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I also have diabetes. Are you a type one or type two? I had gestational

diabetes in all of my pregnancies and have had trouble with glucose

intolerence. When I began all of my PA medications and when my flares are

bad, my sugars go up. So, I take Glucopahge and it works great. Are you on

insullin or what meds do you take?


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Hi Amy, I'm type 2. I also take Glucophage. I had a bad scare yesterday

though because my sugar shot up to 500 and I had to go to the doctor and get

a shot of insulin. My doctor did an EKG because she was afraid it was my

heart, which really scared me because that's how my mom died. But my heart is

fine. I have no idea what caused my sugar to rise that high. Fortunately I

feel much better today. I need to go to nutritional counseling to find out

what I should and should not be eating, because I don't have a clue other

than don't eat too much sweets. Do you have a special diet you follow?

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, a lot of people ask me why I don't go on disability and stop trying

to do so much. I just refuse to let PA win. I have to take care of my family

so I just do what has to be done. That is not to say sometimes I don't really

resent it. There are days when I don't even want to get out of bed. And once

in a while I indulge in a day of doing nothing but resting..it helps a lot.

This newsgroup is great. It's nice to meet others who understand what tired


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I just had to write to tell you, (because my mom was in the same

situation that you are) YOU NEED TO TALK TO A NUTRITIONIST!!!! They can

give you a diet to fit your needs. Can you believe it? My mom is only

allowed 2 " of a banana per day? There is a TON of sugar in bananas. Who

would have guessed.

The good news is . . . she only has to take oral medication because she

has been able to control her weight etc. through diet.

Good Luck


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On Thu, 20 May 1999 00:14:07 EDT, Mmbeader@... wrote:

>From: Mmbeader@...


>Hi Amy, I'm type 2. I also take Glucophage. I had a bad scare yesterday

>though because my sugar shot up to 500 and I had to go to the doctor and get

>a shot of insulin. My doctor did an EKG because she was afraid it was my

>heart, which really scared me because that's how my mom died. But my heart is

>fine. I have no idea what caused my sugar to rise that high. Fortunately I

Do you take prednisone? Prednisone causes an increase in blood glucose




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Dez, thanks for the info. Luckily I hate bananas...Actually I just got an

appointment at the Joslin Center in Seattle. They do exactly what I need.

Nutritional counseling for diabetics. I feel so depressed though. I'm a soda

pop addict. And I know I have to give it up. Along with a few other bad

habits. Just my luck that everything I like is bad for me...

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Im a soda freak too. I just try to be good about the caffeen. So, I

drink diet coke caffeen free. I think you can drink diet beverages. I've

even seen " sugar free " gummy bears around. One other thing that my mom

does that I think is the " hot ticket " and recommend it to others is she

carries a lunch sized cooler in her car when she goes anywhere. Inside

she has a few munchies to help her if she has a problem.

Also, in the past she had heard that if she starts getting the shakes to

drink orange juice, or eat a chocolate bar, but more recently the

dietician mentioned that having a small glass of milk would also work

and would be less better for her. Just something to think about.


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I went to lots of classes on diabetes care management. I also read every

book that I could find. There are lots of opinions out there, but I follow a

very conservative plan. You do need help on your diet, because lots of foods

raise blood sugars. You will find out that most starches, breads, potatoes,

green peas, corn, pasta, etc. will raise your sugar levels more than a piece

of candy. I have to limit fruits and juices because of their natural sugars.

Proteins don't raise sugar levels much. I don't eat any fruit in the

mornings, because my morning levels are always high after I eat. My fasting

levels are always over 130 and to some doctors, anything under 150 is good.

But, my research has shown that most modern doctors want your sugars under

120 and your fasting under 90. I test my sugars before I get out of bed, one

hour after each meal and at bedtime when I'm having trouble. Prednisone, an

infection, stress or other illness raises my blood sugars.

I am now going to hydrotherapy 3 - 5 days per week. It's the only way I can

get excercise anymore. Excercise helps reduce my sugars. I have a A1C blood

test done every month to help monitor my overall sugar levels throughout the

month. I am always in normal range now.

Please get a few books on Type 2 and go to some educational classes offered

by a local hospital. You will be amazed by the things you thought about

diabetes that aren't true. People think it's about eating sweet things, it's

way more than that. Taking insulin helps you to prevent sugar problems, but

it will pack on the weight and most of us Type 2's have weight issues. I'm

always working on it. Feel free to e-mail me directly for more personal

information. I've been doing this for years.

Take care.


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  • 3 years later...

Welcome Iben! Im Kate, in 18, from north England. Im glad you have found the

stills group. You are not alone in not having found any information before

this group, and also your doctors not knowing a lot about still's disease, it

is not a very common disease.

Most people are really glad to join here because the site is very useful and

everyone here knows so much about stills, and are also so much support and

help. I hope you find it a lot of help too. How much pred and mtx are you

taking? I take pred and mtx too. Welcome again. Hope to hear more about

you. Kate :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning. yes, i finally received a message and was very glad to find it

here this morning.

I don't really know where to begin without boring people to death.

My husband was told in 1992 that he had hep c and a liver biopsy was done, and

then the

subject just sort of vanished and we didn't think too much of it. they then

told him his liver

damage was due to excessive use of tylenol which he used for pain after having a


fusion done on his neck.

then, within just the past few months, he just felt draggy and achy so went back

to the doctor

who sent him to another doctor when his liver enzymes were found to be high. the

new doctor

says it's hep c and offered treatments of shots and pills and told my husband to

watch a video

and then make a decision about treatment. he sees the doctor tomorrow and right

now is

saying he doesn't want the treatments.

i don't know what to expect.

I know there is probably lots of information out on the web, but I am blind and


myself this computer and am not expert at searching out things, so i join lists

to try to gather


I am 49 and my husband is 50 and we have three grown kids, two grand kids, a

very old

cockatiel, and my guide dog named gidget who turned three today.

If anyone has questions, comments, whatever, feel free to write me on or off


thanks for reading this.


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Hello and thanks for the welcome aboard. i hope people don't get tired of my

questions, but

this is pretty overwhelming to us right now. We finally figured out that my

husband got hep c

from a needle when he had tattoos done way before i met him. As a kid, you do

things, never

once thinking they will come back to haunt you years and years later. i don't

know if he

should try the shots and pills or just ride it out and see if it goes into

remission or whatever it's

called like it did for the past ten years. Now he feels tired most of the time

and his legs ache.

Are there foods and medications or vitamins and such that he should stay away

from? thanks

and everyone please tell me if i post too much. have a good day.


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Hello, . yes, i am receiving the messages now. i am so glad. It's nice to

read them and

gain some insight. I was on a Chiari support group for our daughter and they

were very friendly

and i am quickly seeing that this groupis like that, too. chiari is a

malformation that happens

during the forming of a fetus. She had to have part of her skull bone in the

back cut out, disks

one and two shaved off a bit as they were at 45-degree angles instead of going

straight up,

and she had a dural patch put in her membrane around the brain to allow for more

room and

better spinal fluid circulation. She has 11 mm's of her brain in her spinal

column. she is doing

much better after her Aug. 19th surgery. She has a husband and two little kids.

i am wondering

if all the stress we dealt with during this time has brought my husband's stress

level up and

maybe made the hep c worse. I don't know.

I guess i probably told you all more than you wanted to know. Just felt like

explaining I guess.

sue in Washington state

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Hi, Terry and thanks for the welcome. Has everyone been onhere for a long time?

Is there

things i should know such as foods to not fix, otc meds to not purchase for my

husband? So

many questions! It's just so overwhelming right now. thanks for listening, or

reading, smile. I say

listening because my computer has a screenreader which is speech since I can't

read the

screen, everything talks.

have a good day.

sue and gidget who turned three today and is a happy guide dog.

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I am so glad you did take the time to explain this to us. And it does sound like a stressful situation to have gone through and are still going through. Stress can effect Hep C and the Hep C effects the stress to, so I think thats a vicious cycle there. Re: [ ] hello. Hello, . yes, i am receiving the messages now. i am so glad. It's nice to read them and gain some insight. I was on a Chiari support group for our daughter and they were very friendly and i am quickly seeing that this groupis like that, too. chiari is a malformation that happens during the forming of a fetus. She had to have part of her skull bone in the back cut out, disks one and two shaved off a bit as they were at 45-degree angles instead of going straight up, and she had a dural patch put in her membrane around the brain to allow for more room and better spinal fluid circulation. She has 11 mm's of her brain in her spinal column. she is doing much better after her Aug. 19th surgery. She has a husband and two little kids. i am wondering if all the stress we dealt with during this time has brought my husband's stress level up and maybe made the hep c worse. I don't know. I guess i probably told you all more than you wanted to know. Just felt like explaining I guess. sue in Washington state

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Hi, terry. if you began your treatment in January, when does it end and what

does it consist of?

i hate to seem sso unknowing, but that's because i am unknowing about all of


Does susy get tested? People keep asking me if i have it, too or why I don't get

tested, and

thenothers say the chances of me contracting it from my husband are one to three

percent, so

i don't know what the chances really are.

thank you and happy birthday late to you and early to susy.

sue in Washington state

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Hello to Terry and everyone. I was born prematurely and received too much pure


Although the doctors said i was totally blind, I know I had a tiny bit of

vision, because i

remember seeing such things as white puffy clouds against a blue background of


hopscotch, grass in the cracks of a sidewalk, etc. But, for all intents and

purposes, i have

spent my life blind, and that's ok with me. I have had four guide dogs and

Gidget has only

been with me for a bit over a year. the onebefore her, i call her my angel dog,

was yasmine, a

female yellow lab just like gidget, but I had to put her down due to

complications of epilepsy.

before that, i had a yellow lab, and before that, a golden retriever. my first

dog and i trained

when i was sixteen.

I learned braille at age three, and I learned to type at age seven so i could

attend public

school which i did and graduated from high school.

My husband and kids are all sighted. i grew up in a sighted world, and I did and

do almost

anything everyone else did as a kid and does as an adult.

If any of you have questions of me, never hesitate to ask.

have a good evening.

sue in Washington state

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Hi again. I read about milk thistle for helping the liver when i was on the

canine epilepsy list

because phenobarbitol for epilepsy control causes liver damage and many were

giving their

dogs the milk thistle and said humans could use it, too. thanks for answering my


sue in WA state

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hello once again. yes, our daughter is getting better. For awhile around here,

it was one thing

after another: our daughter had major surgery; our youngest son got a horrible

case of food

poisoning and ended up in the hospital; our grandson poked his eye and had to

have the

sliver of whatever it was and the rust drilled out of his eye and that was a

major worry because

little ph is only three and a half. he was born fourteen weeks early,

weighed two pounds,

was 13 inches long, and spent his first 94 days in intensive care. then, my

husband Greg's liver

tests came back higher than usual high, so he was told to go see this other

doctor. So far,

Gidget and i are still ok; smile.

sue in WA state

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good morning. yes, you are right that my screenreader does not recognize smiley

faces, etc.

and when people use ???? or !!! at the end of a sentence, it goes crazy; smile.

As for

misspelled words, it says them and I just have to try to figure out what the

word is. No problem.

I get in a hurry and misspell lotsa words. Greg just left for the doctor. i gave

him a bunch of

emails I had printed out and he took notes as to what to discuss with the

doctor, but he

seemed a bit overwhelmed when he left. i am thinking he will probably refuse

treatment right

now but may reconsider. i am sure he is afraid. he's not one who normally asks

questions. I, on

the otherhand, would keep the doc busy answering questions for an hour if

permitted to do so;

smile. i want all the answers. i don't like walking away from an appointment not

knowing any

more than i did when i got there. But i know not to rushhim; he will do what he

feels is best for

himself; and he is a pretty levelheaded thinker. He just needs time to let it

all sink in.

everyone have a good day. i will support whatever decision he makes. i took a

vow to stand

by him no matter what and i of course intend to do just that.

sue in wA state

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Sue they told me the same thing..I have been off TX for sometime now and so far am undectable...They always say that I think..It made me reluctant at first too because the sides are hard on some people..Some have hardly no problems..Let us know what he decides.

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