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Re: Warren Fried and DyspraxiaUSA...Is this guy a fraud?

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hi Dusty,


I had contact with Warren Fried several years ago. I also found him through

DyspraxiaUSA when I was researching more about Dyspraxia when my son was first

diagnosed. I actually had several long chats via messenger with him. Which

in turn he ended up telling me that if I did not send him the membership fee he

would no longer chat with me. Well guess what? I never sent him the membership

fee. I thought that he sounded suspicious to me. According to what he told me. I

have agree totaly with you some of the symptoms he told me about did not match

my sons symptoms of dyspraxia or what I had been reading at the time. I also had

Dyspraxia as a child. I have a brother who also had the symptoms of it. Neither

my brother nor I myself had any of those symptoms either. Actually our

symptoms were actually more like my sons are now. Only my sons is much worse.


Please let us all know what becomes of your investigation. I too would like to

know if he is legit or not. If Mr. Fried turns out not be. Then I like you sure

would like to know how and why he is getting so much publicity.



From: Dustywave2000 <dustywave2000@...>

Subject: [ ] Warren Fried and DyspraxiaUSA...Is this guy a


Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 1:15 AM

Anyone heard of Warren Fried? He has a website www.DYSPRAXIAUSA. prg which has

been unchanged for more than 2 years. However he claims to be a crusader for

awareness of Dyspaxia in the U.S. and Chicago articles have referred to him as

the foremost activist in the US on this issue.

I have had contact with him in regards to helping him re-develop his website. He

gladly took my $30 membership fee but I can't even log into the site! However I

have seen countless articles on the Internet (mostly from Chicago newspapers

where he lives) describing his " disabilities " due to Dyspraxia including the

inability to see 3-D among other symptoms I have never seen in my son or

discovered in my research on the disorder the symptoms he attributes to


Please correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like if he has these symptoms he

has something in addition to Dyspraxia. Yet he is getting much publicity! Check

out Goggle " Warren Fried " .

If you read the in-accuracies I do then please take action by writing the

associated newspaper as I have.

Thanks for your kind reponses?

Dusty(a.k.a. Wolflover)

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I also had contact with Warren Fried via the Dyspraxia US chatgroup which I

believe is now closed. Warren vehemently opposed anybody speaking about

alternative measures to overcome dyspraxia. His viewpoint is that it is

something you are genetically born with, something you will always have and

something that you will die with. The only items that he tolerated was

`coping`strategies and minor OT treatments. No talk of cure or talk of fatty

acid supplementation, diet or biomed was allowed. He wouldn`t even tolerate

talking of items such as Balamentrics or ANY type of exercise program to work

neural plasticity.

He started up that board and when he soundly objected to new posts from parents

seeking to help their kids..... he stormed off in a complete temper tantrum (as

a child having an emotional breakdown) and started his own group to which he

controls the member list. He is narrow and childlike in his philosophies and

his demeanor.

He had listed pointers on strategies ie. How to cross a busy road..... pretend

you`re on a cell phone and wait for others to cross so that you know when to go.

Gee, if that`s the type of support he`s offering to young adult dyspraxics....

I`ll pass, thank-you!

I found NACD after listening (in an absolute panic) to the adults speak of their

disabilities..... they were far ranging.... from being unable to comprehend

conversations in crowded rooms, to following directions at work to office

bullying to being unable to drive a car. I learned a lot from these adults

since they were just older versions of my boy.... but I couldn`t believe the

aversion to supplementation, to therapy and to the idea of ridding the dyspraxic

symptoms from the body. At any rate, because of the pain many of these adults

were having..... I finally found NACD for Mark and now we don`t have any of

these issues any more..... so these guys ended up helping me and my boy

profoundly.... albeit inadvertantly.

BUT back to Warren Fried.... on a positive note, he really wants to help

dyspraxics get assistance in University and he is working to get some legitimacy

of dyspraxia as a Learning Disability at US Universities.

HOWEVER..... I hate the fact that this petulant, spoiled, adult brat is

representing my son..... or perhaps `misrepresenting`my son and his condition

since it is my sincere viewpoint that while Warren Fried may have dyspraxia....

he really doesn`t understand it himself and has little idea of how to really

help others with the condition. My son may have dyspraxia but he is certainly

not a spoiled child and I find that this is exactly what Warren Fried is....

spoiled and rather silly in his viewpoints. Perhaps he has grown in the past 2

years since I have read his silly little tirades.... if so then I would revise

my opinions.....but I highly doubt it.

I wouldn`t send the guy a dime!

Just my opinion.....


Mother of Mark, 13

[ ] Warren Fried and DyspraxiaUSA...Is this guy a


Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 1:15 AM

Anyone heard of Warren Fried? He has a website www.DYSPRAXIAUSA. prg which has

been unchanged for more than 2 years. However he claims to be a crusader for

awareness of Dyspaxia in the U.S. and Chicago articles have referred to him as

the foremost activist in the US on this issue.

I have had contact with him in regards to helping him re-develop his website.

He gladly took my $30 membership fee but I can't even log into the site! However

I have seen countless articles on the Internet (mostly from Chicago newspapers

where he lives) describing his " disabilities " due to Dyspraxia including the

inability to see 3-D among other symptoms I have never seen in my son or

discovered in my research on the disorder the symptoms he attributes to


Please correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like if he has these symptoms he

has something in addition to Dyspraxia. Yet he is getting much publicity! Check

out Goggle " Warren Fried " .

If you read the in-accuracies I do then please take action by writing the

associated newspaper as I have.

Thanks for your kind reponses?

Dusty(a.k.a. Wolflover)

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