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Janette wrote:

<<A once a year rheumy appt in Chicago is very doable for me. Can I have a


Before we moved to the Northwest suburbs, I saw Dr Liang at Northwestern

Memorial Hospital. He was the head of the division of Rheumatology at the time,

and after orthopedic guys had blown me off for years telling me my hip and back

pain was all only osteoarthritis, he was able to finally diagnose my PA and

treat it.

Now that I am in the Northwest suburbs, I see Dr Moran at Illinois Bone And

Joint Institute in Morton Grove. Illinois Bone And Joint Institute in Glenview

also has a good rheumy, Dr Bello, who is treating one of my coworkers for RA

that wasn't responding to any of the meds her other doc tried her on.

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Sorry it took so long I have been very ill! I got a terrible cmv infection and

then developed bells palsy! I wish u luck in ur doc search mine is a true gem!

Dr keith Reich munster indiana! Believe me I have been to hundreds of docs for

several health issues and I am a nurse. This man is great! Take care, I hope

today is beautiful for u!

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If you're looking for a rheumy in Chicago, I recommend Dr. Katz at Rush

Medical Center. He's very good. Also, now that I have been diagnosed with PA

I'm seeing a dermatologist, Dr. Zahner who has offices in St. and

Hinsdale. He's excellent and, experienced treating PA. I've heard of the

doctor at Northwestern being very good but, there are no other rheumy's I'd see

or recommend in Chicago area. Have heard lots of bad stories.

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I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick. Glad you're now able to get back to me -

I was getting concerned. I feel sorry for myself and my health problems and

then read about the tremendous battles some of you face every day and feel

really lucky. Thanks to all of you for the doctor recommendations around

Chicago. I confess driving in Chicago is not my favorite thing and the great

news that Dr. Reich is in Munster (my side of Chicago) makes him even more of a



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  • 4 weeks later...

I like Jarrow B-Right, its low odor with MB12 available at iherb.com

Mandi in UK

In a message dated 01/10/2010 02:07:19 GMT Daylight Time,

lisa369@... writes:

(if anyone knows of a B complex that doesn't taste or smell gross and has

no soy or artificial sweeteners please fill me in!).

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The recommended list of supps is in the files. Give what is tolerated. I never

could find a B complex I could get into my kid, except a basic chewable allergen

free multi, so that's all he gets as far as that goes (if anyone knows of a B

complex that doesn't taste or smell gross and has no soy or artificial

sweeteners please fill me in!).

The main ones we had in place were milk thistle, mag, zinc, C, and yeast

protocol (GSE, biotin, probioitics). Eventually we had to add adrenal support

with an ACE supplement, and we added a few others along the way. My son is now

(a year and a half into chelation) on very few supps.

Best thing we've done: AC chelation.


> I have been on GFCFKids for a few months now and thought I would come on over

> here since our goal is to chelate asap.

> Our oldest son will be 5 on Nov 1st and he has ASD symptoms and ADHD and OCD

> although we have chosen not to have him offically dxed.  He is what they

> consider " high functioning " since he has always been verbal and we believe we

> can recover him.

> He always progressed normally, but I felt a change in him after his 1st Hep B

> vaccine.  Unfortunatly, I did not know at the time and continued to have him

> vaccinated until 9 months.  Then I started searching and learned a lot and

> stopped..thank God we stopped before the MMR.  I feel we would have lost him

> fully if we have given him that.

> We have been GFCFSF and crap free for 6 months now and have seen some gains. 


> is on enzymes, probiotics, melatonin, biotin, GSE, vit d, and sometimes CLO. 

> We keep trying Spectrum Complete by Kirkman at different doses and he has ADHD

> reactions to it every time.  He also may be having a reaction to the CLO.


> I feel like we will not be able to move forward until we get the metals out,


> that is our goal right now.  I have been reading up on AC and am ready, but


> 1 major question.  What vitamins/supplements does he need to be on before we


> start?  I know there is a list, but I am wondering because he has reactions to


> lot of them and I am not sure if I am supposed to give them to him even though

> he has trouble with them or if I can start with the few that he does

> tolerate and then try the others again later when we start getting the metals

> out.  I hear they start tolerating more pretty quickly.  What are the most

> important ones?  The Milk Thistle (spl?) is at the top of my list for liver

> support.


> Any advice is much appreciated..TIA


> Wyatt (4.5yrs/HFASD and probably ADHD and OCD), (3yrs/NT),

> Trace (1yr/NT *we think*)






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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Divya,

You correctly pointed the other concerns.

It has also widened to cover drug-drug interactions and other things that i have posted.

Regards, Dr. Vijay M. katekhayePostgraduate StudentDept. of Pharmacology,LTMMC & LTMGH, Sion,Mumbai - 400 022 Ph - +919619313060

From: divya ganapathy <divya_ganapathy@...>netrum Sent: Thu, 28 October, 2010 1:13:48 PMSubject: New

Apart from drugs, In what all other concerns the Pharmacovigilance is widened?

Pharmacovigilance is an ongoing observation and assessment of the products to ensure that the product is safe and effective. Over time pharmacovigilance has expanded to include drugs, herbals, non-traditional medicines, biologicals, medical devices and vaccines.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is your husband on board with joining your fight? If not, you will have another battle on your hands. Men need to get on board wtih fighting for their children. I can't tell you how tired I am of hearing that dad's are leaving all the work to mom and then this creates a problem in the marriage. You need to start reading about IEP's and what Mi's looks like.

Please don't consider meds as a first line of defense for your son. Unless you've tried numerous therapies, meds should not be the turn to solution. 

Understanding an IEP will be the first thing to start doing as I understand from your post you don't have any evaluations to read right now, right? If you do have evals to read, you need to know them inside and out and understand what the recommendations are. WHO did the eval btw? School or dr? 

Do you know any other spec. ed parents in your area? It is always good to get an insiders pov on how your school system works. There are state regs that will make your experience different than mine. What we do have in common is IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) which in national law. Finding other parents who have already navigated the system will really be your best bet. They can really give you a crash course on the realities of what the school will and won't do. Also, don't sign your IEP at the meeting. Take it home, let the other parents give you input. Request a draft copy of the IEP (in writing) 3 days before the IEP meeting takes place. You need a lot of time to be able to read it and understand it before the meeting. Maybe you could post the plop and goals for us to read and give you input?

Start reading slaw website and get some books from  the library about IEP's and asperger's. Reading and the knowledge you gain on special ed will be your most valuable asset in helping your child.

On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 1:51 PM, margiedeedee <margiedeedee@...> wrote:


Hi, my name is Marge and my son david age 7 has just been diagnosed with Aspergers and ADHD. Kinda lost at the moment really not sure where to go or what to do? We live in Michigan. I have talked to his Speech Therapist at school and she is getting her team around to set up his IEP. He has an appointment Monday to see his pediatrican about medication for the ADHD. But haven't contacted any therapist at this point. What resources are available for us in Michigan? To be truthfull I am worried about the financial aspects of this as well. I WILL do whatever I need to, to get him all the help he needs but as I said this is all new to me! People have told us he is eligible for SS/disability but somehow I don't see that happening? Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing! I would appreciate any advice you can give me! Thanks

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Oh yes Hubby is right on board with all of this! Thanks for your advice! He was

diagonosied by a Phsycologist at the Hurley Brain Functon Center. I don't mean

any disrpect to the school phsycologist but I didn't think he was the right one

for this. We went to talk to him a couple weeks before school ended last year

and he said there really wasn't anything he could accomplish at that point but

as soon as school started in the fall he would be right on it.....haven't heard

a word from him as yet! So over the summer we went ahead and asked around and

was told this Dr. (PH.D) was excellent in this field. We were very happy with

her! She is also willing to help out the school in any way possible! I know what

you mean about drugs not being the soloution. I have a 20 year old that was

diagnosed ADHD when he was in kindergarten, he did go on meds until middle

school when he started refusing to take them because if he acted up in class the

teachers would ask him in front of his classmates if he had taken his medication

that day!!! He said he felt like a retard so quit taking them. I know all about

how school systems can be. We are in a different one with but time will



> >

> >

> > Hi, my name is Marge and my son david age 7 has just been diagnosed with

> > Aspergers and ADHD. Kinda lost at the moment really not sure where to go or

> > what to do? We live in Michigan. I have talked to his Speech Therapist at

> > school and she is getting her team around to set up his IEP. He has an

> > appointment Monday to see his pediatrican about medication for the ADHD. But

> > haven't contacted any therapist at this point. What resources are available

> > for us in Michigan? To be truthfull I am worried about the financial aspects

> > of this as well. I WILL do whatever I need to, to get him all the help he

> > needs but as I said this is all new to me! People have told us he is

> > eligible for SS/disability but somehow I don't see that happening? Does

> > anyone know anything about this kind of thing! I would appreciate any advice

> > you can give me! Thanks

> >

> >

> >


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Hi Marge,

I just found out over the summer that ADHD as a diagnosis can be considered a disabillity. may not be ale to get SSI (income based) but may be able to get medical asssistance. Getting the Medical assistance for Jonny was really important for us because our insurance was awful, based out of state and no specialists here wanted anything to do with it. I am thinking that ADHD and Aspergers combined would certainly qualify your son as disabled. My son has ADHD, Tourettes and was just diagnosed with Aspergers. so it's all pretty new to me too. My 12 year old daughter has another disability so i am pretty well versed in actually dealing with the medical assistance aspect of things, it's the Aspergers and tourettes that are new to me...

hope this helps some.

mom of Jonny 6 with ADHD, Aspergers and Tourettes and

12 with Cf and most of the stuff that goes with it

( ) New

Hi, my name is Marge and my son david age 7 has just been diagnosed with Aspergers and ADHD. Kinda lost at the moment really not sure where to go or what to do? We live in Michigan. I have talked to his Speech Therapist at school and she is getting her team around to set up his IEP. He has an appointment Monday to see his pediatrican about medication for the ADHD. But haven't contacted any therapist at this point. What resources are available for us in Michigan? To be truthfull I am worried about the financial aspects of this as well. I WILL do whatever I need to, to get him all the help he needs but as I said this is all new to me! People have told us he is eligible for SS/disability but somehow I don't see that happening? Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing! I would appreciate any advice you can give me! Thanks

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Thanks any bit of info I can get helps!! It doesn't really matter if he is

eligible or not he needs help and it is up to us to get it! So we will move





> Hi Marge,


> I just found out over the summer that ADHD as a diagnosis can be considered a

disabillity.  may not be ale to get SSI (income based) but may be able to

get medical asssistance.  Getting the Medical assistance for Jonny was really

important for us because our insurance was awful, based out of state and

no specialists here wanted anything to do with it.  I am thinking that ADHD

and Aspergers combined would certainly qualify your son as disabled. My son has

ADHD, Tourettes and was just diagnosed with Aspergers.  so it's all pretty new

to me too.  My 12 year old daughter has another disability so i am pretty well

versed in actually dealing with the medical assistance aspect of things, it's

the Aspergers and tourettes that are new to me...


> hope this helps some.




> mom of Jonny 6 with ADHD, Aspergers and Tourettes and


> 12 with Cf and most of the stuff that goes with it







> ( ) New







> Hi, my name is Marge and my son david age 7 has just been diagnosed with

Aspergers and ADHD. Kinda lost at the moment really not sure where to go or what

to do? We live in Michigan. I have talked to his Speech Therapist at school and

she is getting her team around to set up his IEP. He has an appointment Monday

to see his pediatrican about medication for the ADHD. But haven't contacted any

therapist at this point. What resources are available for us in Michigan? To be

truthfull I am worried about the financial aspects of this as well. I WILL do

whatever I need to, to get him all the help he needs but as I said this is all

new to me! People have told us he is eligible for SS/disability but somehow I

don't see that happening? Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing! I

would appreciate any advice you can give me! Thanks


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Okay, thanks you so much for the info! We will look into that.


> From: margiedeedee <margiedeedee@...>

> Subject: ( ) New


> Date: Saturday, November 13, 2010, 1:51 PM



























> Hi, my name is Marge and my son david age 7 has just been diagnosed with

Aspergers and ADHD. Kinda lost at the moment really not sure where to go or what

to do? We live in Michigan. I have talked to his Speech Therapist at school and

she is getting her team around to set up his IEP. He has an appointment Monday

to see his pediatrican about medication for the ADHD. But haven't contacted any

therapist at this point. What resources are available for us in Michigan? To be

truthfull I am worried about the financial aspects of this as well. I WILL do

whatever I need to, to get him all the help he needs but as I said this is all

new to me! People have told us he is eligible for SS/disability but somehow I

don't see that happening? Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing! I

would appreciate any advice you can give me! Thanks


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  • 1 month later...


You can increase your dose anytime you are ready, Most of us oldtimers started

LDN at either 4.5mg or 3mg, back in our beginning days there was no such

suggestion at starting below 3mg.

LDN user over 7 yrs for chronic progressive MS



> dx 1995 p/p all in my legs stiffness, spasms, cramps etc - can get script from

> my doc - getting solution from dickson chemist


> suggestions please on start-up dose, been on 1ml for 2 weeks but would like to

> progress - are there many other p/p msers on ldn


> also taking omega and vit d


> any other suggestions must welcome


> tx peter


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  • 1 month later...

HI Fawn,

Welcome to the group, you've come to the right place. :) We all have days like you discribed. We are here to help eachother through those days.

How old is your father? Does he live with you too? Do you have any family to help you?

I hope we can help you make your days a little easier. This group has been great for me since I got here. Everyone is very helpful and you'll get some great advice and a virtual shoulder to lean or cry on. <hugs>ne

From: China Doll <lostfranklingirl@...>Subject: ( ) New Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 9:26 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new here. My name is Fawn, and I'm a single mom of two boys. My older son, 11, has Asperger's Syndrome. My 9 year old is NT. My father is also an Aspie.Sometimes I feel completely alone in my struggles. My father requires more and more support as he's getting older. Plus I'm fighting for the right kind of supports for my son. Some days I simply hate getting up in the mornings.

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My dad is 61, got diagnosed just after his birthday. I wonder if it makes him the oldest live person diagnosed. Yes, the boys and I live with my parents. They practically work split shifts, so someone is almost always home. It works out pretty well except for the days we're all home together. I don't have any other family within about 400 miles, and relatively few people I trust locally. Most of the time I don't really need it. It's just when something happens with Adam and I'm left wondering what more I can do. Adam's father isn't really involved. He fights me over everything, and is only concerned when it comes to his visitation time. I do get child support, and there is insurance, but sometimes it's nowhere near

enough.From: susanne hansen <s_hansen34@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 9:35:28 PMSubject: Re: ( ) New

HI Fawn,

Welcome to the group, you've come to the right place. :) We all have days like you discribed. We are here to help eachother through those days.

How old is your father? Does he live with you too? Do you have any family to help you?

I hope we can help you make your days a little easier. This group has been great for me since I got here. Everyone is very helpful and you'll get some great advice and a virtual shoulder to lean or cry on. <hugs>ne

From: China Doll <lostfranklingirl@...>Subject: ( ) New Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 9:26 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new here. My name is Fawn, and I'm a single mom of two boys. My older son, 11, has Asperger's Syndrome. My 9 year old is NT. My father is also an Aspie.Sometimes I feel completely alone in my struggles. My father requires more and more support as he's getting older. Plus I'm fighting for the right kind of supports for my son. Some days I simply hate getting up in the mornings.

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Hi Fawn,

I can totally relate. My son was diagnosed when he was 8. That forced me into a research frenzy. Then I realized my son's father has Asperger's. He fights me on ever issue with our son. We are divorced. His Dad doesn't get it. He is in denial that his son is Austic. He can't get past that fact, because he doesn't get himself. I have learned to communicate with my son and in return learned how to communicate with his Dad. Things are better- but we are still in litigation because his Dad won't pay for his medical expenses. Because counseling, OT, speech, and medication won't help because he is just like his Dad. If you have any advice or anyone else please let me know.

From: Fawn Kazmierczak <lostfranklingirl@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 10:33:40 PMSubject: Re: ( ) New

My dad is 61, got diagnosed just after his birthday. I wonder if it makes him the oldest live person diagnosed. Yes, the boys and I live with my parents. They practically work split shifts, so someone is almost always home. It works out pretty well except for the days we're all home together. I don't have any other family within about 400 miles, and relatively few people I trust locally. Most of the time I don't really need it. It's just when something happens with Adam and I'm left wondering what more I can do. Adam's father isn't really involved. He fights me over everything, and is only concerned when it comes to his visitation time. I do get child support, and there is insurance, but sometimes it's nowhere near enough.

From: susanne hansen <s_hansen34@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 9:35:28 PMSubject: Re: ( ) New

HI Fawn,

Welcome to the group, you've come to the right place. :) We all have days like you discribed. We are here to help eachother through those days.

How old is your father? Does he live with you too? Do you have any family to help you?

I hope we can help you make your days a little easier. This group has been great for me since I got here. Everyone is very helpful and you'll get some great advice and a virtual shoulder to lean or cry on. <hugs>ne

From: China Doll <lostfranklingirl@...>Subject: ( ) New Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 9:26 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new here. My name is Fawn, and I'm a single mom of two boys. My older son, 11, has Asperger's Syndrome. My 9 year old is NT. My father is also an Aspie.Sometimes I feel completely alone in my struggles. My father requires more and more support as he's getting older. Plus I'm fighting for the right kind of supports for my son. Some days I simply hate getting up in the mornings.

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It is very good that you have family that you can count on even though I'm sure it can get quite cramped and caotic. I too have no friends locally except my husband and actually my boss. But I know they both get tired of my obsessive fixation on AS and my son's school issues. I am fortunate that my husband is very involved but he wasn't always. He is in the military and deployed a lot so he really didn't deal with a lot of our son's issues. He let me handle it all. Now that he is involved he says, I don't know how you did it all these years. LOL!

Is your son in any therapies or taking any meds? how about your Dad? How is your Mom in supporting you? I'm sorry your son's father is not interested, but maybe you can keep giving him tid bits of information on AS and maybe even give him a book or aticle or two. This is how I got my husband started. Maybe eventually he will get interested and get involved. I hope for you and your son's case that he does. What grade is your son in? Typically in middle school there tends to be an escallation of issues for most AS kids. You'll definitely need some supports in place before that happens.

Go to wrightslaw.com and empower yourself with knowledge about your rights and your son's rights. At the slightest sign of resistance from the school, get an advocate! Take it from someone who has learned the hard way.

Good luck and keep us informed. Remember in all of this, take care of yourself!! Even if it's just a hot bath with a glass of wine (or whatever you enjoy), <<hugs>>ne

From: China Doll <lostfranklingirl@...>Subject: ( ) New Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 9:26 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new here. My name is Fawn, and I'm a single mom of two boys. My older son, 11, has Asperger's Syndrome. My 9 year old is NT. My father is also an Aspie.Sometimes I feel completely alone in my struggles. My father requires more and more support as he's getting older. Plus I'm fighting for the right kind of supports for my son. Some days I simply hate getting up in the mornings.

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I so wish it was easy enough that the Asperger's runs on Dad's side of the family. Unfortunately, it runs on my side. I honestly don't know what's going on in his head. We've had to get a GAL for Adam. But, his dad didn't listen to the person that diagnosed him, so I have little hope that he'll listen to a lawyer. The lawyer he hired already doesn't like him. I'm hoping that works in my favor.From: Racheryl

-Durkay <rlbdot@...> Sent: Thu, February 3, 2011 7:11:19 PMSubject: Re: ( ) New

Hi Fawn,

I can totally relate. My son was diagnosed when he was 8. That forced me into a research frenzy. Then I realized my son's father has Asperger's. He fights me on ever issue with our son. We are divorced. His Dad doesn't get it. He is in denial that his son is Austic. He can't get past that fact, because he doesn't get himself. I have learned to communicate with my son and in return learned how to communicate with his Dad. Things are better- but we are still in litigation because his Dad won't pay for his medical expenses. Because counseling, OT, speech, and medication won't help because he is just like his Dad. If you have any advice or anyone else please let me know.

From: Fawn Kazmierczak <lostfranklingirl@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 10:33:40 PMSubject: Re: ( ) New

My dad is 61, got diagnosed just after his birthday. I wonder if it makes him the oldest live person diagnosed. Yes, the boys and I live with my parents. They practically work split shifts, so someone is almost always home. It works out pretty well except for the days we're all home together. I don't have any other family within about 400 miles, and relatively few people I trust locally. Most of the time I don't really need it. It's just when something happens with Adam and I'm left wondering what more I can do. Adam's father isn't really involved. He fights me over everything, and is only concerned when it comes to his visitation time. I do get child support, and there is insurance, but sometimes it's nowhere near enough.

From: susanne hansen <s_hansen34@...> Sent: Wed, February 2, 2011 9:35:28 PMSubject: Re: ( ) New

HI Fawn,

Welcome to the group, you've come to the right place. :) We all have days like you discribed. We are here to help eachother through those days.

How old is your father? Does he live with you too? Do you have any family to help you?

I hope we can help you make your days a little easier. This group has been great for me since I got here. Everyone is very helpful and you'll get some great advice and a virtual shoulder to lean or cry on. <hugs>ne

From: China Doll <lostfranklingirl@...>Subject: ( ) New Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 9:26 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new here. My name is Fawn, and I'm a single mom of two boys. My older son, 11, has Asperger's Syndrome. My 9 year old is NT. My father is also an Aspie.Sometimes I feel completely alone in my struggles. My father requires more and more support as he's getting older. Plus I'm fighting for the right kind of supports for my son. Some days I simply hate getting up in the mornings.

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Adam's not on any meds yet except for his allergy medicine. I'm going to start him on melatonin (with his therapists permission) next week. Just have to be able to get out of the house and buy it. My dad, however, is on a lot of medication. He's got anxiety meds, high blood pressure, and sleep aid. Dad also has sleep apena, so when he doesn't get enough sleep it's rough on everyone.Mom does everything she can. She's a little better with Adam's rage issues than I am. I can talk to Dad better than she can. It also helps that they work opposite "shifts". Mom works in the mornings, and most of Dad's classes (he's a PhD) are in the afternoon. That way I can still go to school even if one of the boys are sick. Mom's actually held

Adam out of school on a couple occasions because he's never felt safe there.My mom and Zane (my younger son) are both NTs. Dad and Adam are Aspies. I'm kinda in the middle. I have a lot of Aspie tendencies, so I'm really the bridge between the four of them.Adam's in middle school this year, 5th grade. It's definately been rough. His grades have gone down drastically. I'm sure part of it is the change from having one teacher to multiple. He also has his encore classes (PE, Music, etc.) right at the end of his day. Sometimes he's in too much of a rush to get his bag fully packed, and he'll forget homework. I specifically requested a certain teacher (first time in my life to do this) because she moved up from his 4th grade class. That part has been wonderful, because that teacher has been able to help the others deal with Adam's unique situation. Writing is Adam's hardest

thing. He thinks in pictures, so he has to translate everything before he can write it down. Even note taking. He automatically translates the words into pictures, then has to re-translate back to words to get it down on paper. He gets time and a half for all writing assignments, but he's gonna really start slipping if he can't figure out how to take notes. We have a program that's part of Windows to help with that, but he's not allowed a laptop at school. It also might be a bit distracting for the other kids. It's a speech recognition program, so he would actually have to talk to the computer.This is the first year Adam actually has a friend at school too. It's helped him so much socially! His friend is ADHD and has an Aspie brother. Adam feels right at home at their house. Actually, all the brothers (4) and mom are neuro-diverse. It's only the dad that's NT. We

experimented with other social groups like a bowling league and cub scouts. I was ostricized at scouts because I'm a single mom, and we just can't afford a bowling league anymore. The only therapy Adam has right now is through a health place. Adam loves his therapist! Adam still needs social therapy. He doesn't get sarcasm and takes most things way to literally still. He still prefers the company of adults. Watching what's happening with my Dad, I get scared for Adam. Dad doesn't do any kind of therapy, although he needs it. Instead, he uses me as a sounding board and takes me with him to places that are unfamiliar or extra stressful for him. Dad could definately use the social therapy as well. I would say that Dad is the perfect example of what happens when an Aspie is undiagnosed and gets no help.I love having this group. I know I'm going to learn even more than

what I have in my Asperger's library. And I have people that understand what I'm going through on a daily basis.From: susanne hansen <s_hansen34@...> Sent: Thu, February 3, 2011 9:07:22 PMSubject: Re: ( ) New

It is very good that you have family that you can count on even though I'm sure it can get quite cramped and caotic. I too have no friends locally except my husband and actually my boss. But I know they both get tired of my obsessive fixation on AS and my son's school issues. I am fortunate that my husband is very involved but he wasn't always. He is in the military and deployed a lot so he really didn't deal with a lot of our son's issues. He let me handle it all. Now that he is involved he says, I don't know how you did it all these years. LOL!

Is your son in any therapies or taking any meds? how about your Dad? How is your Mom in supporting you? I'm sorry your son's father is not interested, but maybe you can keep giving him tid bits of information on AS and maybe even give him a book or aticle or two. This is how I got my husband started. Maybe eventually he will get interested and get involved. I hope for you and your son's case that he does. What grade is your son in? Typically in middle school there tends to be an escallation of issues for most AS kids. You'll definitely need some supports in place before that happens.

Go to wrightslaw.com and empower yourself with knowledge about your rights and your son's rights. At the slightest sign of resistance from the school, get an advocate! Take it from someone who has learned the hard way.

Good luck and keep us informed. Remember in all of this, take care of yourself!! Even if it's just a hot bath with a glass of wine (or whatever you enjoy), <<hugs>>ne

From: China Doll <lostfranklingirl@...>Subject: ( ) New Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 9:26 PM

Hi everyone. I'm new here. My name is Fawn, and I'm a single mom of two boys. My older son, 11, has Asperger's Syndrome. My 9 year old is NT. My father is also an Aspie.Sometimes I feel completely alone in my struggles. My father requires more and more support as he's getting older. Plus I'm fighting for the right kind of supports for my son. Some days I simply hate getting up in the mornings.

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Hi, My name is and I am new to the group. I have an 11yr old daughter currently diagnosed with PDD-NOS although everyone she sees does not feel she has PDD-NOS but leaves it so she gets services as they are not sure where to place her. I believe she has Aspergers but it is so hard for others to see sometimes. I am looking forward to hearing from you, and getting support and advice. This has been a long fight to get this far, many years, and I am glad we are getting services that were much needed. I also have a son who is 8 with no issues. I am married, and I work as a nanny with a wonderful family. I also am a Girl Scout leader, a 4H leader, and hockey manager for my son's hockey team. We are a very busy family but enjoy it that way.

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Hi and welcome to the group. Glad to have you join us and hope we can

offer some support and advice along the way.


> From: Doherty <hockey.mom5@...>

> Subject: ( ) New


> Date: Monday, February 28, 2011, 10:28 PM


























> Hi, My name is and

> I am new to the group. I have an 11yr old daughter currently

> diagnosed with PDD-NOS although everyone she sees does not

> feel she has PDD-NOS but leaves it so she gets services as

> they are not sure where to place her. I believe she has

> Aspergers but it is so hard for others to see sometimes. I

> am looking forward to hearing from you, and getting support

> and advice. This has been a long fight to get this far, many

> years, and I am glad we are getting services that were much

> needed.


> I also have a son who is 8 with no issues. I am married,

> and I work as a nanny with a wonderful family. I also am a

> Girl Scout leader, a 4H leader, and hockey manager for my

> son's hockey team. We are a very busy family but enjoy

> it that way.




































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