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Hi Bre,

If there is no nerve impingement, many radiologists will give a

cursory report using words like 'mild', 'slight', or 'unremarkable'

to describe a disc problem or vertabrae misalignment. For many

folks, that 'mild' means big-time pain.

From what you describe, it sounds like you have SI joint problems,

perhaps something going on with one or more places in the L-spine.

I'm not a doc- just another victim of back pain, so I'm not

diagnosing this!

See if you can get some physical therapy for this, or at least have

your doc or chiro show you how to put your back in 'neutral' so you

can rest it. Also, cold pacs can be a big help.

See if your doc will Rx baclofen- it's a muscle relaxer specific to

spinal problems. It is often used in those pain pumps folks use for

back pain.

I hope this helps.

God bless you,

Moderator, C_P_A


> Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

> Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never

given my back problem a name.

> I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses.

ive had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back

showing nothing.

> My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of

about 7 or more.

> when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my

vertabre sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop

your back. I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back

to pop. just ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

> My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right

leg all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects

my bladder also *blush*

> The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a

day and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take

the drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much

stuck in bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and

hips even worse.

> I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not

the FMS that is causing the problems.

> does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least

try and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

> thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know

you all:)


> Bre



> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

> with the Search weather shortcut.



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I wish I knew a sure way to get rid of the pain - I have yet to find a

way to live totally painfree. And the older I get the worse it gets. I

am grateful for just a painfree day here and there and getting through

the nights.

My pain Doc told me that the diagnosis of lower backpain really does

not make that much difference - the treatments are very much alike -

I have been dealing with a ruptured disc for years and then the Spinal

Stenosis set in - and I believe I also have Fibro because I do get to

hurting all over - and all my joints are in trouble - I've already had

surgery for a torn rotator cuff - and my other shoulder is now very

painful. My back stays stiff and in pain - but I can tell that the

nerves are affected more and more. I also feel pain into my groin and

upper legs which is somewhat of a new sensation. I also have pain all

the way down my legs and have fallen because I can't feel one foot or

the other. Strange feeling to have to look to see if your foot actually

is touching the floor.

I hope you find a good Doctor to help you - and you will have to just

hang tough sometimes. It is not easy to make some of these Doctors

understand what your pain level is - and I also hope you can get some

Insurance. The money runs out quickly with these problems.

I wish you all the best - and you will find lots of support in this

Group - These people go out of their way to help.

Welcome - Megwin

P.S. I used to live in Bremerton, WA - years ago - worked for the Navy

Base in Silverdale. All the rain made me very depressed - now I

complain about the Texas heat - lol - I guess I have not found

Shangri-La yet.

On Mar 30, 2007, at 7:55 PM, b fry wrote:

> Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

> Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never given

> my back problem a name.

> I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses. ive

> had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back showing

> nothing.

> My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of about

> 7 or more.

> when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my vertabre

> sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop your back.

> I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back to pop. just

> ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

> My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right leg

> all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects my

> bladder also *blush*

> The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a day

> and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take the

> drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much stuck in

> bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and hips even

> worse.

> I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not the

> FMS that is causing the problems.

> does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least try

> and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

> thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know you

> all:)


> Bre


> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

> with the Search weather shortcut.



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I am sorry this is so hard for you. I have been in pain all my life. I use

my wheel chair a lot as WAlking hurts my back. I have Fibro too on top of

three spine disorders and two arthritis. Sience my doctor put me on Lexapro

my pain is not so bad or I have just gotten use to it. I take Hot showers

or baths to help and ice packs to numb the area of the back. I do not take

a lot of pain meds as I have had two frinds in the same way die because of

on too much meds and had more pain.

I know about not feeling as I have lost the feeling in my legs on the

surface and my butt. Not the spine or pelvis which at times does get bad at

times. At least I am alive I can say!


-- Re: new member intro

I wish I knew a sure way to get rid of the pain - I have yet to find a

way to live totally painfree. And the older I get the worse it gets. I

am grateful for just a painfree day here and there and getting through

the nights.

My pain Doc told me that the diagnosis of lower backpain really does

not make that much difference - the treatments are very much alike -

I have been dealing with a ruptured disc for years and then the Spinal

Stenosis set in - and I believe I also have Fibro because I do get to

hurting all over - and all my joints are in trouble - I've already had

surgery for a torn rotator cuff - and my other shoulder is now very

painful. My back stays stiff and in pain - but I can tell that the

nerves are affected more and more. I also feel pain into my groin and

upper legs which is somewhat of a new sensation. I also have pain all

the way down my legs and have fallen because I can't feel one foot or

the other. Strange feeling to have to look to see if your foot actually

is touching the floor.

I hope you find a good Doctor to help you - and you will have to just

hang tough sometimes. It is not easy to make some of these Doctors

understand what your pain level is - and I also hope you can get some

Insurance. The money runs out quickly with these problems.

I wish you all the best - and you will find lots of support in this

Group - These people go out of their way to help.

Welcome - Megwin

P.S. I used to live in Bremerton, WA - years ago - worked for the Navy

Base in Silverdale. All the rain made me very depressed - now I

complain about the Texas heat - lol - I guess I have not found

Shangri-La yet.

On Mar 30, 2007, at 7:55 PM, b fry wrote:

> Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

> Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never given

> my back problem a name.

> I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses. ive

> had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back showing

> nothing.

> My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of about

> 7 or more.

> when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my vertabre

> sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop your back.

> I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back to pop. just

> ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

> My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right leg

> all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects my

> bladder also *blush*

> The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a day

> and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take the

> drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much stuck in

> bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and hips even

> worse.

> I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not the

> FMS that is causing the problems.

> does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least try

> and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

> thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know you

> all:)


> Bre


> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

> with the Search weather shortcut.



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when I lived in Washington State I go so bad with pain I could not work. I

ended up on state disability that lead to me getting m SSDI five years later

I had so many problems with my doctor there that I moved back to Texas to

my doctors I had here for years. Some doctors I found do not know how to

treat back pain. They do not feel it is much of a problem. Why I do not

know! I know that part of my pain my my lower back and upper back is Fibro.

Now all doctors know how to deal with Fibro also. I lived in Spokane,

where I loved it and miss it, and I lived in Tacoma for a while. All wanted

to send me to Seattle to my back doctor I have in Texas that goes there from

time to time for rare back problems. That is one reason I came back to


Is ther a teaching hospital near you? They could help you and they might be

able to find you some discount medical help. Also in your state there are

insurance at a low price if you can not get any which you can get with your

medical problems very easy at a affordable price. I knew about it because I

was going to do that till I could not work.


> Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

> Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never

given my back problem a name.

> I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses.

ive had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back

showing nothing.

> My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of

about 7 or more.

> when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my

vertabre sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop

your back. I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back

to pop. just ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

> My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right

leg all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects

my bladder also *blush*

> The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a

day and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take

the drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much

stuck in bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and

hips even worse.

> I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not

the FMS that is causing the problems.

> does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least

try and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

> thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know

you all:)


> Bre



> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

> with the Search weather shortcut.



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thank you so much for the welcome!

I dont see being able to get health insurance anytime soon. I get a widows

pension the just barely puts me over the limit for the discount health insurance

but its not nearly enough for me to be able to pay full price, lol, isnt that

the way things seem to go?

I do have a very good family doctor, but she is not a specialist. typicaly i

found that a specialist wants a couple hundred dollars up front just to go in

and talk to them.

Ive been told that exercise will help, yeah right! ive tried all the things

that Ive been told to do. shoot, i live on a farm i dont need to go to a health

club! lol

I do have patience though, it took me over 15 years to finally get a doctor to

listen long enough to give me a Fibromyalgia DX. My mood isnt as dark as it

was the otherday. my back isnt as bad today and ive been able to deal with.

its when i get several days where i can hardly move that my mood darkens and

im ready to just give up. thankfully i havent figured out what you do when you

" just give up " well other than whine like a 2 year old.

I think if they could just give me a DX with a name it would almost feel

better. Kind of like with the fibromyalgia, it takes it out of the relm where

nobody believes you,

still hanging in there,


Megwin <Ravenfeather@...> wrote: I wish

I knew a sure way to get rid of the pain - I have yet to find a

way to live totally painfree. And the older I get the worse it gets. I

am grateful for just a painfree day here and there and getting through

the nights.

My pain Doc told me that the diagnosis of lower backpain really does

not make that much difference - the treatments are very much alike -

I have been dealing with a ruptured disc for years and then the Spinal

Stenosis set in - and I believe I also have Fibro because I do get to

hurting all over - and all my joints are in trouble - I've already had

surgery for a torn rotator cuff - and my other shoulder is now very

painful. My back stays stiff and in pain - but I can tell that the

nerves are affected more and more. I also feel pain into my groin and

upper legs which is somewhat of a new sensation. I also have pain all

the way down my legs and have fallen because I can't feel one foot or

the other. Strange feeling to have to look to see if your foot actually

is touching the floor.

I hope you find a good Doctor to help you - and you will have to just

hang tough sometimes. It is not easy to make some of these Doctors

understand what your pain level is - and I also hope you can get some

Insurance. The money runs out quickly with these problems.

I wish you all the best - and you will find lots of support in this

Group - These people go out of their way to help.

Welcome - Megwin

P.S. I used to live in Bremerton, WA - years ago - worked for the Navy

Base in Silverdale. All the rain made me very depressed - now I

complain about the Texas heat - lol - I guess I have not found

Shangri-La yet.


8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

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hi ,

thank you for the recomendation. I will ask my doctor about baclofen and see

what she says.

Im going to see her in a couple weeks for trigger point injections. they do

amazing things for my back, hip and knees. too bad it only lasts a few hours!

but at this point its better than nothing.

My father has always had back problems, slipped discs and such. the rest of

my family has a history of RA but so far i have tested negative.

The part of my back problem that really confuses me is the way that the

vertabre just slip in and out without much effort. I think that is why every

so often it will pinch a nerve and start the shooting pains rather than just the

knife in my back.

I live on those back heating pads that just stick on and stay warm for 8

hours. for the stabbing pains those work great. the shooting pain im stuck

with the ice pack.

everyone on this list is so kind and helpful i will be sticking around for a



<llerweatherman@...> wrote: Hi


If there is no nerve impingement, many radiologists will give a

cursory report using words like 'mild', 'slight', or 'unremarkable'

to describe a disc problem or vertabrae misalignment. For many

folks, that 'mild' means big-time pain.

From what you describe, it sounds like you have SI joint problems,

perhaps something going on with one or more places in the L-spine.

I'm not a doc- just another victim of back pain, so I'm not

diagnosing this!

See if you can get some physical therapy for this, or at least have

your doc or chiro show you how to put your back in 'neutral' so you

can rest it. Also, cold pacs can be a big help.

See if your doc will Rx baclofen- it's a muscle relaxer specific to

spinal problems. It is often used in those pain pumps folks use for

back pain.

I hope this helps.

God bless you,

Moderator, C_P_A


> Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

> Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never

given my back problem a name.

> I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses.

ive had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back

showing nothing.

> My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of

about 7 or more.

> when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my

vertabre sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop

your back. I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back

to pop. just ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

> My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right

leg all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects

my bladder also *blush*

> The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a

day and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take

the drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much

stuck in bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and

hips even worse.

> I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not

the FMS that is causing the problems.

> does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least

try and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

> thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know

you all:)


> Bre



> ---------------------------------

> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

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thank you for the good wishes annie:)

i actually think my next step is to save up some cash so i can at least get

into a specialist to get some answers. its going to take me a while though i



ann gourieux <fudgie4u@...> wrote: Bre,

Nice to meet you!!! You said you don't have insurance. Is there a county

hospital or somewhere that you can go to see a neurologist, neurosurgeon or

orthopeidic doctor? They would be best at a diagnosis of the motion you feel.

Good luck and please keep us posted.


b fry <bre_sundquist@...> wrote:

Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never given my back

problem a name.

I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses. ive had xrays

and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back showing nothing.

My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of about 7 or


when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my vertabre sliding

in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop your back. I went to a

chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back to pop. just ended up feeling beat

up every time i left.

My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right leg all the way

down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects my bladder also *blush*

The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a day and

Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take the drugs but without

them the pain is so bad that im pretty much stuck in bed. Walking is also very

difficult and makes my back and hips even worse.

I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not the FMS that is

causing the problems.

does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least try and get the

3 year plus problem under control??

thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know you all:)



Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

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I did have an MRI done but i was told it showed nothing wrong. Ive also been

told that If they dont know how to read an MRI they can miss alot.

I dont have insurance and dont see being able to get it for some time.

I get a widows pension that is enough to get by on but not enough to get

insurance and just barely too much for me to qualify for reduced health


I did as my doctor what the problem was and she didnt seem to have a name for

it. though i am lucky in that she does believe that im in pain. Also with me

having Fibromyaglia it creates a lot of problems if i go to a doctor that doesnt

understand it, thankfully my doctor does.


JP <jpbonner65@...> wrote: Bre,

Welcome to the group. Did your mri show anything? Sounds like you

definitely have a serious problem…I would think your mri would point you in

the direction you need to be in…? wht has your doctor said your problem is?

Have you asked? I kept after them til they pinned it down. I was always

told sciatica…but what is the cause? Now they say it is piriformis syndrome

and horrible pain in my left SI area post injection…but no one would confirm

it is a sacroiliac problem til an MRI was done. It really does help to

have a name , even if they just say – your xyz vertebrae are your

problem….from there you would know if you have options. If you do not have

insurance have you applied to medical assistance? Are you on disability?

If you needed surgery, would you be able to do that?


new member intro

Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never given my back

problem a name.

I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses. ive had

xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back showing nothing.

My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of about 7 or


when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my vertabre

sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop your back. I went

to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back to pop. just ended up

feeling beat up every time i left.

My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right leg all the

way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects my bladder also


The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a day and

Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take the drugs but

without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much stuck in bed. Walking is

also very difficult and makes my back and hips even worse.

I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not the FMS that

is causing the problems.

does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least try and get

the 3 year plus problem under control??

thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know you all:)



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Do you have a copy of the mri report? I had heard that they can miss stuff

on the mri too. My new ortho said bring the films, he reads them himself so

I felt better knowing that they were read twice. With the widows pension –

can you take some of the money and invest it or use it for something that is

tax deductable so that your overall income comes up less and you CAN

qualify? Just a thought. I know with our taxes, If I put money in an ira

it seems to make the overall income go down and gives us a tax break at the

same time.

I hope you can see a doctor soon that can help you. I absolutely understand

the frustration. I saw a dr my primary sent me too and he just kept pushing

pills at me without ever trying to figure out the problem, then I went to

one ortho who told me not to do anything for a few weeks and do pt….when I

went back, he said how do you feel, well before my recent problem I usually

felt better in the morning and he said ok come back when you are in

pain…well that afternoon I was. So then I found another ortho – after more

than a year of testing and different meds – none of which worked, he sent me

to pain management said it was a nerve problem. Which I was ok with till I

got the si problem – now I am seeing a new ortho that already identified

both problems and now we will work on fixing them I hope! Sometimes it

takes a few drs to find the right one. If I was you, I would talk to

everyone that you can that has seen a back specialist and find a really good

dr since it sounds like you cant afford to shop around. Good luck!


RE: new member intro


I did have an MRI done but i was told it showed nothing wrong. Ive also been

told that If they dont know how to read an MRI they can miss alot.

I dont have insurance and dont see being able to get it for some time.

I get a widows pension that is enough to get by on but not enough to get

insurance and just barely too much for me to qualify for reduced health


I did as my doctor what the problem was and she didnt seem to have a name

for it. though i am lucky in that she does believe that im in pain. Also

with me having Fibromyaglia it creates a lot of problems if i go to a doctor

that doesnt understand it, thankfully my doctor does.




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Well - I am sure there are people worse off than I am - I did not mean

to complain.

They put me on Lexapro one time - and I had some really bad side


The days are coming where I will have to use a wheelchair - I have

fallen several times - so before I break a hip I guess I should start

using one. One problem - I live on the second floor and have no idea

how to get it up and down.

After a long hard life I feel I deserve a little better than what I

ended up with - lol - then again like I said above - there are people

worse off.


On Mar 31, 2007, at 7:16 PM, Barbi wrote:

> I am sorry this is so hard for you. I have been in pain all my life. I

> use

> my wheel chair a lot as WAlking hurts my back. I have Fibro too on

> top of

> three spine disorders and two arthritis. Sience my doctor put me on

> Lexapro

> my pain is not so bad or I have just gotten use to it. I take Hot

> showers

> or baths to help and ice packs to numb the area of the back. I do not

> take

> a lot of pain meds as I have had two frinds in the same way die

> because of

> on too much meds and had more pain.

> I know about not feeling as I have lost the feeling in my legs on the

> surface and my butt. Not the spine or pelvis which at times does get

> bad at

> times. At least I am alive I can say!

> Barbi


> -- Re: new member intro


> I wish I knew a sure way to get rid of the pain - I have yet to find a

> way to live totally painfree. And the older I get the worse it gets. I

> am grateful for just a painfree day here and there and getting through

> the nights.


> My pain Doc told me that the diagnosis of lower backpain really does

> not make that much difference - the treatments are very much alike -


> I have been dealing with a ruptured disc for years and then the Spinal

> Stenosis set in - and I believe I also have Fibro because I do get to

> hurting all over - and all my joints are in trouble - I've already had

> surgery for a torn rotator cuff - and my other shoulder is now very

> painful. My back stays stiff and in pain - but I can tell that the

> nerves are affected more and more. I also feel pain into my groin and

> upper legs which is somewhat of a new sensation. I also have pain all

> the way down my legs and have fallen because I can't feel one foot or

> the other. Strange feeling to have to look to see if your foot

> actually

> is touching the floor.


> I hope you find a good Doctor to help you - and you will have to just

> hang tough sometimes. It is not easy to make some of these Doctors

> understand what your pain level is - and I also hope you can get some

> Insurance. The money runs out quickly with these problems.


> I wish you all the best - and you will find lots of support in this

> Group - These people go out of their way to help.


> Welcome - Megwin

> P.S. I used to live in Bremerton, WA - years ago - worked for the Navy

> Base in Silverdale. All the rain made me very depressed - now I

> complain about the Texas heat - lol - I guess I have not found

> Shangri-La yet.


> On Mar 30, 2007, at 7:55 PM, b fry wrote:


> > Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

> > Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never given

> > my back problem a name.

> > I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses. ive

> > had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back showing

> > nothing.

> > My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of

> about

> > 7 or more.

> > when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my

> vertabre

> > sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop your

> back.

> > I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back to pop.

> just

> > ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

> > My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right leg

> > all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects my

> > bladder also *blush*

> > The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a day

> > and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take the

> > drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much stuck

> in

> > bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and hips even

> > worse.

> > I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not the

> > FMS that is causing the problems.

> > does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least try

> > and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

> > thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know you

> > all:)

> >

> > Bre

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

> > with the Search weather shortcut.

> >

> >

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I am not sure you were asking me about the Teaching Hospitals - but

every one of them in Houston is - including the VA -

They are so overbooked with problems they rarely do anything for anyone

walking in with a " common problem " like " backpain " . People even have

problems believing you are not lying when you tell them you have a back

problem - they think you use it as an excuse to get out of doing



On Mar 31, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Barbi wrote:



> when I lived in Washington State I go so bad with pain I could not

> work. I

> ended up on state disability that lead to me getting m SSDI five years

> later

> I had so many problems with my doctor there that I moved back to

> Texas to

> my doctors I had here for years. Some doctors I found do not know how

> to

> treat back pain. They do not feel it is much of a problem. Why I do

> not

> know! I know that part of my pain my my lower back and upper back is

> Fibro.

> Now all doctors know how to deal with Fibro also. I lived in Spokane,

> where I loved it and miss it, and I lived in Tacoma for a while. All

> wanted

> to send me to Seattle to my back doctor I have in Texas that goes

> there from

> time to time for rare back problems. That is one reason I came back

> to

> Texas.

> Is ther a teaching hospital near you? They could help you and they

> might be

> able to find you some discount medical help. Also in your state there

> are

> insurance at a low price if you can not get any which you can get

> with your

> medical problems very easy at a affordable price. I knew about it

> because I

> was going to do that till I could not work.

> Barbi



>> Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

>> Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never

> given my back problem a name.

>> I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses.

> ive had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back

> showing nothing.

>> My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of

> about 7 or more.

>> when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my

> vertabre sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop

> your back. I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back

> to pop. just ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

>> My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right

> leg all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects

> my bladder also *blush*

>> The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a

> day and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take

> the drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much

> stuck in bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and

> hips even worse.

>> I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not

> the FMS that is causing the problems.

>> does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least

> try and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

>> thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know

> you all:)


>> Bre



>> ---------------------------------

>> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

>> with the Search weather shortcut.



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Boy - do I understand about the dark days - I know them well. I think I

was born depressed, my Father referred to me as a " melancholy " child -

I guess I did not laugh very much - I still don't.

Some of that is inherited I am sure - but a hard life with lots of

bumps and then when the pain hits or other problems those dark days get

even darker, often making it difficult to climb back out of that Pit.

I live on that Brink - when I get up in the Morning I never know if it

is going to be a dark day or an even darker day, but there aren't many

bright days left - or so it seems.


On Mar 31, 2007, at 9:05 PM, b fry wrote:

> Megwin,

> thank you so much for the welcome!

> I dont see being able to get health insurance anytime soon. I get a

> widows pension the just barely puts me over the limit for the discount

> health insurance but its not nearly enough for me to be able to pay

> full price, lol, isnt that the way things seem to go?

> I do have a very good family doctor, but she is not a specialist.

> typicaly i found that a specialist wants a couple hundred dollars up

> front just to go in and talk to them.

> Ive been told that exercise will help, yeah right! ive tried all the

> things that Ive been told to do. shoot, i live on a farm i dont need

> to go to a health club! lol

> I do have patience though, it took me over 15 years to finally get a

> doctor to listen long enough to give me a Fibromyalgia DX. My mood

> isnt as dark as it was the otherday. my back isnt as bad today and ive

> been able to deal with.

> its when i get several days where i can hardly move that my mood

> darkens and im ready to just give up. thankfully i havent figured out

> what you do when you " just give up " well other than whine like a 2

> year old.

> I think if they could just give me a DX with a name it would almost

> feel better. Kind of like with the fibromyalgia, it takes it out of

> the relm where nobody believes you,

> still hanging in there,

> Bre


> Megwin <Ravenfeather@...> wrote: I wish I knew a sure way to

> get rid of the pain - I have yet to find a

> way to live totally painfree. And the older I get the worse it gets. I

> am grateful for just a painfree day here and there and getting through

> the nights.


> My pain Doc told me that the diagnosis of lower backpain really does

> not make that much difference - the treatments are very much alike -


> I have been dealing with a ruptured disc for years and then the Spinal

> Stenosis set in - and I believe I also have Fibro because I do get to

> hurting all over - and all my joints are in trouble - I've already had

> surgery for a torn rotator cuff - and my other shoulder is now very

> painful. My back stays stiff and in pain - but I can tell that the

> nerves are affected more and more. I also feel pain into my groin and

> upper legs which is somewhat of a new sensation. I also have pain all

> the way down my legs and have fallen because I can't feel one foot or

> the other. Strange feeling to have to look to see if your foot

> actually

> is touching the floor.


> I hope you find a good Doctor to help you - and you will have to just

> hang tough sometimes. It is not easy to make some of these Doctors

> understand what your pain level is - and I also hope you can get some

> Insurance. The money runs out quickly with these problems.


> I wish you all the best - and you will find lots of support in this

> Group - These people go out of their way to help.


> Welcome - Megwin

> P.S. I used to live in Bremerton, WA - years ago - worked for the Navy

> Base in Silverdale. All the rain made me very depressed - now I

> complain about the Texas heat - lol - I guess I have not found

> Shangri-La yet.



> ---------------------------------

> 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> with the Search movie showtime shortcut.



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Sorry hear I understand. I live in El Paso and got the same respond myself

before I had to go on disability. I have had five surgeries in the last

year and the big one on my back is the next time will be in the Fall I hope.

It is hard when doctors do not believe you. Some just do not get it that

pain is pain no matter what is causing it. My back had to get so bad so I

could get disability before it was treated right. I am lucky I have the

best doctors here and they really care about me. This is one reason I moved

back here to El Paso when I had to stop working as I was so frustrated with

attitudes of the doctors I had to deal with. I say it is never to late to

go home! Ha-ha Doctors I had before knew me and they know that I was not

making up wheat is wrong with me as they have treated me most of my life.


-- Re: Re: new member intro

I am not sure you were asking me about the Teaching Hospitals - but

every one of them in Houston is - including the VA -

They are so overbooked with problems they rarely do anything for anyone

walking in with a " common problem " like " backpain " . People even have

problems believing you are not lying when you tell them you have a back

problem - they think you use it as an excuse to get out of doing



On Mar 31, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Barbi wrote:



> when I lived in Washington State I go so bad with pain I could not

> work. I

> ended up on state disability that lead to me getting m SSDI five years

> later

> I had so many problems with my doctor there that I moved back to

> Texas to

> my doctors I had here for years. Some doctors I found do not know how

> to

> treat back pain. They do not feel it is much of a problem. Why I do

> not

> know! I know that part of my pain my my lower back and upper back is

> Fibro.

> Now all doctors know how to deal with Fibro also. I lived in Spokane,

> where I loved it and miss it, and I lived in Tacoma for a while. All

> wanted

> to send me to Seattle to my back doctor I have in Texas that goes

> there from

> time to time for rare back problems. That is one reason I came back

> to

> Texas.

> Is ther a teaching hospital near you? They could help you and they

> might be

> able to find you some discount medical help. Also in your state there

> are

> insurance at a low price if you can not get any which you can get

> with your

> medical problems very easy at a affordable price. I knew about it

> because I

> was going to do that till I could not work.

> Barbi



>> Hi my name is Bre, I live in washington state.

>> Im not sure if i have a spinal disorder as my doctor has never

> given my back problem a name.

>> I don have insurance so that does greatly decrease my resourses.

> ive had xrays and an MRI. from what i was told, both came back

> showing nothing.

>> My problem is lower back pain, usually a constant pain level of

> about 7 or more.

>> when i walk or move wrong when im sitting down I can feel my

> vertabre sliding in and out, with no popping. not like when you pop

> your back. I went to a chiropractor and even he couldnt get my back

> to pop. just ended up feeling beat up every time i left.

>> My lower back always hurts but at times it moves down my right

> leg all the way down to my ankle. When it is at its worse it effects

> my bladder also *blush*

>> The treatment i get from my doctor is muscle relaxers 2 times a

> day and Oxicodone 4 times a day. I would love to not have to take

> the drugs but without them the pain is so bad that im pretty much

> stuck in bed. Walking is also very difficult and makes my back and

> hips even worse.

>> I also have Fibromyalgia but both my doctor agree that its not

> the FMS that is causing the problems.

>> does anybody have any idea which direction i can go to at least

> try and get the 3 year plus problem under control??

>> thank you all in advance. Im looking forward to getting to know

> you all:)


>> Bre



>> ---------------------------------

>> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peek at the forecast

>> with the Search weather shortcut.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Jeff:

I have progressive hearing loss, which sounds similar to yours,

though I only wore hearing aids since 2004. I was implanted with a

CI recently and have Cigna HMO. I also asked about switching plans,

but the people in charge of pre approval for CI surgery at Univ of

Miami (where my surgery was done) told me NO! I was told that my

Cigna HMO plan was excellent and to keep it the same.

My suggestions to you is to check with your HMO. A CI is not the

same as a hearing aid. This may involve a lot of phone calls on your

part, but it will be worth it.

I also spent a lot of time at the ENT before my ENT said he could not

do any more for me and finally referred me to the Univ of Miami. The

CI has been wonderful and is such an improvement over the HA.

I cannot help you with your " recruitment (low tolerance for loud

sounds) " , but since there is more freedom to manipulate sounds (with

mapping a CI compared to a HA), I would imagaine that it could help


BTW..I lived in LA for 17 years....miss the mountains and Trader Joes!


4/3/07 Surgery, left ear Freedom

5/8/07 Activated

Univ of Miami

Dr. Balkany


> Hello everyone,


> My name is Jeff. I have been subscribed here and reading all the

posts for

> nearly a year. It is quite encouraging reading.


> My hearing started to degrade in my early twenties. I have worn

hearing aids

> for the past 19 years. Up until a couple of years ago I could


> quite well, but now even my good ear has degraded to the point

where I

> have a difficult time understanding most speech. It affects my

ability to

> take on work as a consultant, and is limiting my social activities

more and

> more. I have been researching CIs for quite a while and it's time

to find

> out if it is an option for me.


> I had a visit with an ENT last week and my audiogram is in the -70

to -80 dB

> range for my " good ear " with speech discrimination scoring about

20% (with a

> lot of guessing). I was referred on to another ENT to explore my


> (that appt. is not until September).


> I have a few questions:


> I am currently with Blue Shield HMO in San Diego, CA. Is it common

for CI

> users to stick with the HMO process? Or is it recommended to switch

to a

> PPO? My enrollment period is next week and I was astounded at how

much rates

> are going up this year (45%!). At the family rate switching to a

PPO would

> be an additional big increase on top of that.


> As part of my hearing loss, I suffer from recruitment (low

tolerance for

> loud sounds). Does that carry over to CI?



> Thank you,

> Jeff Hamblin


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I read your post with interest and I went through similar

circumstances before being implanted back in 10/30/02. I also had

Blue Cross HMO from New York and I ended up, in my case, changing to

a PPO, because I was relocating to the state of Pennsylvania. Like

Rhonda said, you must talk to your insurance company, like I did, to

explore all of your options. I know you most likely have a problem

hearing on the telephone, but so do I, and that's why I purchased a

TTY so one can talk normally on the phone and the relay operator

displays on your TTY's LCD exactly each word spoken by the person you

are speaking to. If you need any more info on TTY's let me know. If

you already have one, great. Another option, you can have someone

call your insurance company for you. Numerous calls will be made to

re-arrange the insurance, if necessary and all the Doctor visits and

testings to determine if you are a candidate for a CI. Most people

are! I am speaking from experience and you will do as you see fit. I

do very much understand your concern on increased cost on insurance

on switching to a PPO plan, but only if it is necessary to do so to

get them to pay the majority of the CI operation and equipment, it is

worth it, and then you can go back to a cheaper health plan. When I

was implanted, my total cost out of my pocket was about $150, not

counting traveling and lodging expenses. I also do not like loud

noises, so I switch channels on my Nucleuscontour 24 3-G to a lower

volume setting position, and it works great. The CI on normal volume,

will sound loud if you are subjected to sudden increased noises,

although some people opt for their Audi to incorporate an automatic

volume control in their processors. Let me or anyone else know any

other questions or concerns. PS Is a CI worth doing? Better bet your

sweet life it is!!! Barry in PA. Nuked 10/30/02


> Hello everyone,


> My name is Jeff. I have been subscribed here and reading all the

posts for

> nearly a year. It is quite encouraging reading.


> My hearing started to degrade in my early twenties. I have worn

hearing aids

> for the past 19 years. Up until a couple of years ago I could


> quite well, but now even my good ear has degraded to the point

where I

> have a difficult time understanding most speech. It affects my

ability to

> take on work as a consultant, and is limiting my social activities

more and

> more. I have been researching CIs for quite a while and it's time

to find

> out if it is an option for me.


> I had a visit with an ENT last week and my audiogram is in the -70

to -80 dB

> range for my " good ear " with speech discrimination scoring about

20% (with a

> lot of guessing). I was referred on to another ENT to explore my


> (that appt. is not until September).


> I have a few questions:


> I am currently with Blue Shield HMO in San Diego, CA. Is it common

for CI

> users to stick with the HMO process? Or is it recommended to switch

to a

> PPO? My enrollment period is next week and I was astounded at how

much rates

> are going up this year (45%!). At the family rate switching to a

PPO would

> be an additional big increase on top of that.


> As part of my hearing loss, I suffer from recruitment (low

tolerance for

> loud sounds). Does that carry over to CI?



> Thank you,

> Jeff Hamblin


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome, Eunjung! We are happy to have you!Re: how much Biokult to give a 3-month-old -- It's in the GAPS book -- does anyone have it handy? I can't find it in my house at the moment (DH was reading it and it is now misplaced).Also, if it were me, I would get Nolan off of those antibiotics right away. That is only going to make things worse.What is Nolan eating? Is he breastfed? If you are breastfeeding, you can just sprinkle a capsule of the Biokult on your nipples once a day -- or just sprinkle a little in his mouth. Dr. McBride says you can start giving it to them from birth. You could start with 1/4 of a capsule (it's powder -- you just open the capsule), then increase it by 1/4 of a capsule every few days and see how he reacts.Also, you yourself should be taking the Biokult. And you should give it to Gavin as well. The reason they both have eczema is that you yourself (and probably your husband too). do not have adequate beneficial bacteria in your gut. No worries -- it can be fixed. Just take the Biokult and follow the diet. It works!Ann MarieI'm slowly learning/reading about GAPS and BED and very happy to jointhis group.

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> Also, if it were me, I would get Nolan off of those antibiotics right

> away. That is only going to make things worse.

I don't think that it is a good idea to stop a course of antibiotics

partway through. Once you start taking them, you should take the

entire series. If you stop early, it contributes to antibiotic

resistance and the little buggers just get scarier.

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  • 2 months later...


From: nkungar <nkungar@...>Subject: New member introcholesteatoma Date: Monday, August 18, 2008, 4:06 PM

My son was 4 when he was first diagnosed with a congenital c'toma. We found out after he had tubes inserted and an adenoidectomy and his hearing did not return on the right. Since then he has had 3 other surgeries in 2 years, including recontruction of all 3 ear bones. He sees the ear doc every 6 months, with hearing tests. He is now doing well and his hearing is now at his optimal. When he entered kindergarten, he was really behind in even knowing the sounds of letters. The six months we had to wait between removal and reconstruction resulted in really reduced hearing! He has worked really hard to catch up and is now a beginner reader as he enters first grade.I have been reading the recent posts with great interest as I learn of others experience. I appreciate this site and will continue to participate as I learn more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Mom in Houston.

I am new to this board, but wanted to join as I am trying to wean

off of Lexapro. I, too, like you am a stay-at-home Mom, but live on

a ranch in Montana. Again, like you, like do indulge in a few

drinks on occasions, but no DWI, knock on wood.

I started taking lexapro a couple of year ago and it did the same

for me as you, took away my temper, " whatever " was a constant. I

had horrible side effects, dry mouth, HORRIBLE, profuse sweating,

and I felt like I was just a shell. There were no emotions, I didnt

care if someone was angry with me, or if I did something to make

someone angry, especially my husband. Sex was not an option, there

was absolutely no desire whatsoever!

I decided to go off Lexapro and get my emotions back. I also am

overweight and 5'1 and decided to go on phentermine for weight

loss. This should not be taken with Lexapro I am told. I agree

that if would be nice if the Lexapro would give you a little lift,

pick up your step. The phentermine does that, LOL. I am not saying

to you that you shouldnt take Lexapro, just wanted to share my story.

ALso, if there is anyone out there who is trying to go off Lexapro

and have any help with the horrible withdrawals, please, let me know.

Holly in Montana.


> I started Lexapro 10 mg once per day about 6 weeks ago. It is

> working for me. I was VERY tired and almost quit it and gained a

> couple of pounds the first 2 weeks. After reading the board


> you all!) I started taking it at night before bed and I feel so


> better and am not gaining weight.. actually have lost a couple of

> pounds.


> I'm hypothyroid so I'm on Synthroid & Cytomel also and am about 15

> lbs overweight (only 5 " 1' so I'm a bit chubby) but I'm 47 yrs old


> it usually goes with the territory.


> I started the Lex because I felt in a rut. Stay at home housewife

> and mother; big house on a culdesac but all I do all day is try to

> clean the house and shop and cook and laundry etc. May sound


> to some people, but it is truly monotonous and depressing after 9

> years of it.


> I like a few cocktails in the evenings and unfortunately got my

> first DWI of my life July 4th. Became totally depressed and

> couldn't get out of bed for 2 weeks; cried continually etc. My

> husband made my go to the doctor and he prescribed the Lex. It


> a few weeks but I'm really feeling better. I also am very

> unstressed and don't lose my temper at ALL! I used to have blow


> and throw things and almost thought I was bipolar. The Lex have

> mellowed me completely. I'm just like......... " whatever " ........!


> I do wish you could feel a bit " high " on them and full of life and

> be more energetic... like speed a bit. I have many projects I'm

> behind on and am slow on getting things done, but I am definitely

> happier. I hope others will feel better in their quest for


> better.


> Have a nice day,

> A Mom in Houston


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  • 4 months later...

Hello :

I have had great results with Masgutova Method and healing

the underdeveloped reflexes which were impairing my ability to comprehend what

I read etc. I had both dyslexia and hyperlexia. The key that made this

change happen was Svetlana Masgutova’s

comment several years ago that her studies show that some mothers of people

with a learning challenges etc had emotional issues during pregnancy. My

mother, fortunately, was brave enough to tell me this not long after I was

diagnosed (at age 45). It wasn’t until 15 years later when I met

Svetlana that I was able to connect this information. As I had already done a

great deal of inner emotional work I was able to combine the Masgutova Method with

my emotional issues and correct the reflexes.

I am attaching an article for you to read more details.

Ann Farris

Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Koutsaris

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009

7:06 AM




new member intro


my name is and I am a new member. Thank

you for having me in the group.

I am a parent of a 10 y.o. boy with challenges.

With years of hard work and interventions, my son is

recovered from ASD. Now we are dealing with challenges/developmental

delays, and have alot of catching up to do.

Our healing journey, and putting together info from

a variety of disiplines (iridology, traditional chinese medecine, homeopathy,

naturopathy, chiroprctic neurology, etc) has lead me to look closer at

the prenatal period. This is where we are on our healing journey.

Somehow, my research has lead me to the Masgutova


The more I learn, the more I feel like this is the

next step for us.

I am here to learn and share experiences.

I am awaiting an appointment to get started, but

being a physical therapist by profession, I am anxious to learn as

well. Maybe some day, when my son is fine, I will be

blessed with the opportunity to help others.

No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1883 - Release Date: 1/8/2009 6:05 PM

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Dear Ann,

I'm very interested to learn if you think any reflexes in particular

helped you with the hyperlexia ... which is a major challenge for my

7 y/o son.

Thanks in advance!



> Hello :




> I have had great results with Masgutova Method and healing the

> underdeveloped reflexes which were impairing my ability to

comprehend what I

> read etc. I had both dyslexia and hyperlexia. The key that made


> change happen was Svetlana Masgutova's comment several years ago

that her

> studies show that some mothers of people with a learning challenges

etc had

> emotional issues during pregnancy. My mother, fortunately, was

brave enough

> to tell me this not long after I was diagnosed (at age 45). It

wasn't until

> 15 years later when I met Svetlana that I was able to connect this

> information. As I had already done a great deal of inner emotional

work I

> was able to combine the Masgutova Method with my emotional issues


> correct the reflexes.




> I am attaching an article for you to read more details.




> Ann Farris


> Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia


> www.dyslexiadiscovery.com <http://www.dyslexiadiscovery.com/>


> 415-552-6330


> _____


> From:

> [mailto: ] On Behalf Of

> Koutsaris

> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 7:06 AM


> Subject: new member intro





> Hello,


> my name is and I am a new member. Thank you for having me

in the

> group.


> I am a parent of a 10 y.o. boy with challenges.


> With years of hard work and interventions, my son is recovered from


> Now we are dealing with challenges/developmental delays, and have

alot of

> catching up to do.


> Our healing journey, and putting together info from a variety of


> (iridology, traditional chinese medecine, homeopathy, naturopathy,

> chiroprctic neurology, etc) has lead me to look closer at the


> period. This is where we are on our healing journey.


> Somehow, my research has lead me to the Masgutova Method.


> The more I learn, the more I feel like this is the next step for us.


> I am here to learn and share experiences.


> I am awaiting an appointment to get started, but being a physical


> by profession, I am anxious to learn as well. Maybe some day,

when my son

> is fine, I will be blessed with the opportunity to help others.








> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1883 - Release Date:


> 6:05 PM


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Hello :

Here are the reflexes that came up for me

to be corrected. Please note that each correction was done combined with an

emotional issue. I authenticated this each time with muscle testing. The

process took approximately a year and a half. And, during that time I also had

private sessions with Svetlana and when they were here. I don’t know

the reflexes they worked on.

The Laterality Reflexes:

Bonding Reflex

Assymetrical Tonic Neck Reflex


Babkin Palmonmental


Hands Pulling

The Centering Reflexes


What is this?




Flying and Landing

Hands Supporting


Automatic Gait

Leg Cross Flexion

The Focus Reflexes

(note I have not put in Tendon Guard Reflex anywhere because I

don’t know where to put it.)


What is this?




Tonic Labyrinthine


Trunk Extension

Symmetric Tonic

Spinal Galant

All the best

Ann Farris

Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of momtoaandj

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009

1:23 PM


Re: new member intro

Dear Ann,

I'm very interested to learn if you think any reflexes in particular

helped you with the hyperlexia ... which is a major challenge for my

7 y/o son.

Thanks in advance!



> Hello :




> I have had great results with Masgutova Method and healing the

> underdeveloped reflexes which were impairing my ability to

comprehend what I

> read etc. I had both dyslexia and hyperlexia. The key that made


> change happen was Svetlana Masgutova's

comment several years ago

that her

> studies show that some mothers of people with a learning challenges

etc had

> emotional issues during pregnancy. My mother, fortunately, was

brave enough

> to tell me this not long after I was diagnosed (at age 45). It

wasn't until

> 15 years later when I met Svetlana that I was able to connect this

> information. As I had already done a great deal of inner emotional

work I

> was able to combine the Masgutova Method with my emotional issues


> correct the reflexes.




> I am attaching an article for you to read more details.




> Ann Farris


> Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia


> www.dyslexiadiscovery.com <http://www.dyslexiadiscovery.com/>


> 415-552-6330


> _____


> From:

> [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of

> Koutsaris

> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 7:06 AM


> Subject: new member intro





> Hello,


> my name is and I am a new member. Thank you for having me

in the

> group.


> I am a parent of a 10 y.o. boy with challenges.


> With years of hard work and interventions, my son is recovered from


> Now we are dealing with challenges/developmental delays, and have

alot of

> catching up to do.


> Our healing journey, and putting together info from a variety of


> (iridology, traditional chinese medecine, homeopathy, naturopathy,

> chiroprctic neurology, etc) has lead me to look closer at the


> period. This is where we are on our healing journey.


> Somehow, my research has lead me to the Masgutova Method.


> The more I learn, the more I feel like this is the next step for us.


> I am here to learn and share experiences.


> I am awaiting an appointment to get started, but being a physical


> by profession, I am anxious to learn as well. Maybe some day,

when my son

> is fine, I will be blessed with the opportunity to help others.








> No virus found in this incoming message.

> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1883 - Release Date:


> 6:05 PM


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Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1883 - Release Date: 1/9/2009 8:38 AM

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Hello Ann,

I am so honored that you wrote ot me.

I have been on a very long and complicated healing journey with my son. Just to give you an idea of where we are now;

The traditional chinese doctor said there is nothing wrong with george, just something wrong with his eyes. (Rx with chinese peadiatric massage, cupping and wants to add herbals)

The chiropractic neurologist said it's the eyes and the cerebellum that are responsible for his current problems. (Rx adjustments and balance/eye ex's)

The iridologist said his CNS is now clear of toxins but he shows some prenatal problem.(Rx continue homeopathy and look at any prenatal related therapy)

The sequential homeopathe is now working on all my prenatal traumas. She said that he is there energetically, so anything I can do to affect the prenatal period would help.

Etc etc with biomedical and educational stuff.

In my research for an approach that looks at the prenatal period closely, I came across your article about your journey. When I read it, it really hit home. last year, we made the big sacrifice of taking to mood Bell for 8 intensive weeks of working on his language comprehension. This was a huge disability for him. He could read at high school level, but comprehension was not even kindergarten. This is very frustrating and disheartening for a bright little boy. It gave him so much anxiety.

LMB was able to bring him up to a grade 2 level, which we were thrilled, but as you described, it was brutal for him. When I read your account of how painful that work was, I could appreciate how hard it was for . We need to return to LMB to continue on this great work, but something needs to be done right now to help the underlying reason for this disability, and to help the LMB be more successful. Your account of how you then went to the Masgutova method was like a lightbulb for me. I know this is what he needs now.

My only problem is where do I take him?

I am in Montreal Canada.

If anyone out there has any suggestions, I greatly appreciate it.

Ann, I am so grateful that you wrote to me, and I appreciate the encouragement about this method. I believe that it will greatly help , as it helped you.

If I could ask a few questions to help me understand;

Did you have trouble with focus and staying on task in school?

If so, did the Masgutova method help in this area?

How did it affect your language comprehension, as LMB had brought you up to a high level?

I know you said it took 1.5 yrs for you. May I ask how that went (as I don't have a practitioner yet) Did you get weekly sessions? Did you work on something daily on your own? I am not sure how this method works?

A mom I spoke with told me that after masgutova method, maybe will not need any more LMB. Can that be? Can yrs of language comprehension just suddenly be gained simply by working on prenatal reflexes? Remember that my son is 10.5 yrs old.

Once again, thank you for everything,

From: Ann Farris <ann@...>Subject: RE: new member intro Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 8:42 AM

Hello :

I have had great results with Masgutova Method and healing the underdeveloped reflexes which were impairing my ability to comprehend what I read etc. I had both dyslexia and hyperlexia. The key that made this change happen was Svetlana Masgutova ¢s comment several years ago that her studies show that some mothers of people with a learning challenges etc had emotional issues during pregnancy. My mother, fortunately, was brave enough to tell me this not long after I was diagnosed (at age 45). It wasn¢t until 15 years later when I met Svetlana that I was able to connect this information. As I had already done a great deal of inner emotional work I was able to combine the Masgutova Method with my emotional issues and correct the reflexes.

I am attaching an article for you to read more details.

Ann Farris

Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia

www.dyslexiadiscove ry.com


From: childrenwithchallen gesgroups (DOT) com [mailto: childrenwithchallen gesgroups (DOT) com ] On Behalf Of KoutsarisSent: Friday, January 09, 2009 7:06 AMCHILDRENWITHCHALLEN GESGROUPS (DOT) COMSubject: [childrenwithchalle nges] new member intro


my name is and I am a new member. Thank you for having me in the group.

I am a parent of a 10 y.o. boy with challenges.

With years of hard work and interventions, my son is recovered from ASD. Now we are dealing with challenges/developm ental delays, and have alot of catching up to do.

Our healing journey, and putting together info from a variety of disiplines (iridology, traditional chinese medecine, homeopathy, naturopathy, chiroprctic neurology, etc) has lead me to look closer at the prenatal period. This is where we are on our healing journey.

Somehow, my research has lead me to the Masgutova Method.

The more I learn, the more I feel like this is the next step for us.

I am here to learn and share experiences.

I am awaiting an appointment to get started, but being a physical therapist by profession, I am anxious to learn as well. Maybe some day, when my son is fine, I will be blessed with the opportunity to help others.

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,We, too, are using Masgutova for our son. We had a LOT of great success with comprehension through Fast For Word, a program designed by Scientific Learning. I've seen many children have great success with this. However, it is expensive. I would recommend you try a home program called Earobics. It is a cd with games. If you google it, you'll find it easily. I bought mine through Super Duper Productions---I think their price is the best. They also have some free games online called Game Goo.

I have seen tremendous comprehension improvement with these for our soon.Hope this helps! Also, don't feel alone---a LOT of us are out here working away!2009/1/10 Koutsaris <ekoutsaris@...>

Hello Ann,

I am so honored that you wrote ot me.

I have been on a very long and complicated healing journey with my son. Just to give you an idea of where we are now;

The traditional chinese doctor said there is nothing wrong with george, just something wrong with his eyes. (Rx with chinese peadiatric massage, cupping and wants to add herbals)

The chiropractic neurologist said it's the eyes and the cerebellum that are responsible for his current problems. (Rx adjustments and balance/eye ex's)

The iridologist said his CNS is now clear of toxins but he shows some prenatal problem.(Rx continue homeopathy and look at any prenatal related therapy)

The sequential homeopathe is now working on all my prenatal traumas. She said that he is there energetically, so anything I can do to affect the prenatal period would help.

Etc etc with biomedical and educational stuff.

In my research for an approach that looks at the prenatal period closely, I came across your article about your journey. When I read it, it really hit home. last year, we made the big sacrifice of taking to mood Bell for 8 intensive weeks of working on his language comprehension. This was a huge disability for him. He could read at high school level, but comprehension was not even kindergarten. This is very frustrating and disheartening for a bright little boy. It gave him so much anxiety.

LMB was able to bring him up to a grade 2 level, which we were thrilled, but as you described, it was brutal for him. When I read your account of how painful that work was, I could appreciate how hard it was for . We need to return to LMB to continue on this great work, but something needs to be done right now to help the underlying reason for this disability, and to help the LMB be more successful. Your account of how you then went to the Masgutova method was like a lightbulb for me. I know this is what he needs now.

My only problem is where do I take him?

I am in Montreal Canada.

If anyone out there has any suggestions, I greatly appreciate it.

Ann, I am so grateful that you wrote to me, and I appreciate the encouragement about this method. I believe that it will greatly help , as it helped you.

If I could ask a few questions to help me understand;

Did you have trouble with focus and staying on task in school?

If so, did the Masgutova method help in this area?

How did it affect your language comprehension, as LMB had brought you up to a high level?

I know you said it took 1.5 yrs for you. May I ask how that went (as I don't have a practitioner yet) Did you get weekly sessions? Did you work on something daily on your own? I am not sure how this method works?

A mom I spoke with told me that after masgutova method, maybe will not need any more LMB. Can that be? Can yrs of language comprehension just suddenly be gained simply by working on prenatal reflexes? Remember that my son is 10.5 yrs old.

Once again, thank you for everything,

From: Ann Farris <ann@...>Subject: RE: new member intro

Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 8:42 AM

Hello :

I have had great results with Masgutova Method and healing the underdeveloped reflexes which were impairing my ability to comprehend what I read etc. I had both dyslexia and hyperlexia. The key that made this change happen was Svetlana Masgutova 's comment several years ago that her studies show that some mothers of people with a learning challenges etc had emotional issues during pregnancy. My mother, fortunately, was brave enough to tell me this not long after I was diagnosed (at age 45). It wasn't until 15 years later when I met Svetlana that I was able to connect this information. As I had already done a great deal of inner emotional work I was able to combine the Masgutova Method with my emotional issues and correct the reflexes.

I am attaching an article for you to read more details.

Ann Farris

Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia

www.dyslexiadiscove ry.com


From: childrenwithchallen gesgroups (DOT) com [mailto: childrenwithchallen gesgroups (DOT) com ] On Behalf Of Koutsaris

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 7:06 AMCHILDRENWITHCHALLEN GESGROUPS (DOT) COMSubject: [childrenwithchalle nges] new member intro


my name is and I am a new member. Thank you for having me in the group.

I am a parent of a 10 y.o. boy with challenges.

With years of hard work and interventions, my son is recovered from ASD. Now we are dealing with challenges/developm ental delays, and have alot of catching up to do.

Our healing journey, and putting together info from a variety of disiplines (iridology, traditional chinese medecine, homeopathy, naturopathy, chiroprctic neurology, etc) has lead me to look closer at the prenatal period. This is where we are on our healing journey.

Somehow, my research has lead me to the Masgutova Method.

The more I learn, the more I feel like this is the next step for us.

I am here to learn and share experiences.

I am awaiting an appointment to get started, but being a physical therapist by profession, I am anxious to learn as well. Maybe some day, when my son is fine, I will be blessed with the opportunity to help others.

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-- Donna BatemanNeurodevelopmental Specialistwww.parentswithpurpose.comMom to 24, Katy 22, Preston 19 (serving a full-time mission in Mendoza, Argentina), Annie 18, Kent 16, Callie 12 (cured from dyslexia), Carson 11, Dawson 8 (brain injured--was severe now mild!)

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Hello .

I do honor all the efforts that you are

making for your son. He is very blessed to have you so focused on his


You have asked many questions. Some

of which I can answer and some not. Those I do not comment on are ones I

am choosing not to respond to for I don’t feel qualified.

Re Svetlana trained specialists in Canada: here is the link for those trained

and certified for Canada.


You will have to do the research with each one to see where they are


Re staying focused and on task. Yes,

when I was in school focus was a major issue for me. As I was in school

from 1943 – 1963 little was known about my challenges so I just had to

punt and figure it out for myself. Standing up as soon as I felt myself

losing focus was the most efficient way of getting back in my body and ready to

learn. But, it didn’t always hold very long. Teachers who

taught material through stories and/or very methodically held my attention the

longest. Years later, when I went off refined sugar my ability to

concentrate improved immeasurably. Yes, the Masgutova Method helped me

very much in being willing to stay on tasks that involved/involves

comprehension. I think this is because I have so much peace in my body

now. By the way, with all of the learning challenges I had, I was

able to attend Yale and achieved an MFA – with what I now know was Grade

Three comprehension skills. I am sure I achieved this because I am very

smart – in many ways and that stood me in good stead.

Re: my method for working with The Masgutova

Method. When I began taking Svetlana’s classes here (2005 in the

San Francisco Bay Area) several of us formed different support groups. I

learned the material through these groups and with some private sessions with

others more skilled in the Method than I. And, when Svetlana and

were here I always had one or two sessions with them. However, most of

the work I did by myself. I knew that my reflex issues had to be combined

with my emotional issues if I was to break through. It was a very

concentrated time of my life which I am now writing in an autobiography.

However, I did break through.

I think this breakthrough is a combination

of so many factors: no refined sugar, lots of physical exercise, The

Masgutova Method, moodBell and many alternative approaches which I outline

in my first book, The Other Side of


I wish you all the best

Ann Farris

Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia



From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Koutsaris

Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009

6:58 AM

Subject: RE:

new member intro

Hello Ann,

I am so honored that you wrote ot me.

I have been on a very long and complicated healing

journey with my son. Just to give you an idea of where we are


The traditional chinese doctor said there is nothing

wrong with george, just something wrong with his eyes. (Rx with chinese

peadiatric massage, cupping and wants to add herbals)

The chiropractic neurologist said it's the eyes and

the cerebellum that are responsible for his current problems. (Rx adjustments

and balance/eye ex's)

The iridologist said his CNS is now clear of toxins

but he shows some prenatal problem.(Rx continue homeopathy and look at any

prenatal related therapy)

The sequential homeopathe is now working on all my

prenatal traumas. She said that he is there energetically, so anything

I can do to affect the prenatal period would help.

Etc etc with biomedical and educational stuff.

In my research for an approach that looks at the

prenatal period closely, I came across your article about your journey.

When I read it, it really hit home. last year, we made the big

sacrifice of taking to mood Bell for 8 intensive weeks of working

on his language comprehension. This was a huge disability for

him. He could read at high school level, but comprehension was

not even kindergarten. This is very frustrating and disheartening for a

bright little boy. It gave him so much anxiety.

LMB was able to bring him up to a grade 2 level,

which we were thrilled, but as you described, it was brutal for him.

When I read your account of how painful that work was, I could appreciate how

hard it was for . We need to return to LMB to continue on this

great work, but something needs to be done right now to help the underlying

reason for this disability, and to help the LMB be more

successful. Your account of how you then went to the Masgutova

method was like a lightbulb for me. I know this is what he needs now.

My only problem is where do I take him?

I am in Montreal Canada.

If anyone out there has any suggestions, I greatly

appreciate it.

Ann, I am so grateful that you wrote to me, and I

appreciate the encouragement about this method. I believe that it will

greatly help , as it helped you.

If I could ask a few questions to help me


Did you have trouble with focus and staying on task

in school?

If so, did the Masgutova method help in this area?

How did it affect your language comprehension, as

LMB had brought you up to a high level?

I know you said it took 1.5 yrs for you. May I

ask how that went (as I don't have a practitioner yet) Did you get

weekly sessions? Did you work on something daily on your

own? I am not sure how this method works?

A mom I spoke with told me that after masgutova

method, maybe will not need any more LMB. Can that

be? Can yrs of language comprehension just suddenly be gained

simply by working on prenatal reflexes? Remember that my son is

10.5 yrs old.

Once again, thank you for everything,

From: Ann Farris <anndyslexiadiscovery>

Subject: RE: new member intro

Date: Friday, January 9, 2009, 8:42 AM



I have had

great results with Masgutova Method and healing the underdeveloped reflexes

which were impairing my ability to comprehend what I read etc. I had

both dyslexia and hyperlexia. The key that made this change

happen was Svetlana Masgutova ?s

comment several years ago that her studies show that some mothers of people

with a learning challenges etc had emotional issues during pregnancy.

My mother, fortunately, was brave enough to tell me this not long after I was

diagnosed (at age 45). It wasn?t until 15 years later when I met

Svetlana that I was able to connect this information. As I had already

done a great deal of inner emotional work I was able to combine the Masgutova

Method with my emotional issues and correct the reflexes.

I am

attaching an article for you to read more details.

Ann Farris

Author: The Other Side of Dyslexia

www.dyslexiadiscove ry.com


From: childrenwithchallen

gesgroups (DOT) com [mailto: childrenwithchallen gesgroups (DOT) com ] On Behalf Of Koutsaris

Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009

7:06 AM



Subject: [childrenwithchalle

nges] new member intro



name is and I am a new member. Thank you for having me in the



am a parent of a 10 y.o. boy with challenges.


years of hard work and interventions, my son is recovered from ASD.

Now we are dealing with challenges/developm ental delays, and have alot of

catching up to do.


healing journey, and putting together info from a variety of disiplines

(iridology, traditional chinese medecine, homeopathy, naturopathy,

chiroprctic neurology, etc) has lead me to look closer at the

prenatal period. This is where we are on our healing journey.


my research has lead me to the Masgutova Method.


more I learn, the more I feel like this is the next step for us.


am here to learn and share experiences.


am awaiting an appointment to get started, but being a physical

therapist by profession, I am anxious to learn as well.

Maybe some day, when my son is fine, I will be blessed with the opportunity

to help others.

No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1883 - Release Date: 1/8/2009

6:05 PM

No virus found in this incoming message.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1884 - Release Date: 1/9/2009 8:38 AM

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