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Cod liver oil

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I just read something the other day about fish oil being good for

arthritis. But they also said taking oil supps was not sufficient -

says in order to get enough in you to have a 'medicinal effect' you

would have lots of probs with diarhea, tummy upset, skin probs. It

said it was better to try to eat at least four servings of fish a

week. I will try to find it for you and send it along, o.k.?



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Pam, if you are talking about the real stuff, no, don't take it.

First of all, cods are totally overfished and about to become

extinct. But second and most importantly: the cod's liver takes in

all the toxins found in the sea and you are most likely talking about

cod from either the North Sea or the Atlantic and there is a lot of

pollution. You can get " fake " cod liver oil, in fact omega 3 is the

stuff and it is made from other fish parts and purified somehow,

don't know the exact method. Check with a pharmacy for a good source.

It's part of my daily vitamin packet (orthomed) and I take the stuff

before bed time because it repeats itself and you end up belching



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  • 2 years later...

From: " " <cbmd3@...>

> I take melatonin and fish oil, should I change to cod liver oil?

No, but I would take cod liver oil in addition.

> Donna wrote:

> I know tylenol causes liver damage. Cod liver oil fights inflammation

> and has other benefits That is something else. The TV is full of

> commercials for sleep aids, a lot of them fromm Tylenol. It is a

> reflection of the state of things in that melatonin does a better job,

> is something your body needs, fights cancer, does not cause lingering

> drowsiness in the morning, is less expensice and does not cause liver

> damage.


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And no Im not selling cod liver oil :), I am convinced it is a good for me

with the studies specifically showing inhibition of breast ca, the tissue

pathology showing across the board deficiency in vit D in breast tissue and I


not tolerate milk, am getting out in the sun more too. Also it helps with

my moods, and if it is any indication, my notes from yesterday I may need to

up the dose. :) I have had psoriasis and it has done wonders for that as

well. Im not sure about the fish oil. Donna

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fish oil is full of omega 3


donna wrote:

And no Im not selling cod liver oil :), I am convinced it is a good for me

with the studies specifically showing inhibition of breast ca, the tissue

pathology showing across the board deficiency in vit D in breast tissue and I


not tolerate milk, am getting out in the sun more too. Also it helps with

my moods, and if it is any indication, my notes from yesterday I may need to

up the dose. :) I have had psoriasis and it has done wonders for that as

well. Im not sure about the fish oil. Donna

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  • 1 month later...

What do you mean when you say some people can't handle it? When I went to

the health store to buy the CLO, the salesgirl was surprised I wanted it with

my condition. She said I should take the Omega 3. I did ok on that.

Since on the CLO I have not felt good. Just feel lousy, hard to explain. I

did start off slow, am taking three a day now, but according to your

suggestions, I might back off to two a day. Am stopping for a few days to see

if it

makes a difference with the way I feel.

Thanks Bee

In a message dated 11/18/2005 7:34:05 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

beeisbuzzing2003@... writes:

Faith wrote:


> Is it ok to take the gelcaps, or do we need to take the horrible

> tasting liquid? How much of the gelcaps do we need?

==>The cod liver oil I get is lemon flavored, which is Garden of Life,

but some people cannot handle it. Gel caps are fine - take the

equivalent of 3,000 mg total of Omega 3, 800 IUS Vitamin D and 20,000

IUS of Vitamin A per day.


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Faith wrote:


> Is it ok to take the gelcaps, or do we need to take the horrible

> tasting liquid? How much of the gelcaps do we need?

==>The cod liver oil I get is lemon flavored, which is Garden of Life,

but some people cannot handle it. Gel caps are fine - take the

equivalent of 3,000 mg total of Omega 3, 800 IUS Vitamin D and 20,000

IUS of Vitamin A per day.


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Faith wrote:

> What do you mean when you say some people can't handle it?

==>Faith, I meant some people cannot handle the taste of CLO even

when it is flavored.

When I went to > the health store to buy the CLO, the salesgirl was

surprised I wanted it with > my condition. She said I should take

the Omega 3. I did ok on that.

==>CLO contains Omega 3 in the form that does not need converting by

the body. Other Omega 3 sources, i.e. flax oil, needs to be

converted to the form the body can use. CLO also contains vitamins A

& D which are discussed in my article as to why they are so important

for health. Vitamin D is actually a hormone.

> Since on the CLO I have not felt good. Just feel lousy, hard to

explain. I did start off slow, am taking three a day now, but

according to your suggestions, I might back off to two a day. Am

stopping for a few days to see if it makes a difference with the way

I feel.

==>If you are taking it in gel caps they might be causing a problem

for you; the liquid is much better and it usually contains higher

quantities of nutrients.

==>Or, it could be the brand of CLO and whether it contains synthetic

vitamins. You can't tell from the bottle whether it has synthetic

vit. A & D added - you'd have to contact the manufacturer. The other

thing that could be happening is that your body needs CLO so badly

that it is digging in to do the healing with it that's needed. When

you add nutrients your body was lacking it will cause healing


I hope that helps,


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Bee: Is it necessary to change from the fish oil to the cod liver oil or can we

just keep on with the fish oil. I have noticed a tremendous difference in my

mental state of being by incorporating the fish oil and the b-complex vitamins

in my diet. Boy, I feel so much calmer and my thinking has improved a great

deal. Any comments?


jillian (new to group)


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Jillian wrote:

==>Hi there. Welcome to our group Jillian. Love your name.

> Bee: Is it necessary to change from the fish oil to the cod liver

oil or can we just keep on with the fish oil. I have noticed a

tremendous difference in my mental state of being by incorporating the

fish oil and the b-complex vitamins in my diet. Boy, I feel so much

calmer and my thinking has improved a great deal. Any comments?

==>You need the cod liver oil in the winter months when you aren't in

the sun as much, so you get vitamins A and D plus Omega 3. Fish oils

only contain Omega 3. Take enough cod liver oil to get 3,000 mgs. of

Omega 3 per day and it will be the same as the fish oil alone. I love

Garden of Life, but other good brands are Radiant Life and Blue Ice if

you live in North America.

Luv, Bee

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Bee: Many thanks on replying to my question regarding cod liver oil. Also,

thanks for the compliment on my name, too!




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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


> Hi! I would love to start taking cod liver oil, or some other type


> fish oil. However, I am allergic to cod and salmon, two of the most

> common fish used for oils. If you are allergic to the fish, will the

> oil affect you? Also, most capsules are glycerin based, which I am

> allergic to as well. Any product you know of? (For now I am eating

> sardines).

==>Oh, sorry I forgot to tell you that you can take krill oil for omega

3, and halibut liver oil capsules for vitamins A & D.


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  • 2 months later...
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I put mine in the egg drink and you can't taste it at all. The cinnamon does

a great job of camouflaging it.


>Also I was wondering if it would be ok to take cod liver oil

>capsules instead of the liquid. The liquid is so...fishy and tastes

>vile I tried being strong and taking it for 2 days but I can't anymore

>it leaves the most horrid taste in my mouth.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


> Another question Bee,

> i got information that my cod liver oil ('s Emulsion brand

400ml ) contains 5% of sucrose. Is it still ok or i have to find

another brand?

==>Find another brand.


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Carlson's Lemon Flavored?

[ ] Re: cod liver oil


> Another question Bee,

> i got information that my cod liver oil ('s Emulsion brand

400ml ) contains 5% of sucrose. Is it still ok or i have to find

another brand?

==>Find another brand.


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, Adib lives in Indonesia so many supplements available in North

America or elsewhere he cannot get.


> >

> > Another question Bee,

> > i got information that my cod liver oil ('s Emulsion brand

> 400ml ) contains 5% of sucrose. Is it still ok or i have to find

> another brand?


> ==>Find another brand.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sorry the previous sent as an incomplete message. I've had a really

tough time getting cod liver oil down. I can handle a lot of strong

tastes, but cod liver oil is more than I can take. I've tried mixing

it with olive oil, but it's still too strong. Is there something

that has a really strong taste I can take immediately afterwards and

kill the after taste?

Bee, regarding the article you mentioned about the woman that took

the high doses of cod liver oil. Do you think it's a big jump to go

all the way to 90,000 or increase gradually? (this would be a way to

cut back on butter and keep fats up).


On 23-Jul-06, at 11:16 AM, macedgeca wrote:

> high doses of cod liver oil is recommended to reduce heavy

> bleeding. She took 60,000 IU a day, but was told she could take up

> to 90,000 IU.

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Thanks Chanon,

I will try to get some. I've looked for it before and can't didn't

find it. I just located some on-line and the site says they will not

ship it outside of USA.

But knowing your kids can handle it, motivates me to look further, so



On 23-Jul-06, at 12:57 PM, Chanon Starnes wrote:

> I buy the Blue Ice Cod liver Oil in the cinnamon flavor. I

> specifically buy it for my three small children because they

> couldn't even take the regular flavored cod liver oil diluted in

> fruit juice . All of them will happily take the cinnamon

> flavored ...it is very mild.

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Elyse wrote:


> Also from the same artice that mentioned taking Vitex all at one

> time, high doses of cod liver oil is also recommended to reduce heavy

> bleeding. She took 60,000 IU a day, but was told she could take up

> to 90,000 IU.

==>When I post an article it doesn't necessarily mean you would follow

everything in it. However, I did write an article which takes her

success into account - see Women's Health Issues & Treatments in the

Women's Issues Folder - just posted a couple minutes ago.


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Elyse wrote:

> Sorry the previous sent as an incomplete message. I've had a

really tough time getting cod liver oil down. I can handle a lot of

strong tastes, but cod liver oil is more than I can take. I've tried

mixing it with olive oil, but it's still too strong. Is there

something that has a really strong taste I can take immediately

afterwards and kill the after taste?

==>My friend takes her cod liver oil in warm water, mixing it and

quickly downing it, followed by the electrolyte drink.


> Bee, regarding the article you mentioned about the woman that took

> the high doses of cod liver oil. Do you think it's a big jump to

go all the way to 90,000 or increase gradually? (this would be a way

to cut back on butter and keep fats up).

==>Read the article I just posted first. I would never suggest you

take high doses of anything without gradually increasing it over time

so your body has time to adjust and accomodate it. Do not cut back

on butter; it has vital nutrients your body needs.


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If I take more cod liver oil then wouldn't I need to take less of

other fats?

On 23-Jul-06, at 3:06 PM, Bee Wilder wrote:

> I would never suggest you

> take high doses of anything without gradually increasing it over time

> so your body has time to adjust and accomodate it. Do not cut back

> on butter; it has vital nutrients your body needs.

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Elyse wrote:


> Bee,

> If I take more cod liver oil then wouldn't I need to take less of

> other fats?

==>I doubt you would be taking the maximum fats allowed by the ratios

even with adding that much CLO.


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Have you tried Blue Ice Cinamon Tingle? Or Carlson's Lemon flavored?

Re: [ ] cod liver oil

Sorry the previous sent as an incomplete message. I've had a really

tough time getting cod liver oil down. I can handle a lot of strong

tastes, but cod liver oil is more than I can take. I've tried mixing

it with olive oil, but it's still too strong. Is there something

that has a really strong taste I can take immediately afterwards and

kill the after taste?

Bee, regarding the article you mentioned about the woman that took

the high doses of cod liver oil. Do you think it's a big jump to go

all the way to 90,000 or increase gradually? (this would be a way to

cut back on butter and keep fats up).


On 23-Jul-06, at 11:16 AM, macedgeca wrote:

> high doses of cod liver oil is recommended to reduce heavy

> bleeding. She took 60,000 IU a day, but was told she could take up

> to 90,000 IU.

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Is there something that has a really strong taste I can take

immediately afterwards and kill the after taste?


Try a bit of kim chi or sauerkraut before and after. I find them to

cut the oil. Kim chi makes me forget the clo real fast. I also take a

bit of either before and/or after my egg drink. Since I uped my fat

ratio I found so much fat was heavy in my stomach. The sauerkraut or

kim chi lessens the heavy feeling.

Pat B

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