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Re: Revisions done

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Don't worry too much about how fast you lose, or at least, don't obsess

about it! LOL You will hit plateaus, as your body adjusts. These are called

" set points. " To speed your metabolism up a bit, take a brisk 15 minute

walk after your " big " meals. It will make a lot of difference in how you

lose, and how you feel! I'm no poster child for doing things " the right

way, " but I've got over 21 1/2 years of success behind me. <VBG> Just keep

to your plan, and keep talking to us. I'm sure that (Vitalady) can

recommend a protein drink that is tolerable to you. Personally, I've never

used them, so I couldn't begin to tell you about a single one. I just eat a

lot of cheese for my protein! LOL

Hang in there, Kiddo. It will be okay. We're here for you.


Friends are angels who lift you up, when your wings have forgotten how to




mail to: jholdaway@...

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I can't drink water without getting sick to my stomach so to see them

> drink a big glass of water puts me in tears - I love water.

This will probably get better Rebekah, I couldn't do water for several

months after my RNY....now there is no problem at all. Congrats on the

revision and weight loss! P.

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On the water issue, I have two words for you: lemon juice. Just a tsp in about

32 oz makes it easier to drink. Water and even some foods have the strangest

and sometimes foulest tastes right after surgery up until a couple of months

out. I would've sworn the bottled water I was drinking tasted like fish or some

kind of metallic flavor. I could barely get in 32oz a day, let alone the 96 my

surgeon recommended. And protein shakes? Forget it. After the first 6 weeks

it got much easier, as it will for you.

If you can manage to get in at least 64 oz of water you might find your body

giving up some of the weight easier.

Good luck!


> Hi all-


> Well I had my revisions one on 12/04/03 and the surgery went fine. I

> have lost about 25 lbs but I am aready scared.


> The open RNY is very different than the vertical banding with a

> stapling that I had before. With the vertical banding I could not

> eat without throwing up - I can eat now - not that I have tried a lot

> of different thing I am on mechnical soft so I can't say I have had

> large variety of things yet.


> My family can eat anything in front of me and it doesn't bother me.

> I can't drink water without getting sick to my stomach so to see them

> drink a big glass of water puts me in tears - I love water. I have no

> problem with ground meats, milk or thinks like that. I got on the

> scale today after a week and I have not lost anything - but I am not

> eating a ton, could it be my body is trying to catch up? The doctor

> put me on Prenatel vitamins and I have been working on getting my

> protein in but the stuff I got tastes so bad.


> I know I am just being paronid - since I didn't lose that much or

> keep off any weight after my last surgry.


> Rebekah

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