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New Member Intro

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This sounds incredible hard to deal with. Were you with him when he went to NY, was there something that could have triggered the behaviour? Did he see his parents or go back to places that could have dragged up the past for him? If he is anything like my son he has an incredible memory and will bring up things from years ago with heart felt emotion. He also finds it hard to articulate emotions sometimes, this is when he tends to meltdown, luckily so far it has not been violent. We find when he is behaving in an unacceptable way consistent discipline works well, he has time out for bad behaviour, which he hates, but it works for him. And a reward chart for good behaviour. I'm sure there are people on here that will give you suggestion for dealing with the violence.

I am shocked that your friends would suggest "dumping" it is hard when things aren't going well, but our kids have hard enough a time getting through with a stable home, I can't imagine how hard it would be if they were in a home, I'm sure during the good times you've seen a great kid just trying hard to please.

Hang in there, you are doing a great job.

Lor B

From: la_mcavoy <lakombert@...>Subject: ( ) New member intro Date: Wednesday, 21 October, 2009, 10:02

Hi my name is Laurie. My husband and I are raising our 8 year old grandson and have been since he was 2 years old. He was abused and neglected by his mother and completely ignored by his father. His father is our son. When he first came to us, it was suggested that he may have PDD. We brought him to the top developmental specialist where we lived at the time and he ruled it out. Dillon didn't walk or talk until he was well past his 2nd birthday. He was developmentally delayed (due to severe neglect we believe), he was diagnosed as having OCD at age 3. He was also diagnosed as having a high anxiety level and has been on prozac since age 4. He as also diagnosed with RAD.Dillon was prone to rages and temper tantrums that could last anywhere from 15 minutes to hours on end. Psychiatrist increased his prozac. He caught up academically and was ahead of most of his classmates once he got into school and he absorbed information like a

sponge. Socially though he has never done well. He's never fit in. He's always preferred to be with adults than children. He would have crying jags, etc.We moved from NY to TN and alot of his problems seemed to go away. He actually seemed like a different child. Things were wonderful for 7 months. No problems. He went to NY for his birthday and when he came back, all the old stuff started. He's back to the rages and hours long temper tantrums, his prozac has been tripled, etc. He has now even started to become violent. He's kicked and hit me, thrown fist sized rocks at my husband, and hit me in the back with a crystal.In July we had a forensic psychistric do an evaluation of him. They told us that he had Aspergers not RAD, not OCD like we believed all these years. They also said he has ODD. ASPERGERS??? PDD and AS were ruled out years ago! I've been reading up on AS. I just feel lost. Two weeks ago my husband went to my

grandson's counselor and said that they need to help us because he's afraid someone in our house is going to get hurt and someone is going to end up in jail.We love this little boy so very much. But we don't know where to turn to for help. We've had friends tell us to "dump him in a foster home, he's not your child". But he's our grandchild and we love him fiercely. He has already had his parents who have given up on him. We don't want to give up on him too. But we need to understand how to help him and how to help ourselves. Any suggestions on where to start? His counselor really isn't much help. He got us a case manager and she is zero help. Thank you and I'm sorry this is so long.Laurie

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In a message dated 10/21/2009 6:46:02 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, lorrainedavidson12@... writes:

This sounds incredible hard to deal with. Were you with him when he went to NY, was there something that could have triggered the behaviour?

I didn't go to NY with him, my husband did. Someone had to stay in TN to maintain the farm. He saw his mother and her family when he was there and we're almost positive that's what triggered him. It's been nonstop ever since.

The problem with my friends is that they all have grown children and they, like us, are retired and are living their lives to the fullest. They travel when they want, they don't have small children to take with them. They can't imagine going through what we go through.

But we love Dillon and his parents have already abandoned him. He was physically and sexually abused and neglected by his mother. Our son refuses to have anything to do with him because he's "damaged goods". So what? We're supposed to give up on him too? No, we won't do that. We'll do what is necessary to give him the best life possible.

But I have to admit, its not easy sometimes.


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OMG what a dreadful start to life, thats absolutely horrible. Does he need to have any contact with his mother? Must be horrific coming face to face with your abuser, even worse when its your mother, the very person that is supposed to love and protect you. Was she prosecuted for what she did?

I wonder whether he thought his new life and home meant that his past was just that and it couldn't happen again, perhaps it has made him think his past isn't too far away and could catch up with him again.

Its a shame you son can't see that your son is not to blame for this, could it be that your son feels guilty that he never stopped the abuse? Obviously don't have the facts so sorry if anything is way off.

I hear what you are saying about your friends, they have their freedom to do what they like, whereas you and your husband are tied down, both with the farm and your grandson, it can be very hard, but on the occasions you see the good side and the wonderful sense of humour and imagination, it makes up for some of the hard times.

I hope he settles down soon, is he getting any councelling? My son finds some pretend stuff really scarey and hard to deal with, your grandson has memories of the real thing to deal with, he must be terrified. My thoughts are with you. Hang in there.

Lor B

/09, lakombert@... <lakombert@...> wrote:

From: lakombert@... <lakombert@...>Subject: Re: ( ) New member intro Date: Thursday, 22 October, 2009, 0:58

In a message dated 10/21/2009 6:46:02 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, lorrainedavidson12@ .co. uk writes:

This sounds incredible hard to deal with. Were you with him when he went to NY, was there something that could have triggered the behaviour?

I didn't go to NY with him, my husband did. Someone had to stay in TN to maintain the farm. He saw his mother and her family when he was there and we're almost positive that's what triggered him. It's been nonstop ever since.

The problem with my friends is that they all have grown children and they, like us, are retired and are living their lives to the fullest. They travel when they want, they don't have small children to take with them. They can't imagine going through what we go through.

But we love Dillon and his parents have already abandoned him. He was physically and sexually abused and neglected by his mother. Our son refuses to have anything to do with him because he's "damaged goods". So what? We're supposed to give up on him too? No, we won't do that. We'll do what is necessary to give him the best life possible.

But I have to admit, its not easy sometimes.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Marcia,

Welcome to the group.

Everyone experiences different levels of pain and you are still in the early

days of recovery so as you build up strength in the leg you should begin to see

a decrease in your pain level. Are you taking pain meds on schedule? That's an

important part of recovery, and also if you've had some nerve damage that could

also be causing the pain.

I remember my knee felt pretty loose at around that stage as well (my surgery

was in May '09) but soon went away. If it continues for a while you should talk

to your os about an xray to make certain all is well.

Good luck,



From: mnewcomb2002 <mnewcomb@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 8:43:57 PM

Subject: New Member Intro

Hello all,

I just joined the list & thought I'd introduce myself. I had a total knee

replacement 6 weeks ago today. I think it's coming along pretty well but have a

couple concerns - probably the same type questions everyone has at this point!


My first concern is my pain level. It's only been 6 weeks but I was thinking the

level of pain would be decreasing by this time but it hasn't happened yet. I had

some nerve damage in that knee after my first arthroscopy & I don't know if that

might still be causing issues. I also went into this surgery (my third on that

knee in just over a year) with that knee in pretty poor shape so that might be

slowing my rehab a little also.

My other concern is that that knee seems very loose and it feels like pieces are

really moving around when I step on it. I'm assuming that's because the muscles

are still weak but my PT remarked that I have a lot of crackling in that knee,

more than she would expect, so I wonder if all is ok with that.

Anyways, I am planning on spending time going through the archives here &

hopefully, I will find some answers that will ease my concerns!

Thanks for letting me join your list!

Marcia in NH


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Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went well, but

the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood in my leg, and had

spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip for about a week, so bad that

it was impossible to sleep almost at all. I got a few hours here and there....

and staff at the first hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent

hospital and things got better.

My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds, as I

reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of them. So I have

been going without my pain meds since about the 4th week. I started taking

like a half of a pain pill when I could not sleep or something but for the most

part I have felt the pain. I still have pain, but it is getting better as

time goes on. It is slow and barely notable from day to day, but then somedays

I notice I have not hurt for hours.

I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I expect

that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be less and less.

This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one tells you

before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and heaps of blood, well I

think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't bother me at all, it was the

lower leg and foot. I now have some of that but it is not really intolerable.

So I am 2.5 months out from surgery. I think probably you will begin to

really feel a lot better in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true,

" everyone is different " and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue

I think. If you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.

I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have any at

all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise is not to be

concerned about........but I take it this is the new knee talking to you!!!

My muscles were tight and loose.........my leg was really deformed and I was

supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but wasn't.............so my

knee was really bad......they also had to cut a tendon to get the knee cap to do

what ever it was it needed to do.....So my situation is my very own.......but

maybe that will give you a bit of insight too.

The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the knee

function well. Good luck....... dash

New Member Intro

Hello all,

I just joined the list & thought I'd introduce myself. I had a total knee

replacement 6 weeks ago today. I think it's coming along pretty well but have a

couple concerns - probably the same type questions everyone has at this point!


My first concern is my pain level. It's only been 6 weeks but I was thinking the

level of pain would be decreasing by this time but it hasn't happened yet. I had

some nerve damage in that knee after my first arthroscopy & I don't know if that

might still be causing issues. I also went into this surgery (my third on that

knee in just over a year) with that knee in pretty poor shape so that might be

slowing my rehab a little also.

My other concern is that that knee seems very loose and it feels like pieces are

really moving around when I step on it. I'm assuming that's because the muscles

are still weak but my PT remarked that I have a lot of crackling in that knee,

more than she would expect, so I wonder if all is ok with that.

Anyways, I am planning on spending time going through the archives here &

hopefully, I will find some answers that will ease my concerns!

Thanks for letting me join your list!

Marcia in NH


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Hi Dash:

They gave me valium for the spasms - don't know if it stopped them

or just didn't make me care? Icing helped with the pain (I had TKR Oct.

28) and a thingy called a " Game Ready " both iced and compressed the

knee/calf area, helped a lot. Pro athletes and worker's comp people use

it for knee injuries, but it works for TKR to reduce swelling. For

pain meds I took Percocet for the first 3 weeks, luckily no bad

reactions, now I have downgraded to Tramadol with motrin on the side,

every 6 or 7 hours. And the only other advice I can offer is do your p/t

religously. It will hurt, but you DO improve. Oh yes, I own a wheelchair

which I thought would be overkill, but when I want to go to a 2 hour

concert at a theater, we take the wheelchair and my ice pack (just one

of those simple blue gel ones) and my husband wheels me in - you

generally get a good location for the wheelchair, and I can elevate the

leg and ice it some. I know I could not sit in a regular theater seat,

especially if I had to keep getting up to let latecoming assholes pass

me to get to their seats.... And going out into the real world makes me

feel like a human again, instead of a housebound crip. Plus being off

the narcotics I can now drive relatively safely (left knee was the op)

so the gas pedal foot ® works OK. Pain getting in and out of the car


Keep at it, it WILL get better.



dash wrote:



> Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> things got better.


> My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> hurt for hours.


> I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> less and less.


> This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.


> I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> is not to be concerned about........but I take it this is the new knee

> talking to you!!!


> My muscles were tight and loose.........my leg was really deformed and

> I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> wasn't.............so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> you a bit of insight too.


> The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> ----- Original Message -----






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Well, welcome to you and so sorry to hear about the awful state of your hubby's

spine. It sounds very painful and scary. The good news is that you'll find

several of the people on this list to not only be knowledgeable but also very


You specifically mentioned the thoracic issues. Does he have cervical and/or

lumbar ones as well? Here's to your husband getting an appointment--soon!


> Hello and thank you for allowing me to become a member. I've joined your group

because, just before Christmas, my husband's Dr. discovered, through x-rays that

he has " many thoracic fractures, " he also has 3 broken vertebrae with those

disks are totally gone and a few more going the same way. We're seeing a

specialist soon as an appt can be made due to the holidays. This situation of my

husband's has been many years in the making from an accident he had back in the

60's. There was no recent accident that brought this about.


> What I want to know, with what little I've been able to tell you so far; is my

husband's physical situation as bad as I think it is? Everytime he so much as

sneezes, I'm holding my breath and saying a prayer that he doesn't break his



> I am not worried about making our home handicap accessible because it already

is due to my being wheelchair bound. Our little homestead, like the house, is

100% handicap accessible. The only addition I plan on making immediately is to

add a winch to the back of our truck, near the back wall of the cab, so I can

atleast get my wheelchair into the bed. I won't let him lift it or anything that

weighs more than 1 lb until I know more about his neck and back.


> Thank you for allowing me to join.




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I can relate to it all. I am doing fairly well now.... pain and tightness come

and go......swelling and all on and off. I am going to therapy again in about

an hour and a half. I will be continuing on my own for a few months and trying

to get the knee stronger.

I am just taking aspirins now. I also am driving. I don't feel so much like a

hermit now as I did before. It is my right knee and the main reason I got it

done, is that it kept locking up on me and I had to quit driving and that meant

that I would become a hermit, and I was not ready to do that... yet.....

I wish I had known about the " Game Ready " thing.... as for Valium, I would

probably have refused it. My sister ended up in a mental hospital for 3 months

after taking Valium.....so it also scares me. I am very touchy with drugs...our

whole family is..... very touchy indeed. Thanks for the info though, as I have

another knee left......oh woe.....dash

Re: New Member Intro

Hi Dash:

They gave me valium for the spasms - don't know if it stopped them

or just didn't make me care? Icing helped with the pain (I had TKR Oct.

28) and a thingy called a " Game Ready " both iced and compressed the

knee/calf area, helped a lot. Pro athletes and worker's comp people use

it for knee injuries, but it works for TKR to reduce swelling. For

pain meds I took Percocet for the first 3 weeks, luckily no bad

reactions, now I have downgraded to Tramadol with motrin on the side,

every 6 or 7 hours. And the only other advice I can offer is do your p/t

religously. It will hurt, but you DO improve. Oh yes, I own a wheelchair

which I thought would be overkill, but when I want to go to a 2 hour

concert at a theater, we take the wheelchair and my ice pack (just one

of those simple blue gel ones) and my husband wheels me in - you

generally get a good location for the wheelchair, and I can elevate the

leg and ice it some. I know I could not sit in a regular theater seat,

especially if I had to keep getting up to let latecoming assholes pass

me to get to their seats.... And going out into the real world makes me

feel like a human again, instead of a housebound crip. Plus being off

the narcotics I can now drive relatively safely (left knee was the op)

so the gas pedal foot ® works OK. Pain getting in and out of the car


Keep at it, it WILL get better.



dash wrote:



> Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> things got better.


> My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> hurt for hours.


> I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> less and less.


> This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.


> I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> is not to be concerned about........but I take it this is the new knee

> talking to you!!!


> My muscles were tight and loose.........my leg was really deformed and

> I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> wasn't.............so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> you a bit of insight too.


> The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> ----- Original Message -----







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>They say, and it is true, " everyone is different " and that is why no one wants

to address this pain issue I think.

Hi Dash,

I am a double hippie, having had the second hip replaced 12/4/09, " a day that

will live in infamy " . Not only is it true that everyone is different, but every

surgery is different, even on corresponding joints.

My first hip replacement experience this June was amazingly smooth. I tolerate

pain meds pretty well except for itching, but learned that percoset wasn't

particularly helpful to me for pain, although it made me a drooling idiot. The

surgical pain (far less than the bone-on-bone hip pain) was not so bad, and the

pain from doing exercises got better quickly as I did the exercises.

The second surgery went well, but my body was pretty much spent from living with

constant pain for years as well as the first surgery. I totally understand now

why some doctors will not do both hips closer together than 6 months. My vitals

were a little shaky for the first 2 days, and I had 2 units of blood. The pain

when asked to get out of and into bed was screaming pain, literally, in spite of

the percoset, which made me too much of a drooling idiot to be able to advocate

for myself.

The pain continued to be bad enough for Norco for the next couple of weeks.

(Tramadol didn't help.) I'm 3.5 weeks out from surgery today, and am able to

get by on tylenol with a pain level that spikes to about a 3-4--an amazing

improvement. I am not allowed to take NSAID's like ibuprophen because they

interfere with the inflammation that is an initial stage of bone healing--did my

research after my surgeon explained this. Actually, unless other OA in my body

is beyond my pain threshhold, I think I'll be able to get by without NSAID's,

which is another victory that my stomach particularly appreciates.

My overall point is that every surgery is different. People DO talk freely

about the pain issue, but no one can predict how much pain anyone will have

after each surgery. Let alone what pain meds will work. So much depends on the

" recovery team " that goes with and after your surgery. I have a fine team at

Kaiser in my area. I have a nurse I can call who helps find a solution to any

of the problems I've experienced. Even though this last bit has been hard, I've

always felt very supported and well-cared-for. That makes such a difference to

your experience that seems to me so lacking in good care.

I hope your recovery period keeps improving, as mine has done. When you have a

negative experience, it's hard to imagine ever willingly going through another

surgery. Until the pain becomes intolerable again.

Happy New Year to you!


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Hi.I also am getting ready for my 1st tkr on my right knee.It also locks up.both

of them do....and I also have cramps in my calfs and my feet. I also dont like

meds..scared of them...I will do what I have to do after having

surgery.......any suggestions of what I can do before and after? also is it

possible to cut the meds in half? I dont want to stay groggy or asleep all the

time...........any alternative treatments?  Jackie  



> Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> things got better.


> My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> hurt for hours.


> I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> less and less.


> This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.


> I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new knee

> talking to you!!!


> My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really deformed and

> I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> you a bit of insight too.


> The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> ----- Original Message -----






------------ --------- --------- ------

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Hi Jackie:

I got 1st TKR Oct. 28. You will need to rely on the " good " leg a lot

during rehab. Maybe exercise to strengthen it, before the op? And you

will be using your arms a lot to pull yourself up, or forward, my doc

said use light barbells to strengthen the arm muscles, I did this a lot

while I was sitting watching TV for the month or so before the op. I

have moved from a walker (2 wks) to a cane (4 wks), now I try not to use

the cane, and I try to walk upright and straight-back instead of

lurching from furniture to countertop etc. I told Dash (see below) that

I cheated using a wheelchair for sitting thru 2 concerts last week - a

theater seat would not have been good, I like to stretch the " bad " leg

out and massage the kneecap area if I have to sit for a while (like at a

dinner party). I found in the first 3 wks. after that sleep was GOOD, I

was taking 2 naps a day plus sleeping well at night. I think the

combination of Percocet and Valium helped with that. But I was not

scared of the drugs, I welcomed them as relief from pain. My doc said he

" moved things around a bit " and took off a bone spur and put a few

stitches in some area near the patella, so he said a lot of my pain was

the insulted ligaments and muscles and tendons trying to realign - and

most of the pain is on the sides of the knee, plus of course, incision

pain as it healed.

Now I am 2 mos. 2days past the op, and it still hurts some (scale 2

to 3 on the 10-scale), but right after the op. if I moved it funny it

used to shoot right up to an 8 on that pain scale. Hasn't gotten

anywhere near that since, though.

One or 3 more bits of pre-op advice, I was (and am) good at sit-ups.

Strong abs I guess. This really helped when in the hospital, to sit up

to eat, or chat. Using legs (both) won't work too well to sit yourself

up in bed becoz the " bad " leg will hurt a lot if you try. And after they

took the catheter out, I would sit up, the nursie would help swing the

bad leg over the side of the bed, she positioned the walker, and I

hobbled off to the john. And when you go home, have a raised toilet

seat, preferably with arms to help you get up. And chairs with arms and

extra cushions so they are higher off the floor. That helps to get up

standing a lot.

I think the Valium helped with depression too, at weeks 2 to 3 I

really felt I was _not _in less pain than pre-op and was feeling pretty

sorry for myself and what then seemed like a stupid decision. But now as

I improve daily, I know the op. was the right thing to do. Hang in

there, you will make it.



Jackie ODell wrote:



> Hi.I also am getting ready for my 1st tkr on my right knee.It also

> locks up.both of them do....and I also have cramps in my calfs and my

> feet. I also dont like meds..scared of them...I will do what I have to

> do after having surgery.......any suggestions of what I can do before

> and after? also is it possible to cut the meds in half? I dont want to

> stay groggy or asleep all the time...........any alternative

> treatments? Jackie



> >

> >

> > Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> > well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> > in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> > for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> > all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> > hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> > things got better.

> >

> > My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> > as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> > them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> > week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> > sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> > have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> > barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> > hurt for hours.

> >

> > I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> > expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> > less and less.

> >

> > This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> > tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> > heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> > bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> > that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> > surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> > in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> > and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> > you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> > helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.

> >

> > I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> > any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> > is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new knee

> > talking to you!!!

> >

> > My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really deformed and

> > I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> > wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> > a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> > do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> > you a bit of insight too.

> >

> > The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> > knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> > ----- Original Message -----

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




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thanks Adrienne..........I will try the weights but I also have a rotator cuff

tear.I was supposed to have that fixed but was afraid I would damage it with the

weight from the walker. I understand why you would use the wheelchair during

that outing...I have a problem when I sit in the car or certain chairs.. I get

tingly all thru my body and nauseous.dont know what that is all

about.   wonder if insurance pa

ys for the lifts and bars.I priced them yesterday......I could use them

now.........I know it will be a painful prossess but I have heard nothing but

good from people that have had the surgery.thanks for the tips.Jackie

> >

> >

> > Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> > well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> > in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> > for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> > all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> > hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> > things got better.

> >

> > My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> > as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> > them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> > week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> > sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> > have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> > barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> > hurt for hours.

> >

> > I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> > expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> > less and less.

> >

> > This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> > tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> > heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> > bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> > that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> > surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> > in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> > and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> > you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> > helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.

> >

> > I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> > any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> > is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new knee

> > talking to you!!!

> >

> > My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really deformed and

> > I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> > wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> > a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> > do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> > you a bit of insight too.

> >

> > The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> > knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> > ----- Original Message -----

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




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A couple of things suggested to me for cramping and calf/foot pain are

magnesium supplement and Valerian. For the magnesium I took (and need to

start again) a Magnesium/Calcium/Vitamin D combo that I got at Trader Joes.

Valerian is a natural form of Valium. It is a mild muscle relaxant and also

helped me with sleep interruption. I think it is a little easier on the

system than Valium. I take it sparingly because I think there is also a

possibility of dependency.

If you have access to a hot tub that would help too. I didn¹t until I was

able to go to the gym, at about a month. It helped.

You can cut the meds in half of course. But what you are looking for is

pain relief, not half-pain-relief. You won¹t be taking the meds for very

long. Take them. You will need them. And you need to sleep. A lot. This

surgery is very hard on your body and sleep and rest are one of the best

cures. Your body will let you know when you don¹t need the meds anymore.

If after a bit you are not sure you still need them, then try reducing and

see how it goes. If you don¹t hurt, keep on that plan. If you hurt, go

back to the original doses. But you need to manage the pain in order to do

your rehab exercises and to get the rest you need.

Congrats on your upcoming new knee!

On 12/30/09 12:56 PM, " Jackie ODell " <jackiero71@...> wrote:






> Hi.I also am getting ready for my 1st tkr on my right knee.It also locks

> up.both of them do....and I also have cramps in my calfs and my feet. I also

> dont like meds..scared of them...I will do what I have to do after having

> surgery.......any suggestions of what I can do before and after? also is it

> possible to cut the meds in half? I dont want to stay groggy or asleep all the

> time...........any alternative treatments?  Jackie  




> <snip older thread>

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Thanks Jackie.....I have used valerian before.not too often tho..........I also

need to start back on my d and magnesium.........My levels were low....I dont

have a hot tub but I have a pool.of coarse it wont be ready until the end of

may. by then I hope to have the second tkr.only problem will be weather or not I

can get into the pool.it is above ground so I may not be able to. I will take

whatever meds I need to take.........I know it will benefit the

therapy.........Just hoping I wont have to take them too long..I am very

sensitive to meds.......Ill do what I have to.....I guess I can do therapy in my

sleep! lol.thanks again.Jackie






> Hi.I also am getting ready for my 1st tkr on my right knee.It also locks

> up.both of them do....and I also have cramps in my calfs and my feet. I also

> dont like meds..scared of them...I will do what I have to do after having

> surgery..... ..any suggestions of what I can do before and after? also is it

> possible to cut the meds in half? I dont want to stay groggy or asleep all


> time........ ...any alternative treatments?  Jackie  




> <snip older thread>

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> Hi.I also am getting ready for my 1st tkr on my right knee.It also locks

up.both of them do....and I also have cramps in my calfs and my feet. I also

dont like meds..scared of them...I will do what I have to do after having

surgery.......any suggestions of what I can do before and after? also is it

possible to cut the meds in half? I dont want to stay groggy or asleep all the

time...........any alternative treatments?

You may have to try a couple of different pain meds after surgery to find one

that works well for you. Don't be afraid to speak up to your prescriber until

you get there! With the right pain med at the right dosage, you won't be groggy

or asleep all the time. I learned the hard way . . .

Alice in Boulder

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Hi Jackie,

I had my TKR in September. As far as pain meds go, your body will alert you

to what you need and how often you need it. Better to take the meds and be able

to rest than to toss and turn and " tough it out. " The pain meds will allow you

to do your PT more easily. I've only been on hydrocodone (I'm allergic to

aspirin) and since December I take one occasionally (usually at night). My OS

(Dr. Coon) said the best thing to do after surgery is get up and walk. For the

first two weeks after surgery I tried to walk 15 minutes out of every hour -

total of an hour of walking during the day. I also iced my knee every hour. I

was back at work full time in four weeks.

Hope everything goes well for you - keep us posted on your progress.

RTKR-MIS 9/16/09

Re: New Member Intro

Hi.I also am getting ready for my 1st tkr on my right knee.It also locks

up.both of them do....and I also have cramps in my calfs and my feet. I also

dont like meds..scared of them...I will do what I have to do after having

surgery.......any suggestions of what I can do before and after? also is it

possible to cut the meds in half? I dont want to stay groggy or asleep all the

time...........any alternative treatments? Jackie



> Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> things got better.


> My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> hurt for hours.


> I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> less and less.


> This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.


> I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new knee

> talking to you!!!


> My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really deformed and

> I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> you a bit of insight too.


> The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> ----- Original Message -----






------------ --------- --------- ------

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thanks Alice....Ill keep that in mind

From: aliceinboulder <aliceinboulder@...>

Subject: Re: New Member Intro

Joint Replacement

Date: Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 9:29 PM


> Hi.I also am getting ready for my 1st tkr on my right knee.It also locks

up.both of them do....and I also have cramps in my calfs and my feet. I also

dont like meds..scared of them...I will do what I have to do after having

surgery..... ..any suggestions of what I can do before and after? also is it

possible to cut the meds in half? I dont want to stay groggy or asleep all

the time........ ...any alternative treatments?

You may have to try a couple of different pain meds after surgery to find one

that works well for you. Don't be afraid to speak up to your prescriber until

you get there! With the right pain med at the right dosage, you won't be groggy

or asleep all the time. I learned the hard way . . .

Alice in Boulder

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wow ....sounds like you have done very well...........That is what I am

hearing.....15 mins every hour.......sounds like alot..........thats what I

meant about sleep walking.......What about going up stairs? My bedroom is

upstairs but I have a spare downstairs...........I plan to do what I must so I

an get the other one done..thanks....Jackie



> Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> things got better.


> My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> hurt for hours.


> I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> less and less.


> This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.


> I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new knee

> talking to you!!!


> My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really deformed and

> I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> you a bit of insight too.


> The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> ----- Original Message -----






------------ --------- --------- ------

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Hi Jackie,

I still am not totally pain free - but they are twinges and only occur from time

to time. I'm sure they will eventually disappear. I was afraid to kneel at

first but find it doesn't cause me any discomfort at all. My pittie LOVES that

I can get down on the ground and play tug of war with her now.

I don't have stairs in my house...but I've been able to do them - I do hold the

hand rails. I just joined a gym and they started me out for cardio on...would

you believe it?...stairs! The trainer (why are they all 15 years old and thin

as a rail?) kept telling me I needed to push myself on the stairs. Yes, she

knew about the new knee but sometimes I think if you're not limping they really

don't get it. I told her I would do what I could and had no intention of

pushing myself when my knee was telling me to stop. Period. My limit at the

moment is 3 minutes of stair climbing - and it really tires me out.

I would start out using your spare bedroom downstairs - at least until you feel

comfortable doing the stairs. To be honest...I have a tendency to avoid stairs

if I can - even now.

RTKR-MIS 9/16/09

Re: New Member Intro

wow ....sounds like you have done very well...........That is what I am

hearing.....15 mins every hour.......sounds like alot..........thats what I

meant about sleep walking.......What about going up stairs? My bedroom is

upstairs but I have a spare downstairs...........I plan to do what I must so I

an get the other one done..thanks....Jackie



> Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of blood

> in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my hip

> for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> things got better.


> My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain meds,

> as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I still

> have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have not

> hurt for hours.


> I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> less and less.


> This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.


> I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the noise

> is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new knee

> talking to you!!!


> My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really deformed and

> I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had to cut

> a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> you a bit of insight too.


> The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> ----- Original Message -----






------------ --------- --------- ------

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Stairs don't sound like a good cardio for now. 3 minutes isn't enough

to get a cardio workout. I use the stationary bike and elliptical and

they've been very helpful. I have outside stairs ar my house and have

been using them since coming from the hospital. I still have

difficulty going down the stairs but up is pretty easy. I do need to

keep working on them of course.

Glad you're listening to your knee!

Jackie T

Jackie on



AMIE Oakland, CA


Sent from my iPhone with one finger typing; so apologies if I sound

abrupt ...not to mention typos!!

On Dec 30, 2009, at 8:25 PM, " Bentley " <sbentley@...>


> Hi Jackie,


> I still am not totally pain free - but they are twinges and only

> occur from time to time. I'm sure they will eventually disappear. I

> was afraid to kneel at first but find it doesn't cause me any

> discomfort at all. My pittie LOVES that I can get down on the ground

> and play tug of war with her now.


> I don't have stairs in my house...but I've been able to do them - I

> do hold the hand rails. I just joined a gym and they started me out

> for cardio on...would you believe it?...stairs! The trainer (why are

> they all 15 years old and thin as a rail?) kept telling me I needed

> to push myself on the stairs. Yes, she knew about the new knee but

> sometimes I think if you're not limping they really don't get it. I

> told her I would do what I could and had no intention of pushing

> myself when my knee was telling me to stop. Period. My limit at the

> moment is 3 minutes of stair climbing - and it really tires me out.


> I would start out using your spare bedroom downstairs - at least

> until you feel comfortable doing the stairs. To be honest...I have

> a tendency to avoid stairs if I can - even now.


> RTKR-MIS 9/16/09


> Re: New Member Intro


> wow ....sounds like you have done very well...........That is

> what I am hearing.....15 mins every hour.......sounds like

> alot..........thats what I meant about sleep walking.......What

> about going up stairs? My bedroom is upstairs but I have a spare

> downstairs...........I plan to do what I must so I an get the other

> one done..thanks....Jackie



> >

> >

> > Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> > well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of

> blood

> > in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my

> hip

> > for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> > all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> > hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> > things got better.

> >

> > My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain

> meds,

> > as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> > them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> > week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> > sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I

> still

> > have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> > barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have

> not

> > hurt for hours.

> >

> > I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> > expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> > less and less.

> >

> > This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> > tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> > heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> > bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> > that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> > surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> > in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> > and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> > you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> > helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.

> >

> > I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> > any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the

> noise

> > is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new

> knee

> > talking to you!!!

> >

> > My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really

> deformed and

> > I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> > wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had

> to cut

> > a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> > do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> > you a bit of insight too.

> >

> > The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> > knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> > ----- Original Message -----

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> ------------ --------- --------- ------



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Yeah I plan to take my time on the stairs........My bike is upstairs but not

sure I can use it anyway with the other knee..Not able to tolerate it right now.

even durring the summer.water excersizes really did me in.......Ill do as much

as they tell me to..........Im going to be fine!...thanks

> >

> >

> > Hi, I am new here too. I had TKR on October 14th. The surgery went

> > well, but the after care and pain was really bad. I had tons of

> blood

> > in my leg, and had spasms in my foot and calf, radiating up to my

> hip

> > for about a week, so bad that it was impossible to sleep almost at

> > all. I got a few hours here and there.... and staff at the first

> > hospital was horrible. I was transferred to a decent hospital and

> > things got better.

> >

> > My pain level was not good either. And I could not take the pain

> meds,

> > as I reacted to everything and ended back up in hospital because of

> > them. So I have been going without my pain meds since about the 4th

> > week. I started taking like a half of a pain pill when I could not

> > sleep or something but for the most part I have felt the pain. I

> still

> > have pain, but it is getting better as time goes on. It is slow and

> > barely notable from day to day, but then somedays I notice I have

> not

> > hurt for hours.

> >

> > I still have pain and as I do therapy it increases and decreases. I

> > expect that as the weeks move on for you, your pain will get to be

> > less and less.

> >

> > This surgery was much more painful than I had anticipated. No one

> > tells you before how bad it will be, and for me with the spasms and

> > heaps of blood, well I think it was worse for me. MY incision didn't

> > bother me at all, it was the lower leg and foot. I now have some of

> > that but it is not really intolerable. So I am 2.5 months out from

> > surgery. I think probably you will begin to really feel a lot better

> > in a couple weeks. They say, and it is true, " everyone is different "

> > and that is why no one wants to address this pain issue I think. If

> > you can, take your pain meds as prescribed. I know that would have

> > helped me a lot if I could have. Hope this helps.

> >

> > I would ask my doctor about the crackling in that knee. I don't have

> > any at all. My other knee sure does though, and the doc said the

> noise

> > is not to be concerned about....... .but I take it this is the new

> knee

> > talking to you!!!

> >

> > My muscles were tight and loose....... ..my leg was really

> deformed and

> > I was supposed to have been in a brace for a few years but

> > wasn't...... .......so my knee was really bad......they also had

> to cut

> > a tendon to get the knee cap to do what ever it was it needed to

> > do.....So my situation is my very own.......but maybe that will give

> > you a bit of insight too.

> >

> > The muscles have to be strengthened and things worked on to make the

> > knee function well. Good luck....... dash

> > ----- Original Message -----

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> ------------ --------- --------- ------



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For the night time cramps in my leg, my physiotherapist said that I was likely

not drinking enough water during the day. Sure enough, when I increased that,

the pain went away!

As for no one talking about how much it will hurt, I had an interesting

situation recently. An acquaintance was due to have her first TKR at the

beginning of December and talked to me about it a week or so before she was

going in..wanting 'the truth' about rehab and recovery. So I told her that it

was the most painful thing I have ever had and with the first TKR that I had, it

was excruciating for the first 3 weeks or more, gradually getting easier. The

second was less painful. Then last week I ran into her at physio at the

hospital. She didnt say hello or anything, just came up close and said " Why

didn't you tell me how painful this was going to be??? " ! I reminded her of our

conversation and she got this funny look on her face and admitted that she did

remember that comment now, but that she had obviously only heard the parts she

wanted to hear!


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Hello, I am a new member to this group. I had my TKR on Dec. 7th. I would like

to know how long after the surgery did you quit taking strong pain killers and

start taking an anti inflammatory like Advil or Aleve. My knee is quite swollen

still and pretty stiff. I seem to have had a bit of a relapse recently. Last

week the PT measured my mobility at 99 Degrees and this week it went back to 92

degrees. I am keeping up with my exercises, but don't know what has happened.

Any advice or suggestions? Happy New Year to everyone and good luck with


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Hi ,

Each of us is going to be different in how we managed our pain and what was

needed. Your surgery was still farily recently so probably another few weeks on

pain meds at least should do it. I never took any anti inflammatories for mine

at all. The swelling and stiffness at this point is fairly normal and not to be

concerned about. I had a setback in mine also about a month or so after and it

slowed me down a week or so but no long term effect.

Good luck and Happy New Year to you and your new knee.



From: Kohn <katiekohn@...>

Joint Replacement

Sent: Thu, December 31, 2009 2:30:10 PM

Subject: Re: New Member Intro

Hello, I am a new member to this group. I had my TKR on Dec. 7th. I would like

to know how long after the surgery did you quit taking strong pain killers and

start taking an anti inflammatory like Advil or Aleve.. My knee is quite swollen

still and pretty stiff. I seem to have had a bit of a relapse recently. Last

week the PT measured my mobility at 99 Degrees and this week it went back to 92

degrees. I am keeping up with my exercises, but don't know what has happened.

Any advice or suggestions? Happy New Year to everyone and good luck with


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And who would really want to know of all the pain..... but thank God it passes.


Re: New Member Intro

For the night time cramps in my leg, my physiotherapist said that I was likely

not drinking enough water during the day. Sure enough, when I increased that,

the pain went away!

As for no one talking about how much it will hurt, I had an interesting

situation recently. An acquaintance was due to have her first TKR at the

beginning of December and talked to me about it a week or so before she was

going in..wanting 'the truth' about rehab and recovery. So I told her that it

was the most painful thing I have ever had and with the first TKR that I had, it

was excruciating for the first 3 weeks or more, gradually getting easier. The

second was less painful. Then last week I ran into her at physio at the

hospital. She didnt say hello or anything, just came up close and said " Why

didn't you tell me how painful this was going to be??? " ! I reminded her of our

conversation and she got this funny look on her face and admitted that she did

remember that comment now, but that she had obviously only heard the parts she

wanted to hear!


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