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In a message dated 10/12/00 11:06:08 PM !!!First Boot!!!,

borago@... writes:

<< From " The Family Guide to Homeopathy " by Dr Lockie

Magnesium : If taking calcium as well take 2 parts of calcium to 1 part

of magnesium.

Calcium : Do not give at the same time of day as magnesium and manganese

(but doesn't say why not)

I know it is not much but hope it helps some.




Sorry been kinda out of the loop the past couple days (COOOOOOKING AGAIN) but

the calcium magnesium ratios are so critical (no I don't know what they are

exactly--varies from person to person) because they each affect the

absorption of the other. And that's why you don't take them at the same time

of day as one another--something to do with the absorption rates. But you

must take them together (ie you must take both calcium and magnesium in a 24

hr period) for them to work well.


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Apparently this is a good combination as recommended by naturopaths

magnesium orotate 400mg

(equiv. magnesium 30mg)

magnesuim asparate 250mg

(equiv. magnesium 21mg)

potassuim asparate 250mg

(equiv. potassium 50mg)

calcium orotate

(equuiv. calcium 10mg)

I have been taking this one for a while and have had no reaction.

I would also ring the company and ask what the fillers and other ingred.

are. Especially the aspartate, glycinate and citrate.

>From: DHigg76532@...



>Subject: Re: Calcium

>Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:18:52 EDT


>In a message dated 10/12/2000 9:45:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>merikramer@... writes:


><< I did some research and learned that the tablets I used contained an

>ingredient called aspartam (that's the swedish word for it, don't know the

>english equivalent). I don't know if the aspartam is what makes me drowsy,

>but it seems likely since it has been proven to lower the bloodsugar


>I don't know why it is present in the tablet to begin with... but >>


>Hi, In reading the label on the bottle I have next to Boron it says

>aspartate: glycinate: citrate. Is that aspertame you are talking about? I

>just don't know what to do about this I know I should be taking calcium and

>this one was recommended as being very good. It also lists the calcium as

>being 1,000 mg per 4 tablets (daily) and the Magneisum is 500 mg per 4

>tablets. So if the magneisum is suppose to be higher as you mentioned maybe

>thats part of the problem?



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Apparently this is a good combination as recommended by naturopaths

magnesium orotate 400mg

(equiv. magnesium 30mg)

magnesuim asparate 250mg

(equiv. magnesium 21mg)

potassuim asparate 250mg

(equiv. potassium 50mg)

calcium orotate

(equuiv. calcium 10mg)

I have been taking this one for a while and have had no reaction.

I would also ring the company and ask what the fillers and other ingred.

are. Especially the aspartate, glycinate and citrate.

>From: DHigg76532@...



>Subject: Re: Calcium

>Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:18:52 EDT


>In a message dated 10/12/2000 9:45:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>merikramer@... writes:


><< I did some research and learned that the tablets I used contained an

>ingredient called aspartam (that's the swedish word for it, don't know the

>english equivalent). I don't know if the aspartam is what makes me drowsy,

>but it seems likely since it has been proven to lower the bloodsugar


>I don't know why it is present in the tablet to begin with... but >>


>Hi, In reading the label on the bottle I have next to Boron it says

>aspartate: glycinate: citrate. Is that aspertame you are talking about? I

>just don't know what to do about this I know I should be taking calcium and

>this one was recommended as being very good. It also lists the calcium as

>being 1,000 mg per 4 tablets (daily) and the Magneisum is 500 mg per 4

>tablets. So if the magneisum is suppose to be higher as you mentioned maybe

>thats part of the problem?



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Hi all I am sending this again as I didn't put in the mg for the calcium.


>From: " sherry mccartney " <sherrymccartney@...>



>Subject: Re: Calcium

>Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 11:41:42 EST


>Apparently this is a good combination as recommended by naturopaths

>magnesium orotate 400mg

>(equiv. magnesium 30mg)

>magnesuim asparate 250mg

>(equiv. magnesium 21mg)

>potassuim asparate 250mg

>(equiv. potassium 50mg)

>calcium orotate 100mg

>(equuiv. calcium 10mg)

>I have been taking this one for a while and have had no reaction.

>I would also ring the company and ask what the fillers and other ingred.

>are. Especially the aspartate, glycinate and citrate.


> >From: DHigg76532@...

> >Reply-egroups

> >egroups

> >Subject: Re: Calcium

> >Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:18:52 EDT

> >

> >In a message dated 10/12/2000 9:45:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> >merikramer@... writes:

> >

> ><< I did some research and learned that the tablets I used contained an

> >ingredient called aspartam (that's the swedish word for it, don't know


> >english equivalent). I don't know if the aspartam is what makes me


> >but it seems likely since it has been proven to lower the bloodsugar

> >levels.

> >I don't know why it is present in the tablet to begin with... but >>

> >

> >Hi, In reading the label on the bottle I have next to Boron it says

> >aspartate: glycinate: citrate. Is that aspertame you are talking about? I

> >just don't know what to do about this I know I should be taking calcium


> >this one was recommended as being very good. It also lists the calcium as

> >being 1,000 mg per 4 tablets (daily) and the Magneisum is 500 mg per 4

> >tablets. So if the magneisum is suppose to be higher as you mentioned


> >thats part of the problem?

> >Deb



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> You know, I feel really good doing the half/half thing, but let us ask


> of our holistic people. Rhonda?? Natasha?? Tabitha?? Steve?? Edna?? Eyde??

> ?? anyone??

> aloha

> CB



In the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing the Daily dosage for

calcium is 1,500mg, magnesium 750 - 1,000mg , manganese 10mg and zinc 50mg.

Supplement needed for assimilation of calcium are boron, essential fatty

acids, lysine, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and vitamins A,C,D,F.

Some comments include: Heavy exercise hinders calcium uptake. but

moderate exercise promotes it. Insufficient Vitamin D or ingestion of

excessive amount of phosphorus and magnesium also hinders the uptake of

calcium. Taking calcium with iron reduces the effect of both minerals. Too

much calcium can interfere with absorption of zinc and excess zinc

interferes with calcium absorption. calcium supplements are more effective

when taken in smaller doses spread throughout the day and before bedtime.

When taken at night, calcium also promotes a sound sleep.

I have read several different opinions on whether magnesium should be 2-1 or

1-1. It seem s to be a choice thing as the jury is still out.

Hope this helps.

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It is amazing when you hear all those different things about it should be

taken this way and not with this and do that.

The latest thing is excerising is good for your bones/osteo as well as


I think if it works for you and you feel good taking, it doing it, then

stick with it because the feel good part of you is the part you should

listen too.


>From: " Prescott " <gprescottis@...>



>Subject: Re: Calcium

>Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 11:59:41 -0700



> > You know, I feel really good doing the half/half thing, but let us ask


> > of our holistic people. Rhonda?? Natasha?? Tabitha?? Steve?? Edna??


> > ?? anyone??

> > aloha

> > CB

> >

> >

>In the book Prescription for Nutritional Healing the Daily dosage for

>calcium is 1,500mg, magnesium 750 - 1,000mg , manganese 10mg and zinc


>Supplement needed for assimilation of calcium are boron, essential fatty

>acids, lysine, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and vitamins A,C,D,F.

>Some comments include: Heavy exercise hinders calcium uptake. but

>moderate exercise promotes it. Insufficient Vitamin D or ingestion of

>excessive amount of phosphorus and magnesium also hinders the uptake of

>calcium. Taking calcium with iron reduces the effect of both minerals.


>much calcium can interfere with absorption of zinc and excess zinc

>interferes with calcium absorption. calcium supplements are more effective

>when taken in smaller doses spread throughout the day and before bedtime.

>When taken at night, calcium also promotes a sound sleep.


>I have read several different opinions on whether magnesium should be 2-1


>1-1. It seem s to be a choice thing as the jury is still out.

>Hope this helps.




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 1/30/01 4:10:10 PM Pacific Standard Time, mamacdoo@... writes:

How much calcium are you people taking?

1500 mg calcium with Vitamin D added. It's really, really important. Also Fosamax. My gp said to cut back on the calcium during a time when I couldn't stand to eat anything but non-fat yogurt and fruit, as too much calcium can damage the kidneys, and to go back to the full dose when I was ready to drop the yogurt. I'd like to resume estrogen as an added osteoporosis protection, but my gp thinks my liverdoc believes estrogen might have triggered the AIH and is unlikely to prescribe it again even in patch form. Harper (AIH, female, 57)

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See Harper, Hunt's DR has NEVER told him to take it at all but then like you, he has not seen his doc since May. We go Thursday and I plan to question him. Hunt has been taking calcium but only 600 mgs. This concerns me. I also want a bone density test for a reference.

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In a message dated 1/30/01 6:21:55 PM Pacific Standard Time, mamacdoo@... writes:

See Harper, Hunt's DR has NEVER told him to take it at all but then like you, he has not seen his doc since May. We go Thursday and I plan to question him. Hunt has been taking calcium but only 600 mgs. This concerns me. I also want a bone density test for a reference.

I think that's a good idea, as the test isn't invasive or painful. I'm sure it's expensive, as all tests are, but if your insurance covers it (and probably if it doesn't) why not have that baseline. Osteoporosis isn't confined to women, by any means. It's possible, of course, that your doctor has some sound reason for his not taking calcium and not getting a bone density test, but you can't take that for granted. (A couple of years ago, I had severe anemia. Somehow, no one thought to tell me I was supposed to be taking iron. Then, after I was better, no one thought to tell me to stop taking iron. You can't afford to assume anything, even with doctors who have the very best intentions. Mistakes happen; you have to watch out for yourself and your family.)


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Cheryl ID, re your message about calcium (I take 1000mg a day, but I eat a lot of calcium rich foods (not much dairy

though). I also add the vitamin D and a health instructor told me that vit. C helps a body absorb calcium. A body cannot handle more than 1000 mg at a time. So if you take 1000 and have some added calcium in your food, you are taking more than your body can handle. Also don't take the oyster shell kind. It's really hard on the stomach. Calcium citrate is what you want. I want to get the bone density test done also. . . . We definitely need to take extra calcium. I'm thinking of upping mine to 1500 mg."

Both my doctors told me to take 1500 mg calcium with Vitamin D. Palmer's book states that all people with chronic liver disease should take calcium and Vitamin D supplements. She points out that excessive calcium can interfere with iron absorption and cause kidney problems, constipation, and fatigue. She says that calcium supplements (with Vitamin D added) should be limited to no more than 1000 to 2000 mg a day. She lists good sources of calcium as being dairy products, leafy dark green vegetables except spinach, tofu, canned sardine and salmon, with bones. People who smoke, don't exercise, or drink are particularly in need of calcium. Antacids such as Tums are a POOR source of calcium, as calcium needs stomach acids to be absorbed well (that's a big surprise to me -- before I got sick, I gobbled Tums for years just because I thought it was a simple, convenient way to get calcium.)

Harper (AIH, 57)

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flatcat9@... wrote:


ID, re your message about calcium (I take 1000mg a day, but I eat a

lot of calcium rich foods

(not much dairy

though). I also add the

vitamin D and a health instructor told me that vit. C

helps a body absorb calcium.

A body cannot handle more than 1000 mg at a

time. So if you take 1000

and have some added calcium in your food, you are

taking more than your body

can handle. Also don't take the oyster shell kind.

It's really hard on the

stomach. Calcium citrate is what you want. I want to

get the bone density test

done also. . . . We definitely need to take extra

calcium. I'm thinking of

upping mine to 1500 mg."

Both my doctors told me to

take 1500 mg calcium with Vitamin D. Palmer's

book states that all people

with chronic liver disease should take calcium

and Vitamin D supplements.

She points out that excessive calcium can

interfere with iron absorption

and cause kidney problems, constipation, and

fatigue. She says

that calcium supplements (with Vitamin D added) should be

limited to no more than

1000 to 2000 mg a day. She lists good sources of

calcium as being dairy products,

leafy dark green vegetables except spinach,

tofu, canned sardine and

salmon, with bones. People who smoke, don't

exercise, or drink are particularly

in need of calcium. Antacids such as

Tums are a POOR source of

calcium, as calcium needs stomach acids to be

absorbed well (that's a

big surprise to me -- before I got sick, I gobbled

Tums for years just because

I thought it was a simple, convenient way to get


Harper (AIH, 57)

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Cheryl... I was just scripted Fosamax and I`m afraid to take it for the

same reasons. I have a lot of scar tissue and damage from varices and

take 40mgs. pepcid a day. What would the fosamax do to my poor

esophagus. My doctor told me to take 1500 mgs. calcium a day plus some

D. My bone density test was not real good.


mamacdoo@... wrote:

How much

calcium are you people taking?

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gefox@... wrote:

Cheryl... I was just scripted Fosamax and I`m afraid to take it for the

same reasons. I have a lot of scar tissue and damage from varices and

take 40mgs. pepcid a day. What would the fosamax do to my poor

esophagus. My doctor told me to take 1500 mgs. calcium a day plus some

D. My bone density test was not real good.


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Cheryl....it was my reg. Dr. that prescribe it for me too....I`m going

to run it by my gastro here in town and with my transplant team in

Cleve. before I start. My gen practicioner may not know about my gastric

and esophageal problems.

Thanks for the compliment..you`re not so bad yourself...

love and serenity


p.s. I`m going to ask them about prilosec, but the pepcid does a pretty

good job as long as I keep taking it.

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In a message dated 2/1/01 4:58:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, lrb@... writes:

Jerry, I take 20 mg prilosec daily. My stomach is bothering me big time the last week or so. I don't know if it's the imuran or the anitbiotics (tequin) I'm on for bronchitis/sinus infection. Two more days of antibiotics and we'll see. My doctor was going to give me free samples of fosamax to see how I handled it. He thinks I need it. But this is my regular doc. He works with my gastro since the gastro is so far away. My gastro doesn't think I need to worry yet. This is one thing they do not agree on. My research leads me to side with my reg doc on this one. I think with my age, disease, and pred use, I should worry. Let me know if you try and it and how you respond. Good luck. Thanks for all the info. You're great. Hugs, prayers, lol.Cheryl ID

Cheryl, I can't remember -- have you had a bone density test?


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flatcat9@... wrote:

In a message

dated 2/1/01 4:58:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, lrb@...



I take 20 mg prilosec daily. My stomach is bothering me big time the

last week or

so. I don't know if it's the imuran or the anitbiotics

(tequin) I'm

on for bronchitis/sinus infection. Two more days of


and we'll see. My doctor was going to give me free samples of

fosamax to see

how I handled it. He thinks I need it. But this is my

regular doc.

He works with my gastro since the gastro is so far away. My

gastro doesn't

think I need to worry yet. This is one thing they do not

agree on. My

research leads me to side with my reg doc on this one. I think

with my age,

disease, and pred use, I should worry. Let me know if you try

and it and how

you respond. Good luck. Thanks for all the info. You're

great. Hugs,

prayers, lol.Cheryl ID

Cheryl, I can't

remember -- have you had a bone density test?


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi Christie (and all who have asked about the CORAL CALCIUM)... we started

with the original coral calcium people about 4-1/2 years ago (since then the

company has gone through lots of changes)... Anyway...when I first started

with it I took the 'plain' (without colloidal silver). Every day I would

put my 3/4 gallon of distilled water on the counter top in the kitchen (so i

would not FORGET to drink it) and I had my little 'packet' in it (of

calcium/mag. and i think almost 70 other minerals). The first year as I

said before I lost my hay fever, allergies... and got perfectly clear skin -

on my face and back which was amazing - as I had had acne problems my whole

life (i'm 42 now).

The second year I started on the coral calcium GOLD (which has colloidal

silver) and right off the bat I started 'die off' that was very strong. It

made me very weak. But i persisted... I started off with severe

fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome and was pretty much bed-ridden. I'm

not saying this coral calcium cured it (it didn't) but it gave me more of

an ability to 'function' daily. I also had no IBS (irritable bowel

syndrome) or any of the gastro-intestinal problems assoc. with these

illnesses. (i also do use probiotics too).

So now its been about 4 1/2 years. As far as I know in North America there

are only a couple places that even sell the TRUE coral calcium (there are

imitators selling sand, i think) ... the place you found and then there is

another marketer who only offers the sson's Alka-Mine original (with CS)

at http://www.kingsway-global.com/coral.asp

Both marketers - the one you found (i sent the link i think last night) and

kingsway work on a 'multi-level' marketing thing. We have had our " years "

in that sort of thing and don't want to be involved in business,

money-making schemes. We signed up as distributors only to get it

cheaper,... and with our neighbors we order in larger amounts so we save

more money... and we share the shipping costs. You may find - that if you

are not just going to order retail (which is more money) and want to 'sign

up' that the HTN people will have some rules on ordering in order to " get "

the cheapest prices... I don't believe the kingsway people do that - check

em both out... i do have a number with kingsway - if they want to know who

your upline # is you could say mine ... its not a biggie....(#33310).

Anyway whatever you do - I *know* you will find the coral calcium to be a

real help in your health.



>In a message dated 03/24/2001 9:31:44 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>dwmcphail@... writes:


><< I take " coral calcium " >>


>, can you tell us some of the benefits you noticed and also how much



>Where would a list of distributers be found?

>Would be nice to find it locally.

>Do you also take Coralyte as suggested on the website you sent?

>Sorry for all the questions. I hope you don't mind.

>Thank you




>Subscription email:

>mailto:bowel cleanse-subscribeegroups


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In a message dated 3/27/2001 1:57:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, HerbalMomma@... writes:

Hi , Hi, I am from Sacred Sisters too!!

Namaste, HerbalMomma

Hey girl! I am on several of these list. I need all the info I can get.

co-moderator of Sacred Sisters Circle


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