you (I'm talking friction),

but as your immune system builds, you won't flare up when you have sex. That

will happen regardless of his health.

Hope that helps!


> Hi,



So what my question is- will my healing be held back even if I am perfect on the

diet but he cheats, you know, since he is my husband? I have noticed that I seem

to flare up when he cheats a lot on our current diet. I am just so tired of

living like this. I want to feel normal. I have given up so much and sacrificed

so much already. Is it all in vein b/c I will never totally heal b/c he can't

stick to it? I'm just so frustrated.


> Thanks,

> Corinne


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Hi Corinne,

Many of us have come here from SCD!

You will be amazed at home much and how quickly you will likely improve on this

program. I found that carrots and honey were killing me on SCD and made my

yeast grow. Its not so much about the type of sugars on this program, as it is

about the high fat and supplements that build up your immune system.

Very soon you'll be feeling much better!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Miria.

I too am very new to the group. So sorry you had to join but you will find this

group of moms very helpful.

My 5 year old son was just diagnosed with poly (knee, hips, shoulders and toes)

and has been on naproxen for about seven weeks. We just added methotrexate shots

weekly (only has had two shots so far) but the rheumy fully expects to add

Humira this summer. My son has had many, varied issues since he was an infant

as well and I now believe that at least some of it is related to the JIA.

Mostly mommy 'gut' telling me that...nothing more. My son was dubbed 'virus

velcro' as an infant and toddler because he caught everything (getting his

tonsils and adenoids removed at 2.5 years old helped immensely with that), he

has had croup, has poor vision and a lazy eye as well...among others. So it may

well all be related.

From my very limited knowledge...yes the swelling can come back...and yes it can

impact our kids forever. The kids go through 'flare-ups' (when they are

symptomatic) but the goal is to get them into first a medicated remission and

then, hopefully into a non-medicated remission...and limit the damage to their

little bodies.

What is her diagnosis within JIA? That can help you when you research the

potential future impact on your daughter...although each child is different of


I wish you all the best...

and , 5, poly


> Hi, I am Miria, 34, and I have a 22 month old that was just diagnosed with

JIA. She just had an injection a week ago on her knee and they cast it to help

straighten it out. So far she is doing good. The rheumy had also noticed

swelling in her other knee but there was not enough fluid to do an injection on

it. We were also told to watch for swelling in her hands as well. She is on

naproxen. On Friday she sees an ophthalmologist to get her eyes tested. I find

it hard to tell when she is hurting or just whining to be whining. Once the

swelling goes away does it ever come back? Is this something we will have to

watch throughout her lifetime? She has been sick more than usual since birth,

from ear infections, croup, to a UTI with Ecoli. She also had a cyst removed by

her eye and she has a lazy eye on the same side. Sometimes I wonder if

everything is related. I myself have arthritis in my shoulder and hands.


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The doctor has just said it is JIA, but i think it is Oligoarticular JRA for

right now. We are in the early stages, so we dont actually know how many joints

are effected.  I am keeping a log from this past Dec. up to now with everythig

she has had done, plus her surgery last year on her eye. I was told by the nurse

today that her white blood count was high and she got her final cast wich is

removable, they put straps on it so I can take it on and off for baths and

therapy. Thanks for the info. Seems like your son and my daughter have alot in

common as far as symptoms and some of the sickness they have endured.

Thanks,Miria and , 22 months


From: <ahna08@...>

Subject: Re: New to the group

Date: Monday, May 11, 2009, 8:12 AM

Hi Miria.

I too am very new to the group. So sorry you had to join but you will find this

group of moms very helpful.

My 5 year old son was just diagnosed with poly (knee, hips, shoulders and toes)

and has been on naproxen for about seven weeks. We just added methotrexate shots

weekly (only has had two shots so far) but the rheumy fully expects to add

Humira this summer. My son has had many, varied issues since he was an infant

as well and I now believe that at least some of it is related to the JIA.

Mostly mommy 'gut' telling me that...nothing more. My son was dubbed 'virus

velcro' as an infant and toddler because he caught everything (getting his

tonsils and adenoids removed at 2.5 years old helped immensely with that), he

has had croup, has poor vision and a lazy eye as well...among others. So it may

well all be related.

From my very limited knowledge... yes the swelling can come back...and yes it

can impact our kids forever. The kids go through 'flare-ups' (when they are

symptomatic) but the goal is to get them into first a medicated remission and

then, hopefully into a non-medicated remission... and limit the damage to their

little bodies.

What is her diagnosis within JIA? That can help you when you research the

potential future impact on your daughter...although each child is different of


I wish you all the best...

and , 5, poly


> Hi, I am Miria, 34, and I have a 22 month old that was just diagnosed with

JIA. She just had an injection a week ago on her knee and they cast it to help

straighten it out. So far she is doing good. The rheumy had also noticed

swelling in her other knee but there was not enough fluid to do an injection on

it. We were also told to watch for swelling in her hands as well. She is on

naproxen. On Friday she sees an ophthalmologist to get her eyes tested. I find

it hard to tell when she is hurting or just whining to be whining. Once the

swelling goes away does it ever come back? Is this something we will have to

watch throughout her lifetime? She has been sick more than usual since birth,

from ear infections, croup, to a UTI with Ecoli. She also had a cyst removed by

her eye and she has a lazy eye on the same side. Sometimes I wonder if

everything is related. I myself have arthritis in my shoulder and hands.


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Hi Miria - Welcome to the group! You are in the right place here. This is a

very supportive group and you will learn lots! Thats a great idea to keep a log

of what is going on. It is amazing how quickly you can forget certain things.

is right about the swelling coming and going. Certain things can trigger

a flare up such as an illness or too much activity. I hope everything goes well

at the Opth. Make sure they do a slit lamp examine as that is the only way they

can see inflammation in the eye.

Feel free to ask any questions!

& Grant (12, PsA/Uveitis)


> >


> > Hi, I am Miria, 34, and I have a 22 month old that was just diagnosed with

JIA. She just had an injection a week ago on her knee and they cast it to help

straighten it out. So far she is doing good. The rheumy had also noticed

swelling in her other knee but there was not enough fluid to do an injection on

it. We were also told to watch for swelling in her hands as well. She is on

naproxen. On Friday she sees an ophthalmologist to get her eyes tested. I find

it hard to tell when she is hurting or just whining to be whining. Once the

swelling goes away does it ever come back? Is this something we will have to

watch throughout her lifetime? She has been sick more than usual since birth,

from ear infections, croup, to a UTI with Ecoli. She also had a cyst removed by

her eye and she has a lazy eye on the same side. Sometimes I wonder if

everything is related. I myself have arthritis in my shoulder and hands.


> >
































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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


> I've been on a candida free diet for about 3 weeks now and I'm not seeing any

improvement so I've joined this group in the hopes of gaining good information.

Hi Colleen & welcome

List for us your symptoms and what you are eating and doing and be specific.


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> I've been on a candida free diet for about 3 weeks now and I'm not seeing any

improvement so I've joined this group in the hopes of gaining good information.

+++Hi. Welcome to our group. Is your name Colleen?

When you say you are on a candida free diet, is it my diet or someone's elses?

There is a big difference, since many candida diets allow foods and toxins that

feed candida, and they are not effective since they aim at " killing off candida "

which doesn't work.

The only way candida is cured is by building up the immune system, mainly with

" proper nutrients " so the body becomes able to heal itself naturally, which is

what my program is all about.

Also, you can't expect to see improvements in such a short time, since getting

healthy takes 1 month for every year you've been unhealthy, which for most

people nowadays is since before they were born.

I suggest you read two important articles "

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida

2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


For encouragement please see these many wonderful Success Stories by members of

this group: http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/success/index.php

The best in health, Bee

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

After my first MS diagnosis, I too underwent " random guinea pigging " where I

just lost strength. Once I really began to question the standard CRAB drugs I

switched LDN. My LDN was a major improvement over the Rebif and Copaxone that I

had taken, yet I was still losing strength.

This is when I began to question my MS diagnosis. After much library studying I

felt my sickness might be Lyme disease. I hired an out of state Lyme Literate

Medical Doctor (LLMD) and was diagnosed with Lyme disease.

Lyme disease randomly and simultaneously attacks multiple body systems which

makes the diagnosis a complex task. Many times our physicians diagnose us with

more familiar diseases like MS, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Fibromyalgia,

Parkinson's, arthritis, mental health problems, etc.

My Lyme disease gave me optic neuritis, lesions in my brain, one nasty lesion on

my spinal cord, lost much strength, a heart murmur, a noisy left knee, and stiff

right elbow and shoulder.

Video News cast on Lyme disease:



> Hi,



> I'm new to the group. My doctor just proposed Naltrexone for me yesterday. She

said it was brought to her attention by an MS patient who has done very well on

it for a year, and that she has treated other patients.


> I am a difficult case. I have not been diagnosed as MS yet, but I ahve

received many different diagnosis, sometimes conflicting so in then and I

frequently say I don't know what I have. I have been diagnoses with CFS, CFIDS,

polycysitic ovarian cyndrome, adrenal fatigue, idiopathis polyneuropathy, IBS,

been mistaken for having MS by people who have MS or have relatives with MS more

times than I can count. I have also received the pre-requisite diagnosis that

dispute all of the above diagnosis which amount to wastebaskteing by physicians

who say I can only be cured with psyciatric treatment (ie its a somatoform

conversion disorder). Which of course psychiatric treatment doesn't make me any

better than a host of any other treatments..........

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babz. . . Could those lumps be trigger points since u can massage it away. .

..just a thought. jenny b

Barbara wrote:

> Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group. My problem seems to be

muscle spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump forms

there but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's tried

anti-inflammarories , muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although they

ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time. As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision. I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's

visit I thought my GP agreed. But today in a complete turnaround he's said he

thinks it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have another eye test. He's given

me tramadol for the first time and some migraine preventative tablets.

> Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of dull

heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so have

you any advice.

> Thanks


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I don't know what trigger points are, can you enlighten me?

> > Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group. My problem seems to

be muscle spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump

forms there but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's

tried anti-inflammarories , muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although

they ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time. As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision. I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's

> visit I thought my GP agreed. But today in a complete turnaround he's said

he thinks it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have another eye test. He's

given me tramadol for the first time and some migraine preventative tablets.

> > Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of

dull heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so

have you any advice.

> > Thanks

> >


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Look up upper cervical chiropractic. If you find it helps please let us know.

I think you're MD is likely wrong in his understanding as these issues in

medicine are not well understood and the training is insufficient....

-----Original Message-----

From: " Barbara " <babzbates@...>

Subj: Re: New to the group

Date: Thu Jul 9, 2009 11:15 pm

Size: 15K

neck pain

I don't know what trigger points are, can you enlighten me?

> > Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group. My problem seems to

be muscle spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump

forms there but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's

tried anti-inflammarories , muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although

they ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time. As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision. I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's

> visit I thought my GP agreed. But today in a complete turnaround he's said

he thinks it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have another eye test. He's

given me tramadol for the first time and some migraine preventative tablets.

> > Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of

dull heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so

have you any advice.

> > Thanks

> >


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HELLO. ME TOO!!! the neck is causing the eyes. I have the same darn thing. My

vision changes by the HOUR. It goes blurry, then clear, my eyes flash lights

like yours. Sometimes my eye muscles stick. Reason i know its the neck is

because i go get adjusted all the time by the chiro. And immediately my vision

changes. it drives me nuts


> Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group. My problem seems to be muscle

spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump forms there

but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's tried

anti-inflammarories, muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although they

ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time. As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision. I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's visit I thought my GP agreed. But today in a complete

turnaround he's said he thinks it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have

another eye test. He's given me tramadol for the first time and some migraine

preventative tablets.

> Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of dull

heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so have

you any advice.


> Thanks


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To whom it may concern-- Cindi and who else posted this---



No one signed their names to their respective posts but PMR can do this to

people and the weight feeling in the halter of the shoulder is unbearable and

too it affects the eye sight-- No orthopedic or Neuro will detect this-- google

PMR and read about it!


A poet is, after all, to see

From: grasshopperx_10 <woody1014@...>

Subject: Re: New to the group

neck pain

Date: Friday, July 10, 2009, 8:51 AM

HELLO. ME TOO!!! the neck is causing the eyes. I have the same darn thing. My

vision changes by the HOUR. It goes blurry, then clear, my eyes flash lights

like yours. Sometimes my eye muscles stick. Reason i know its the neck is

because i go get adjusted all the time by the chiro. And immediately my vision

changes. it drives me nuts


> Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group.  My problem seems to be muscle

spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump forms there

but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's tried

anti-inflammarories, muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although they

ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time.  As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision.  I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's visit I

thought my GP agreed.  But today in a complete turnaround he's said he thinks

it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have another eye test.  He's given me

tramadol for the first time and some migraine preventative tablets.

> Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of dull

heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so have

you any advice.


> Thanks



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Dear Barbara,

I have very bad arthritis with degenerated discs and stenosis in my neck.

For a long time I had lots of neck and shoulder pain, which I attributed to the

arthritis, but in the past 6 months I improved my posture and the pain is much

better - not perfect because sitting at the computer for long periods of time

makes my neck stiffen up, but way better than it was. I was fairly hunched over

all the time and only realized it looking at photographs of myself. (of couirse

my mother when she was alive was always telling me to stand up strsight, but who

listens to their mother.) Improving my posture took concentrated effort and

working at pinching my shoulder blades in back and conciously sticking my chest

out and tightening my back muscles. A physical therapist could help you, if you

tell them what you want to do. Otherwise they just give you the usual exercises

and that only helps a little.

Do you have a real dowager's hump or is it postural rather than in the

bones? A fixed hump is a bigger problem and you are limited in what you can do

to reduce your pain. Also the hump could be a symptom of osteoporosis. If your

hump is a matter of posture then improving your posture is the way to go. The

reason is that the greater the kephosis (the round curvature) in the upper back,

the more your neck has to curve the other way (the backwards lordotic or " c "

curve) so your head is balanced on your shoulders. But the neck can only curve

so much. The further forward your head is the more work your upper back and

neck muscles must do to keep your head from falling to the front. Thus your neck

and shoulder and upper back muscles are going to be stressed all the time. Never

getting a chance to relax they spasm from overwork.

Sorry I don't know what could be causing your eye problems, but possibly

it's migraines triggered by the neck pain. The back neck muscles attach high on

the head . When they spasm they often cause headaches. There is a term -

cervicogenic headache or headache caused by the neck. Also migraines are famous

for causing visual problems. But see an eye doctor just in case.

Take care,


-- In neck pain , " Barbara " <babzbates@...> wrote:


> Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group. My problem seems to be muscle

spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump forms there

but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's tried

anti-inflammarories, muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although they

ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time. As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision. I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's visit I thought my GP agreed. But today in a complete

turnaround he's said he thinks it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have

another eye test. He's given me tramadol for the first time and some migraine

preventative tablets.

> Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of dull

heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so have

you any advice.


> Thanks


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One more thing. I agree with your doctor that the lump at the top of your spine

is not directly causing your vision problems. The nerves that control your eye

muscles go in through the cranial nerves at the bottom of your brain, not the

spinal cord. Only if you have spinal instability of the bones at the very top of

the spine would there be any interference with those nerves. (of course tumors

and such too but I doubt it) More I think you have the migraines with ocular

manifestations (there is a specific type of migraine called an ocular migraine

with very scary eye symptoms). Flashes in the visual field can be from migraine

but also from retinal detachment, which is very serious. Again try to check with

an eye doctor.

The lump at the top of your neck is likely from muscle spasm especially if it

can be massaged out.


-- In neck pain , " Barbara " <babzbates@...> wrote:


> Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group. My problem seems to be muscle

spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump forms there

but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's tried

anti-inflammarories, muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although they

ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time. As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision. I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's visit I thought my GP agreed. But today in a complete

turnaround he's said he thinks it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have

another eye test. He's given me tramadol for the first time and some migraine

preventative tablets.

> Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of dull

heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so have

you any advice.


> Thanks


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Thanks so much for all the information B,Grasshopperx, Rochelle, Shapirob

and Gatorma1. I think it might be the misalignment that is the trouble, I

googled chiropractors and found a video and the diagram looked just like me! I

always seem to have my head on one side and I'm guessing it mainly posture that

is the root cause of it. I found some exercises which I'm going to try until I

see my GP again in a month, but I'm really wondering about asking to see a

chiropractor. I live in England by the way.

grasshopperx, it's good to know someone understands this eye thing, I really

think it's all from the same problem, but I am going for an eye test asap.

Barbara (Babz)

> > Hi everyone, thanks for having me in the group. My problem seems to

be muscle spasms in the back of my neck right at the top of my spine. A lump

forms there but softens after massage. I have been to my GP numerous times, he's

tried anti-inflammarories , muscle relaxants and rubbing creams, so far although

they ease it a bit it hasn't solved the problem. I had an x-ray and there's no

problems with the bones. I think it's partly postural and I'm working on my

" dowager's hump " but I feel as though I have a yoke over my shoulders all the

time. As well as the neck problem I am having problems with my eyesight. I'm

sure a nerve or something is getting pinched by the swelling because if I sit in

one position too long my eyes start going blurry and after that I get flashing

lights in my peripheral vision. I've had this trouble off and on for years and

have had migraine treatments in the past, but I'm sure the two are connected and

up until today's

> visit I thought my GP agreed. But today in a complete turnaround he's said

he thinks it's 2 seperate issues and told me to have another eye test. He's

given me tramadol for the first time and some migraine preventative tablets.

> > Has anyone else had any experience of not so much neck pain as a sort of

dull heavy feeling across the shoulders with the eye problem as well? And if so

have you any advice.

> > Thanks

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

I think I have the same if not similiar problem as you but not sure.

There is a spot in my lumbar that gives me the feeling of loss of my

leg power.  It is a strange feeling.  A nerve I presume in the middle

lower back somewhere I getting compressed and causing me to feel it

directly linked to both of my legs, totally weird feeling.  I have narrowing

of the spine so I imagine that doesn't help.  I use a cane to walk at 46 yo.

I am afraid of falling as it is just getting worse.

I have DDD, a Synovial cyst at L4-5, arthritis, scoliosis, sciatica, spondy and

am waiting to get an appointment to see a back pain specialist soonish here.

It sucks!  I cry into my pillow as it is just getting worse and am terrified of


getting cut on.  I can hardly move around much anymore, feel so useless,


Yep, I think I read that the  narrowing of the spinal nerve root (I think that

is what is was called)

doesn't help your ability to move around.  I assume because the signal from the

brain to the legs

to do that action is being interrupted because of being flattened as you call

it.  Then again, I am

Not a doctor by any means, just trying to figure all this stuff out that is

going wrong with my body

as it progressively gets worse.

My court date for disability appeal hearing is in 2 weeks and they might just

have to wheel me in!

No, I got to stay strong and quit bending over.  I am using a cane to help

steady myself.

I am going to ask my nurse practitioner next week for a prescription for a

cane.  Can I do that?

I a sure she will give me one if I am allowed one.  Heck, I am on the Oregon

Health Plan Plus.

My lawyer for my hearing is meeting with me Sunday, tomorrow, and I am trying to

get ready for her.

Any suggestions, ideas, thoughts, etc?

thanks for listening,

gentle hugs, Coleen


From: rkrmom47 <rkrmom47@...>

spinal problems

Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 10:33:24 PM

Subject: new to the group

i have several problems with my neck and low back i saw my dr and asked him if

falling down could have something to due with my issuses,i do have cord

flattening he said no i have fell several times anyone have this happening to

them please send me a message


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Your pharmacy might help you out with the cane, there are allot of programs out

there for that sort of thing. As far as them having to wheel you in for your

disability hearing, do not be surprised if there is someone in the parking lot

with a video camera seeing if you ditch the wheel chair, and walk across to your

car! A Judge can tell the truth when he hears it. No, they will not believe you

if you are at all hesitant, feeling guilt, unsure of your answers, pause, look

away, stop to think, get " fumblemouthed " , or anything else that might cause

doubt. And this is from a person who has yet to go before the judge on my

disability claim! (it's coming soon, and I am terrified!!!!).

Ask your lawyer. And be careful.

in NH

new to the group

i have several problems with my neck and low back i saw my dr and asked him if

falling down could have something to due with my issuses,i do have cord

flattening he said no i have fell several times anyone have this happening to

them please send me a message


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Hello, my only advice is to get another doctor. I fell and injured my neck, had

to have surgery and a plate put in: the pain went away for four years then

injured it again by falling down 4 steps. It was stupid I just put my foot down

to open air, so hit the tiled floor below and my head had went against the

bottom step. I now am seeing a neuro surgean. After a mylogram they found one of

the top screws in my plate had been knocked loose.

So yes you can cause damage by falling, you jar it and boom.

hope this helps but others have better advice I am sure.



> i have several problems with my neck and low back i saw my dr and asked him if

falling down could have something to due with my issuses,i do have cord

flattening he said no i have fell several times anyone have this happening to

them please send me a message


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