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I don't post often to this group.

I am on imuran (125mg) plus a host of other drugs, and recently

developed a (one) red spot on my shoulder. This spot is about the

size of an eraser head. It's sore too.

If you remember what it is, please write back. Otherwise, if I still

have this spot, I'll ask my doctor next week when I see him.



> Dear All


> Two questions please.


> 1.

> Have any of you who take Imuran developed red spots on your body -

sizes from pin prick to 2 mm across?


> I noticed I had these several years ago and asked my doctor about

them. All he said was that they happened to people with liver

disease. I cannot remember what he said their name was so I cannot

look them up on the web. (They don't look like the thing called spider

something which is mentioned as a symptom of cirrhosis).


> I have just re-read the notes that come with my Azathioprine tablets

(Imuran) and red spots like these are listed along with other side

effects as needing to be reported to ones doctor if the occur. My

doctor did not say they were anything to do with my medication. I

would just like to know something about them.


> 2.

> Is there anyone in the group from the UK? I would like to know if

anyone has had any dealings with Addenbrooke's Hospital.


> Thanks

> Janet

> UK

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This does not sound like the ones I have, yours is bigger and mine don't

hurt but I will certainly let you know if I find out anything.



[ ] Re: Questions

> Janet;


> I don't post often to this group.


> I am on imuran (125mg) plus a host of other drugs, and recently

> developed a (one) red spot on my shoulder. This spot is about the

> size of an eraser head. It's sore too.


> If you remember what it is, please write back. Otherwise, if I still

> have this spot, I'll ask my doctor next week when I see him.


> Sue AIH

> Colorado






> > Dear All

> >

> > Two questions please.

> >

> > 1.

> > Have any of you who take Imuran developed red spots on your body -

> sizes from pin prick to 2 mm across?

> >

> > I noticed I had these several years ago and asked my doctor about

> them. All he said was that they happened to people with liver

> disease. I cannot remember what he said their name was so I cannot

> look them up on the web. (They don't look like the thing called spider

> something which is mentioned as a symptom of cirrhosis).

> >

> > I have just re-read the notes that come with my Azathioprine tablets

> (Imuran) and red spots like these are listed along with other side

> effects as needing to be reported to ones doctor if the occur. My

> doctor did not say they were anything to do with my medication. I

> would just like to know something about them.

> >

> > 2.

> > Is there anyone in the group from the UK? I would like to know if

> anyone has had any dealings with Addenbrooke's Hospital.

> >

> > Thanks

> > Janet

> > UK





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Hi Janet

your doctor is right. These spots are called cherry angionomas (i know i spelt it wrong) and they develop on people with Liver disease. They usually just appear on the trunk of the body. I have a few and are just pin prick sizes

janetelmes <janetelmes@...> wrote:

Dear All

Two questions please.


Have any of you who take Imuran developed red spots on your body - sizes from pin prick to 2 mm across?

I noticed I had these several years ago and asked my doctor about them. All he said was that they happened to people with liver disease. I cannot remember what he said their name was so I cannot look them up on the web. (They don't look like the thing called spider something which is mentioned as a symptom of cirrhosis).

I have just re-read the notes that come with my Azathioprine tablets (Imuran) and red spots like these are listed along with other side effects as needing to be reported to ones doctor if the occur. My doctor did not say they were anything to do with my medication. I would just like to know something about them.


Is there anyone in the group from the UK? I would like to know if anyone has had any dealings with Addenbrooke's Hospital.




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> Dear All


> Two questions please.


> 1.

> Have any of you who take Imuran developed red spots on your body -

sizes from pin prick to 2 mm across?


> I noticed I had these several years ago and asked my doctor about

them. All he said was that they happened to people with liver

disease. I cannot remember what he said their name was so I cannot

look them up on the web. (They don't look like the thing called spider

something which is mentioned as a symptom of cirrhosis).


> I have just re-read the notes that come with my Azathioprine tablets

(Imuran) and red spots like these are listed along with other side

effects as needing to be reported to ones doctor if the occur. My

doctor did not say they were anything to do with my medication. I

would just like to know something about them.


> 2.

> Is there anyone in the group from the UK? I would like to know if

anyone has had any dealings with Addenbrooke's Hospital.


> Thanks

> Janet

> UK

As I read my material about Imuran, pinpoint red spots are one of the

RARE side effects listed that can occur and this is listed under

" check with your doctor immediately " status.

The other red spot you mentioned are called spider angiomas (tumors)

which show up directly under the skin and are characteristic of liver


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  • 2 months later...

Do you think it is possible that you have a thyroid condition...because I have had the same things happening with my neck, and the asthma...and now this candidiasis...which through my research I feel it is from the thyroid...this is your regulator...it is hard to detect a thyroid condition unless it is serious,then they can detect it through the blood...otherwise, it is through a knowledgable doctor listening to your syptoms...good luck...catinmaui

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Stacey: It sounds like possibly you could have some parasites. i to could feel "something" moving. as it turns out it is parisites. i get head pressure because i believe i have one in my head. try taking parisite killing herbs, Ozanated Oil is good for the killing the eggs. i am starting my meds today for killing the eggs, L-Lysine -------Pure Cloves--CoQ-10ST (which is Coenzyme Q10 with Natural Vit. E) i am having a very hard time with the parasites. they are throwing off some very strong toxins right now. do you feel pinching of any kind? little stabbing pains?if so that is the critters biting you! keep me informed. Mog

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Dear na:

When you see your " primary care physician "

ask him or her

1-what is the cause of thyroid dysfunction

2-how can you restore your own thyroid function without drugs

3-what are the side effects of synthroid, cytomel, Armour

[i'd ask to see the PDR and read the side effects for yourself]

4-how effective are blood tests for thyroid function [not his or her opinion

but as reported in medical journals]

5-why is it considered advisable to " replace " a hormone when the body is

perfectly capable of making adequate hormones when provided with the right


You may wish to find some " answers " to questions such as these at



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  • 1 month later...
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- I had the headache and tired feeling after I ate every time until I

got my diet down to 4 things that I " knew " did not cause this.

I had thought I was hypoglycemic for a long time because of that reaction,,,

but I still didn't completely 'fit' everytime I read info on it... finally

when I did this with my diet and I was able to add back ONE thing at a

time - I could see with WHAT the headache and tiredness came - and then I

didn't eat it.

With me its food allergies. From what I'm understanding from docs... this

is a common thing with us !!! Not unusual at all. I do believe I'm

allergic to nuts. The things that give me the tiredness and the

headaches????? i usually CRAVE! chocolate and cheese esp.! When I've had a

meal of more than a few things - then its harder to figure out WHICH thing

has done the damage.

Another thing - someone on this list before mentioned food combining.

About 10 years ago my husband was the one who discovered this as he had

digestive problems (that were not candida related). If you eat protein and

combine fruit with it you will get GAS. You will possible also get


Eat proteins alone or with non-starchy vegies....and eat sweet things and

fruits together. A lot of people like to eat salad and fruit together ...

this is a no no....

things that take longer to digest in the system will 'trap' the fast

digesting things in there and you end up with 'fermentation' going on in the

gut.... does any of this make sense?? I do a lot of small meals all day...


p.s. email me at JM1@...


Hi and everyone

, can I ask you a question off list please as it is quite personal.

Also - durum wheat is still refined wheat and if you have a problem with

wheat, don't have this type either.

What are adrenal surges? After eating my lunch, no matter what I eat

usually, I get that tired feeling come over me, then the headache sets in.

Tonight it was after dinner. I don't think it's food related as sometimes I

can eat a certain food and it doesn't have any effect, other times it does

seem to, which is why I don't think its always food related. I think maybe

digestion takes energy, and since by body is already stressed, it's just one

more stress, and by lunchtime I am more tired that when I waken, and hence,

a headache.

Does anyone else have this scenario? I wonder if the adrenals are

responsible for this in some way.

I think sometimes when we have such a busy life, our bodies are constantly

stressed, and we don't recognise it. I am sure this is me. I push myself

and my body and fail to recognise when it's stressed because that's the

state it is always in. Does that make sense? I do know that the B vitamins

help with stress, but I cannot remember what the connection to the adrenals

they have. Could someone remind me?

I looked into the products you mentioned . Cannot get Iso Cort here.

The person at Vita Fit said that they would be VERY expensive to make.

Don't forget that New Zealand dollars are triple the UK dollar, and twice

plus some for American. So If you paid $20 for a product - that's $60 here

in NZ. I could get Molybdenum made up @ $60 for 360 capsules. How does

that compare to yours? I could get something here to help my adrenals, do

you think this would help - it wouldn't effect the adrenal cortex though,

what do you think, is it worth it?

After sex - well personal but relevant. My endometriosis is worse after

sex. Sex seems to help the vaginal itching for a day or two. I think it

has something to do with the PH balance being changed, if you get my drift!

Wouldn't apply to men obviously.

Oh well, hope you can answer my 120 questions.

Love .

Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to


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On 2 Mar 2001, at 19:43, Nick Grant wrote:

> food related. I think maybe digestion takes energy, and since by body

> is already stressed, it's just one more stress

I can relate to that! I feel utterly exhausted, drowsy and wrung-out

after every substantial meal, but hungry all the time as well. I'm

tkaign digestive enzymes, which help, and I try to eat slowly and

chew really thoroughly, but I still have a miserable relationship with

food - sad, as I used to love it, and my other half is a fabulous

cook. Every mealtime used to be a treat and a joy, now it's an

ordeal - a battle between longing to feel full and not wantng to be

catatonic for an hour or two afterwards!! I wonder if it's adrenal

stress? I get hypoglycaemic if I don't eat for 3 hours, always have,

and I've been stressed and tense for as long as I can remember.

I'm seeing my homeopath in 2 weks - I'll ask him about it and see if

he can help. Failing that, I'll go back to my doctor. (Allopathic

medicine is now my last resort!!). I'm going to get some

acupuncture for muscle stress in my shoulders and neck, which I

hope will help, and a friends' bringign me a book on tai chi later

today - I used to do it and found it to be of tremendous help, but I've

not been well enough to go to classes for over a year, so I'm going

to try and carry it on at home.



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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Beth,

I have all of it too. The brain fog is caused by the AIH. Atleast

that's what I've been told. It was one of the things that got me to

the doc. in the first place. The hair is a pain. I pluck mine. I

pluck a lot!!! My moon face has gone down quite a bit since I've

been reducing the pred. I'm down to 15mg a day. My acne is clearing

up too. I never bruised before. If I had a bruise then I was hit

HARD prior to pred.. Now I have bruises everywhere. I'm a cluts too

and having a broken ankle hasn't helped matters. I feel like me and

the floor have developed an intimate relationship. :?) I hate them

too. Guess it's the price we pay to be alive.


> have a few questions for you all....


> is the brain fog I'm experiencing from my AIH or is it from the


> (trouble with word retrieval, short term memory problems, phone

> numbers/names---which I have always been great at remembering....)


> also, to the ladies..... can I ask what you do about the lovely

facial hair

> growth from the prednisone? I asked my doctor about waxing it, but


> doesn't want me to do that because I run the risk of infection

since I'm

> immunosuppressed. I have had my eyebrows waxed/plucked for years


> haven't had a problem. what do your doctor's say about it? what

do you all

> do about it? I've bleached it, but it's still driving me crazy....


> also...will my moon face probably stay as long as I'm on any dose or

> prednisone, or does it usually go down after a certain time frame


> dosage reduction?


> do all of you bruise real easily on the prednisone? I have bruises

all up

> and down my legs and arms....I'm clumsy and bump into alot of

> things....always have....but these bruises are awful. I have one

the size

> of a softball on my thigh that I still have since Christmas time.


> fading slowly, but it's still there....


> I'd appreciate any help you can give me....I'm frustrated with all

of these

> side affects....


> thanks,

> Beth, 33, AIH 10/00, Portage, MI, mother of a two year old....

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This is Debbie in Louisville, I have been a hair stylist for 25 years. I have done waxing for that long and never have a seen anyone get an infection. If you go to a clean salon and make sure they use sterile equipment I don't think you will have any problems.

Brain Fog I thought it was caused by my stroke last year, maybe not. Praise God for spell check. I just wish these computers and mind read.

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I've been told that the brain fog is due to the AIH. Some days seem be worse

for me than others and I get very frustrated with myself. As for the moon

face, I still have mine--started out on 20mg Pred and 50mg Immuran in January

of this year, Pred was increased to 60 mg in February, decreased to 40 mg in

March, and I am currently on 30 mg of Pred along with the 50 mg Immuran (not

to mention the Prevacid 2x a day, Synthroid, Calcium, and Iron that I take).

I'm hoping that my face starts turning back to normal soon-like you the

facial hair growth is driving me nuts!

There are times my husband is almost afraid to be seen with me anywhere, he's

afraid that people will think that he has been beating me when they see my

bruises. Seems I finally get one set to almost heal and I bump into

something and cause a whole new set to appear!

AIH (01/01)


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Debbie in Louisville -- I think the concern might not be with the salon or its procedures but just the process of having irritated skin when one is especially susceptible to infection. I've been having occasional waxing done anyway.


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I was diagnosed w/ AIH a little over 2 wks ago. I am still waiting on

my Dr. to prescribe meds, he said he was consulting on a treatment

plan and I have really noticed the fog and memory lapses like you desc

ribed. This really bothers me, as I too used to have an exceptional

memory. I am sure hoping that my memory improves and some of the

cloudy thinking goes away w/ treatment!


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The memory problems are frustrating. Some of the meds that are

used..and it will depend on what your doctor decides to use... can

also cause some brain fuzzies too.

Best suggestion I can give...get a day runner or calendar to help you

keep track of things...and with a place to make notes..the only

challenge there is keeping track of your calendar! I used to be able

to keep track of things mentally for the most part..like appts...but

now, without my calendar..I am totally lost. It goes with me

everywhere..and I keep all sorts of notes in there...only way I can


Good luck..hope you get started soon on treatment so you can start

feeling better!


> Hi,


> I was diagnosed w/ AIH a little over 2 wks ago. I am still waiting on

> my Dr. to prescribe meds, he said he was consulting on a treatment

> plan and I have really noticed the fog and memory lapses like you desc

> ribed. This really bothers me, as I too used to have an exceptional

> memory. I am sure hoping that my memory improves and some of the

> cloudy thinking goes away w/ treatment!


> Kirk

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  • 1 month later...
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Beth, I've been taking my Imuran dosage all at once, in the morning with Prednisone, but perhaps I misunderstood the directions. I'd check with the pharmacy and doctor as well as asking us.

Best wishes with your difficulties. Our group is no substitute for professional advice, of course, but we'll be glad to do what we can. Ask away!

Harper (5/00 AIH)

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In a message dated 5/26/01 12:27:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, lmgtm@... writes:

I also have been taking the prednisone and azathioprine(100mg) with my breakfast and have been from the beginning. That being 4 yrs on prednisone and 3 yrs on azathioprine. Leona AIH

Hello, Leona -- I haven't heard from you in a while.


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I also have been taking the prednisone and azathioprine(100mg) with my breakfast and have been from the beginning. That being 4 yrs on prednisone and 3 yrs on azathioprine. Leona AIH

Re: [ ] questions

Beth, I've been taking my Imuran dosage all at once, in the morning with Prednisone, but perhaps I misunderstood the directions. I'd check with the pharmacy and doctor as well as asking us. Best wishes with your difficulties. Our group is no substitute for professional advice, of course, but we'll be glad to do what we can. Ask away! Harper (5/00 AIH)

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You are right, I do not contribute much but do keep up with everyone. Prior to March I was slowly lowering my prednisone but when I got to 3mg I got very fatigued with no energy to spare. So when I had my 6mo. evaluation my liver tests were 3x normal and this is the 3rd time we have tried to do this so now the Dr says I will not go below 5 if I can get there w/o a flare. I have been on 100mg azathioprine for 2yrs in hopes of getting to 2.5mg of pred but guess i'll have to forget that. So I have been on 10mg pred. since March liver tests and as of June I will reduce 1mg a mo. until I arrive at 5mg, I hope. I also have been advised to go on diet of low sodium and sugar because of having about 5lbs fluid and wanting to get rid of the excess lbs that have accumulated over the 4 yrs of pred. So far I can feel the diff. espec. in my waist where I was quite uncomfortable. Will see the internist in June and July to see how I am doing. I am now in the physical therapy routine of 2x wk for 2-3 wks and exercises because of what feels to me to be muscle and or tendon discomfort in rt thigh but xrays show osteoarthritis in hips, more so in the rt. I have been advised to take glucosamine to preserve what I have and to prolong the time of the need for hip replacement. I have not had any thoughts of that ever being necessary nor do I plan on it.:-) For the new people I also am hypothyroid and take 6.5g a wk(1 daily .5 Sun)of synthroid and took 7g a wk since 1950. Have developed glacouma since being on pred. but I have had eye problems for yrs, such as ulcers(herpes)on the pupil, detached and torn retina's , cataracts and lense implants so the eyes were not strong in the first place. I was changed from premarin to estrogen patch about 2 yrs ago. I have no idea how long I have had AIH but know since 1990. Autoimmine diseases are in the family, my mother had rhuematoid arthritis and sister has MS, a 1st cousin also had rhuem.arth. Therefore I feel very fortunate to be an active person 20yrs older than mother was when her rhuem.arth. took over and I am 6yrs older than my sister and she is in a wheelchair with MS.

Well I guess I changed fonts unknowingly.

Leona AIH

Re: [ ] questions

In a message dated 5/26/01 12:27:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, lmgtm@... writes:

I also have been taking the prednisone and azathioprine(100mg) with my breakfast and have been from the beginning. That being 4 yrs on prednisone and 3 yrs on azathioprine. Leona AIH Hello, Leona -- I haven't heard from you in a while. Harper

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Hi Leona,

Yes, i guess we need to count our blessings when we can. Check with your Dr about a drug (injections) called sinvix (Im sure not spelled right) for your osteoarthritis. It is a lubricant made from rooster combs. My husband has used it to prolong the need for a serious operation he needs on his knee. His knee has no cartalage, and the shin bone needs to be cut down and a hinge bolted from his knee to his shin bone. Very nasty operation, wheelchair the whole thing, this operation was recommended by two surgeons but we decided to try the drug first since the hinge only lasts 10 years and then he needs a knee replacement after that (lasting another 10 years )). He is only 41 so he needs to have his knee hold out as long as he can. He is a utilities maintanance supervisor and cant afford to risk being disabled at such a young age. Anyway...the injection series made him feel better and lasted about 6 months, he is going to make another appt soon due to not being able to sleep because of the pain.......

I hope the info helps, keep me posted what your Dr says,


Mom of Elyse (age 15, AIH 1/01)

Re: [ ] questions

In a message dated 5/26/01 12:27:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, lmgtm@... writes:

I also have been taking the prednisone and azathioprine(100mg) with my breakfast and have been from the beginning. That being 4 yrs on prednisone and 3 yrs on azathioprine. Leona AIH Hello, Leona -- I haven't heard from you in a while. Harper

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Debbie; I do not know if all ulcers are but that was what mine were. If they were not treated right away they spread on the pupil. The first one I had I tolerated to long not knowing what it was and it had spread a great deal. That was in '47 and the treatment was quite painful to heal. Each time and I had them and and that was several times over the years they leave a scar. The treatment for them improved over the yrs.I would get them from stress.


From: dfisher4140@...

Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 8:46 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: questions

Leona,I had a couple ulcers on my eye many years ago. I didn't know it was a form of herpes. Learn something new every day.Debbie/FL

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I had two at the same time and the surgeon used a thing kind of like

a sander and sanded them off. It was not the most pleasant thing. I

wore a patch for a while and put drops in my eye. I can't remember

how long it took to heal. That want in '90.


> Debbie; I do not know if all ulcers are but that was what mine

were. If they were not treated right away they spread on the pupil.

The first one I had I tolerated to long not knowing what it was and

it had spread a great deal. That was in '47 and the treatment was

quite painful to heal. Each time and I had them and and that was

several times over the years they leave a scar. The treatment for

them improved over the yrs.I would get them from stress.


> Leona

> From: dfisher4140@c...

> @y...

> Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 8:46 PM

> Subject: [ ] Re: questions




> Leona,

> I had a couple ulcers on my eye many years ago. I didn't know it


> a form of herpes. Learn something new every day.


> Debbie/FL





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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

If you'll check out http://www.thyrodine.com/ you'll see that there is a protocol with definite phases to it.


I looked at this site and it does seem that by these article, most

people suffer from some type thyroid dysfunction.

I have 2 friends that had their thyroid zapped with the nuclear

meds. Have you found this can be reversed by the

protocal you use....if done in it's entirity?

I have another friend that has terrible concentration. The doc

said her numbers were the worst he has ever seen. She has NO energy and if she eats fruit her eyes and face blow up like a balloon ....even if she takes barley green it does this.

She has been diagnosed with systemic candida also.

She doesn't even have the energy to join a list so I relate

what I find in my quest for good thyroid health. The strange thing to

me about the whole thing is ...she is not over weight.

I think she could really benefit from the thyrodine program........


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