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20 Days after surgery

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Hi Everyone

First I want to tell that I hope she is feeling better. I

know exactly having major surgery can take a big toll on ones body.

I'm going through some ups and downs myself.

It seems I picked up a cold bug from being in the hospital and for

the past week I really haven't been feeling that well although I'm

healing great from the hip surgery. This cold going around is

really a bad one esp for people like us. It's been almost a week

and a half since coming down with it and I'm having a tuff time

kicking it. As for my hip surgery I'm doing better than the doctors

could have expected. My surgern has given permission for me to

return to work on the 22nd of this month, but with restrictions.

I'll be using my walker for another 6 weeks and I'm limited to how

much walking I can do. If I get tired I am to stop and rest so my

10 hour a days at work may be in the past, but they understand fully

at work. No more having to be there by 7am.

I had an appoint ment with my surgern yesterday which turned out

great. I even got some of the x-rays of my new hip..Stopped by my

office and they have been painting the entire inside of it and they

have my new chair for me on order which should be there by the time

I return. The one guy there who has a sister who just had a hip

replacement was in shock on how well I was getting around. He told

me I was doing much better than his sister. I have to admit that I

was rather surprised since I too didn't realize it had only been 19

day since my surgery and here I was getting around the way I have

been. I asked the doctor when he though I could be able to put my

sock and shoe on and he told me it would be around 6 more weeks

before that. I will also have more PT to go to as well. He knows

how much I want to be able to walk on my own again and explained

about how the new joint must heal to the bone. It's very difficult

for me to not do the things I want, but I know I have to in order to

heal correctly. He and everyone else are also amazed how quickly I

am where I am, but I'm making sure not to over do it. Being sick

has slowed me down and my FM has shown its ugly face. There have

been a few days when my back and shoulders have been killing me and

I have that thing where touching my skin hurts. I'm sure it will

quiet down soon. My RP has shown up a little and sometimes it's

painful to sleep because my ear is so sore.

All and all I will say I'm feeling better when it comes to the pain

I had in my hip...that pain is completely gone and now I'm just

having to cope with the muscle pain which will go away as well.

One thing I wanted to say to those who are having so much pain is to

cope with it one much more or less become strong and try not to

think about the pain. I want you all to know that I'm not a super

woman, but my own self determination has been the key for me to be

able to cope and to continue to work full time. Remember, I am also

a silicone breat survivor...that in itself is something that has

been very painful and I know so many women wo have not been able to

cope with the pain and other problems and have has to go on

disability for it. To be strong in ones mind and the determination

really can help a person to copy and continue a fairly normal life.

I know it is very difficult...honest I " really " know. Just keep

telling yourself " I can do it " and then do it. Being strong in your

mind and beleiving it is one of the best pain killers I have found.

Hugs to all


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