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AtlantaSistah@... wrote:




I am from Sacred Sisters too!!

Hey girl! I am on

several of these list. I need all the info I can get.

Is there a newsgroup set aside for the SS people?


Rex Harrill

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In a message dated 3/27/01 7:31:19 PM Pacific Standard Time, AtlantaSistah@... writes:

Hey girl! I am on several of these list. I need all the info I can get.

Me too! If you get any good links please pass them on and I will too!



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  • 1 month later...
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It is a mineral unbalance not calcium deficiency. Our country (US) has one

of the highest consumption rates for calcium but we also have one of the

highest rates of osteoporosis. If calcium was the cure, it would not be so.

Calcium is pulled out of the bones and tissues because it is needed to

balance our consumption of Coke, etc. Calcium supplements are often the

worst source of calcium. Calcium and magnesium need to be in balance but

they also should not be in the same supplement for maximum absorption.

One of the biggest problems in this country is sluggish bowels, slow transit

time. We give the parasite eggs we consume daily time to hatch when we don't

poop frequently enough. Sluggish elimination could also play a role with




Message: 20

Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 12:46:13 -0700

From: " Donna " <ruthful@...>

Subject: Re: kidney stones?

According to Dr. Barefoot and other doctors I have read, lack of

calcium causes kidney stones. Your body pulls calcium out of the tissues

to do the work of what should be in the blood stream and deposits happen.

For years we were taught just the opposite, that taking calcium supplements

caused kidney stones but apparently it is the opposite. Also, you can take

capsules of concentrated cranberry's and supposedly this will dissolve any

that you currently have. I do not know how long that takes.

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Hi Barb, I totally agree with you, It isn't just calcium. The fact is that all the minerals work together, but if you have adequate calcium in your system then you cannot get cancer, according to multiple medical research papers.

And tho I do not do soda's or any of the ususal things that cause us to have reduced levels of calcium and tho I have a good diet, mostly live fresh food and good protein, I still find I need to supplement with calcium. I also agree that most calcium supplements are not good and, in fact throw things out of balance.

But coral calcium, at least the one that Dr. Barefoot sells, has half as much magnesium as it does calcium and it is naturally occurring. It is not added. And it has all the trace minerals that we need and they are all in ionic form, which is the same as what occurs in the blood stream. So as soon as it is in the stomach and mixed with water you can immediately uptake it. It does not have do go through a major digestive transformation to even be usable by the body. And according to Dr. B's research and that of others when it is mixed with water it is almost identical to amniotic fluid.

My personal experience with trying to get adequate calcium into my body is that it was endlessly frustrating. I was constantly having stress in my chest and other symptoms of calcium deficiency, and tried every kind of calcium I could find. What I really wanted was something that was plant based but potent and never could find anyting that worked. When a friend told me she was doing well on coral calcium I was skeptical because someone had sent me some tea bags of the stuff and I did not do well on it. But my friend sent me a tape and after listening to it, I thought, well there must be a big difference in products or something, because the tea bag stuff did not help me. But I tried the brand that was working for my friend and with the first capsule I dumped in my mouth I was in heaven. The chest stress went away and has not returned and I feel calm and peaceful and it is just wonderful. If you have not had a calcium deficiency it is probably hard to imagine how tormenting your own body can be and how quickly the torment can stop when you give your body what it needs.

Anyway. I am not a calcium expert. I just know what I have read of Dr. B's teachings, which are based on literally thousands of medical research papers. And I have my own experience. Most people do well on his coral calcium. And I don't know of any product that everyone loves, not even this. For some it is nothing short of miraculous and for others it is insignificant. I think it is worth trying, if a person needs more calcium and doesn't have a source they are happy with. Perhaps they will be one of the ones it is wonderful for, perhaps not.



Re: kidney stones?According to Dr. Barefoot and other doctors I have read, lack ofcalcium causes kidney stones. Your body pulls calcium out of the tissuesto do the work of what should be in the blood stream and deposits happen.For years we were taught just the opposite, that taking calcium supplementscaused kidney stones but apparently it is the opposite. Also, you can takecapsules of concentrated cranberry's and supposedly this will dissolve anythat you currently have. I do not know how long that takes.

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Donna, Thanks for posting this about the magnesium!

I was concerned about whether I needed to take a mag supplement

with the coral calcium. Glad not to worry about that one!

Oh--- and I can attest to that calcium gets rid of menstrul

cramps. Per Adele , keep taking it every hour for as

long as it takes.

:) Moria

Message: 4

Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 11:24:34 -0700

From: " Donna " <ruthful@...>

Subject: Re: RE: calcium


But coral calcium, at least the one that Dr. Barefoot sells, has half as

much magnesium as it does calcium and it is naturally occurring. It is not



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  • 4 months later...

Hi . It depends on the person. I could not get adequate calcium from food

and for me, finding a supplement that worked was a LONG and frustrating journey.

I finally found Dr. Barefoots coral calcium and find that I absorb it well. It

also has magnesium and all the trace minerals we need.

Others that I used before this with moderate success were calcium orotate,

phosphate, gluconate and lactate. But lactate is acidiphying, so it not for use

when your system is acid. I used to make my own multiple witht he above and

that was the best for me until I found Dr. B's coral.

Ones that did not work for me were citrate, aspartate and one from herbs, put

out by Natures Sunshine.

And I didn't even try dolomite or oyster shell as they are too crude to be


I tried multitudes of others that I can't even remember, but these ones stand

out. I have a friend who has used CalMax (as seen on TV) and feels she is

absorbing it well.

Hope some of this helps.


-----Original Message-----

Calcium seems very important to be healthy but can we absorb calcium with

vegetable juice or fruit juice ?

Is there some vegetable which contain more calcium than other vegetable ?

Also, what kind of supplement calcium is best for health ?


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Thank you,

Re: calcium

Hi . It depends on the person. I could not get adequate calcium from

food and for me, finding a supplement that worked was a LONG and frustrating

journey. I finally found Dr. Barefoots coral calcium and find that I absorb it

well. It also has magnesium and all the trace minerals we need.

Others that I used before this with moderate success were calcium orotate,

phosphate, gluconate and lactate. But lactate is acidiphying, so it not for use

when your system is acid. I used to make my own multiple witht he above and

that was the best for me until I found Dr. B's coral.

Ones that did not work for me were citrate, aspartate and one from herbs, put

out by Natures Sunshine.

And I didn't even try dolomite or oyster shell as they are too crude to be


I tried multitudes of others that I can't even remember, but these ones stand

out. I have a friend who has used CalMax (as seen on TV) and feels she is

absorbing it well.

Hope some of this helps.


-----Original Message-----

Calcium seems very important to be healthy but can we absorb calcium with

vegetable juice or fruit juice ?

Is there some vegetable which contain more calcium than other vegetable ?

Also, what kind of supplement calcium is best for health ?


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  • 2 months later...

I agree with you Lowell.

I was taught the same thing by my naturopath, who I also worked for, for a


Said that milk contains non-absorbable calcium and is very responsible for

arthritis and calcium deposits. She showed me patients' X-rays of very

scary stuff whereby they had HUGE calcium spores coming off their bones.

All the x-rays were of big dairy consumers. It is a very painful condition

and looks like stalagmites off the bones - apparently due to this calcium

being unable to be absorbed but having to be deposited somewhere. The bones

can still be very weak, even though having " too much calcium " so to speak.

Apparently Sesame Seeds are the most potent form of absorbable calcium but I

cannot remember if these are HB or AVOID or what for us O's.

-----Original Message-----

At one time I was a big consumer of diet coke so have worried about the

effects of it. My bone density was very high also until after menopause when

it dropped.

I was very interested when I came across an article in Nexus magasine re the

myth of osteoporosis. It was at www.nexusmagazine.com and was article volume

5 #6. Oct/Nov 98. I just tried to bring it up and could not so it may have

been deleted by now or the site just down at the moment.

Anyway, for anyone interested... it was written by a Sherrill Sellman and

she has written a lot about hormones and contradicts the establishment. If

you do a search you will find info on what she has written. She claims that

osteoporosis is big business and that " Contrary to the medical marketing

hype, synthetic hormonal drugs, dairy products and most calcium supplements

actually weaken the bones and have other harmful effects on health " .

I have read in other reports that the calcium in milk actually adds to

calcium loss...Since I am milk sensitive, I don't take milk or milk

products. But do take a cal/mag very absorbable powder from my ND.

Who knows where the truth lies. I really don't know what or who to believe!

I think also that " Physicians for Responsible medicine " are against milk

consumption. But also they are for vegetarianism - not for me as an O.

So if anyone does a little reading on this and would like to comment I would

be very interested.


RE: Re: Water

.... The good news is that we now

know that it's neither caffeine nor phosphoric acid that contribute to

calcium loss.

I had a bone density test done earlier this year. Normal range is -1

to +1. I test at +3. (high bone density) They had to repeat the test

because they thought there was a malfunction of the machine. Same

result, and everyone before and after me was normal. I had been

drinking carbonated/caffeinated beverages for close to 20 years. Went

cold-turkey last year, with a couple of occasional slips. Water only,

no tea or coffee. Never been a big milk drinker either nor have I

been very focused on calcium supplements until recently.

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Hmm. The Encyclopedia [chorus: " Ahhh! " ] says they're still neutral for all

Os. Also, in Judith Wills' " Food Bible " it lists sesame seeds as being a

high-calcium food, per 100g (3.5 oz) they have a reported 670 mg of calcium,

yum! Mozzarella only has 530mg so... In my world I would only eat the sesame

seeds toasted (not much that way), as a paste (tahini or sesame butter) but

my preferred way is alive with all the living enzymes and digestibility. I

get the unhulled variety. Woods writes in her " The New Whole Foods

Encyclopedia " : Sesame seeds are a remarkable source of calcium, but this

calcium, which is bonded with oxalic acid, is not bio-available. Soaking the

seeds overnight and then toasting them reduces their oxalic acid content.

While hulling the seeds acutally eliminates the oxalic acid, it also

eliminates most of the calcium. Morever, huled sesame seeds lose their fiber

and calcium oxalate, and much of their potassium, oiron, and vitamins A and

b5, folacin, and thiamine. If the hulls are removed with caustic alkali

rather than mechanically, the nutrient loss is even greater. " She writes

more, they're a very good seed, more protein than the other seeds. n-6:n-3

ratio about 6:1, like walnuts and pumpkin seeds. What she writes about

sesame and other foods is right in line with Sally Fallon's and Enig's

" Nourishing Traditions " and Cousens' " Conscious Eating " (meat-basher

he may be), these are people who've investigated into food and found that

the cultures that these foods originated from had developed preparation

methods that neutralized or extracted the anti-nutrient properties of the

foods and enhanced their digestibility, techniques which our dysfunctional

western cultures have apparently ignored on the whole. We are so insane we

take the hybridized modernized soy beans and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to reduce

their anti-nutrient properties (which is intense in the soya bean) and make

them into isolated soy protein and all sorts of other scary extracts... the

modern western world is truly insane, food-wise. The standard is not MY

standard. That's why I almost always soak my nuts and seeds, we were doing

that before we had modernity... and no modern diet is going to compensate in

my opinion.

I like the blend of flax and sesame, for balanced omegas, not for taste. I

find sesame to be too strongly flavored, haven't really made the taste

" work " , but it is very good feeling. BTW, chocolate has oxalic acid too...

anti-nutrient, not fun... Almonds have tannic acid in their skins... easiest

to remove after soaking and a quick blanch.

Axel O+ secretor

RE: Re: Water



> .... The good news is that we now

> know that it's neither caffeine nor phosphoric acid that contribute to

> calcium loss.


> I had a bone density test done earlier this year. Normal range is -1

> to +1. I test at +3. (high bone density) They had to repeat the test

> because they thought there was a malfunction of the machine. Same

> result, and everyone before and after me was normal. I had been

> drinking carbonated/caffeinated beverages for close to 20 years. Went

> cold-turkey last year, with a couple of occasional slips. Water only,

> no tea or coffee. Never been a big milk drinker either nor have I

> been very focused on calcium supplements until recently.




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Hi ,

The data base says they are neutral for A's and O's.

> Apparently Sesame Seeds are the most potent form of absorbable calcium

but Icannot remember if these are HB or AVOID or what for us O's.



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What quantity of seeds do you need to consume before you get any significant

amount of calcium? Just asking.... and then we need to know what the fat ratio

is etc etc. I don't think it can be a staple in my diet but something to snack

on.. How does it compare to broccoli for example which has Indole 3 carbinol - a

real plus for me.

I think we need a wide variety of foods as I am sure you will agree.. Ann

Apparently Sesame Seeds are the most potent form of absorbable calcium but I

cannot remember if these are HB or AVOID or what for us O's.

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Cool! I won't feel guilty eating them!

-----Original Message-----

From: Murray [mailto:salbud@...]

Hi ,

The data base says they are neutral for A's and O's.

> Apparently Sesame Seeds are the most potent form of absorbable calcium

but Icannot remember if these are HB or AVOID or what for us O's.



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That is a very good question Lowell. I have always simply tried to eat them

as often as I can. I probably shouldn't but I eat them mixed with a tiny

little honey. Quite addictive once your used to it!

I shall have to ask my Naturopath of precise quantities unless someone here

knows how to research this.


Re: Re: Calcium

What quantity of seeds do you need to consume before you get any significant

amount of calcium? Just asking.... and then we need to know what the fat

ratio is etc etc. I don't think it can be a staple in my diet but something

to snack on.. How does it compare to broccoli for example which has Indole 3

carbinol - a real plus for me.

I think we need a wide variety of foods as I am sure you will agree.. Ann

Apparently Sesame Seeds are the most potent form of absorbable calcium but


cannot remember if these are HB or AVOID or what for us O's.

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I managed to switch from coffee with cream to plain organic green tea. If

you try green tea, make sure that you only steep it for a minute or so,

otherwise the flavor is very bitter. I use the bags to make several cups

this way :-) I tried a couple of brands before I found the one that I like



Have you tried the seed yogurt/seed cheese recipes mentioned in Cousens'

book Conscious Eating? I was going to send in the recipes today. Is it

worth trying? I find it difficult that he doesn't go into exact amounts. I

was originally looking for smoothie recipes for the seeds that I am soaking.


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Same prob for me, . Coffee is in the same family as heroine and

cocaine and I find incredibly difficult to give up!



I have been following the discussion on Calcium. I have tried several times

over the years to take calcium but everytime I do I get pain (feels like a

fist in my right kidney). Therefore, I do not supplement with it. I try to

eat sardines, salmon and greens to get extra calcium. Love sesame seeds so

will try them next. I have always hated milk. My mom said I threw away the

bottle at nine months and wouldn't drink it after that. Just like an 0! HA!

I do have a cup of coffee in the morning with a little milk. Will give up

as a resolution for 2002. I have tried to give it up many times but it is

really a drug for me. That makes it even more important to give up. Way

back when I was 23 I gave up smoking cold turkey and alcohol, but coffee is

the hardest of all. I guess it just seems so harmless. It isn't especially

for me. I do like the Teecino and drink a variety of herbal teas. It's just

that little thing in my mind that says one little cup won't hurt. Isn't

that what they call addiction. Ha! Just wanted to share my thoughts. Noel


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What is Indole 3 carbinol?!?

> What quantity of seeds do you need to consume before you get any

significant amount of calcium? Just asking.... and then we need to

know what the fat ratio is etc etc. I don't think it can be a staple

in my diet but something to snack on.. How does it compare to

broccoli for example which has Indole 3 carbinol - a real plus for



> I think we need a wide variety of foods as I am sure you will

agree.. Ann

> Apparently Sesame Seeds are the most potent form of absorbable

calcium but I

> cannot remember if these are HB or AVOID or what for us O's.






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Indole 3 carbinole is a chemical found in cruciforous vegetables ie broccoli,

cauliflower and cabbage family. It has potent anti cancer properties especially

for breast cancer. Perhaps other benefits, I am not sure. I had a test done re

the ratio of one kind of estrogen to another - can't remember the names at the

moment - and it showed that I had too much of the bad kind and too little of the

good kind. Indole 3 carbinole can help change that ratio as can ground flax, soy

and a couple of other things...would have to look up if you are interested.; All

in the interest of lowering Br Ca risk. Research is being done re the benefits

of broccoli sprouts as a cancedr preventative. Meanwhile, eat your broccoli!

Every day! Ann

Re: Calcium

What is Indole 3 carbinol?!?

> What quantity of seeds do you need to consume before you get any

significant amount of calcium? Just asking.... and then we need to

know what the fat ratio is etc etc. I don't think it can be a staple

in my diet but something to snack on.. How does it compare to

broccoli for example which has Indole 3 carbinol - a real plus for


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Take magnesium - your body is telling you that you have too much calcium.


I have been following the discussion on Calcium. I have tried several


over the years to take calcium but everytime I do I get pain (feels like a

fist in my right kidney). Therefore, I do not supplement with it. I try


eat sardines, salmon and greens to get extra calcium. Love sesame seeds


will try them next. I have always hated milk. My mom said I threw away


bottle at nine months and wouldn't drink it after that. Just like an 0!


I do have a cup of coffee in the morning with a little milk. Will give


as a resolution for 2002. I have tried to give it up many times but it is

really a drug for me. That makes it even more important to give up. Way

back when I was 23 I gave up smoking cold turkey and alcohol, but coffee


the hardest of all. I guess it just seems so harmless. It isn't


for me. I do like the Teecino and drink a variety of herbal teas. It's


that little thing in my mind that says one little cup won't hurt. Isn't

that what they call addiction. Ha! Just wanted to share my thoughts.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I recommend Phytocal for Calcium and Magnesium supplementation. It is

available from http://www.foodforyourblood.com .


PHYTOCAL: A Maerl-derived sea calcium in blood type specific


Announcing the release of a new professional line of organic

multimineral formulas based on ABO blood type.

Designed by Dr. D’Adamo, these products feature a unique natural

source of calcium: The small red seaweed called " Maerl " found only in

the isolated areas off the pristine coast of Northwest Ireland. Of all

sources of calcium Maerl has one of the lowest levels of undesirable

contaminants. Using Maerl calcium as a base, Dr. D’Adamo has crafted

four different mineral formulas using unique cofactors and micromineral

ratios specific for each blood type.

Maerl calcium has one of the lowest levels of lead found in any calcium


Maerl is composed of a wide variety of essential nutrients including

calcium, magnesium, boron and zinc. Maerl’s unique structure gives it

great versatility, and when woven into formulas tailored to the genetics

of ABO blood type, insures a phenomenal rate of bioavailability and


All Phytocal® mineral formulas feature Maerl-based sea calcium, the only

natural source of calcium with a broad enough buffering range to work

effectively amid the widely differing digestive capabilities of each

blood type. Because each blood type possesses variable assimilation

capabilities and requires differing cofactor and trace mineral

requirements Dr. D'Adamo designed four different formulas:

Phytocal A®: features higher levels of the important antioxidant

selenium; the gastric activating cofactors betaine hydrochloride, renett

and gentian root (Gentiana lutea) plus the mineral-rich herb horsetail

(Equisetum arvense). Phytocal A® also features significant levels of the

important calcium absorption enhancer ipriflavone and a small dose of

vitamin A to enhance the activity of the calcium absorbing enzyme

intestinal alkaline phosphatase.

Phytocal AB®: features higher levels of the important co-minerals

magnesium, manganese and molybdenum; the stomach-acidifying cofactors

betaine hydrochloride and renett. Phytocal AB® also features yellow dock

(Rumex crispus) as a gentle source of iron.

Phytocal B®: features the highest levels of magnesium -an important

nutrient for nerve and muscle function; chromium to help balance

carbohydrate function and proper doses of iron and copper -two important

blood-building nutrients. Phytocal B® also features higher levels of

vitamin D and vitamin K -important calcium absorption cofactors.

Phytocal O®: features balanced levels of the micro and macro minerals

magnesium, iron, copper and zinc; manganese to help insure proper joint

and ligament function and micro-trace amounts of iodine to enhance

thyroid function. Phytocal O® also features nettle leaf (Urtica dioica)

an important aid to proper intestinal assimilation.

Q: What qualities make the calcium in PHYTOCAL® usable by all blood


A: Its superior buffering capacity allows Phytocal® Maerl-based calcium

to maintain very high rates of absorption despite the variable acid and

alkaline levels found in the digestive tracts of the various ABO groups.

In addition, the performance characteristics of Phytocal® exceed all of

the critical requirements for effective calcium absorption:

PARTICLE SIZE: Phytocal® calcium is of highly consistent particle size

with excellent dispersion qualities.

ACIDITY OF THE MEDIA: Phytocal® calcium is fully soluble below pH 5.0.

SOLUBILITY: The solubility of Phytocal® calcium can be appreciated

visually: There is virtually no sedimentation after dispersion.

On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 06:06 PM, Tom wrote:

> Hi everyone.  I wanted to get some opinions.  I would like to supplement

> my diet with Calcium/magnesium and wondered what the best (I guess

> meaning most easily absorbed) source for calcium is.  Price is a

> consideration also.  I've been using a chelated calcium/magnesium

> supplement by Nature's Bounty (www.naturebounty.com

> <http://www.naturebounty.com/> ) at about 1000 mg a day.

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  • 9 months later...

Best absorbed at night, not in the morning.

Re: Ann's Sugar Cravings

On Oct. 10th, Max said to keep protein snacks around to avoid sugar

cravings. What are some examples of protein snacks that aren't avoids?

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Hi - citrate is for As. Bone marrow calcium or Phytocal O.

RE: Calcium

Thank you .

I found a mail in which Kathy said Citrate was the best form of calcium


o's. What is the difference between citrate and succinate?

Best wishes Lise

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  • 1 month later...

Hi to all -

For those calcium freaks (like myself) ever on the lookout for a good, high

quality, absorbable form of this absolutely essential mineral, I recently

stumbled across Crystal Calcium from the KAL company. (KAL was founded in


Hard to contain my enthusiasm here! The importance of calcium's ability to

alkalinize in cancer care is established. Not to mention the hundreds of

other roles it has in the body.

CC is a ready-to-go pre-ionized form of calcium. So, the body doesn't need

to work at breaking down supplements like calcium carbonate in the stomach

trying to pry out the calcium ion. I know this is a signifigant problem with

many people - especially me. A loose white powder, it disappears in a glass

of water. Talk about bang for the buck, would you believe just $12 for 2/3

of a pound?!

Personal experience alone, but results were noticed immediately. Best stuff

I've found in 20 years.

- Art

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I have had marvelous results with Bone Meal Calcium (also known as

hydroxyapatite), also available by Kal in a powdered form. I have found this to

be the very best assimilated calcium. Our bodies recognize it and know where to

put it.


Art Brown <abrown101@...> wrote:Hi to all -

For those calcium freaks (like myself) ever on the lookout for a good, high

quality, absorbable form of this absolutely essential mineral, I recently

stumbled across Crystal Calcium from the KAL company. (KAL was founded in


Hard to contain my enthusiasm here! The importance of calcium's ability to

alkalinize in cancer care is established. Not to mention the hundreds of

other roles it has in the body.

CC is a ready-to-go pre-ionized form of calcium. So, the body doesn't need

to work at breaking down supplements like calcium carbonate in the stomach

trying to pry out the calcium ion. I know this is a signifigant problem with

many people - especially me. A loose white powder, it disappears in a glass

of water. Talk about bang for the buck, would you believe just $12 for 2/3

of a pound?!

Personal experience alone, but results were noticed immediately. Best stuff

I've found in 20 years.

- Art

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Interesting tip Darla - - - thanks. I've tried hydroxyapatite in hard-packed

pill form before without much luck, but never the powdered form. Am going to

try it.

I do know some people have experienced bad reactions to certain filler

agents used in the tablet manufacturing processes, not the active

ingredients themselves. The fillers keep the tablets from falling apart in

the bottle.

A few years ago I tried a certain brand of vitamin C in tablet form and

broke out in horrible red blotches all over the lower half of my body. I

thought I was allergic to vitamin C. A pharmacist friend (Now deceased due

to brain cancer, R.I.P.) told me about the common filler reaction problem.

- Art

Re: [ ] re: Calcium


> Art,

> I have had marvelous results with Bone Meal Calcium (also known as

hydroxyapatite), also available by Kal in a powdered form. I have found this

to be the very best assimilated calcium. Our bodies recognize it and know

where to put it.

> Darla

> Art Brown <abrown101@...> wrote:Hi to all -


> For those calcium freaks (like myself) ever on the lookout for a good,


> quality, absorbable form of this absolutely essential mineral, I recently

> stumbled across Crystal Calcium from the KAL company. (KAL was founded in

> 1932.)


> Hard to contain my enthusiasm here! The importance of calcium's ability to

> alkalinize in cancer care is established. Not to mention the hundreds of

> other roles it has in the body.


> CC is a ready-to-go pre-ionized form of calcium. So, the body doesn't need

> to work at breaking down supplements like calcium carbonate in the stomach

> trying to pry out the calcium ion. I know this is a signifigant problem


> many people - especially me. A loose white powder, it disappears in a


> of water. Talk about bang for the buck, would you believe just $12 for


> of a pound?!


> Personal experience alone, but results were noticed immediately. Best


> I've found in 20 years.


> - Art




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