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Hi Kathleen,

I have no idea about the acne as I have been struggling with it since I became

hyper. Mine doesn't seem to be effected by my cycle which leads me to believe

it is not hormonal. I have repeatedly heard it is the body's way of cleaning

itself or ridding itself of some unwanted poison or disease.(I must have a lot

of bad stuff to get rid of) Someone also mentioned acne as a symptom of mercury

poisoning and that sounds vaguely familar although I can't locate my Hal Huggins

book " It' All In Your Head " . Acne is a problem for me since feeling bad is one

thing, but when you look bad that is a double whamie. I haven't found anything

that makes it better or worse and was mostly wondering if this was my own

special problem or if others were having the same problem.




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  • 2 years later...


Hi, I have a few addresses to give you upon your request.

1. Thyroid Foundation of America

Ruth Sleeper Hall RSL 350

40 Parkman Street

Boston, MA 02114-2698

Phone 617-726-8500; 800-832-8321

Fax 617-726-4136

2. National Graves Disease Foundation

2 Tsitsi Court

Brevard, NC 28712

The Thyroid Society

7515 South Main Street Suite 545

Houston, TX 77030


For Gayle in Alberta

Thyroid Foundation of Canada

1040 Gardiners Road, Suite C

Kingston, Ontario

K7P1R7 Canada

Phone 613-634-3426

Fax 613-634-3483


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In a message dated 1/26/99 9:41:13 AM Central Standard Time,

ramathomas@... writes:

<< My other question is does anyone have the phone number for the American

Thyroid Association?

Good Health to you all,

Ann >>

Hi Ann, and everyone

In response to Ann's question - here goes:

Thyroid Foundation of America, Inc. - MA Gen'l. Hosp.

Ruth Sleeper Hall Room 350

Boston, MA 02114

1.800.832.8321 (8:30 - 4 EST)

American Thyroid Assoc.

c/o Walter Med. Ctr.

Washington D.C. 20307-5001


These are the ones that I have at hand and hope info is current. You can also

call 800 information service - costs nothing - 1.800.555.1212

Good Luck Ann - If I find any more info, I w/jot it down. Just a note in

case anyone is interested - about 3 years ago I found out that Hospitals have

medical libraries and you are welcome to use them. I was even fortunate

enough to find the local hospital even will look up information for you and

fax it to you or mail it to you when you call looking for something medical.




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I once heard that amagam fillings could play a part in acne problems,

that's just a speculation though.


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Ann ---

Yes, I have trouble with acne, too, and I'm 34. I've had acne on and off

since I was 18 --- I went through two treatments with Accutane, and while

this cleared up the problem temporarily, it eventually returned. I'm mildly

hypo (with some hyper sympotms --- very confusing) --- hope this helps!

>Hello Everyone,

>Since I started treatment for hyperthyroid over four yesrs ago, I have had

>trouble with acne and am wondering if I am alone. I'm 40 and should be

>finished with my teenage zits, but have a worse acne than I had as a

>teenager. I have it not only on my face, but mostly on my neck and back.

>So is anyone else experiencing this problem and if so have you found any


>My other question is does anyone have the phone number for the American

>Thyroid Association?


>Good Health to you all,

> Ann



>From: BU007@...[sMTP:BU007@...]

>Sent: Thursday, January 21, 1999 8:45 PM

> hyperthyroidismegroups

>Subject: Selenium distribution map


>Hi Everyone,

> I ran across this map of selenium distribution in the United States and

>thought you might be interested in seeing whether you live in a high selenium

>or low selenium area. It's hard to read, but the dark areas have low selenium

>and the white areas have adequate selenium.

> The link is:

><A HREF= " http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/toxicagents/selenium/map1.html " >

>Map of Selenium Status in US</A>

>The address is:



> Let me know if you have any interesting things to report.



> " I can't believe the charges show up 24 hours after I shop on

>the Internet with my NEW NextCard Visa " - Reason to Apply #24

>Learn more at: http://offers./click/203/2



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Hello Ann,

I am 35 and HYPO thyroid for 6 years. I didn't have acne until about 6

years ago and still am getting it, especially around " that time of the month. "

At first I thought it could be from my B vitamins and these are big almost

cyst like... Wonder if there is a correlation?



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  • 9 months later...

This is a dumb question, but does acne have anything to do with PA????? >>


I dont' know for sure, but in my case there appears to be a correlation

between breaking out and PA, and with breaking out and methotrexate. My skin

has been worse since I turned 30 or so than it ever was when I was a

teenager! I particularly noticed a change when I started MTX, but I also

remember reading somewhere that acne is a known possible side effect of

taking MTX.


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I am 32, and have had a horrible break out with acne associated with the

onset of my most recent symptoms. I am discussing it with the Dermatologist

soon. I too had the same question. It will be interesting to know.

I am enjoying your posts!


Tammy G.

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I also never had any acne but have certainly made up for it with my

psoriasis. On one of my trips to hospital I was talking to another patient

also in for their psoriasis and it came up in conversation that he also had

never had acne and thought I might have come across the reason for my

psoriasis, so I asked the other psoriasis patients but they all had suffered

with acne as a teenager so that finished that theory.

Regards Pat

[ ] acne

> From: " sherman.fam@... " <sherman.fam@...>


> This is a dumb question, but does acne have anything to do with PA?????

> I have never,I mean never had this in my life....why am I getting it

> now(not even as a teen).

> I told you it was dumb, but I need to blame it on something.


> > Please visit our new web page at:

> http://www.wpunj.edu/icip/pa

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I have the same exact problem! I never had acne and just in the last two

weeks I have little pimples all over my forehead and some patches on my

neck. I go to the dermatologist in a couple of weeks. I hope he can give me

some information.

[ ] acne

> From: " sherman.fam@... " <sherman.fam@...>


> This is a dumb question, but does acne have anything to do with PA?????

> I have never,I mean never had this in my life....why am I getting it

> now(not even as a teen).

> I told you it was dumb, but I need to blame it on something.


> > Please visit our new web page at:

> http://www.wpunj.edu/icip/pa


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  • 10 months later...

Hi everyone,

Hunt came home from college yesterday to get a good home cooked meal and i

noticed that he not only had hundreds of little pimples on his face but also

on the inside of his arms. Do ya'll also have these?

thanks bunches


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I had them. It is from the toxins of a sick liver. Comes out through the

pores. As I understand it the Liver tries to overcompensate and tries to get

rid of toxins in the body any way it can.


galye@... ^0^


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Yes Pred does cause it as well. I had them every where when I had my

transplant and before. I don't have them now. I also am lucky and remain Pred

free yeah.


galye@... ^0^


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Prednisone free is GREAT!!!!!. His dosage has been lowered to 20mgs a day but

that is still a whole bunch and he is still taking 100ms of imuran. BUT thank

God for the meds. He doesn't complain a bit. He really has adjusted quite

well to all of this which i am sooo glad of.

Have a great day gayle


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thanks sue, at this time i do not think he has PBS. His face really looks

like acne but it is not red or irritated, just a 10000 little bumps. Dr says

it is from the prednisone but he just started getting the bumps on his arms

so i was wondering about that

Have a good day


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Hello, Rosemary. I read your note about the skin condition on your son. I

remember reading on the PBC website that these small bumps are common,

especially around the eyes and face. Try going to the Website and checking

it out. Log on to the Internet, and type in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis.

Maybe you can find what you are looking for. Sue in Florida

Re: [ ] acne


> Hi everyone,


> Hunt came home from college yesterday to get a good home cooked meal and


> noticed that he not only had hundreds of little pimples on his face but


> on the inside of his arms. Do ya'll also have these?


> thanks bunches


> Rosemary



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Hi Rosemary, Jodi my daughter (AIH) has break outs then it will get better.

In her case it is an off and on thing. She is 27 years old and it bothers

her a lot. She says I'm to old to have pimples. People who don't know she

has this disease thinks its ache. Where is Hunter going to college? I have

a son, Matt that is in Tallahassee going to a junior college. Nice talking

to you. Genny/Jodi's


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Rosemary, I know what you mean. The kids handle it better than we do. The

doctor has lowered Jodi's prednisone three times. We are waiting to see what

happens now. Her platelets were up to 51,000 last week but some of the other

counts were worse. She had bronchitis when she had the blood work done and

her Gastroenterologist is hoping that's why some were out of whack. She has

to be tested again next week. Praying for better results. Prednisone free

would be GREAT! Hope that happens for Hunter.

Genny/Jodi's Mom

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Seems that my acne is internal, I take tetracycline and it does wonders for

my skin. I don't seem to suffer the side effects either (recurrent yeast

infections and sun exposure causing redness). My gastro approves of it.

My acne began as an adult, I used to get cysts under the skin that

although not seen could be felt under the skin. Took about 6 months to rid

of a cyst through meds, injections and skin freezing.

Tetracycline stop the cysts from forming. I asked about ortho trycyclic

(birth control) as I had seen tv ads for it. My Derm said it was really for

women who weren't middle aged (I'm 37... I almost slapped him).

My Acne was pre-AIH. I went off tetraycycline as I got older and It

seemed to go away on its own. I took imuran for one month and had the most

severe break out ever. The most painful of pimples and cysts. Cosmeticly I

could care less what my face looks like. Its the pain that I couldn't

handle. Gastro didn't think imuran could cause acne, derm confirmed that it

could. I went on spornolactone (also used for ascites and water retention by

my gastro doc) for two months... and I had no change in acne. Two weeks back

on Tetra and my face is the clearest its been in years.

Good Luck! Jen

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001 20:32:36 -0600, wrote:

> from reading the latest posts, it seems that many have skin trouble.

Elyse uses Tazarac (spelled wrong) e/o day on her face. I have had her try

tea tree oil soap (naturally antibactirial & anti fungal), but prefers the

Neutragena with saylic acid (suggested by the Dermatologist not Mom---that

makes it better). Has anyone been successful with nettle applied to the

face or by taking brewers yeast? Her pediatrician thought these might help.

The Tazarac works better than nothing but thought maybe non perscription

could be added to it.


> Seems silly kinda to worry about acne, but thought I would ask.....


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I am passing on a couple of articles that I ran across when I was

first diagnosed with AIH and doing research. They caught my eye

because my son was taking minocyline at the time for his acne.

Without knowing much about it, I think that minocycline is a form of


If you do a net search for minocycline and autoimmune hepatitis, it

turns up several articles that indicate minocycline can be a trigger

for lupus and hepatitis. Here are just two of them. A friend of

mines' son was taking minocycline for his acne and his doctor did

periodic bloodwork to make sure that it wasn't affecting his liver.

Don't have that much actual knowledge, but just thought I would pass

it on.





> > from reading the latest posts, it seems that many have skin


> Elyse uses Tazarac (spelled wrong) e/o day on her face. I have had

her try

> tea tree oil soap (naturally antibactirial & anti fungal), but

prefers the

> Neutragena with saylic acid (suggested by the Dermatologist not Mom-


> makes it better). Has anyone been successful with nettle applied

to the

> face or by taking brewers yeast? Her pediatrician thought these

might help.

> The Tazarac works better than nothing but thought maybe non


> could be added to it.

> >

> > Seems silly kinda to worry about acne, but thought I would







> _______________________________________________________

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thanks so much!


On Fri, 09 Mar 2001 22:47:33 -0000, wrote:

> Jen,

> I am passing on a couple of articles that I ran across when I was

> first diagnosed with AIH and doing research. They caught my eye

> because my son was taking minocyline at the time for his acne.

> Without knowing much about it, I think that minocycline is a form of

> tetracycline.


> If you do a net search for minocycline and autoimmune hepatitis, it

> turns up several articles that indicate minocycline can be a trigger

> for lupus and hepatitis. Here are just two of them. A friend of

> mines' son was taking minocycline for his acne and his doctor did

> periodic bloodwork to make sure that it wasn't affecting his liver.


> Don't have that much actual knowledge, but just thought I would pass

> it on.


> http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/issues/v152n11/abs/poa8141.html


> http://news.medscape.com/IMNG/PediatricNews/1999/v33.n05/pn3305.34.01.

> html





> >

> > > from reading the latest posts, it seems that many have skin

> trouble.

> > Elyse uses Tazarac (spelled wrong) e/o day on her face. I have had

> her try

> > tea tree oil soap (naturally antibactirial & anti fungal), but

> prefers the

> > Neutragena with saylic acid (suggested by the Dermatologist not Mom-

> --that

> > makes it better). Has anyone been successful with nettle applied

> to the

> > face or by taking brewers yeast? Her pediatrician thought these

> might help.

> > The Tazarac works better than nothing but thought maybe non

> perscription

> > could be added to it.

> > >

> > > Seems silly kinda to worry about acne, but thought I would

> ask.....

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > _______________________________________________________

> > Send a cool gift with your E-Card

> > http://www.bluemountain.com/giftcenter/



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