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Re: Hello and an introduction

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>Stacey ==

Our son Zack is also being banded this Wed.!!!

(You can read more in previous post to Heidi)

Good luck !! We'll have to compare notes!!!

Debby and Zack 8/2/00 NJ



>Your story sounds so much like ours. We were told the same thing.

>When I finally demanded our ped. to do something at her 6 month check

>up, we still had to wait another 4 months to get everything done and

>all the doctors to do something. Hannah had to have a CAT scan,

>which I am sure your child will also. (That took another month of

>wasted time to get scheduled...no one was in a hurry but us).

>Anyway, Hannah gets her DOC band this coming Wednesday (she will be

>10 1/2 months old). I am beyond frustrated and angry with the

>doctors for dismissing us. But, I can't go back and get the wasted

>days. I was told that Hannah will probably wear her band for 4-5

>months. I asked if she would have to wear it 8 plus months (like I

>have heard). Our orthotist said it was highly unlikely, but it just

>depended on how many growth spurts she has. I have read a lot of

>postings of older children who have been banded with good success.

>(we are praying Hannah will have good success also). Hannah is also

>flat on the sides (especially the right side). She doesn't have any

>facial asymmetries. Her head is long and narrow.

>If you need anything from me...or just someone to vent...let me

>know. Good Luck!



>Mother of Hannah (soon to be banded)


>Feel free to email me directly is you wish.














>-- In Plagiocephaly@y..., mom2genna2000@y... wrote:

>> Hello everyone,


>> I'm a little emotional right now so bear with me.


>> My name is Judy and my daughter, Genna, was born May 22, 2000. I

>> first noticed her head being sort of flat on one side fairly early

>> on. When her ped saw her at 3 months he noticed she had a


>> for turning her head to the left, and recommended ways to get her


>> look the other way to even things out. He also suggested we keep


>> off her back while awake as much as possible.


>> I did these things for the next 3 months. At her 6 month checkup,

>> her regular doctor wasn't in. The doctor who saw her that day

>> commented on her asymmetrical skull but didn't think it warranted

>> intervention. He again told us to keep her off her back as much as

>> possible and that it would even out.


>> I waited two more months and took her in again today to see her

>> regular doctor again because her skull is still flat behind her ear

>> on one side. Now today he says her ears are uneven, her skull is

>> malformed and he thinks she could be helped by a cranial band.


>> we didn't treat it early, now that she's over 8 months old, he says

>> she would have to wear it for 8-10 months! All day long, every


>> We go to the pediatric neurosurgeon on the 15th.


>> I am very upset and angry. Why didn't they send us to have this

>> checked by a specialist when she was 3 months old???? I'm worried

>> mostly that it's too late to fix it at all. Then, I'm worried that

>> she's soon going to be old enough where she'll notice people


>> or kids teasing her or whatever.


>> I'm so upset by this. I feel like I'm being punished for being


>> about my baby's appearance. Everywhere we go people always say she

>> looks like the Gerber baby, and it made me feel so proud, and now


>> they're going to notice is the band and ask questions about what's

>> wrong with her. And I'm mad at myself for even worrying about this

>> silly stuff because her long-term well-being is what matters, not 8

>> months in a helmet. I mean, who cares? Why do I care?? Or, could

>> it really affect her self-esteem at this age?


>> I would appreciate any advice or words of wisdom... what should we

>> ask the neurosurgeon, and is it going to be too late to fix it

>> (she'll be 9 months by the time she's evaluated)? Can you take it

>> off when you go out ever, or does it have to stay on all the time?

> >

>> Thanks for letting me vent. I'm so angry it took them this long to

>> send us for help.


>> Judy





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