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tea tree oil

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<<Tea Tree Oil should Always be diluted with oil, using it straight from the

  bottle can burn the skin severly!>>


In all of my studies as well as personal experience with both tea tree and

lavender essential oils, they are the two essential oils that can be used

neat, direct from the bottle. I've used both in all manners of application

and for a variety of " issues " with my skin/hair (and I have extremely

sensitive skin!) as well as in natural cleanign products I make and I have

never encountered " burning " of any kind. If burning were to occur, I think

I'd be more inclined to suspect the company I purchased the EO from of

possibly diluting it with something that would cause the burning.... Both

oils are reknown for their use " neat.

If this is no longer the case, or data is sudenly showing differently, an

awful lot of tea and lavender products now have to change their labeling and

instruction!!! ~Carol

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In a message dated 2/8/2003 8:30:43 AM Central Standard Time,

sherryscreations2@... writes:


> Tea Tree Oil should Always be diluted with oil, using it straight from the

> bottle can burn the skin severly!


> Sherry

Sherry,, make we are just hard-skinned Texans----but I have always used

Tea Tree straight-----as a matter of fact----the first thing Autumn coulld

say was " tee tree " whenever she got a boo-boo. She is now 5y/o--have used

TT straight on her, us and others------never a bad reaction----------but now

am worried-----what have you experienced with using TT undiluted??



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In a message dated 2/8/2003 10:56:51 AM Central Standard Time,

Info@... writes:

> Actually, tea tree oil is one of the few oils that CAN be used directly on

> the skin. Lavender is another. It will not burn the skin, severely or

> otherwise unless it has something added to it, or is not actually tea tree

> oil.


I totatlly agree----------but let's check the name of that TT oil! There

are to my understanding 30 different trees that can claim this! I only use

" MELALEUCA ALTERIFOLIA----if the spelling is wrong----------well then I

must admit I need glasses----------OR it's a conspiracy to make me feel

old! LOL I generally buy mine froom Thursday Plantation and have no

complaints.. BTW--glad to hear you also use Lavender straight as I use it

for burns!


(TX) who wouldn't need glasses if people just wouldn't write so small!


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Actually, tea tree oil is one of the few oils that CAN be used directly on

the skin. Lavender is another. It will not burn the skin, severely or

otherwise unless it has something added to it, or is not actually tea tree


Back when I used to get yeast infections, I would dip the end of a tampax in

straight tea tree oil and use it to combat the infection. Using this, it was

usually clear in something like 3 days, while also ingesting acidopholus.

Now I could feel a tingle, some might call a 'burning sensation', but in no

way did it burn me, and those are some pretty delicate membranes!

Now I ingest the sea buckthorn seed oil I sell for my optimum health,

putting it in a bit of juice.

Janine Phariss, Herbalist, CMT

Fade scars, Relieve Pain, Heal Eczema!


WwWw, R & D, Retail/Wholesale

Tea Tree Oil should Always be diluted with oil, using it straight from the

bottle can burn the skin severly!

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And sensitize you bigtime! There is a lot of new evidence coming out of

Australia now about Tea Tree sensitization.


Sherry Barker wrote:

>Tea Tree Oil should Always be diluted with oil, using it straight from the

>bottle can burn the skin severly!






Lynda Sorenson


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Hmmm the owner of the herb store that I bought mine from said it could be used

neat and was good for dibetics also. Glitz

Re: Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil should Always be diluted with oil, using it straight from the

bottle can burn the skin severly!


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Hello all-

I'm a newbie lotion person, but tea tree oil is something I feel I can

" speak " on. We are " hooked " on tea tree oil on our farm! Yes, we use it on

our alpacas! My husband has a secret " concoction " he mixes and uses on

alpaca boo-boo's and I've used it on some human boo-boo's also. It's a

wonderful, healing oil! We currently buy ours at Walmart, I'm not certain

perhaps it's already diluted. Please let me know where you are getting the

information about hazards. I'd never want to hurt anyone or anything. I

have thought about having my husband add a little Emu oil to his next batch

-- do experienced lotion/soap makers have any thoughts on that?


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I used tea tree oil pure and straight on my face. During a bout of

depression and insomnia when I lost my Daddy, my face went crazy in

breakouts. Tea tree oil allowed me to clear my skin so I could leave my

house. I also use it with sassafras and lavender for poison ivy. Works every



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In a message dated 2/8/2003 10:35:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

maryr@... writes:

> Sassafras eo is also used in the manufacture of the illegal drug, Ecstacy -

> and its controlled by the FDA as a result. I'd be real suspicious if you

> see it for sale anywhere,

Really? That's interesting, never knew that. Of course, never really knew

much about sassafras period ;)

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As one of several people I know who are sensitized to various Essential

oils (for me it is Lavender) from neat usage, I would have to strongly

disagree with the concept that one should use any of them neat. As far

as using a tampon with neat Tea Tree... the very idea makes me shudder.

Sensitization to neat use of EOs is like Russian Roulette, the first

few times may be ok, but if you keep going, something very, very ugly is

going to happen.

Bet wishes-


Janine Phariss wrote:

>Actually, tea tree oil is one of the few oils that CAN be used directly on

>the skin. Lavender is another. It will not burn the skin, severely or

>otherwise unless it has something added to it, or is not actually tea tree



>Back when I used to get yeast infections, I would dip the end of a tampax in

>straight tea tree oil and use it to combat the infection. Using this, it was

>usually clear in something like 3 days, while also ingesting acidopholus.

>Now I could feel a tingle, some might call a 'burning sensation', but in no

>way did it burn me, and those are some pretty delicate membranes!


>Now I ingest the sea buckthorn seed oil I sell for my optimum health,

>putting it in a bit of juice.


>Janine Phariss, Herbalist, CMT

>Fade scars, Relieve Pain, Heal Eczema!


>WwWw, R & D, Retail/Wholesale



>Tea Tree Oil should Always be diluted with oil, using it straight from the

>bottle can burn the skin severly!





Lynda Sorenson


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Let me point you in the direction of Watt's 'Plant Aromatics'

which talks about sensitization from Essential oil use, safe levels for

use, and toxic EOs. This man actually knows what he is talking about,

having studied the dermatological research being done on Essential oils,

rather than copying from other authors, as most AT books out there do.

's website is www.aromamedical.com His book is available in the

US exclusively through www.av-at.com

Best wishes-


glitz wrote:

>Hmmm the owner of the herb store that I bought mine from said it could be used

neat and was good for dibetics also. Glitz

> Re: Tea Tree Oil




> Tea Tree Oil should Always be diluted with oil, using it straight from the

> bottle can burn the skin severly!


> Sherry







Lynda Sorenson


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Sassafras EO is toxic. It is a pretty potent carcinogen. Use of

Sassafras in foods is a banned substance in the US and UK. It is

banned from use in cosmetic products in the E.C. legislation. It's main

constituent, safrole (up to something like 93%) is a liver toxin. To

quote from Salvatore Battaglia's 'The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy',

page 240:

" A few drops of Sassafras oils has been considered lethal and records

exist in the USA of a male adult who died following the ingestion of a

teaspoon of sassafras oil. The symptoms of poisoning were those of CNS

depression, vomiting and nausea. Large doses of sassafras cause fatty

changes in the liver and kidneys. The use of sassafras oil may lead to

accumulation in the body of safrole which is considered a hepatocarcinogen. "

He also says, " Currently essential oils containing asarone (another of

it's chemical constituents) have been banned by the FDA. "


Best wishes-


ByuMagick wrote:

>I used tea tree oil pure and straight on my face. During a bout of

>depression and insomnia when I lost my Daddy, my face went crazy in

>breakouts. Tea tree oil allowed me to clear my skin so I could leave my

>house. I also use it with sassafras and lavender for poison ivy. Works every









Lynda Sorenson


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Hi ,

Sassafras eo is also used in the manufacture of the illegal drug, Ecstacy -

and its controlled by the FDA as a result. I'd be real suspicious if you

see it for sale anywhere,

Well Naturally


At 06:36 PM 2/8/2003 -0700, you wrote:



>Sassafras EO is toxic. It is a pretty potent carcinogen. Use of

>Sassafras in foods is a banned substance in the US and UK. It is

>banned from use in cosmetic products in the E.C. legislation. It's main

>constituent, safrole (up to something like 93%) is a liver toxin. To

>quote from Salvatore Battaglia's 'The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy',

>page 240:


> " A few drops of Sassafras oils has been considered lethal and records

>exist in the USA of a male adult who died following the ingestion of a

>teaspoon of sassafras oil. The symptoms of poisoning were those of CNS

>depression, vomiting and nausea. Large doses of sassafras cause fatty

>changes in the liver and kidneys. The use of sassafras oil may lead to

>accumulation in the body of safrole which is considered a hepatocarcinogen. "


>He also says, " Currently essential oils containing asarone (another of

>it's chemical constituents) have been banned by the FDA. "




>Best wishes-



>ByuMagick wrote:


> >I used tea tree oil pure and straight on my face. During a bout of

> >depression and insomnia when I lost my Daddy, my face went crazy in

> >breakouts. Tea tree oil allowed me to clear my skin so I could leave my

> >house. I also use it with sassafras and lavender for poison ivy. Works every

> >time.

> >Flo

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



>Lynda Sorenson







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Hi Lynda

As with everything, your mileage may vary. [ymmv]

It worked for me. I was never sensitized to it and I have extremely

sensitive skin.

So for you, you are sensitized, for me and many many people I know, we are


I think it is how one has used tea tree, and how much.

It has been well established with aromatherapists that tea tree and lavender

can be used neat. I do not call myself an aromatherapist.

However, I do know how my skin and mucous membranes react to things, as I

try them.

Using Tea tree on a tampax was widely recommended about 8 years ago and it

sure worked for me!

That is what is so glorious about each of us being an individual and

hopefully, living in a free country. We can each research, try it if we

desire, and if it works for us, great, if not, move on to something else.

To say that something UGLY IS going to happen is nonsense. That's a

generalization that just is not true.

I am one that takes control of my own health, thinking for myself,

researching and formulating. I do not let the masses, nor the alarmists

think for me.

While there are, certainly, those who allow others to think for them and do

for them, I think there are more and more people who are beginning to think

for themselves. Which is why, when I wrote, it was about me, my experiences

and my thoughts and opinions.

I will still use tea tree and lavender neat [straight], if I have a need

too. YMMV

Janine Phariss, Herbalist, CMT

Fade scars, Relieve Pain, Heal Eczema!


WwWw, R & D, Retail/Wholesale

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Hey, Misty,....Dandelion juice ! Go into your garden, break off a dandelion

and put the sap onto the wart. ( Not on the surrounding skin ). twice a day

for about 2 to 3 weeks. Should do the trick !. OR Greater Celandine sap will

do the same thing , the same way. Dandelion is easier to get of course.

Another is a tincture of Arbor vitae ( Thuja occidentalis ) Add the drops to

the wart..... you can make this into an ointment and even add a little tea

tree oil with it. Don't use during pregnancy. love , .

Re: Re: Tea Tree Oil

> hi im a diabetic--how is tea tree oil good for me???? i have 100% Tea

> tree oil -but i havent used it too much lately! Also does anyone know

> how to get rid of a wart? I have one on my index finger and i bang it

> all the time---im ready to rip it off myself-lol! TIA~Misty






> http://community.webtv.net/mpw98/ForeverYoursATouch








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Sorry, I was away for a few days and just read the responses to my post that

tea tree oil should not be used neat since it CAN burn your skin.

Let me explain why I made that statement.

My daughter was severely burned using Tea Tree Oil " neat " on her body! It

took months for her to heal.

Also, I know Many other people who suffered burns and have become skin

sensitized by using tea tree oil neat, so why take the risk? Diluting it by

1/2 will provide the same benefits.

It may say on the bottle that it can be used neat, but in my experience I

know Too many people that suffered from doing that and I would never tell

people or customers to use it neat...I always err on the side of caution.


Sherry's Creations


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

> I drink 8 drops twice a day ............I feel human again!

Did you read somewhere that it is safe to drink tea tree oil? I

bought a product called Candida Cleanse and started researching the

ingredients as I am always cautious with products that aren't

regulated. Anyway, when I looked up tea tree oil I read in several

places that it should never be taken orally. I called the pharmacist

who sold it to me and he could not find any proof that it was safe

so he let me return the product. He said he felt like Solaray

wouldn't put anything in the product that wasn't safe, but I'd

rather be safe than sorry.

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, I too take a Solaray product: Yeast Cleanse, that has tea

tree oil. I learned through another board that there are multiple

types of tea tree oil. Some can be injested and some cannot be

injested. The type that Solaray uses is safe to take orally. Don't

use a tea tree oil product meant to be used externally as a


What else are you taking and what are your symptoms?

> > I drink 8 drops twice a day ............I feel human again!



> Did you read somewhere that it is safe to drink tea tree oil? I

> bought a product called Candida Cleanse and started researching the

> ingredients as I am always cautious with products that aren't

> regulated. Anyway, when I looked up tea tree oil I read in several

> places that it should never be taken orally. I called the


> who sold it to me and he could not find any proof that it was safe

> so he let me return the product. He said he felt like Solaray

> wouldn't put anything in the product that wasn't safe, but I'd

> rather be safe than sorry.



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Forgot to mention, I have had great success...so far...with Yeast

Cleanse. But it is only one of a couple of things I am doing. I

think the diet is clearly a big part of the solution and a good


> > I drink 8 drops twice a day ............I feel human again!



> Did you read somewhere that it is safe to drink tea tree oil? I

> bought a product called Candida Cleanse and started researching the

> ingredients as I am always cautious with products that aren't

> regulated. Anyway, when I looked up tea tree oil I read in several

> places that it should never be taken orally. I called the


> who sold it to me and he could not find any proof that it was safe

> so he let me return the product. He said he felt like Solaray

> wouldn't put anything in the product that wasn't safe, but I'd

> rather be safe than sorry.



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Its funny that we're writing to each other on 2 different groups.

For what its worth, the other list is much more beneficial. There

are sometimes lulls, but the group is very knowledgable and they

don't fight like on this one. The other plus is that you can search

the archives and find a wealth of info.

To answer your question, I've tried Nystatin, Diflucan, Candida

Stat, Fungal Defense as well as Grapefruit seed extract, Capryl, and


My main symptoms are vaginal infections, terrible bloating,

allergies, brain fog and moodiness, and geographic tongue (which

doctors try to say is just a genetic thing like freckles, but it

hurts and it comes and goes like the other symptoms). Since I

started my research and a sugar and flour-free diet in January, I

lost 15 pounds and have the bloating under control (at least when I

adhere closely to the diet). The other symptoms remain the same.

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---Yes i read it i have a whole list of things that tea tree oil are

good for. I take melaluka oil and a friend of my moms has done this

for years but i also oked it with my naturopath and my reg dr and

they said its helping me keep doing it.

it has really helped me alot and i have only been doing it for two

weeks. Tastes nasty but you get used to it. I decided its worth

the taste if its making me better.


In candidiasis , " phelch66 " <mjnjpilch@f...> wrote:

> > I drink 8 drops twice a day ............I feel human again!



> Did you read somewhere that it is safe to drink tea tree oil? I

> bought a product called Candida Cleanse and started researching


> ingredients as I am always cautious with products that aren't

> regulated. Anyway, when I looked up tea tree oil I read in several

> places that it should never be taken orally. I called the


> who sold it to me and he could not find any proof that it was safe

> so he let me return the product. He said he felt like Solaray

> wouldn't put anything in the product that wasn't safe, but I'd

> rather be safe than sorry.



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Gordon, aren't you lucky to live in such a beautiful place! I plan on making it

to Australia one day. I have a friend in Melbourne. One of my dreams is to go

scuba diving in the great barrier reef (even though I am terrified of sharks).

No matter how bad my PA gets I will do it one day for sure.

You can buy the pure plant oils (tea tree and eucalyptus) alone. I got some

from Aveda (in the states). I would use it on the P on my fingernails. I never

noticed much of a difference but it's a kinda difficult place to reach. My

husband uses it on his acne and it works wonderfully! We both use cetaphil soap

too which is the best soap ever invented! I was told by the lady at Aveda that

it was a natural astringent. Eucalyptus oil always worked better on my skin. I

would recommend buying the pure plant oils rather than the synthetics. I

remember her saying they were good for a number of things but I can't remember

at the moment. I am sure they are pretty easy to get on the net. Does the

Eucalyptus oil work well for opening the sinuses? Is that what you meant buy

using it in a diffuser?



[ ] tea tree oil

Just as a matter of interest, tea trees are native to Australia. Near where I

live on Queensland's Sunshine Coast, there is an area known as the " Noosa

Everglades " , swampy and the water is the colour of strong tea, stained by the

tannin in the leaves of the many tea trees in the area which fall into the

water, although it is quite drinkable. Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil

extraction in times gone by used to be a family effort, with stills established

in the scrub and sold directly to the public in bottles. I can remember my

parents buying eucalyptus oil directly from a distiller for using when us

children caught a cold or in a poultice for boils, etc. Now of course, it is

big business, and some is even synthetic.

Regards, Gordon

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