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Hi peaches.....

Actually from all that I've read and seen Barley green is just flat out good for you!!!

I do believe it has some great support benefits for the thyroid gland...

Below are a few sites for you to take a look at, and one of them has a free offer on it!





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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi - and thanks for responding. Is there anything you do for the foot pain? I

bought some magnetic foot insoles at the Discovery store ($14.00). I went

shopping, in a mall (vs. online in my jammies <grin>) yesterday for the first

time in almost a year. My feet hurt so badly that I almost had my girlfriend go

get the car and bring it to me - probably should have. I got home and took 10mg

hydrocodone, massaged my feet with tea tree/peppermint foot balm, and elevated

them. The pain meds didn't even touch my pain.

So today, I went with my Mother to a flea market, wearing my new magnetic

insoles. They are a little achey, but then so were Mom's and she doesn't have

Lyme. So I don't know for sure if that is what made the difference or what.

Anyone else use magnets?

So let me see if I understand this. A PCR tests for DNA of the Bb. in the

bloodstream. But since the little varmits are burrowed into deep tissues, and

not swimming around in your blood stream, a negative PCR isn't particularly

meaninful? Do they test for DNA of Erlichia and Babesia organisms the same way?

Would the results of PCR tests for these co-infections be more likely to be a

" true negative " or " true positive " than the Lyme PCR? (for the reasons we just


Just when I think I understand all this, hubby will ask me a relatively simple

question and I can't explain it, or remember the explanation I was given, for

the life of me! Serious Mental Pause!

Thanks for all the info :)


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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest


If someone has had their thyroid "blasted", therefore destroyed, they are stuck with replacement for the rest of their lives. Armour is best.

No, our program will not work withot an intact thyroid gland.

Candida is rampant and is a major cause of disease.

Our ImmunoGuard will eliminate candida but the person must be off sugar, drugs and junk food.

The big message here is...tell everyone you know that thyroid destruction is insane!!!

It is NEVER necessary nor intelligent to destroy a thyroid gland.


-----Original Message-----From: ejohns9525@... [mailto:ejohns9525@...]Sent: Wednesday, 6 June 2001 01:57hypothyroidism Subject: Re: QuestionsIf you'll check out http://www.thyrodine.com/ you'll see that there is a protocol with definite phases to it. ______________ I looked at this site and it does seem that by these article, most people suffer from some type thyroid dysfunction. I have 2 friends that had their thyroid zapped with the nuclear meds. Have you found this can be reversed by the protocal you use....if done in it's entirity? I have another friend that has terrible concentration. The doc said her numbers were the worst he has ever seen. She has NO energy and if she eats fruit her eyes and face blow up like a balloon ....even if she takes barley green it does this. She has been diagnosed with systemic candida also. She doesn't even have the energy to join a list so I relate what I find in my quest for good thyroid health. The strange thing to me about the whole thing is ...she is not over weight. I think she could really benefit from the thyrodine program........ Edith

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 09/09/2001 10:31:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

StarDantzer@... writes:

> ? Also, for

> those people that are on IV antibiotics , how do you keep the IV site dry

> when you shower? I wrap my arm in plastic and tape it up really well but

> still after my shower the site is soaked. Any advice here? Thank you,



Hi a,

I just completed four wks of Iv's. I would have my husband wrap it with saran

wrap, three or four different pieces overlapping at all different spots real

tight and then use medical tape at either end. Good luck!



TDream what you want to dreamT

go where you want to go; be what you want to be,

because you have only one life

and one chance to do all the

things you want to do.

U <A HREF= " http://hometown.aol.com/tarabencaitysmom/index.html " >Jeff & Jody's

Family</A> U


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In a message dated 9/9/01 9:48:41 AM Central Daylight Time, NMcmu6937@...


<< Here is the site and number for Brown Medical Supply who carries picc line

covers. They work quite well, but tend to rip after awhile. I just use a

rubber band after that happens. >>

I bought one of these things. It cost $19.95 plus shipping and ripped after

about the fifth time I wore it.

Maybe if you are a female with smaller arms they last awhile but I thought it

was a ripoff. I just use a plastice newspaper bag cover (cut off one end)

with two rubber bands. It may not be as dry as the picc line cover but if it

tears you just use another one. I would have gone through about five of

those picc line covers by now.

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For pic lines use a cover made for arms in casts. They slide over your whole

are and self seal at the top of your arm. My daughter even went swimming in

hers. Let me know if you can't find them. Meg

[ ] Questions

> I am wondering if anyone is using oil of Oregano? A close friend of mine


> suggested that I look into it. Anyone have an opinion on this? Also, for

> those people that are on IV antibiotics , how do you keep the IV site dry

> when you shower? I wrap my arm in plastic and tape it up really well but

> still after my shower the site is soaked. Any advice here? Thank you,


> a

> _________________________________________________________________

> " Do me a favor, doc, tell me something good. " - Blair -

> ~~ The Exorcist ~~




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Are you making sure there is no air getting in. Because a plastic bag and

tapeing it up is what I do, also I don't let that area get soaked when I shower.

Bathes also work every now and the I took long hot bathes.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

I'm new too! Just been lurking like you ;~) I've been looking for a

support area for those that choose alternative and naturopathic

methods of treating cancer. Asking questions and researching are

great ways to learn so you can have control over your own health and


I have to ask, why do you feel cancer runs in your family? In the

last 6 years I've had 4 close blood relatives (father, grandmother,

aunt, great-aunt) die from cancer. Most were hormone type (prostate,

breast), one was bladder. I've also had 2 blood relatives diagnosed

with breast cancer (mother and cousin). This was all in the past 6

to 7 years. Yet, I still do not consider this " cancer that runs in

the family " . For the most part, cancer is self-inflicted. Sounds

mean to say it that way but it's true. Merely eating SAD (standard

American diet) is self-inflicting harm. Add onto that smoking,

consuming alcohol, subjecting yourself to excessive stress, taking

medications, exposure to radiation (ie, xrays, mammograms, etc etc),

you see what I'm talking about. These things we can avoid if we want

to. There are many things we can't avoid but work on those we can.

Letting someone believe that cancer runs in their family takes away

their self-control. Afterall, I'm gonna die from it anyway! right?

Is this how we're to take care of our own health? With no control?

No, it's not. We need control of our own health.

The thing is very few cancers are directly passed along. Cancer is a

result of a chronic degenerative condition of the body. It is a

result not a cause! Those that survive it, realize this and work

hard at changing lifestyle, diet, etc. in order to live. There are

hundreds or thousands of books out there written by these such

people. These are not medical miracles, their success is the result

of hard work and persistence in living right, avoiding chemicals, and

cancer-causing conditions. It pays off in a healthful life.

To answer your question, there are all types of alternative and non-

invasive means to determine the state of your body. We have

Iridology, blood cell analysis, Reams testing, Kinesiology, the list

goes on. These are not to diagnose specific diseases. These are to

determine the state of your body to see if disease will exist.

Cancer and other results, will not occur in healthy bodies. If that

were the case, we'd all be dying right this second because all of us

deals with cancer on a daily basis. We are subject to all types of

carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) that are mutating cells in our

bodies. But in the amazing way our bodies function, we are able to

fight them off and dispose of them. That job just got too

overwhelming for those that end up with cancer.

What your focus needs to be on is " how can I live healthy " . Not " how

do I know if I have cancer or not " . The powerful medical and

pharmaceutical industry wants us to live in that later mode. Living

in fear will never do a body good.

> Hello,


> I am new to the group altho I have been lurking for a few weeks.


> runs in my family.. grandfather died of cancer way back when - not


> what kind but possibly colon or some type of intestinal cancer. My


> battled breast cancer and won - through allopathic methods. I have


> told people that if I was ever diagnosed with cancer, I would NOT

want to

> do chemo or radiation. So.. here I am and I have a question I hope


> can answer.


> Is there any way to detect cancer in the body other

than " traditional

> means " (invasive tests, etc?) And.. I know there are supposedly


> " types " of cancer. Is this true or is it essentially cancer

that " shows

> up " in different parts of the body?


> Please forgive my ignorance as I am new to all of this and have

just begun

> my research.


> Thank you for your time.


> Sincerely,

> W.

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Thermography for breast cancer.

>From: W <lisaw@...>



>Subject: [ ] Questions

>Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 08:41:28 -0400




>I am new to the group altho I have been lurking for a few weeks. Cancer

>runs in my family.. grandfather died of cancer way back when - not sure

>what kind but possibly colon or some type of intestinal cancer. My mom

>battled breast cancer and won - through allopathic methods. I have often

>told people that if I was ever diagnosed with cancer, I would NOT want to

>do chemo or radiation. So.. here I am and I have a question I hope someone

>can answer.


>Is there any way to detect cancer in the body other than " traditional

>means " (invasive tests, etc?) And.. I know there are supposedly different

> " types " of cancer. Is this true or is it essentially cancer that " shows

>up " in different parts of the body?


>Please forgive my ignorance as I am new to all of this and have just begun

>my research.


>Thank you for your time.



> W.




>You are digging your grave with your teeth!

>Read Hundreds of Collected Cancer Testimonials and learn:



>Learn more about cancer:




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Some cancer tests are listed at


Though I have been told some of the info re. thermography is incorrect and

will be researching to update it and hope to correct the info within the

week. Perhaps someone can comment.




Cancer Cure Foundation

Re: [ ] Questions


> Thermography for breast cancer.


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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/16/01 2:10:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, bamrand@... writes:

HI!! My name is Bethanne, I am new to the group also

and was just diagnosed with AIH 2 1/2 weeks ago. I'm

on the prednisone and I was wondering if the doctor

will be able to tell this soon (Thursday) if I'm

"reacting" to the medicine. I had the blood drawn

last week. Also, How often will I be getting my blood

monitored? Is it a monthly thing? I'm very new to all

this and still trying to figure it all out. Thanks

for all the info I've received already. It really has

been helpful!!


Welcome, Bethanne. About 80% of people do benefit from the Prednisone treatment. I don't know how quickly this improvement begins to show in your lab tests.

Frequency of tests varies greatly depending on your doctor's viewpoint (and your insurance company's!), the severity of your disease, and the stage of your treatment. When I first began treatment (at 80 mg Prednisone daily, with 100 mg Imuran), I had blood tests twice a week, then weekly, then twice a month, then monthly, and, after about a year and a half, I go every two months for lab tests (and take 5 mg Prednisone and 100 mg Imuran). Each time my Prednisone dosage was decreased, I had a blood test before the reduction and soon afterward (perhaps a week later) to make sure my liver was tolerating the reduction.

Although the tests are inconvenient, they are a great safeguard to your health. I am very concerned when I hear about doctors who decide on a course of action, a schedule of dosages, weeks or months in advance and don't monitor the AIH patient's lab tests along the way.

Harper (AIH 5/00)

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Hello bethanne. I might be able to answer some questions . I know 4 years

ago I felt all alone and didn't know what to expect. For the first 3 1/2

years I had my blood drawn once a month now I have it drawn every 3 months.

I have been very lucky with my course of the disease in that I responded well

to the medication, and I never let the disease get me down. You must be

strong because, I hav'nt heard yet of a person who didn't have many side

effects from the prednisone. It will help you though and never doubt it .

Live test to test and keep an open mind. If you have any questions ask me

maybe I can help you through this trying time. I must add a note of

encouragement. I feel good now . I am a 30 year old mother of 3 girls, and

I only have to take the aziothorpine now. No prednisone for about 1 year.

And I notice a world of difference. I also know that I still have the

disease and I will for the rest of my life but I have gotten through the

initial treatments of prednisone and made it ! If it happens again which I

know it could, I am ready.

Be Strong, Lucy.

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Thanks so much for the info. I am also a 30 year mom

and I have 2 girls. Finding this group has been very

helpful and encouraging. Thanks for your info to



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HI Bethanne,

The doctors were able to tell with me after a week of

the medicine. My liver levels improved drastically

after even just a week. Also, it only took about 2

weeks on the medicine for my jaundice to improve. I

had blood drawn weekly for about a month and then it

was supposed to be once a month but I have started on

azathioprine and I have to have bloodwork done in a

week and then two weeks and then monthly. Good luck

with your results! I am sure they have improved. I

haven't had many side effects from the prednisone, it

did increase my appetite alot, but before I was

diagnosed and started on medicine I was unable to eat

for about 3 weeks, so it has been nice to have a

decent appetite. If you have any questions, I will

try to help! It is really nice to have people to talk

to who understand what you are going through.

Have a great day!

--- Bethanne Randall <bamrand@...> wrote:

> HI!! My name is Bethanne, I am new to the group

> also

> and was just diagnosed with AIH 2 1/2 weeks ago.

> I'm

> on the prednisone and I was wondering if the doctor

> will be able to tell this soon (Thursday) if I'm

> " reacting " to the medicine. I had the blood drawn

> last week. Also, How often will I be getting my

> blood

> monitored? Is it a monthly thing? I'm very new to

> all

> this and still trying to figure it all out. Thanks

> for all the info I've received already. It really

> has

> been helpful!!


> Bethanne



> =====

> (^) (^) (^) (^) (^)

> ,,,\(/ , ,,, \(/,,,, \(/,,,, ,\( /,,, ,\(/,,,,





> __________________________________________________


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  • 1 month later...

I would say it depends on the person Raf..See I can't tolerate treatment but others have and still can..So it is up to you and what you can handle..While I was on treatment I was losing some of my hair but I had to quit so it is better now..Not all of us do though...Remember that ok....

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Hair loss varies. I lost a little bit, but then it

stopped. It is just a little thinner. I took 5 weeks

medical leave and I have been working ever since, some

people don't need to interrupt their work schedule at

all. I have missed a few days when I was feeling

especially poorly, but have mostly been able to work.

It all varies widely from person to person. Some

people react more strongly to the meds than others.


--- Raf <rafheule@...> wrote:

> Hallo Everybody,




> Can I ask a few questions?

> Yesterday there was a Hepatitis C Day in Belgium, so

> I found some articles in the newspapers.

> So in some intervieuws people told that when you are

> in treatment it is impossible to work,that you feel

> too sick.

> Others tell that your hair is falling out.

> Is this true ? or is this depending from person to

> person ?


> Greetings


> Raf





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Hi Deb..Nice to meet you..I am Jan..Welcome to the group..Please keep in touch..If I had worn my slippers to work I would have blamed it on CRS...(Can't remember s_ _ _)..hahahaha

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Deb yes it is..I'm glad you are here to help me with my BAD side..I love to give the guys in here a hard time..Like the time I passed Dennis around...and keep after Dave for a CLOSE UP Photo...and put 's pic in the news here..I got to see it when others didn't...See I'm always up to something or say something meant another way..So please feel free to join in on my acting up..Helps keep spirits up..Oh by the way it's fixing to turn mighty cool here..How bout there Dave?? Need a little warmer??

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Well.......Well.....Well......Look what the rain brough tin......DENNIS!!! Been waiting to hear from ya..Where ya been??? Why haven't you been in touch with us??? Get in touch Dennis!! Missed ya!!!

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