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Now that you mention it, it was about the time we put him on risperdal that he

started wetting his pants again. He still is occasionally, even though he can

tell he he's wet, he can't say he has to go to the bathroom.


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Yeah,I was told it increases production and decreases sensation,it was in the

leaflet in the packet,Nicky was constantly leaking,but she also had every

adverse reaction listed even the rare ones Pat

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Remember, Each child is different: Elie has been on 0.5 mg. of Risperdal since

August. He has been dry for 6 or 7 years but still had problems with BM's. He

has now been clean 2 months!!! Is it Risperdal or age?

With your son, check for a bladder or urinary tract infection before deciding it

is Risperdal. my suggestion only.


>>> " Lori " <hsmyangel@...> - 02/16/0 3:21 AM >>>

From: " Lori " <hsmyangel@...>

Now that you mention it, it was about the time we put him on risperdal that he

started wetting his pants again. He still is occasionally, even though he can

tell he he's wet, he can't say he has to go to the bathroom.


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Hi Joan

No, no changes in toileting -Friday will be three weeks on .25 mg at

bedtime. The only sedation is in mid afternoon because we changed the

timing of his clonidine. No changes in weight. still making noises but

will check with docs to see if we will need to up the risperdal abother .25

to see if he needs the larger amt. or if it's undeed activating for him.

Hhhmm. Just don't know.


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Thanks for those who responded to my Risperdal quesiton.

Andy's been taking it since Sunday night. just .25 in the evening for 3

nights. Interesting to watch. Last night we went up to .5mg HS and he was

hard to get down and UP at 4am!

I thought this stuff was supposed to help him sleep???!

Anyway. Not sure if we see any changes. Not sure this has a therapeutic

effet yet, but it's suposed to take 2-4 weeks. I've not told the school or

any of his therapists yet. Just Dr. Capone and our Pediatrician, who are

working together.


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When westarted Elie on Risperdal, our dr. said that we must be careful to give

it at the same time EACH day. She warned us about skipping a dose because we

want to maintain a satisfactory blood level. This is interesting because as far

as I can find out, there is no level test for this drug. We were also warned in

the drug handout from the pharmacy not to vary the dose.

All in all interesting because I want to increase Elie's dose. He currently

only takes 1/2 tab ( 0.50mg ) at night only. I want to try 0.25 mg in the

morning. This past w/e he spent hitting me in the face whenever I did something

he disagreed with. ( help him dress, put his food on the table, help him put a

jacket on -it was 35 degrees out- etc)

Will talk to the doc tomorrow.


>>> Ltb3105@... - 03/20/0 5:15 PM >>>

From: Ltb3105@...

Well, day one with the trial period of Risperdal..... is STILL tapping,

growling and grinding....of course, he's only taking it at night, but didn't

see any improvement with sleeping better (or worse, for that matter!).

He still continued to do his " behaviors " right up until the time for bed, and

today, of course, he's not on it again until tonight, so he's happily

tapping, grinding and growling away.....magic wand, take me AWAY!!



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At 12:27 PM 3/25/00 EST, mfroof wrote:

Joan..........it's funny you say

>Andy is very demanding now. Gareth needs a lot of one on one to keep

>occupied. He's not content to sit in front of the TV by himself anymore,

>either. It's like you said, though, they are so aware of their surroundings

>now and want to be involved. If I have to pick my poison, I prefer him this

>way over the old Gareth.

Yes, me too. But it sure has me thinking about this summer! We are almost

done with Spring break, and let me tell you, I got little done except cater

to Andy. happily played " Sims " almost all week--he needs a 12 step


Some fun new things:

Yesterday I told Andy, " when I finish mopping the floor (there was mud

everywhere b/c we don't have a lawn yet), we can go outside and I'll push

you on the swing. " Next thing I knew he was standing behind me. I asked

him, " Do you want to mop? " And he put his hands on the mop handle and

smiled! So we mopped this little spot together before he ran off. It's the

initiating that I cherish!

Today, I was cooking his lunch (fish sticks and tater tots--very dietitian

like). He wanted it to be done NOW and kept peeking at it in the oven. When

I came in to say I was going to check on it, he ran to the drawer with the

pot holders and brought me one. In the past he would have merely run about

stimming saying " EEEEEEEAT. "

So the stimming does " decrease " in meaningful moments.

One more....

We have a creek near our home in the early spring and winter. It's the

" head waters " of Tryon Creek and an environmentally protected area. We have

established a short (1/4-1/3 mile) walk with him and early on you must

cross the creek. Thursday he was a little frightened and asked to be

carried across. But Friday, I spent time showing him where to step to get

down and then up the other side, which he followed exceptionally well. And

once across he just beamed with pride. We came home and put stickers on his

shirt and put the proud symbol on the PECS board.

Of course NOW he thinks he's an expert and wants to go tromping UP the



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In a message dated 3/26/00 12:46:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jmedlen@... writes:

<< Of course NOW he thinks he's an expert and wants to go tromping UP the




Yikes Joan.

HOwever, Andy sure sounds like he's making GREAT progress. Hey, even my 18

year old needs assistance in the kitchen. LOL


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In a message dated 4/1/00 4:09:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< Risperdal is a long acting, very long half-life drug. >>


As Ricky would say, could you please " splain " that sentence? I'm a

little (?) confused as to what you meant.......thanks!

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Our dr. explained that it can take up to a month to get the body attuned to

Risperdal. In my reading I have found most people say it takes 6 weeks to

establish proper levels. BUT there is not yet a blood test to determine what

the blood levels should be for optimum effect. Then it takes about a month or

so to get all of it out of the body. That is part of the half-life people talk

about as well as the fact that unlike Ritalin type drugs which have only a 3-4

hour life span and then gone, Risperdal can carry for 12 hours.


>>> Ltb3105@... - 04/01/0 7:34 PM >>>

In a message dated 4/1/00 4:09:57 PM Pacific Standard Time,

onelist writes:

<< Risperdal is a long acting, very long half-life drug. >>


As Ricky would say, could you please " splain " that sentence? I'm a

little (?) confused as to what you meant.......thanks!



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Hi all,

's finally back to school since I pulled him out at Christmas time.

He's in JHS and I was a nervous wreck. The kids were so big compared to him.

He's been there for two days and has done great. He has made a few friends

and his aide seems great. I am so so ready for some success with school. I

hope this Risperdal is the answer. It seems to be helping him cope. I hope

this was the answer.

Michell (mom to 13 DS/ASD)

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michelle, its great to hear billy is getting off to a good start!!!!! hip hip

hooray for him!!!! i hope someday i can say ashton is back in school too and

doing well!!!!:~~~~~`no hoding my breath.....lmao take care

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In a message dated 4/5/00 1:30:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, MBrayley@...


<< 's finally back to school since I pulled him out at Christmas time.

He's in JHS and I was a nervous wreck. The kids were so big compared to


He's been there for two days and has done great. He has made a few friends

and his aide seems great. I am so so ready for some success with school. I

hope this Risperdal is the answer. It seems to be helping him cope. I hope

this was the answer.

Michell (mom to 13 DS/ASD)


Wonderful Michell!!! I hope the good news keeps coming!!!


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> << 's finally back to school since I pulled him out at

> Christmas time.

> He's in JHS and I was a nervous wreck. The kids were so big

> compared to

> him.

> He's been there for two days and has done great. He has made a

> few friends

> and his aide seems great. I am so so ready for some success with

> school. I

> hope this Risperdal is the answer. It seems to be helping him

> cope. I hope

> this was the answer.

> Michell (mom to 13 DS/ASD)

> >>



Congrats, this sounds great. I can't imagine what you have gone through

with having him home all this time!

Matt started Risperdal about 2 weeks ago. I notice a big difference now.

Dh thinks he looks 'Drugged " . I think he attends more to the things going

on around him.

Keep us informed.




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In a message dated 4/6/00 2:10:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

trudy.p.mcculloch@... writes:

<< What kinds of side effects have you seen from Risperdal? >>

We gave our 5 year old son Risperdal (a quarter tablet, do not have the right

mg. dosage right now) about 4 months ago and it almost turned him into a


I had been reading on it and one side effect I saw said cognition may be


In spite of all that, we wanted to give it another try again and did so at

our neuro's suggestion last week. Again, we saw the same things, dreamy look,

not responding correctly to things we knew he knows, echoing what you just

said, etc.

We stopped it the day before yesterday.

Others may have a positive experience, but ours was not a good one.


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YOu might want to check out information on the Internet about the side

effects profile for Risperdal. Having trouble concentrating and

remembering are symptoms of so many different things.

re: getting doctors to see our kids quicker. This is a tough one. SOme

tactics I have tried are: 1) begging very nicely; 2) if the office person

is not giving an appointment get to the doctor directly and beg them (get

their email address/pager for this); 3) bring up the suicidal intent and

action problem (when it existed) as doctors are afraid of a suit if they

are not responsive when someone has a history and is currently suicidal.

BTW I only did this when it was a very real threat.

What has helped is to work with docs that understand that OCD is often a

crisis situation when treatment is not going well. THe more familiar docs

are with OCD the more I have noticed they are willing to fit us in on short

notice. Another tactic is to establish a personal relationship with the

office person. Call them just to chat and find out how they are doing,

tell them how wonderful the doctor is (if you genuinely feel that way), buy

them chocolates, send them flowers, send them pictures of your kid, tell

them about your kids successes, tell the doctor what a helpful office

worker they have (if you genuinely feel this) etc.

Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy (H)


At 01:09 PM 04/06/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>What kinds of side effects have you seen from Risperdal? I'm not sure

>if some of Coralee's complaints are because of the drug or if it's just

>her looking for excuses. She's saying that she's having trouble

>concentrating and remembering things. I can't get clear answers from

>her so I have trouble, as I'm sure the doctor has trouble figuring out

>what's the truth.


>FYI, Coralee's appointment to get a second opinion about her diagnosis

>was just moved up from May 3 to April 12. Yay! I wish I could take

>credit for this, but it turns out they scheduled us during the doctor's

>vacation (they just realized this 2 weeks later) and somebody just

>cancelled their appointment on the 12th. Does anybody have suggestions

>on how to get the docs to let your kids see them quicker? Her regular

>psychiatrist has been saying to come back either in 2 weeks or as soon

>as we can get an appointment, but usually the soonest that the

>receptionist will give us is 3-4 weeks, despite the doc saying to the

>receptionist to double book him in the evening for us. It seems he says

>this sort of thing a lot, so the receptionist just says to me that she

>can't do it because he'd be at the office until midnight every night if

>she did book like he says. AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!


>Trudy in KC, MO

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Risperdal turned my son's life around. His OCD was so out of control a

year ago that he was hospitalized. The doc put him on Risperdal and within

24 hours we saw a dramatic difference. She had initially said he would be

in at least a week. He was admitted on a Wed. By Friday night we were

getting our little boy back. On Saturday morning she called and said we

could pick him up.

The only side effect he has had is weight gain.

Jule in Cleveland

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In a message dated 4/6/00 12:10:39 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

trudy.p.mcculloch@... writes:

<< Does anybody have suggestions

on how to get the docs to let your kids see them quicker? >>

I know this sounds obnoxious, but try calling them every day until they have

a cancellation, don't wait for them to call you. They may find an

appointment " quicker " the more annoying you are.

Jay in Colorado (I havent actually tried this, by the way)

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About Risperdal... I just went to the psychiatrist with my daughter

and asked him about Risperdal. Apparently he does a lot of research

that is submitted to the FDA specifically about the side effects of

risperdal. He said the main side effect is weight gain. has

been on risperdal about two and a half months, and it has changed our

lives! However, I had to bring down her dose just a tad (she was

on .2 ccs and now she's on .15 ccs) because I did notice she was kind

of spacey and had some memory problems and attention problems.

Lowering it that little bit helped immensely. I've read in several

books about psychiatric medications for children that risperdal may

affect attention, particularly if there is an underlying learning

disorder to begin with. However, I would put a call into the

subscribing psychiatrist or doctor who should be able to tell you

over the phone about adjusting the medication with regard to this

particular side effect. Good luck. Stephany

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Trudy, it sounds like your daughter may have an underlying

neurological disorder--I have one myself so I am familiar with some

of the symptoms. However, rarely does a blood test show evidence of

a neurological disorder. An MRI is probably in order with the dizzy

spells and tremors. Also, neurological disorders can disrupt the way

the brain works, which may account for the suicidal thoughts and

depression. If you are able to treat the underlying neurological

disorder (and there are treatments for many of them), you may be able

to help the OCD and bipolar symptoms as well. Good luck. You might

want to see a neurologist... this stuff gets very involved and most

general pract. don't have the background to even know which tests to

run... this I know from my own experience even though I have a well-

known neurological disorder. Feel free to write me if you have any

questions. (AZStephany@...)

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Hi Donn & Leah,

Well, after five days back to school we had a minor set back. When the bell

rang to go back to class, freaked out and started punching himself in

the face and pulling his hair and lips, laying down on the ground. I guess

all the anxieties aren't all gone, but the good knew is they were able to

talk him through it, get him back to class and have a good rest of the day.

This initself was a positive change. Usually when he freaks out it goes down

hill from there. It is school policy that no walkmans are allowed, but when

the aide suggested he use this as a transitioning tool, to aleviate the sound

of the bell and start to transition a little earlier, the principal agreed to

let him have it.

I was impressed by the support at this school, for the childs needs.

P.S. Now bussing is another issue I'm too upset to address.

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that is so good billy made it into class after having the bell

situation....its so nice to see that our kids do well even when they have a

minor thing set them off or scare them....... hooray for him and you!!!!!!! i

hope the bus thing gets worked out tooo.,.... just another battle on the long

list........... take care and as always, good luck......leah

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