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josé from holland

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Squeeck, you mention TMJ problems. i think it is short for something, i do not know. do you want to tell me what it means or is it not meant for sharing? i wish you well. had some jaw-problems myself and my dentist gave me an "occlusal-bite frame" to wear over my upper-teeth (do u understand what i mean?). it kept my jaws in the right position/place. first period day ànd night, eat soft food, no heavy chewing, no or less talking ... after a few weeks i had to wear it only at nighttime and after three months it was "cured" (so much better that i only wear it when i think it is necessary).

Glenda, yes it ìs nice to have someone to talk to about RP who really understands. my twin-sister was diagnosed just a few months before me (may 2000). it was her ENT who first came up with RP. i was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1993 but had already had two inflammations of my nose. my gp did not know (he finally admitted it in 2000). looking back i must have had rp in 1986 when the first inflammation in my elbow occurred. in holland we have a saying "ashes is what's been" (in Dutch: As is verbrande turf). it generally means that what's done is done, get on with your life and keep up the good spirit, you cannot change what's happened... and so be it. my twin-sister is not my only sister, i have two more sisters (older then me) and two brothers. my mother and mother-in-law are both in the land of the living but their husbands died (in 1985 and in 1998).

MSM was not approved by the FDA(?) as a medicin but can be bought "over the counter" as a nutritional supplement. it is believed to help control pain, inflammation, and allergies among many other things. it's best to find the individual dose that works for you. 2000 mg (2 g) tends to work for general maintainance and health. its effect is better when you combine it with vit. C. in the newsgroup "alt.med.fibromyalgia" you can find the FAQ about MSM. plus there is an article "The miracle of MSM: the natural solution for pain by Stanley W. s, MD, M. Lawrence, MD, Ph.D, and Zucker. it's worth looking into.

, the time to chat is just a bit too early for me. the time-difference is very big. i hope all of you in alabama, louisiana and oregon are all alright because the weather is bad.

Doris und Heidi, ich weiss wass Sie einander gesagt hatten aber mein Deutsch ist nicht so richtig wie mein Englisch and that's why i switch. i can understand what i read in german but my vocabulary to write and speak is just not big enough. but it is a way to learn some german too.

Thanks W. for the info on MSM. my pharmacist called this morning that they received the ordered MSM (it's called TakeAway in holland). i'm starting at a dose of 2 x 1 g a day combined with 2 x 500 mg time released vit C. my reumy says it differs per person if there is any effect. keep my fingers crossed, but not too long or they won't come loose again. LOL.

my thought are with you. josé

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