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Hi Dawn,

I don't know what the first line of treatment is, may change depending on the

Doc, but I was started on Methotrexate.

See ya,

Jeanette French

[Editor's Note: The most common first line treatment (after the NSAIDS which

tend to be prescribed by GPs), is Methotrexate. MTX has been around the longest

and has its benefits and side effects are extremely well known. It is also

available as a generic drug, so it is inexpensive which means many insurance

companies require people to go on MTX first. It is generally only after MTX has

proven ineffective, that an insurer will cover the " big guns " - Enbrel, Humira

and Remicade. Kathy F.]

[ ] Hello


I'd like to introduce myself. I'm newly diagnosed with Psoriatic

Arthritis (happy 51st birthday to me) after years of being labled with

fibromyalgia, although lab tests indicated something else was afoot,

but no one ever had an answer. Now that I'm past being hurt and

confused by the misdiagnosis, I'm trying to find out what it is I'm

really in for with this disease. I already have the degenerative disc

disease in both the c-spine and lumbar spine. On/off again tendonitits

in knees and ankles, and generally painfull all over along with

moderate to severe fatigue, sleep apnea. I am going to be starting

Humira in the next few weeks and am wondering if this is the " usual "

first line of treatment.

Look forward to conversing and learning from the group.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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hey, carlene, sorry i haven't written. i am so way behind in emails. the

pain gets really intense around 4:30 when i leave work and i just want to come

home. and lay on my perfect couch. i have no pain when i am on my couch. i

am getting mentally ready for the surgery. scary. i will try to stay

better in touch.

i am very hopeful about the surgery. i have another appointment with

surgeon on may 2nd. i just want to go over with him what my expectations

should be

after surgery for the rest of my life.

way to go.


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hey marsha,

no problem; i know how that is when ya just gotta be on your couch.

be sure to ask the doc if the surgery will alleviate the pain you are having and

by what %? ask him if it will cause other pains? ask him to explain exactly

what he is going to do. ask him a lot about the recovery period; when i had my

laminectomy about a month into it, i thought boy, i have really f----- it up

good now. my surgeon did not prepare me at all for the recovery which took a

good 3 months.

also, we rented a hospital bed, put it in the living room and then i could

easily get in and out of bed and change my position; something that is difficult

to do with a regular bed and your couch.

and i was working with an acupuncturist who would come out to the house and give

me a treatment which really helped with the pain. post-surgical pain is a real

problem for me because i cannot take any of the codeine products.

you might want to write down all of our questions--that way you will be well

prepared mentally.

take care....

Carlene in snowy MT

Re: Hello

hey, carlene, sorry i haven't written. i am so way behind in emails. the

pain gets really intense around 4:30 when i leave work and i just want to come

home. and lay on my perfect couch. i have no pain when i am on my couch. i

am getting mentally ready for the surgery. scary. i will try to stay

better in touch.

i am very hopeful about the surgery. i have another appointment with

surgeon on may 2nd. i just want to go over with him what my expectations

should be

after surgery for the rest of my life.

way to go.


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In a message dated 08/04/2006 13:06:08 GMT Daylight Time,

dizzy2care@... writes:

I'd like to introduce myself. I'm newly diagnosed with Psoriatic

Arthritis (happy 51st birthday to me) after years of being labled with


Hi Dawn,

I hope you also got a lot of presents which were better than a PA diagnosis.

lol Happy birthday!

Welcome to the group. Regarding Humira. I would think it is probably quite

unusual for it to be the first line of treatment but I think some of us would

say that it would be a good first line in treatment rather than them waiting for

further joint damage. Let us know how you are getting on with it whenever you

start it (If you have time)

Best of luck,

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ask him to explain exactly what he is going to do. ask him a lot about the

recovery period; when i had my laminectomy about a month into it, i thought

boy, i have really f----- it up good now. my surgeon did not prepare me at

all for the recovery which took a good 3 months.you are scaring me here. you

know i am having a laminectomy. i have an appointment with him bec. i want to

know what my expectations should be because i have other pain issues. but i

remain very hopeful. and probably scared to death. may 22nd. here i come

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sorry, not trying to scare you but any major surgery is scary. and you can

reduce that fear by having as much knowledge as you possibly can. when i had my

laminectomy 10 years ago, i did not have a good surgeon. not only did he not

clearly explain things but he took too much bone off and my spine has slumped as

a result and my low back is a mass of arthritic bone, scar tissue, vertebra on

top of vertebra. when they do the ablations they have a difficult time at the

L4, L5 level because, as the doctors say, " there are no landmarks left " and they

kinda have to fish around to find the nerve. that is not going to happen to

you. they are more conservative with the laminectomies now and i am sure Dr.

Kuflik is a much better surgeon than the one i had....

it will be ok. just stay present in the Now and do not get carried away with

what ifs.

and be frank with him, tell him you are scared and he will help you with that




Love is the closest a human can get to knowing how an angel feels inside.

-Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold,

" The Angelspeake Storybook "

Re: Hello

ask him to explain exactly what he is going to do. ask him a lot about the

recovery period; when i had my laminectomy about a month into it, i thought

boy, i have really f----- it up good now. my surgeon did not prepare me at

all for the recovery which took a good 3 months.you are scaring me here. you

know i am having a laminectomy. i have an appointment with him bec. i want to

know what my expectations should be because i have other pain issues. but i

remain very hopeful. and probably scared to death. may 22nd. here i come

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Edie,

Just wanted to say a hello and see how things are going with you. I have

been sick for two weeks with an awful lung infection my Granddaughter passed

along to me. Just turned the corner a couple of days ago with antibiotics.

I'm busy helping Bonnie plan our national get together, looks like in

Sept/Oct, hope you'll be able to attend! Spent today gardening, got the

pansies planted around my trees, they had wonderful colored ones at Walmart,

spent too much but I always do. We are so dry here, no measurable rain or

snow in two months, this summer is going to be awful. Colorado is already

having grass fires, way too early.

How's your back holding up? I'm doing fine. Ceili my daughter has her next

Dr. Kumar Appointment next month, lets keep our fingers crossed her curve

hasn't gotten any bigger, and she'll be done with the brace. I could use

some good news! Carla Kay from the group is having surgery in June with Dr.

Kumar, I and Dr. Kumar's assistant Lee are going to watch her daughter while

she's at the hospital and rehab. Lee volunteered, and I'm going to help her

out, Carla is a single Mom with no family support, and it's hard having

surgery so far away from her home in West Virginia. Had fun meeting her and

her daughter, she's 6, when they came out for her consultation. Kumar is

doing some new proceedure with the anterior part of her surgery where they

go in with only two small incisions. Looks like he can really help her.

Off to cook dinner, hope all is well with you, how's the new apartment?

[ ] Happy Everything to Everyone

> Hi to all my friends on this board who know me (Cam, K, Kam

> SuzieQ, Anne, anyone I may have inadvertantly left out, etc), and for

> those friends on this board I have yet to meet,


> Haven't had the opportunity to post much in ages, so sorry. I just

> wanted to let you all know that I am thinking of you, and sending you

> the best of wishes for a healthy, happy, prosperous, and hilarious new

> year!


> Keep laughing, even when it hurts. I promise to do the same, and will

> attempt to post soon.


> Missing you all...If anyone is New York City bound at any point in the

> future, please email me at my adress and let me know. I missed

> Anne once, I've no intention of letting that happen again!


> Hugs to you all,


> Edie









> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates


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  • 3 weeks later...
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I had a discogram about a month ago. It was very painful and I hurt for about

three days afterwards. But it is a test to see how your nerves are. Keep me

posted. Hopefully you will have a good anesthesiologist (sp?) and he will keep

you comfortable. Good luck.

<poundpuppy5@...> wrote: im headed for a discogram and an

electrified burning elements in my

disk ? any comments?

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I thought the discogram was a test to see exactly which discs are damaged? They

shoot the dye in to try and recreate the pain, and then watch the dye on xray to

check for leakage from the discs.

Anesthesiologist? I didn't get one with my discogram. I was sedated to lessen

the anxiety, but because they have to recreate the pain, you cannot be totally

out as you have to be able to interact with the doctor doing the test.

I wish I could have been knocked out...I don't ever want to go thru that kind

of pain again...not matter how good of a test it is.

Sherry Terry <maddy643@...> wrote:

I had a discogram about a month ago. It was very painful and I hurt for about

three days afterwards. But it is a test to see how your nerves are. Keep me

posted. Hopefully you will have a good anesthesiologist (sp?) and he will keep

you comfortable.

Vivian Harkness



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Go see a doctor that specializes in spinal disorders. Only they can help you

with the expertise that you deserve and need. Don't forget to take any xrays and

reports that you have. Go back to your doctor(s) and request a copy of your

medical file.

Everyone's back is different, as well as the pain that they may be

experiencing. Just because a doctor says you should be better, doesn't mean it

is so.

Get second, third, or however many opinions you need...to get the answers you


Marjorie <butter3031@...> wrote:

I am 34 female and after two yrs of many too many doctors telling me

there is nothing wrong with me but my head. I finally found out I

have somethings wrong.

Degenerative Disc Disease, Spinal Stenosis, Facet arthritis,

Compression fractures(2 vert.)all lower back. L3-S1.

And well no one will tell me what happens now that my injections are

not lasting more than 3wks(the good one) and what happens if I just

say forget it. The pills dont work and the Doctor say I should be

better than I am.(as if i dont know that one).

I am worried. for some reason my back between shoulders is slumping

forward and its like theres a broom handle there.. and well heck.. I

am lost ..

anyone know what happens now?

thank you for reading this...

if there are typing mistakes I am sorry.


Vivian Harkness



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Find a good PAIN MANAGEMENT doctor who is compassionate and supportive.

Unfortunately, nerve pain is not easily controlled by epidurals and some

type of pills. You don't elaborate on the meds you are taking but if you

find the right combination of medication, you should obtain some relief.

Drugs such as Neurontin, Cymbalta, and other anti-depressants and

anti-convulsant can be used in conjunction with some type of pain

medications to help relieve pain. Opiates are often used for chronic pain

control when other methods have failed. You do however have to contend with

the side effects of the medication that can be just as bad as what you are

obtaining relief.

I am sorry to hear how long it took to diagnose you. It happens quite often

and you really have to be making a lot of noise to be heard. The old saying

that the squeaky wheel gets the grease holds true.

I was diagnosed early on, within 2 months of onset of spasms. I have

numerous ruptured thoracic discs, the worse at T6-7. Surgery is to invasive

so I am dealing with pain management. I no longer drive because of high dose

of narcotics taken and other drugs. I wear (2) 200 microgram Duragesic

patches, take 60-80 mg percocet per day, take (2) 30 mg oxycontin per day,

2400 mg Neurontin, 30 mg Cymbalta and 400 mg Provigil. I have been on Long

term disability since 12/14/04 and am in the process of trying to get social

security disability. I am 40 years old and don't know what caused all this

to occur as no trauma was involved.

I wish you luck. Email be if you have questions.


I am 34 female and after two yrs of many too many doctors telling me

there is nothing wrong with me but my head. I finally found out I

have somethings wrong.

Degenerative Disc Disease, Spinal Stenosis, Facet arthritis,

Compression fractures(2 vert.)all lower back. L3-S1.

And well no one will tell me what happens now that my injections are

not lasting more than 3wks(the good one) and what happens if I just

say forget it. The pills dont work and the Doctor say I should be

better than I am.(as if i dont know that one).

I am worried. for some reason my back between shoulders is slumping

forward and its like theres a broom handle there.. and well heck.. I

am lost ..

anyone know what happens now?

thank you for reading this...

if there are typing mistakes I am sorry.


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

No Depo for me....no need.....no dates. lol. But I'm wondering what type

of reaction you had to Remicaid. I am on Enbrel now but having trouble

with infections...UTI and eye. I've only been on it for 3 months and it

has given me my life back. Even the fatique is so much better. I have

discovered that I was suffering from fatique long before the joint

issues kicked in. But now that these infections are preventing me from

taking the Enbrel (for 3 weeks now) and I have to wait until they clear

before I take it again..I am curious about what my next step will entail

if I go on to another biologic. What type of reaction did you have? And

I'm glad the Enbrel is working for you...I want it to work for me too

and I'm not giving up...yet. -Betz


> Just wanted to say hello,,I used to belong to a group for PA a long

> time ago but I got away from it for some reason.

> My name is I am from Ohio and I have PA, was dx at 21 but had

> symptoms @ 18. I have been on MTX (which quit working), Remicade (was

> allergic to it) and now I'm on Enbrel (Thank God for it everyday), I

> also take a few more prescriptions.

> As for now the Enbrel is working like a charm I have been on it for 2

> months.

> I do have a question that I haven't been able to find an answer to

> tho,,I was wondering if any of the women out there take the Depo birth

> control shot and Enbrel? And if so have you had any problems between

> the Enbrel and the depo?


> Thanks,



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I had reactions to the remicade twice..the first time I got short of

breath, felt like my head was like a balloon ready to explode, and

my chest got tight. The second time all of that happened but my

lips swelled up too. I wanted to try the Remicade again after the

first time because it did make me feel better. They did some tests

on me to see why I had the reaction, they found no reason why I had

the reaction (they had never heard of anyone having a reaction to it

unless they had a heart condition). But after the second reaction I

figured it just wasn;t for me.

I recently had to take 2 weeks off of the Enbrel because of head

cold. I have had 10 injections so far. My psoriasis is clearing up

wonderfully on my face, arms,and torso not so much on my legs yet

tho but I'm staying hopeful.

I hope that shed some light on it for you. Please let me know if I

can do anything else for you.

> >

> > Just wanted to say hello,,I used to belong to a group for PA a


> > time ago but I got away from it for some reason.

> > My name is I am from Ohio and I have PA, was dx at 21 but


> > symptoms @ 18. I have been on MTX (which quit working), Remicade


> > allergic to it) and now I'm on Enbrel (Thank God for it

everyday), I

> > also take a few more prescriptions.

> > As for now the Enbrel is working like a charm I have been on it

for 2

> > months.

> > I do have a question that I haven't been able to find an answer


> > tho,,I was wondering if any of the women out there take the Depo


> > control shot and Enbrel? And if so have you had any problems


> > the Enbrel and the depo?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> >





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...thanks. I'm glad you are ok now and I hope that we BOTH heal up

soon so we can get back to our beloved Enbrel! -Betz

> > >

> > > Just wanted to say hello,,I used to belong to a group for PA a

> long

> > > time ago but I got away from it for some reason.

> > > My name is I am from Ohio and I have PA, was dx at 21 but

> had

> > > symptoms @ 18. I have been on MTX (which quit working), Remicade

> (was

> > > allergic to it) and now I'm on Enbrel (Thank God for it

> everyday), I

> > > also take a few more prescriptions.

> > > As for now the Enbrel is working like a charm I have been on it

> for 2

> > > months.

> > > I do have a question that I haven't been able to find an answer

> to

> > > tho,,I was wondering if any of the women out there take the Depo

> birth

> > > control shot and Enbrel? And if so have you had any problems

> between

> > > the Enbrel and the depo?

> > >

> > > Thanks,

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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> > > >

> > > > Just wanted to say hello,,I used to belong to a group for PA a

> > long

> > > > time ago but I got away from it for some reason.

> > > > My name is I am from Ohio and I have PA, was dx at 21


> > had

> > > > symptoms @ 18. I have been on MTX (which quit working),


> > (was

> > > > allergic to it) and now I'm on Enbrel (Thank God for it

> > everyday), I

> > > > also take a few more prescriptions.

> > > > As for now the Enbrel is working like a charm I have been on


> > for 2

> > > > months.

> > > > I do have a question that I haven't been able to find an


> > to

> > > > tho,,I was wondering if any of the women out there take the


> > birth

> > > > control shot and Enbrel? And if so have you had any problems

> > between

> > > > the Enbrel and the depo?

> > > >

> > > > Thanks,

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Betz...I have found the same with biologics and infections...and I have also

found that this is the one time that all kinds of alternative things are helping

me prevent the infections. Here's my list of stuff I do religiously, and I have

been infection free for the last year or so:-):

-at the SMALLEST hint of any thing related to my respiratory tract - sore

throat, stuffy nose, cough, or knowing I will have a visit with my 2 year old

nephew - I gargle with a 50/50 mix of salt water and alkalol, and I spray it up

my nose too, about 3 times per day. Alkalol is over the counter, costs about

$4, and is homeopathic...a mix of camphor oil, eucalyptus oil and some other

herby things - essentially this concoction is a mucus buster. If you can get

rid of the mucus, the bacteria have noplace to grow and you don't get sick.

This was my PCP's idea and it has worked great. Alkalol is hard to find but CVS

and Walgreen's will special order it for you.

-I eat yogurt with acidopholus (however you spell that) EVERY DAY - this is a

great way to keep digestive system bacteria free

-I drink something acidic (lemonade, cranberry juice) EVERY DAY to prevent UTI

I have found that all of this is pretty easy, pretty cheap, and has allowed me

to stay on the biologics which allowed me to return to work full time.

Chin up girl. By the way...I didn't want to respond when you first wrote it

because you really could have seriously injured your eye, but I was on the couch

in hysterics when I read it...it was just SO FUNNY the way you described...glad

things are on the upswing...

[ ] Re: Hello

No Depo for me....no need.....no dates. lol. But I'm wondering what type

of reaction you had to Remicaid. I am on Enbrel now but having trouble

with infections...UTI and eye. I've only been on it for 3 months and it

has given me my life back. Even the fatique is so much better. I have

discovered that I was suffering from fatique long before the joint

issues kicked in. But now that these infections are preventing me from

taking the Enbrel (for 3 weeks now) and I have to wait until they clear

before I take it again..I am curious about what my next step will entail

if I go on to another biologic. What type of reaction did you have? And

I'm glad the Enbrel is working for you...I want it to work for me too

and I'm not giving up...yet. -Betz


> Just wanted to say hello,,I used to belong to a group for PA a long

> time ago but I got away from it for some reason.

> My name is I am from Ohio and I have PA, was dx at 21 but had

> symptoms @ 18. I have been on MTX (which quit working), Remicade (was

> allergic to it) and now I'm on Enbrel (Thank God for it everyday), I

> also take a few more prescriptions.

> As for now the Enbrel is working like a charm I have been on it for 2

> months.

> I do have a question that I haven't been able to find an answer to

> tho,,I was wondering if any of the women out there take the Depo birth

> control shot and Enbrel? And if so have you had any problems between

> the Enbrel and the depo?


> Thanks,



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i was pre-medicated with the remicade,,i had taken 2 tylenol incase

of pain when the IV went in and i had Zyrtec (spelling).

> > >

> > > I had reactions to the remicade twice..the first time I got


> of

> > > breath, felt like my head was like a balloon ready to explode,


> > > my chest got tight. The second time all of that happened but my

> > > lips swelled up too. I wanted to try the Remicade again after


> > > first time because it did make me feel better. They did some


> > > on me to see why I had the reaction, they found no reason why


> had

> > > the reaction (they had never heard of anyone having a reaction


> it

> > > unless they had a heart condition). But after the second


> I

> > > figured it just wasn;t for me.

> > > I recently had to take 2 weeks off of the Enbrel because of


> > > cold. I have had 10 injections so far. My psoriasis is

clearing up

> > > wonderfully on my face, arms,and torso not so much on my legs


> > > tho but I'm staying hopeful.

> > > I hope that shed some light on it for you. Please let me know

if I

> > > can do anything else for you.

> > >

> > >

> > >



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Never worry about asking too many questions. I'm so glad you found

this group because we'll be able to help you dispel the myths around

Lyme disease.

Your neuro symptoms should improve with treatment. I had very poor

concentration and trouble reading before I was diagnosed and both of

those have improved.

Your doctor is on the ball to want to put your children on

antibiotics. Lyme symptoms don't always appear right away.

You don't say what kind of antibiotics your doctor gave you, but the

dosage is kind of low for the most common first prescription for Lyme

(doxycycline). She may be thinking that she can help with your swollen

glands. The test results she's waiting for are probably tests,

which aren't as accurate as the Western blot.

Lyme can cause depression and anxiety, which are really just other

manifestations of neuro-Lyme. I have depression and treat it with


I know the world is looking pretty bleak to you right now, but it will

improve. When your brain clears up some start doing research and reading.

And never worry about asking questions here!



> Hello,


> My name is and I live in NC. I was just recently diagnosed 2

> days ago. I will ask forgiveness cause I am kinda confused here

> lately so I might ramble and make no sense (sorry).


> I have been sick fo r abit of time. However as a mother of 4 I just

> kept pushing on. Until last week when I could not get out of bed

> and could not lay down cause my throat was so swollen. I was dizzy,

> naseaus, eyes meesed up and just felt so weird. I went to the Dr.

> and had a severe strep infecction (accompanied by a lovely rash).

> She digged deeper and I ended up leaving with this news. The stuff

> on the internet is so confusing. I am on 100mg of antibiotic, she

> said that should hold me over till Monday (what does that mean) when

> they get some blood tests back. She told me not too worry we caught

> it in time. As I feel a bit better with the meds. I am still weak,

> confused, nasaus and have severe pain (she said my organs were

> enlarged). She said it cdould take a few rounds of meds to calm it

> down.


> What I wanna know is how likely is it that the neuro symptoms ever

> go away. Will I just not continue to get worse or will some of

> these things (beside the strep) improve. I was bit about 3 months

> ago and just ignored it all. UGH.


> She wants my kids to get antibiotics also since they all had ticks

> on them from the same camping trip. However not one of them is sick.


> I know it is early. However my personality is a jumper (HA not the

> bad kind). I have two boys with autsim and when I found out I dove

> in for info. It is just the way I am wired.


> Also I hear about some mentla illness possibly coming on. Also

> personality changes, which I am sure was my first symptom. I went

> from easy going motehr of 4 to high strung nightmare.


> Sorry for all the questions.


> Thank you in advance

> NC


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I am on 100 MG Doxcycline (sp) 2 times a day. Sorry I forgo tto include that :)

Thanks for the info,


Jessie MacMillan <jessiemacmillan@...> wrote:


Never worry about asking too many questions. I'm so glad you found

this group because we'll be able to help you dispel the myths around

Lyme disease.

Your neuro symptoms should improve with treatment. I had very poor

concentration and trouble reading before I was diagnosed and both of

those have improved.

Your doctor is on the ball to want to put your children on

antibiotics. Lyme symptoms don't always appear right away.

You don't say what kind of antibiotics your doctor gave you, but the

dosage is kind of low for the most common first prescription for Lyme

(doxycycline). She may be thinking that she can help with your swollen

glands. The test results she's waiting for are probably tests,

which aren't as accurate as the Western blot.

Lyme can cause depression and anxiety, which are really just other

manifestations of neuro-Lyme. I have depression and treat it with


I know the world is looking pretty bleak to you right now, but it will

improve. When your brain clears up some start doing research and reading.

And never worry about asking questions here!



> Hello,


> My name is and I live in NC. I was just recently diagnosed 2

> days ago. I will ask forgiveness cause I am kinda confused here

> lately so I might ramble and make no sense (sorry).


> I have been sick fo r abit of time. However as a mother of 4 I just

> kept pushing on. Until last week when I could not get out of bed

> and could not lay down cause my throat was so swollen. I was dizzy,

> naseaus, eyes meesed up and just felt so weird. I went to the Dr.

> and had a severe strep infecction (accompanied by a lovely rash).

> She digged deeper and I ended up leaving with this news. The stuff

> on the internet is so confusing. I am on 100mg of antibiotic, she

> said that should hold me over till Monday (what does that mean) when

> they get some blood tests back. She told me not too worry we caught

> it in time. As I feel a bit better with the meds. I am still weak,

> confused, nasaus and have severe pain (she said my organs were

> enlarged). She said it cdould take a few rounds of meds to calm it

> down.


> What I wanna know is how likely is it that the neuro symptoms ever

> go away. Will I just not continue to get worse or will some of

> these things (beside the strep) improve. I was bit about 3 months

> ago and just ignored it all. UGH.


> She wants my kids to get antibiotics also since they all had ticks

> on them from the same camping trip. However not one of them is sick.


> I know it is early. However my personality is a jumper (HA not the

> bad kind). I have two boys with autsim and when I found out I dove

> in for info. It is just the way I am wired.


> Also I hear about some mentla illness possibly coming on. Also

> personality changes, which I am sure was my first symptom. I went

> from easy going motehr of 4 to high strung nightmare.


> Sorry for all the questions.


> Thank you in advance

> NC



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I can't answer most of what you ask but I wanted to share one thing.

The Dr. I went to first is not a LLMD, I live in CT, he seemed to know more

than most Dr.'s about Lyme.

He did treat me based on symptoms with the CDC recommendations, my ELISA

test was negative in the end.

Anyway wanted to share while there he told me a study was done about if a

tick is found on the person to give one day's high does of Doxy. He said in

over 80% of cases the people didn't get Lyme, even when they tested the tick

and it was positive for carrying Lyme. He said there is talk of a new

protocol about putting every person who finds a deer tick on them on a high

one day dose of Doxy, that it is better then waiting to see if symptoms do

appear then putting the body through 21 days of Doxy for adults or Amox for

children. I had not heard of this one day thing and found it interesting. I

wonder if your Dr. who spoke of putting your kids on meds after finding

ticks on them was based on that study?

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I think that's probably too small a dose. Many doctors start at 400 mg

or 600 mg a day, spread throughout the day.



> I am on 100 MG Doxcycline (sp) 2 times a day. Sorry I forgo tto

include that :)


> Thanks for the info,

> RAchel


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It sounds like you're having a Herx (or Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction).

It happens when you've started antibiotics and a whole bunch of

bacteria die at once, releasing toxins and making you even sicker.

Here's a page that does a pretty good job of describing it:



> Thank you I will ask him about it.


> I have gotten semi concerned in the past 24 hours. My symptoms

lessed to tolerable within like 24 hours. However yesterday they came

back full force. I am having such dizziness, confusion (it took me a

half hour to figure out 20 minus 7, I endedup calling a freind fo

rhelp it was embarassing, and I am a teacher). I also have pain so

bad in my left hip, dizziness and now (this is new) abdominal pain

unbearable. My doctor wants to have me come in today. I have no idea

what they will do. I figure it would get better for a longer period

of time.


> This is all very hard for us since I have not left the house in 6

days (ecxcept to go to the dr). I have 4 kids and my husband is

presenting a paper in australia. DOes anyone go through this. How

long till I can actually take careof my kids (and not the tv).


> Thank you,



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In a message dated 26/07/2006 00:26:31 GMT Daylight Time, iluv_obx@...


Just wanted to say hello,,I used to belong to a group for PA a long

time ago but I got away from it for some reason.

Hi ,

It couldn't have been ours. No one has ever escaped from our group. Like

Hotel California, you can check in any time you like, but you can never leave.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. (That's an evil laugh by the way. lol)

Well, if it wasn't ours..........welcome and if it was.............welcome


I'm glad the Enbrel is working so well for you. I hope it keeps working.

Take care,

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HEHEHEHEHE... Stab it with our steely knives, just cant kill the beast... Okay

who is the beast in this here group <snicker>...

Love and Peace Always

Shaun and Barb

(Editor's Note: . Kathy F. )

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