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Cori- surgery bud

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My husband actually goes back to work tomorrow. He will be gone on

a business trip Friday and Saturday. Then he will be leaving on

another business trip to Arizona, we live in Oregon, on the

following Thursday and will be gone the rest of that week. We have

2 girls and 1 boy, ages 3, 6, and 9. My mom had them for a couple

of days and then my sister took the three year old for a few days.

The older kids wanted to be back at home with us, and they have been

pretty good. Today has been my best day, no pain meds and I feel

okay. I was thinking I was getting a bug because I threw up most of

yesterday, had the shakes and was hot. I started new vitamins and

I'm thinking it was them, I normally have that reaction to them, I

even had a hard time taking prenatals when I was pregnant. To pass

my time I have been watching movies and reading the Little House on

the Prairie Series. I know I'm probably to old to read them, but I

still enjoy them. I kind of think I would have liked to live it

that time period, all but for the lack of birth control. Did I

mention I have three kids? Anyways around day 3 and 4 I started

having strange nightmares, mashed potatoes choking me, rats running

around, car accidents. I was even convinced in the middle of the

night that there was a fox watching me from the top of my TV

armoire. I finally figured out the drugs were wigging me out, so

after my husband came in every 3 to 4 hours to redose me, I read a

few chapters about good old and her Ma and Pa. My dreams

smoothed out and I felt much better. It was funny because my

husband tried to convince me to go back to sleep right away instead

of reading. I told him it helped stop the nightmares. What

nightmares he asked. I told him that rats were biting me, maybe I

thought that because of the tingling in my feet I had after

surgery. Anyway, he didn't say a word, raised one eyebrow, and

kissed me goodnight. He's learned that I'm a strange one after

almost 10 years of marriage. Aw, the joys of married life. We can

say things to our spouses that would make other people seriously

contemplate seeking professional help for us. So it sounds like you

guys are planning on having kids? That's great. How long have you

been married? Are you the sort who want a big family or just a

couple. I love having 3 even though it is an odd number. I was one

of three children and so was my husband, so it just seemed right.

Well hope you don't need to get reading glasses by the time you're

done with this post. My post has turned into a life story. Talk to

you later.


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