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I read up on the minocycline in the PDR when I was first prescribed

it..hepatitis was listed as a possible side effect..but of course I

never thought that would happen to me. Furthest thing from my mind. I

wish my dermatologist had checked my liver functions..I was on

minocycline from the end of March until I developed acute hepatitis in

June... when I was hospitalized, they tested me for everything, & they

concluded my hepatitis was drug induced..from the minocycline. The

gastro told me in no uncertain terms, never to use any antibiotic in

that family again. The ironic thing, I went to the dermatologist to

get treated for rosacea..not so much for the pimples, altho had a

few..but more for the redness and spider veins...both symptoms of

rosacea..and they can also apparently be indicative of hep. If I had

known then what I know now.


> >

> > > from reading the latest posts, it seems that many have skin

> trouble.

> > Elyse uses Tazarac (spelled wrong) e/o day on her face. I have had

> her try

> > tea tree oil soap (naturally antibactirial & anti fungal), but

> prefers the

> > Neutragena with saylic acid (suggested by the Dermatologist not Mom-

> --that

> > makes it better). Has anyone been successful with nettle applied

> to the

> > face or by taking brewers yeast? Her pediatrician thought these

> might help.

> > The Tazarac works better than nothing but thought maybe non

> perscription

> > could be added to it.

> > >

> > > Seems silly kinda to worry about acne, but thought I would

> ask.....

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________________

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  • 1 year later...
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I was looking this up just yesterday. Do some research. I found this among

other things:



> The aggressive ad campaign of J & J's Ortho division is beginning to reap big

> dividends, reported the Wall Street Journal.<A

HREF= " http://www.pfli.org/#F2 " >2</A> Ortho's product, Ortho

> Tri-Cyclen, is the only OC in the U.S. with an approved indication for acne

> and, apparently, it has become a hit with appearance-conscious teenage

> girls, whether they are promiscuous or not. In fact, due to the androgenic

> action of the synthetic hormones in OCs, the latter have been known to

> actually exacerbate acne rather than clear it up. According to IMS Health,

> a market bean-counter outfit, Ortho Tri-Cylcen now leads market share of

> OCs in the U.S., going from 5.1% in 1996 to 12.1% in 1998. Meanwhile No. 2

> Triphasil-28 has slipped slightly from 10.7% to 10.4 in the same time

> frame. No. 3 Ortho Novum 7/7/7-28 slid further from 12.2% to 9.7%.






wife to Josh

Mom to

na (3.29.93)

Ian Gennaro (10.12.95)

Francisco Augustine (4.22.99)

Kolbe Leon (1.29.02)

19I call heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you

life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou

and thy seed may live:

Deuteronomy 30:19



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I wouldn't take a birth control pill to help with acne (there are far too

many side effects from these pills, plus they do nothing to discourage yeast

overgrowth). I think its important to find the cause, and then treat that.

The fact that your hormones are probably not balanced, as might be suggested

by your lack of a period for 3 months, may have something to do with the

problem. But, if you had the acne when your cycles were regular, then I

would look elsewhere.

I've heard an herbalist say that acne is " in the blood, " and that you need to

clean it out. Of course that didn't explain a whole lot to me, but over time

I've come to interpret it this way:

1. Clean the liver so that it can do its job effectively (filtering blood).

So, taking a good quality milk thistle product can help with this.

2. Check for bacterial strains. You must find the one that needs addressing

(if one exists) and target that with the specific antibiotic or natural


I hope you find the right answer,


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In a message dated 06/19/02 2:16:05 PM Central Daylight Time,

deana_smiel@... writes:

> How do you look for bacterial strains? Is this a blood test?



Yes, your dr. can do a test for this.

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How do you look for bacterial strains? Is this a blood test?


2. Check for bacterial strains. You must find the one that needs


(if one exists) and target that with the specific antibiotic or natural


I hope you find the right answer,


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  • 3 years later...
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Very interesting that it is so localized, but for me, DHT control

seems to help the sebum / acne increase. I just picked up some Saw

Palmetto at the grocery store and figured what the heck- seems to have

helped for the last week.

> Ever since going on TRT I've had constant acne on my nose. Heard that

> vitimin B5 helps, been taking 3-4 grams a day, not making a difference.


> Any ideas? Thanks

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> > Ever since going on TRT I've had constant acne on my nose. Heard


> > vitimin B5 helps, been taking 3-4 grams a day, not making a


> >

> > Any ideas? Thanks

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I too have bad acne breakouts (mainly on my chest and back) since

starting on the more aggresive TRT. I am on shots once a week. I've

never had DHT tested myself. I've been taking B-5 - it seemed to help

for awhile, but now doesn't seem to be as effective.

Do you think Beta Sitostrel would help with the acne?



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I read this link with interest since I just discussed this issue

with my doctor day before yesterday.

I recently had blood work done and DHT came back high. It was 110

with a reference range of 25 - 75 ng/dL. I had not had the DHT

checked in a long time.

Once my doctor learned I am taking the Indoplex DIM, she said that

is why my DHT is high. Her thinking was that some of my

Testosterone (since increasing recently from 340 ng/dL, reference

range 260 - 1000 in February, to 771 ng/dL, reference range 119 -

1104, in June. Both were done at Quest) was

converting/aromastizing. She felt that since the DIM is blocking it

from converting to E2 that it had to go somewhere, so it was

converting to DHT.

Looking back through my records I see that I last had the DHT

checked September 2003. At that time it was 91.5 with a reference

range of 25 - 99 ng/dL. That test was done by LabCorp and the most

recent one was done by Quest.

I just thought I would share this since it is a differing opinion.

As we all know, our bodies are all made up differently so what works

one way for one may have an entirely diferent effect on someone else.

Bye the way my E2 was 34 using the ultra sensitive method. The

reference range is 10 - 50 pg/mL.

As you notice I use reference ranges rather than calling them normal

ranges. I don;t like the word normal in this case.



> > Huh? Can anyone validate that DIM also lowers DHT??? On the

> surface, that

> > does not make sense (at least to me).

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How much DIM did you take and what are your E2 numbers now?

> > > Huh? Can anyone validate that DIM also lowers DHT??? On the

> > surface, that

> > > does not make sense (at least to me).

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I take a 1/2 of a tablet of DIM daily or 60 mg daily. It is a form

of Indoplex DIM.

I Take Estro Balance with DIM.

Amount Per Tablet

Indolplex Complex

120 mg, modified food starch, 25% diindolylmethane (DIM), d-alpha

tocopheryl succinate, silicon dioxide, and phosphatidylcholine.

My E2 was 34, with a reference range of 10 - 50 pg/mL. It was a

little higher than I prefer. I prefer it to be around 25 so I may

need to increase it. However, I am having good morning wood.


> > > > Huh? Can anyone validate that DIM also lowers DHT??? On


> > > surface, that

> > > > does not make sense (at least to me).

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Joe lf your getting good morning wood don't take more. At Dr. s site they

are talking about adding TMG to the DIM anyone know about doing this I am

looking into it.


Joe <imjoseph45@...> wrote:


I take a 1/2 of a tablet of DIM daily or 60 mg daily. It is a form

of Indoplex DIM.

I Take Estro Balance with DIM.

Amount Per Tablet

Indolplex Complex

120 mg, modified food starch, 25% diindolylmethane (DIM), d-alpha

tocopheryl succinate, silicon dioxide, and phosphatidylcholine.

My E2 was 34, with a reference range of 10 - 50 pg/mL. It was a

little higher than I prefer. I prefer it to be around 25 so I may

need to increase it. However, I am having good morning wood.


> > > > Huh? Can anyone validate that DIM also lowers DHT??? On


> > > surface, that

> > > > does not make sense (at least to me).

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  • 1 year later...


I don't have any definite answers for you, as I'm not going through that. I

can say, however, that I have dealt with acne in the past (from teens up

through age 29 when I got pregnant, and now it is so much less!). But I've

been using straight coconut oil as a facial moisturizer for a few weeks now,

and my acne has not flared up.



On 10/17/06, corinne_ski <corinne_ski@...> wrote:



> Well, I have searched through the messages and read the article in the

> files about acne and wondered if anybody had any more advice. I

> suppose I might have to be more patient but I look like a teenager

> again (not in a good way) only with crow's feet :-) and while the rest

> of my skin on my body is so much better, the facial acne that started

> with die-off continues two weeks later. I do know I get plenty of true

> vitamin A and natural E, water, good animal fats from grass-fed

> critters. Since I started using coconut oil on my face it's been

> worse. Naturally, I am suspecting it is clogging my pores but y'all

> are probably going to tell me it's more die-off? I have a tube of

> Retin-A from a couple years back that I am so tempted to start using

> because I can't stand covering up these bumps and pores even with

> mineral powder...


> +Corinne


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> Well, I have searched through the messages and read the article in


> files about acne and wondered if anybody had any more advice.

Since I started using coconut oil on my face it's been

> worse. Naturally, I am suspecting it is clogging my pores but y'all

> are probably going to tell me it's more die-off?

I'm starting to get some acne-like sores on my face too. They are

pretty awful and they don't seem like normal acne cause they never

seem to want to come to a head and take forever to heal. I'm pretty

sure it is die-off. One thing that has helped me to get rid of

them (though new ones occasionally come back) is to wash my face with

oat flour. You can use finely ground oatmeal too. Just make a little

paste with the oat flour/meal and water and scrub your face with it.

I had some hanging around for weeks and they just wouldn't get better

or go away. When I used the oat flour wash, they healed up in a few

days. Now I've gotten a few more so am doing the oat flour wash again.

Oats contain high levels of silicic acid which makes it an effective

treatment for many skin diseases. Coconut oil is considered

comedogenic (can aggravate or produce acne), so I wouldn't use it on

your face.

Good luck!


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> Well, I have searched through the messages and read the article in


> files about acne and wondered if anybody had any more advice. I

> suppose I might have to be more patient but I look like a teenager

> again (not in a good way) only with crow's feet :-) and while the

rest of my skin on my body is so much better, the facial acne that

started with die-off continues two weeks later. I do know I get

plenty of true vitamin A and natural E, water, good animal fats from

grass-fed critters.

==>Are you also taking the other supplements my article recommends,

i.e. cod liver oil (omega 3 & vits. A & D) and/or fish oil (omega 3)

+ vitamin A (winter/summer), B complex or liver or Nutritional yeast

flakes, cal/mag, vitamin C, etc.??? The diet and supplements all

work together, including coconut oil, liquid chlorophyll and the

lemon and sea salt drink.

> Since I started using coconut oil on my face it's been

> worse. Naturally, I am suspecting it is clogging my pores but

y'all are probably going to tell me it's more die-off?

==>Coconut oil does heal, and the body externalizes healing and

toxins to the skin in order to get rid of them and also to protect

vital inner organs. You do not want to suppress the process. Just

give it enough time. It is definitely not clogging your pores.

What is clogging your pores are toxins and previously consumed man-

made oils and fats.

> I have a tube of Retin-A from a couple years back that I am so

tempted to start using because I can't stand covering up these bumps

and pores even with mineral powder...

==>It will only do more damage. If you can be patient and give your

body time to do its thing it will improve. Also help your body

detox by doing the things suggested in the Die-Off and Healing

sections of my article, or see our Files.


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Gail wrote:

> Oats contain high levels of silicic acid which makes it an effective

> treatment for many skin diseases. Coconut oil is considered

> comedogenic (can aggravate or produce acne), so I wouldn't use it on

> your face.

==>The reason coconut oil seems to produce acne or aggravate it is

because it is very healing, and like other healing symptoms medicos

say that anything causing them is bad. That is not true however. If

it stimulates healing that's a good thing.


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My acne is all but gone on this program. Are you

eating the coconut oil? It makes a huge difference!

It took about 2 months for my skin to get super clear.

In the mean time drink plenty of water to help clear

the toxins from your body.



San , CA

--- corinne_ski <corinne_ski@...> wrote:


> Well, I have searched through the messages and read

> the article in the

> files about acne and wondered if anybody had any

> more advice. I

> suppose I might have to be more patient but I look

> like a teenager

> again (not in a good way) only with crow's feet :-)

It is a lot easier to act ourselves into new thinking than to think ourselves

into a new action.

My son Hunter Hudson (10/11/04) http://debbypadilla.0catch.com/hunter/

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> Gail,


> I read in " Eat fat lose fat " by Sally Fallon & Enig, that you're

breakouts might get worse at first before it gets better with regards

to using coconut oil as a topical on your face. So it sounds like that

might be more related to die off than oil clogging the pores.



> hth,

> Chanon

That may very well be true. I've been making my own personal care

products for several years and all the research I've done indicates

that coconut oil is a comedogenic. Some people may be able to use it

just fine and others not. Even if the breakouts are die-off (which I'm

sure mine are since I have never had an acne problem) I personally

think the coconut oil could make them worse. Yeah, eventually they are

going to get better, but I think the coconut oil might prolong the

length of healing. Just my opinion.



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> > Oats contain high levels of silicic acid which makes it an


> > treatment for many skin diseases. Coconut oil is considered

> > comedogenic (can aggravate or produce acne), so I wouldn't use it


> > your face.


> ==>The reason coconut oil seems to produce acne or aggravate it is

> because it is very healing, and like other healing symptoms medicos

> say that anything causing them is bad. That is not true however.


> it stimulates healing that's a good thing.


> Bee


Can we agree to disagree :) I've done a lot of research on skin care

and while coconut oil may be a very healing oil and used in

combination with other ingredients can be very beneficial for various

skin conditions, I still believe it is comedogenic and would not use

it on my face. Has nothing to do with Medicos. I do use coconut oil

on my body but it is a very good oil made in Tahiti. This particular

coconut oil is also recommended for use on your face if you do not

have a tendency to oily skin. I have dry skin and when I tried it on

my face it caused irritation. Since everyone's skin is so different,

someone else may be able to use it just fine.

So if using coconut oil on your face works for you, go for it. But

it's not for me.



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Gail wrote:

> >

> Can we agree to disagree :) I've done a lot of research on skin

care and while coconut oil may be a very healing oil and used in

combination with other ingredients can be very beneficial for

various skin conditions, I still believe it is comedogenic and would

not use it on my face. Has nothing to do with Medicos. I do use

coconut oil on my body but it is a very good oil made in Tahiti.

This particular coconut oil is also recommended for use on your face

if you do not have a tendency to oily skin. I have dry skin and

when I tried it on my face it caused irritation. Since everyone's

skin is so different, someone else may be able to use it just fine.

==>It doesn't make sense that natural oils would be comedogenic

because your skin is naturally oily too. The skin is healthiest when

has enough oils. Oily skin is not a bad thing either. There's a

reason for it, even though it makes it more difficult to apply

makeup and the cosmetics industry is trying to help us combat it.


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Hi Bee n groupies,

I have a few questions that maybe someone could help

me with:

Why is it that we dont take echinasea? I seem to

remember that is is an actibiotic type supplement, but

i am not really sure. I used to take it from nove-jan

to build up my immune system during the cold season.

Why is it when i take my supplements sometimes my

urine is dark. Someone told me that is wha tyour body

does not need to you expell it.

At what point, not that i am there, but how do you

know when your cut the supplements back or out?

I notice that i have more plems(sorry) when i am

eating all of these meats, any connection?





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Hi Sue,

I can help with soem of this...

-- In , susan <tauttodream@...> wrote:



> Why is it that we dont take echinasea? I seem to

> remember that is is an actibiotic type supplement, but

> i am not really sure. I used to take it from nove-jan

> to build up my immune system during the cold season.

You don't need it because you're already building and supporting your

immune system with healthy foods and supplements as directed in Bee's



> Why is it when i take my supplements sometimes my

> urine is dark. Someone told me that is wha tyour body

> does not need to you expell it.

If by " dark " you mean brigher yellow in color, it's from excess B

vitamins that your body is getting rid of.


> At what point, not that i am there, but how do you

> know when your cut the supplements back or out?

dunno' the answer to that one.


> I notice that i have more plems(sorry) when i am

> eating all of these meats, any connection?

I'm feeling a bit daft...what is plems?


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Sorry jackie, I meant phlem. also is broclli raub

allowed. I am not sure if it is a form of broccoli

but i owuld imagine.

Is echineasea a form of an antibiotic? I remember

taking it wheni was diagnosed with candida and was

wondering if it was part of the cause of my white



> > I notice that i have more plems(sorry) when i am

> > eating all of these meats, any connection?


> I'm feeling a bit daft...what is plems?


> jackie







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> Hi Bee n groupies,


> I have a few questions that maybe someone could help

> me with:


> Why is it that we dont take echinasea? I seem to

> remember that is is an actibiotic type supplement, but

> i am not really sure. I used to take it from nove-jan

> to build up my immune system during the cold season.

==>Echinacea should only be taken to boost the immune system at the

sign of a cold or flu for 10 days at a time and not any longer. All

of the antifungals I recommend are also antibiotic, antiparasitic,

and build the immune system, i.e. Pau D'Arco, coconut oil, garlic,

oil of oregano, and clove oil, along with many foods allowed on this



> Why is it when i take my supplements sometimes my

> urine is dark. Someone told me that is wha tyour body

> does not need to you expell it.

==>It is very common for urine to turn dark when taking B complex in

particular because your body is throwing off the extra Bs it doesn't

require, most likely B2.


> At what point, not that i am there, but how do you know when your

cut the supplements back or out?

==>When your candida is completely cured and you are able to obtain

enough nutrients from your foods so you don't require them.


> I notice that i have more plems(sorry) when i am> eating all of

these meats, any connection?

==>Mucus or phlegm is not caused by eating meats; it is caused by

candida being killed of, called die-off symptoms (also called

healing symptoms and detoxifying symptoms). You can also get

excessive mucus in the lungs, eyes, nose, sinuses, throat, etc., and

it can turn into a full-blown cold, because the body is trying to

handle/get rid of candida and/or other types of toxins.


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> Sorry jackie, I meant phlem.

==>Hi Sue; you meant phlegm, or mucus.

> also is broclli raub allowed. I am not sure if it is a form of

broccoli but i owuld imagine.

==>I don't know what that is Sue. But if it's in the same family as

broccoli I'm sure it would be okay.


> Is echineasea a form of an antibiotic? I remember

> taking it wheni was diagnosed with candida and was

> wondering if it was part of the cause of my white

> tongue.

==>Echinacea is a herb that is taken to boost the immune system. It

would not cause your white tongue.


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