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Hello Jeanette !

Bless your heart! I pray that you continue to improve. Thank you so much for

keeping us posted. I know how difficult it most be for you to send e-mails know. My heart will be with you every step of the way. You are a champion!

Love Always,


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Hello Eunice,

I'm sorry about your situation. I do not know anything regarding a

link between endometreosis and PA, but that doesn't mean there is


I also wanted to address the issue you brought up regarding steroids

though- steroids are the ONLY medication you CAN take while pregnant.

Steroids generally do not really interfere with fertility or the

development of the baby. All other drugs are a no-no, but prednisone

can be taken prior to pregnancy and through the 1st trimester. By the

2nd trimester, natural hormones can actually control the arthritis.

Typically however, there is a fairly decent flare up after the birth.

Some people actually go into remission and stay there, but I'm not

sure how common that is. You can not be on steroids while nursing

though, I think.

For the young women on the list (including myself), if you think you

might want to get pregnant, you should consult a perinatologist

several months before for this kind of information. Basically, with

arthritis and any drugs you are on, it is considered a high-risk


Best wishes,


> I'm brand new to this group, however not brand new to PA. I am 37

> yrs. old. I was diagnosed with psoriasis in my late 20's and a few

> years later started having arthritic symptoms, starting in my hip

> and my thumb. Because I was of child-bearing age, I did not want


> go onto any steriodal treatments, although I did have one cortisone

> shot in my hip. I consulted a rheumatologist who informed me I had

> PA, but again, if I was planning to have children, there wasn't

> anything more he could do for me other than what my PCP was

> prescribing for me. He suggested I lose weight, which made me mad

> that a complete stranger would tell me that, but I did just that,

> and my hip felt better as the weight came off. The PA has been

> dormant at times until the last year or so. Now it is down-right

> debilitating, crippling my fingers and hands, toes and feet, my

> knee - so I went back to the same rheumatologist who now has

> mentioned Enbrel or Remicade treatment. However, as insurance

> companies tend to run our lives, I must start on methotrexate first

> to see how that works, else I won't be able to get authorization


> either of the other drugs. I took my first dose of methotrexate

> last week, and because I'm not to take the Vioxx I was taking, I am

> in an extreme amount of all over pain until the medication gets


> my system.

> Now for a question I have - I have had in the past severe

> endometriosis which has left me infertile, and I've always wondered

> if that and PA have any links to each other. I'd be interested in

> any thoughts/comments...

> Thanks, Eunice

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Dear Eunice,

On the question regarding PA & endometriosis I'm not aware of any proven

link, however I wonder if there is? I have PA and my mother had

endometriosis about 8 years ago, she also has had small patches of scalp

psoriasis from time to time whilst she does not have PA.


Craig Coote.

[ ] Hello

> I'm brand new to this group, however not brand new to PA. I am 37

> yrs. old. I was diagnosed with psoriasis in my late 20's and a few

> years later started having arthritic symptoms, starting in my hip

> and my thumb. Because I was of child-bearing age, I did not want to

> go onto any steriodal treatments, although I did have one cortisone

> shot in my hip. I consulted a rheumatologist who informed me I had

> PA, but again, if I was planning to have children, there wasn't

> anything more he could do for me other than what my PCP was

> prescribing for me. He suggested I lose weight, which made me mad

> that a complete stranger would tell me that, but I did just that,

> and my hip felt better as the weight came off. The PA has been

> dormant at times until the last year or so. Now it is down-right

> debilitating, crippling my fingers and hands, toes and feet, my

> knee - so I went back to the same rheumatologist who now has

> mentioned Enbrel or Remicade treatment. However, as insurance

> companies tend to run our lives, I must start on methotrexate first

> to see how that works, else I won't be able to get authorization for

> either of the other drugs. I took my first dose of methotrexate

> last week, and because I'm not to take the Vioxx I was taking, I am

> in an extreme amount of all over pain until the medication gets into

> my system.

> Now for a question I have - I have had in the past severe

> endometriosis which has left me infertile, and I've always wondered

> if that and PA have any links to each other. I'd be interested in

> any thoughts/comments...

> Thanks, Eunice






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Dear Eunice,

I am sorry to say you and I have a lot in common. I,

also, am 37, My ps. began in my early 20's, PA in

early 30's. Fortunately, I had 2 children when the PA

hit,also in my hips first. I have since had a

hysterectomy due mostly to scar tissue from 2

C-sections. Don't know of a link to endometriosis.

The main reason I am responding is that I take Enbrel,

MTX, and Vioxx simultaneously. I don't understand why

your rheumy has taken you off the Vioxx. My Rheumy

had to fight my insurance company to get my Enbrel

paid for also. It is $1500 from the local pharmacy

here. He thinks, and I agree, the Enbrel works better

in conjunction with MTX than alone. Maybe worth asking

about. Hate to hear that you are in pain. Don't give

up. You must be your own best friend in this mess.

Don't let any professional treat you in a way that you

wouldn't like for your closest loved one to be

treated. Hang in there! There is hope.

c ya--



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Hi Eunice - Yes, insurance does make us jump thru hoops, but all plans have

an appeals procedure if you are denied a treatment.

As far as the endometriosis, I don't think I've had that, but I've had

numerous menstrual problems, from excessive bleeding to skipping periods, and

I'm also infertile (although I've never really tried to get pregnant, I've

never tried NOT to - and my husband has a daughter from a previous marriage,

so I know it's not him) - interesting that you bring up a connection between

that and PA - who knows?

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  • 3 weeks later...
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What has given me pain relief and some life back in dealing with FMS and

CFIDS are:

cranialscaral therapy, SAM-e, Magnesium, MSM and a combo of flaxseedoil

(instead of fish oil which did nothing for me) mixed with homade yoghurt plus

officinalis tincture.


In a message dated 6/25/02 12:03:40 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

parksl@... writes:

> In Barry Sears' new Zone book, he talks about pain relief from

> fibromyalgia and cancer using high grade fish oils, which he just

> happens to sell.


> abbylane53 wrote:

> >

> > My name is Abby, I have posted a few times here, I don't have cancer

> > at least not called cancer. I have MS/CFS/Fibro, but my ex husband of

> > 24 years whom I still care about was just dx'd with Internal Melanoma

> > stage 4, I am out of the loop in his life but I need to understand

> > for myself, so any info would be appreciated.

> >

> > Thank you

> >

> > Abby


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In Barry Sears' new Zone book, he talks about pain relief from

fibromyalgia and cancer using high grade fish oils, which he just

happens to sell.

abbylane53 wrote:


> My name is Abby, I have posted a few times here, I don't have cancer

> at least not called cancer. I have MS/CFS/Fibro, but my ex husband of

> 24 years whom I still care about was just dx'd with Internal Melanoma

> stage 4, I am out of the loop in his life but I need to understand

> for myself, so any info would be appreciated.


> Thank you


> Abby



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Welcome aboard my Australian mate. Weekly injections are good. You

will have judge it for yourself. Just remember that there will be times

you will seem to need a little (just a little now) more and not quite as

much. Once you get to doing the injections yourself it will be common

place to you.


Hello to all group members and thanx for having me on board,

My name is Ken and I live in Sydney Australia,I was diagnosed about a

year and a half back and since then have been taking injections of

Sustanon (brand name,much the same as other forms of 'T' ) started off

on 2.5cc about every three weeks and then 1cc every ten days and three

weeks back have changed to 1cc every eight days feeling much better for

it ie...... less mood swings,energy levels are up.Hopefully I can stay

at this dose as,chatting to different folk on different lists who are

taking higher doses,most of them have got all sorts of medical problems

associated with high 'T' doses.

Thats a little of me,




SOLD.com.au- Find yourself a bargain!

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--- Dwight Meeks <dee0726@...> wrote:


Welcome aboard my Australian mate.Weekly injections

are good

will have judge it for yourself.Just remember that

there will be times

you will seem to need a little (just a little now)

more and not quite as

much Once you get to doing the injections yourself it

will be common place to you

>>> Yes,I think that day is drawing near

>>> What part of Australia are you in

http://www.sold.com.au - SOLD.com.au

- Find yourself a bargain!

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Hang in there! You sound like you are a " go get 'em " kind of mom! Good for

you! Isn't is amazing how much having a chronically ill child makes them

grow up quickly? They don't have the time and energy to waste on things. I

would do everything I could to drag every family member I could to the next

appointment! It makes a BIG difference to hear it from the " horses mouth "

instead of from a " nervous ninny momma. " This is what my ex-husband told me

before he FINALLY went to an appointment. Gee, I wonder why he is my X?!!


Amy and Alli (15)

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Hello Georgina,

Thanks for the reply. We have gone through so much. of course has

had to have the worst of it. I'm just thankful for Dr Holm's referring us to

Duke. I always say, things happen for a reason. I just don't know what the

reason is that had to suffer needlessly. It's a shame that her

step-mom (at the time) who is an RN and her step-mom dad, who is a Dr, put

through so much and did nothing to help her. I found out that she had

had temps over 103 and they did nothing for her - she wasn't even allowed to

have children's motrin, tylenol, ibuprofen - nothing. I'm just thankful she

didn't have any siezures. She's too beautiful and too sweet of a child for

anyone to be that stupid!!

ita & (10)

Re: Hello

Hi ita,

It does pay to be well prepared for the appts and it seems as if you both

were, having prepared the very helpful journal and the photos, etc. You

certainly did get a lot accomplished on that visit! I'm glad to hear that

has finally started a course of treatment and hopefully she will begin

responding soon, to both the meds and physical therapy. I think it's a wonderful

idea that 's Grandmother go along with you, for your daughter's next

scheduled appointment. You might also want to visit a few JRA websites and

browse around to see if there's an article or two that you might print out to

share with her, so she can have a good basic understanding of her

Granddaughter's condition. If you visit the group's JRA Bookmark Files, you'll

find a good selection there. The URL is:

/links You can also find the URL for the

Arthritis Foundation there. If you contact them, they will gladly mail you some

of their informative brochures and you can also check the schedule of events

taking place at the local branch nearest to where you live. There may be some

activities that your daughter can participate in, where she'll meet others who

understand what it's like to live with JRA. The more support, the better : )

I'm glad you found our group. Look forward to getting to know you.

Aloha, Georgina

----- Original Message -----

From: jbelle831

Hello everyone,

I posted a message about a week and a half ago about this being all

new to me. I have been busy but have been reading the posts. I

would like to respond to some that I have read but am not quite sure


I want to tell a little about my daughter. My daughter,

, is 10 years old and was just diagnosed with JRA in june. We

have been fighting this since she was 5. There is a long story to

the whole situation. To make it short. I took her to an ortho ped

specialist. As soon as he walked in the room, he knew it was JRA.

He then referred me to Duke Children's Hospital. It was 3 months

before he could get us an appt. But we went in June - her appt was

at 8am and we did not leave until 4pm. Everyone I tell that, cannot

believe how long we were there. But when I got there I told them I

did not want to be there for an hour and be sent home with no

answers - WE GOT ANSWERS!!!! It was a wonderful experience. I think

is a little more at ease. I think she finally feels

there is someone going to help her. She saw the dr, an OT, a PT, a

MCSW, had blood work and x-rays (about 20), and had wrists splints

made for her all in one day. Her next appt is July 24. I can't wait

to go back to find the results of the x-rays and blood work.

She has done great in the past 4 weeks since her last appt. Dr

Schanberg put her on 10 mg mtx 1x week, folic acid 1x day, 1200mg

calcium (1 tums 2x day) and ibuprofen 3.8cc 3x day. She has done

really well with her meds. She goes for PT 1-2 x week and does PT and

OT exercises daily.

This has been a big step for her. She is so responsible for a 10 yr

old. She lives with her dad and brother. They all live with her

paternal grandparents and an aunt (age 15). It has been hard on me,

making sure she takes all her medicine daily, does her exercises

daily, and wears her splints at night since she doesn't live with

me. It breaks my heart with all she goes through and her dad and

grandparents don't seem to think the disease is as serious as it is.

But for her next appt her grandmother is coming with us - YEAH!!! I

want her there, she needs to be there. Maybe then she will realize

how important it is for Kathyrn to take her meds and do her


Thanks for listening,

ita & (10-systemic????)

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Dear ita,

Thank God you are back in the lives of your children. They deserve and

quite obviously need the love and care of such a wonderful mother as yourself.

You and are in my thoughts.

Ellie and Riley 4 poly

" ita & Wallace " <juanita@...> wrote:

> Thanks for the words of encourgement!!!nbsp; It has been soooo hard to see her

suffer for so long.nbsp; My ex was/is married to an RN and her dad is an dr - he

says allergist, family medicine, pediatrics - I say whatever.nbsp; Anyway, he

did several blood tests since last Oct and has done nothing to refer her to

another dr.nbsp; I have found out that at times would have temps up

to 105 and the RN nor the dr would give her anything - not even children's

tylenol or motrin - nothing!!!!nbsp; She missed 2 weeks of school because of her

step-mom (the wonderful RN) stupidity!!!!nbsp; All they did was put cool cloths

around her neck.nbsp; Oh yeah, let's just have her go into seizures why don't

we?nbsp; It's amazing how stupid doctor's and nurses can be.nbsp;


>My ex wouldn't let me see my children for almost 2 years.nbsp; Then all of a

sudden he calls me in Feb and says he wants me to start seeing them again.nbsp;

I could not believe the condition was in.nbsp; I could not believe

they let her go for 5 months without any treatment from any doctor's.nbsp; So

when I took her to Duke, I asked Dr Schanberg if there is a possibility of

permanent joint damage.nbsp; She said it was too soon to tell.nbsp; She wasn't

sure how would respond to the treatment.nbsp; We go back to Duke on

July 24.nbsp; I hope things turn out well.nbsp; I can see an improvement in her

in just the past 4 weeks.nbsp; It really broke my heart when about 3 weeks ago

told me, quot;This is the best I have felt in 6 monthsquot;nbsp; I

just wanted to cry!!!nbsp; How could anyone let a child suffer for so long

without getting help?!?!?!nbsp; I just don't understand.


>ita amp; (10)

>nbsp; Re: Hello



>nbsp; ita,


>nbsp; Hang in there! You sound like you are a quot;go get 'emquot; kind of

mom!nbsp; Good for

>nbsp; you!nbsp; Isn't is amazing how much having a chronically ill child makes


>nbsp; grow up quickly?nbsp; They don't have the time and energy to waste on

things.nbsp; I

>nbsp; would do everything I could to drag every family member I could to the


>nbsp; appointment!nbsp; It makes a BIG difference to hear it from the

quot;horses mouthquot;

>nbsp; instead of from a quot;nervous ninny momma.quot;nbsp; This is what my

ex-husband told me

>nbsp; before he FINALLY went to an appointment.nbsp; Gee, I wonder why he is my


>nbsp; lol


>nbsp; Amy and Alli (15)




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It was not child neglect on his part. He was taking her to his father-in-law

who is a doctor. They just didn't send her to the right dr. It would seem to

me that if someone tries something for a while and nothing seems to help then

try something else. I just think he was too trusting in the doctor. My ex

is/was married to the doctor's daughter - she is an RN. Neither the dr or the

nurse knows what they h*** they were doing. I'm only grateful that

is getting treatment now. We go back to Duke this wed, july 24 - this will be

our 2nd visit. I'll keep everyone posted. She has been at Longwood College

last week and this week for talented and gifted students. She is having a

blast!!! She is taking a class on Russia, a Spanish class, an inventor's

adventures class, and an outdoors adventures class. She loves all of them.

Friday will be her last day - a family picnic day to see what the students have

learned and did the past 2 weeks.

ita & (10)

Robbin40@... wrote: ita

ok first of all to me that sounds like your hubby did do child neglect

my daughter and son has always seen a doctor on good years at least 4 times

and i took them to the ER several times

their medical record is THICK

with both they had a strange fever the tests showed nothing

so the doctor said ok it must be stress fever

well the fever would go high and make them sleep it off

tylenol wouldnt touch it

why does your hubby have the kids? if you dont mind me asking

seems you could get custody of them since the child is not gettin proper

treatment from his care


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Hi juanita,

sounds like you have one smart cookie on your hands.My niece turned 13 on

the 18th and she is at Vanderbilts program for the gifted.She took her ACT

at 12 and scored in the top 90% of all graduating seniors.Glad to hear

is getting the treatment she needs,hope shes fealing better soon.

Becki and 3systemic

Re: Hello


> Robbin,

>It was not child neglect on his part. He was taking her to his

father-in-law who is a doctor. They just didn't send her to the right dr.

It would seem to me that if someone tries something for a while and nothing

seems to help then try something else. I just think he was too trusting in

the doctor. My ex is/was married to the doctor's daughter - she is an RN.

Neither the dr or the nurse knows what they h*** they were doing. I'm only

grateful that is getting treatment now. We go back to Duke

this wed, july 24 - this will be our 2nd visit. I'll keep everyone posted.

She has been at Longwood College last week and this week for talented and

gifted students. She is having a blast!!! She is taking a class on Russia,

a Spanish class, an inventor's adventures class, and an outdoors adventures

class. She loves all of them. Friday will be her last day - a family

picnic day to see what the students have learned and did the past 2 weeks.

>ita & (10)

> Robbin40@... wrote: ita

>ok first of all to me that sounds like your hubby did do child neglect

>my daughter and son has always seen a doctor on good years at least 4 times

>and i took them to the ER several times

>their medical record is THICK

>with both they had a strange fever the tests showed nothing

>so the doctor said ok it must be stress fever

>well the fever would go high and make them sleep it off

>tylenol wouldnt touch it

>why does your hubby have the kids? if you dont mind me asking

>seems you could get custody of them since the child is not gettin proper

>treatment from his care





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They took me off the meds...I still have the effects of the Hep so I can't understand why they say it has just disappeared...I don't know anymore..I am fighting with hot flashes so bad i could scream..They increased my hormones but I still get them...I am also on Paxil for anxiety and depression but I still seem to be aggrevated alot lately..Maybe it's because we have been going through alot of stuff recently..I don't know anymore...Then I ofund out my hubby is a Hep B and C carrier but they wouldn't check for the B..Don';t that seem odd too??? I been Hells Bells they are saying I DO NOT have the Hep C anymore but when I try to tell them of hubby being a carrier they don't even bother to check me for it..Seems to me that they just wanted to get rid of me or something..Damn now I'm rambling on..Guess it was just my time to vent a little huh?? Sorry bout that..

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Are you going to get another opinion? As hot and

humid as it is in this part of the country and with a

houseful of teens, I can totally understand why your


I will tell you a true story that happened just south

of Houston. It is sad but also kind'a funny. This

woman caught her husband with his girlfriend. She hit

him with her car, this threw him 25 feet. She then

drove over 2 grassy medians and ran over him 3 times

and parked on his body. Then she said it was an

accident. Oops, I ran over my husband 3 times, but I

didn't mean to? She's out on $30,000 bond. It's sad

for him, but I can't believe she said it was an


Keep us posted, and see, I can ramble too.


--- Jannewilms43@... wrote:

> They took me off the meds...I still have the effects

> of the Hep so I can't

> understand why they say it has just disappeared...I

> don't know anymore..I am

> fighting with hot flashes so bad i could

> scream..They increased my hormones

> but I still get them...I am also on Paxil for

> anxiety and depression but I

> still seem to be aggrevated alot lately..Maybe it's

> because we have been

> going through alot of stuff recently..I don't know

> anymore...Then I ofund out

> my hubby is a Hep B and C carrier but they wouldn't

> check for the B..Don';t

> that seem odd too??? I been Hells Bells they are

> saying I DO NOT have the Hep

> C anymore but when I try to tell them of hubby being

> a carrier they don't

> even bother to check me for it..Seems to me that

> they just wanted to get rid

> of me or something..Damn now I'm rambling on..Guess

> it was just my time to

> vent a little huh?? Sorry bout that..



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Sharon, my body & mind have been out of whack seance starting treatment in January. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought of beating this dragon. If that come's to pass this year will be worth it and I will make up for it next year.


Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: Hi everyone. I have been reading mail today but notresponding a lot. It's good to see so many people onthis weekend.By the way , write all you want. It sometimesgets really lonely on the weekends. No e-mail at allsometimes. Also I like reading what you have to say.As far as the side effects go, I can't remember whatfeeling normal is. I've just gotten used to my bodyand mind being out of whack. This too shall pass, Ihope.It's really great to hear so much from so manypeople. Jan, are you still on treatment or did theytake you off when you made the miraculous recovery?Everyone have a great night. Sharon__________________________________________________

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As you have told several other's in here. Vent all you want Jan. That is what were here for, to help eachother through this.


Jannewilms43@... wrote: They took me off the meds...I still have the effects of the Hep so I can't understand why they say it has just disappeared...I don't know anymore..I am fighting with hot flashes so bad i could scream..They increased my hormones but I still get them...I am also on Paxil for anxiety and depression but I still seem to be aggrevated alot lately..Maybe it's because we have been going through alot of stuff recently..I don't know anymore...Then I ofund out my hubby is a Hep B and C carrier but they wouldn't check for the B..Don';t that seem odd too??? I been Hells Bells they are saying I DO NOT have the Hep C anymore but when I try to tell them of hubby being a carrier they don't even bother to check me for it..Seems to me that they just wanted to get rid of me or something..Damn now I'm rambling on..Guess it was just my time to vent a little huh?? Sorry bout that..

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That reminds me of something that happened at work two years ago. We had this Emplyee "married man" dating this woman "another Employee. This man's wife found out. She came down to the plant, talked our guard into letting her into the plant. She beat both of them up. The two employee's still work there & are living together. No charges were filled on the wife.


Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: Are you going to get another opinion? As hot andhumid as it is in this part of the country and with ahouseful of teens, I can totally understand why youraggravated.I will tell you a true story that happened just southof Houston. It is sad but also kind'a funny. Thiswoman caught her husband with his girlfriend. She hithim with her car, this threw him 25 feet. She thendrove over 2 grassy medians and ran over him 3 timesand parked on his body. Then she said it was anaccident. Oops, I ran over my husband 3 times, but Ididn't mean to? She's out on $30,000 bond. It's sadfor him, but I can't believe she said it was anaccident.Keep us posted, and see, I can ramble too. Sharon--- Jannewilms43@... wrote:> They took me off the meds...I still have the effects> of the Hep so I can't > understand why they say it has just disappeared...I> don't know anymore..I am > fighting with hot flashes so bad i could> scream..They increased my hormones > but I still get them...I am also on Paxil for> anxiety and depression but I > still seem to be aggrevated alot lately..Maybe it's> because we have been > going through alot of stuff recently..I don't know> anymore...Then I ofund out > my hubby is a Hep B and C carrier but they wouldn't> check for the B..Don';t > that seem odd too??? I been Hells Bells they are> saying I DO NOT have the Hep > C anymore but when I try to tell them of hubby being> a carrier they don't > even bother to check me for it..Seems to me that> they just wanted to get rid > of me or something..Damn now I'm rambling on..Guess> it was just my time to > vent a little huh?? Sorry bout that..> __________________________________________________

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Maybe these people could use a little anger

management. I used to have a fairly short fuse but I

wouldn't physically hurt anyone. Just scream and yell

a lot. This lady wanted to go to her husband's funeral

but her lawyer advised her not too.


--- Terry Long <pawpawto3@...> wrote:


> That reminds me of something that happened at

> work two years ago. We had this Emplyee " married

> man " dating this woman " another Employee. This man's

> wife found out. She came down to the plant, talked

> our guard into letting her into the plant. She beat

> both of them up. The two employee's still work there

> & are living together. No charges were filled on the

> wife.

> Terry

> Sharon Zeis <szeis_1@...> wrote: Are you

> going to get another opinion? As hot and

> humid as it is in this part of the country and with

> a

> houseful of teens, I can totally understand why your

> aggravated.

> I will tell you a true story that happened just

> south

> of Houston. It is sad but also kind'a funny. This

> woman caught her husband with his girlfriend. She

> hit

> him with her car, this threw him 25 feet. She then

> drove over 2 grassy medians and ran over him 3 times

> and parked on his body. Then she said it was an

> accident. Oops, I ran over my husband 3 times, but I

> didn't mean to? She's out on $30,000 bond. It's sad

> for him, but I can't believe she said it was an

> accident.

> Keep us posted, and see, I can ramble too.

> Sharon

> --- Jannewilms43@... wrote:

> > They took me off the meds...I still have the

> effects

> > of the Hep so I can't

> > understand why they say it has just

> disappeared...I

> > don't know anymore..I am

> > fighting with hot flashes so bad i could

> > scream..They increased my hormones

> > but I still get them...I am also on Paxil for

> > anxiety and depression but I

> > still seem to be aggrevated alot lately..Maybe

> it's

> > because we have been

> > going through alot of stuff recently..I don't know

> > anymore...Then I ofund out

> > my hubby is a Hep B and C carrier but they

> wouldn't

> > check for the B..Don';t

> > that seem odd too??? I been Hells Bells they are

> > saying I DO NOT have the Hep

> > C anymore but when I try to tell them of hubby

> being

> > a carrier they don't

> > even bother to check me for it..Seems to me that

> > they just wanted to get rid

> > of me or something..Damn now I'm rambling

> on..Guess

> > it was just my time to

> > vent a little huh?? Sorry bout that..

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Hi, Sharon,

It's sad

> for him, but I can't believe she said it was an > accident.

I sure can! I work at the State Police Barracks, and I love to collect

'dumb criminal' stories.

Especially about drug users and dealers. I mean, if you were running

several thousand dollars worth of heroin up from another state, wouldn't you

want to have both headlights working, and your reg. stickers current, and

wouldn't you refrain from doing 85 in a 65 mph zone? I mean, why don't

they just put a sign on the trunk lid that says: " Please stop me; I'm

carrying drugs and I want to be arrested! " Lotta dumb and dumber offenders

out there today! (And, sorry to say, some of the cops aren't too bright,


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It is sad but also kind'a funny. This > woman caught her husband with his

girlfriend. She hit

> him with her car, this threw him 25 feet. She then > drove over 2 grassy

medians and ran over him 3 times > and parked on his body. Then she said it

was an > accident. Oops, I ran over my husband 3 times, but I > didn't mean


Yeah, that IS pretty funny, Sharon! I'm gonna cut and paste it to my


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Jann please go get a second opinion about this!

I wish you well, friend,

Re: [ ] Hello

They took me off the meds...I still have the effects of the Hep so I can't understand why they say it has just disappeared...I don't know anymore..I am fighting with hot flashes so bad i could scream..They increased my hormones but I still get them...I am also on Paxil for anxiety and depression but I still seem to be aggrevated alot lately..Maybe it's because we have been going through alot of stuff recently..I don't know anymore...Then I ofund out my hubby is a Hep B and C carrier but they wouldn't check for the B..Don';t that seem odd too??? I been Hells Bells they are saying I DO NOT have the Hep C anymore but when I try to tell them of hubby being a carrier they don't even bother to check me for it..Seems to me that they just wanted to get rid of me or something..Damn now I'm rambling on..Guess it was just my time to vent a little huh?? Sorry bout that..

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I bet you've seen it all (or most of it anyway). I

have the feeling this woman will get off on temporary



--- Sizer <ssizer@...> wrote:

> Hi, Sharon,


> It's sad

> > for him, but I can't believe she said it was an >

> accident.


> I sure can! I work at the State Police Barracks,

> and I love to collect

> 'dumb criminal' stories.

> Especially about drug users and dealers. I mean, if

> you were running

> several thousand dollars worth of heroin up from

> another state, wouldn't you

> want to have both headlights working, and your reg.

> stickers current, and

> wouldn't you refrain from doing 85 in a 65 mph zone?

> I mean, why don't

> they just put a sign on the trunk lid that says:

> " Please stop me; I'm

> carrying drugs and I want to be arrested! " Lotta

> dumb and dumber offenders

> out there today! (And, sorry to say, some of the

> cops aren't too bright,

> either).






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