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Re: Methotrexate and Pepcid AC

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MTX never upset my stomach, it didn't work much for me either, but that's

just me.


[ ] Methotrexate and Pepcid AC

> Hi I am finally taking my first dose of mtx tonight

> and was curious if I should take some pecid ac first.

> It seems I have seen a lot of posts about this.


> As always thanks for your advice.


> __________________________________________________


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In a message dated 10/21/00 10:17:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

judy_malone@... writes:

<< Hi I am finally taking my first dose of mtx tonight

and was curious if I should take some pecid ac first.

It seems I have seen a lot of posts about this. >>

I did not take Pepcid at all when I first started MTX...then when I got up to

6 pills/week the nausea & diarrhea were unbearable and it lasted the whole

week between dosages. Now that I am taking 8 (20mg) I cannot do without the

Pepcid so I take one in the morning (20mg) and one at night routinely. I am

thinking that I could take it just before & after the MTX day and see how

that works...does anyone have experience with this. At the moment, though, I

am just following the docs instructions as to taking it 2 x a day. If you

are just starting, I would say take it an hour or so before the MTX, but

also, check with your doc for sure. It seems to be experiementing with what

your body can handle.

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In a message dated 10/22/00 2:25:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

pretzelb3@... writes:

<< i always take pepcid one hour before. cathy from mass >>


Is that the only time you take it? Do you continue the Pepcid routine the

whole week? It seems like I have to.

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Hi to you Missourians !!!! I know some Farrells in Grant City - are

you related?

It is cold, rainy, dark and soggy here today in NW Missouri!

Is the Pepcid AC a recommendation now of Doctors? I have never taken

anything like that although I was slightly pukey (sorry, no other

word to explain it) for a couple of days after taking the pills. I

now have gone to injections. I thought my world had crashed in

around me when the Dr. suggested that I inject. I told her, " With my

arthritic hands, how am I going to squeeze up a place and jab the

needle with the other hand ???? " Now it is just a breeze, no problem

at all. I am not ill now and I get the full benefit of the potency

of the MTX as the stomach juices don't have a chance to dilute it!!!

Good luck, Judy with your MTX. It has brought me a long way. From

not being able to dress myself to caring for my 89 year old mother in

my home. I still have my pain and bad days but they are not spent in

a chair in front of the tv crying!

Granny Patty/NW Missouri

> MTX never upset my stomach, it didn't work much for me either, but


> just me.

> Rae

> [ ] Methotrexate and Pepcid AC



> > Hi I am finally taking my first dose of mtx tonight

> > and was curious if I should take some pecid ac first.

> > It seems I have seen a lot of posts about this.

> >

> > As always thanks for your advice.

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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i only take it that one time. but as i have mentioned before i take msm

powder i talespoon in am in one cup of water and 1 tablespoon msm in 1 cup

water in evening every day . since i have been doing this i have no side

effects from the methotrexate. i am also on celebrex and enbrel. since msm is

controversial you have to decide whether or not you want to take it on your

own . you must be careful if you are on blood thinners . also just start with

1/2 teaspoon in 1 cup of water and adjust according to your own need. it also

helps relieve arthritis pain and it has a somewhat bitter taste but it is

very helpful. it is a food supplement and most doctors know very little about

it so they probably will tell you not to take it .it is not toxic or harmful

i have been taking it for 3 months and it works great.

cathy from mass

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