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Feeling Down

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HI Marie,

I know just what you mean with the depression, it just makes everything seem

worse and its so frustrating. Hopefully it will pass quickly and you are

lucky you have some medication and a doctor who you can call. Take care and

I hope you feel better!

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Marie, at least your depression is relatively mild compared to the one

I had when first contracting HCV and you can tolerate it. I am more

afraid of the depression than of the HCV and could not even conceive

of taking interferon and risking that again. Arlene

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Arlene, were you suicidal? I get so depressed when I am feeling bad

physically and I am afraid to take the meds cuz that will make it worse but

hen again maybe in the long run it will make me feel better. Who

knows...this is such a vicious cycle.

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Marie: Just try to hold onto knowing that it will pass, and the clouds will

clear. And like you said, look at it as having to feel worse temporarily in

order to feel good again. Don't be afraid to tell someone if you're feeling

suicidal. We're thinking about you in land.

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, I will try to describe the depression but my description cannot

fully reflect its depth: It was like a deep black hole that was both

completely surrounding me and was also within me. There was a

terrible emptiness as if I had been hollowed out. There was no joy in

anything, even my grandchildren who had previously been the light of

my life. I thought only of illness and death. I was overwhelmed by

everything, could not cope with the most mundane things like making a

phone call and going through voice mail or being put on hold. I felt

completely helpless and hopeless. I had no appetite whatsoever, food

held no interest. Sleep was only possible with pills. I felt removed

from the world, wanting someone to rescue me but unable to respond to

their efforts. There was no escape. If there is such a thing as hell,

this must surely be what it is like. I was terrified I might commit

suicide, because life was so painful. Now that I am finally out of

it, I would rather die than ever go through that again. Arlene

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Gerri, I did not yet know that I had the illness when the depression

started. As I have always been health oriented and opposed to putting

artificial chemicals into my body I found a natural antidepressant,

SAMe (at the time it was virtually unknown except by the Life

Extension Institute, but has recently entered the mainstream and made

by many companies and can be obtained almost anywhere) and began

taking it at the minimal dose. Over the course of a few months I

increased it to the maximum dose, where it remains now. Fortunately,

it also has liver protective properties. I am leary of regular

antidepressant drugs because of toxic side effects which we are always

learning about too late in drugs. Arlene

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Was this depression due to the knowledge of the illness or due to the


I have been severly depressed and suicidal as well. Once I started to

consider ways to remove myself from life, I went to my doctor. I am now

taking Celexa, an anti depressant. It's helping alot.


Tucson, Az

Re: Feeling down

From: arbrus@...

, I will try to describe the depression but my description cannot

fully reflect its depth: It was like a deep black hole that was both

completely surrounding me and was also within me. There was a

terrible emptiness as if I had been hollowed out. There was no joy in

anything, even my grandchildren who had previously been the light of

my life. I thought only of illness and death. I was overwhelmed by

everything, could not cope with the most mundane things like making a

phone call and going through voice mail or being put on hold. I felt

completely helpless and hopeless. I had no appetite whatsoever, food

held no interest. Sleep was only possible with pills. I felt removed

from the world, wanting someone to rescue me but unable to respond to

their efforts. There was no escape. If there is such a thing as hell,

this must surely be what it is like. I was terrified I might commit

suicide, because life was so painful. Now that I am finally out of

it, I would rather die than ever go through that again. Arlene


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I am so glad that you have come out of it. It sounds terrible and was

probably worse than what you described. I hope you never have to feel that

way again. Take care.

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Please believe Aisha when she says people care! We do! I was in

your place once and I understand the feelings you are having - I cannot

know how you feel but I can remember how I felt and it felt lousy!

Please feel free to write on list or off.

Thinking of you


<--a little color


At 11:38 AM 4/11/00 +1000, you wrote:





Donna hon,

If you have to think " Am I losing my mind? " Then

you are not :)

You know hon you can always just write to us and ask for

some support when things get you down - ok hon?

Please care - What happened to make you feel so


Love you,


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

I say blame the designers who produce clothes for 6 foot, anorexic

models. Honestly though, I can sympathize. I'm so tired of

buying " wide leg " pants! Keep working on YOUR best body and find

clothes that fit YOU.

> I am feeling a little sorry for myself today and here's why: I

> ordered some clothes and they all arrived yesterday. I tried them


> and none of them fit right. Even though I am doing really well on


> I am so disappointed that they dont fit because I completely


> them to. But I cant imagine how poorly the clothes would have fit


> I hadnt started BFL. It is amazing how good you can feel about

> yourself until you start to try clothes on that dont fit. I know


> is silly but looking better in clothes is one of my goals.


> Thanks for listening - AMY

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Let me tell you a story to see if it helps!!

A couple of years back I started my first BFL and I

was so proud of my self that I went to visit my

brother to show off my new body. Now, this is a guy

that has been thin all his life. So, that day I told

him that I wanted to try one of his pants and trust

me,I sword I was going to fit on those pants. And

although I manage to get them all the way to my waist

I still had like four inches to go. Boy was I

disappointed, but I didn’t let that turn me down. All

I said was “guess I still have a long way to go but

I’ll get there”. I’M THERE RIGHT NOW!!!!

Keep it up, you’ll get there… and you’ll look and feel

like a million dollar.


--- amykro@... wrote:

> I am feeling a little sorry for myself today and

> here's why: I

> ordered some clothes and they all arrived yesterday.

> I tried them on

> and none of them fit right. Even though I am doing

> really well on BFL

> I am so disappointed that they dont fit because I

> completely expected

> them to. But I cant imagine how poorly the clothes

> would have fit if

> I hadnt started BFL. It is amazing how good you can

> feel about

> yourself until you start to try clothes on that dont

> fit. I know this

> is silly but looking better in clothes is one of my

> goals.


> Thanks for listening - AMY




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Thanks everyone for all of your kind words. I am still very motivated

to continue this program for life, as it implies, but sometimes it

would be nice to have a quick fix too! Rah Rah for BFL!! I think this

is finally going to be the program that I will be able to stick with

and feel good about.- AMY

> > I am feeling a little sorry for myself today and

> > here's why: I

> > ordered some clothes and they all arrived yesterday.

> > I tried them on

> > and none of them fit right. Even though I am doing

> > really well on BFL

> > I am so disappointed that they dont fit because I

> > completely expected

> > them to. But I cant imagine how poorly the clothes

> > would have fit if

> > I hadnt started BFL. It is amazing how good you can

> > feel about

> > yourself until you start to try clothes on that dont

> > fit. I know this

> > is silly but looking better in clothes is one of my

> > goals.

> >

> > Thanks for listening - AMY

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Thanks everyone for all of your kind words. I am still very motivated

to continue this program for life, as it implies, but sometimes it

would be nice to have a quick fix too! Rah Rah for BFL!! I think this

is finally going to be the program that I will be able to stick with

and feel good about.- AMY

> > I am feeling a little sorry for myself today and

> > here's why: I

> > ordered some clothes and they all arrived yesterday.

> > I tried them on

> > and none of them fit right. Even though I am doing

> > really well on BFL

> > I am so disappointed that they dont fit because I

> > completely expected

> > them to. But I cant imagine how poorly the clothes

> > would have fit if

> > I hadnt started BFL. It is amazing how good you can

> > feel about

> > yourself until you start to try clothes on that dont

> > fit. I know this

> > is silly but looking better in clothes is one of my

> > goals.

> >

> > Thanks for listening - AMY

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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Been there, experienced that....but hang onto those too-tights anyway....use

them to inspire you to STICK WITH THE PROGRAM!!!! Good luck and I hope you

get to wear those new duds soon!!!!!! Alyson

Feeling down

> I am feeling a little sorry for myself today and here's why: I

> ordered some clothes and they all arrived yesterday. I tried them on

> and none of them fit right

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I'd kill to have a J-lo Butt! :) (er... on my body that is ;)


Re: Re: Feeling downActually, I'm tired of the latest trend in jeans. It seems like the manufacturers forget that some women have big, round, J-Lo butts :-).

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I'd kill to have a J-lo Butt! :) (er... on my body that is ;)


Re: Re: Feeling downActually, I'm tired of the latest trend in jeans. It seems like the manufacturers forget that some women have big, round, J-Lo butts :-).

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Well, actually, right now it's about a J-Lo butt and a half :-). Heh..

"I'll SEE your J-Lo butt and raise ya half a J-Lo butt and one Breast...."

Sorry, I'm a little goofy today... hmm and I haven't even done the free day Easter Chocolate "splurge". :-) Who am I kidding, I'm goofy EVERY day :-).


---------------------------------------------------What's the matter Colonel , chicken?

Re: Re: Feeling down

I'd kill to have a J-lo Butt! :) (er... on my body that is ;)


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  • 1 year later...


Your not being silly Lee, even grown children miss their Mom's... Missing a Loving Mother is only natural... Remember the good times you had :o) Talk to her!!! She'll hear you! I'm very sure she is close by you at this very moment!!! She will always be with you in your memories and in your heart!

(((((((((((GREAT BIG ANGEL HUGS FOR YOU )))))))))))


Today was my mom's birthday. She died in March 2001. I

feel so sad. I especially hate being sick and not

having my mom around. It seems silly because I am a

grown woman with children of my own. I just hate being


Thanks for understanding.



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  • 2 years later...

Tabitha it is ok to feel anxious about your upcoming move! I would nix

the running or walking in unfamiliar places I had a scary experience in

Madison, WI when I was doing an audit there and went out to exercise.

After that I did exercise but convinced 2 of my audit mates (whom were

men) to join me in my exercise quest.

You could possibly bring an exercise video and one of those portable

VCR's if you have one. That is one option. If you do choose to walk

outside walk on a main drag or ask the front desk person. Possibly your

hotel might have exercise equipment.

But I can tell you from traveling lots back home you CAN make good eating

choices even at fast food joints. Bring along fruit, vegetables, bars

and shakes they will fill in the rest for you. Even if you can't

exercise if you eat right you will feel good about yourself.

Michele T.

On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 20:31:26 -0000 " Tabitha " <telically@...>


> Alright I'm just feeling POOPY! I know this is gonna take time, but

> jeez I wish I could just fast forward three months.


> And I'm discouraged by my upcoming move. I'm just starting and here


> in a few weeks, I'm going to be moving, and basically house jumping


> from family / inlaws houses til I make my way to north carolina from


> Washington. And I'm scared this is going to throw a total glich in


> my workouts and eating.


> Anyone got any travel tips for exercising on a road trip? Its just

> going to be me and my cat Pollux. So i think running in an unknown

> place is definitely out of the question! Maybe indoor pools, but hey


> i'm paranoid, and thinking maybe I shouldn't leave my room once I

> get into it.


> And I feel like crap...had a big piece of cake today. I totally

> feel like I'm working against myself.


> I'm still gonna hit my cardio hard this afternoon though. I'll tack


> on an extra ten minutes for that cake!!!


> Tabitha






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Also, resistance bands. Easy to pack, and you can get a decent workout with


dantegsd <jiggityjig@...> wrote:Don't forget a jumprope! The

cheapest, best traveling piece of cardio

equipment on earth! :)


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