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remember me? my story.

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Hello again!

I missed all of you, and these mailings so much. I don't know if any of

you out there remember me, but I was on this group about a year ago, then

moved from Green Bay WI to the Chicago area and dropped off the face of the


Something about moving to a new city where you know NO ONE can really turn

your life upside down. We started chasing the almighty big dollar and lost

all that was important to us. Now that we found the " big dollar " we are

ready to return it and go back to the way things were... financially tight,

but our family was even tighter.

Events in the past few weeks really woke us up. We found ourselves at

each others throats almost constantly, and yelling at the kids almost as

often. Add to that the events last Tuesday and the odd occurrences here in

Chicago, and we are ready to re-prioritize. So back to the list I go. It is

about time.

My children have been on the GFCF diet now for about 1 1/2 years now. The 5

year old ADHD, and the 3 year old PDD. The results have been mind boggling.

The 5 year old has calmed down, started focusing, and is doing fantastic in

school, the three year old (now hold onto your hats) has gone from a

diagnosed " mild autistic/severe Pdd " to " speech delayed " . Yup, speech

delayed that is it. His doctors call him a miracle. They had never seen such

a dramatic change in a person. I have medical doctors asking me for copies

of the GFCF diet to give to other patients. his pre school is doing the

same. Last year his teacher in preschool took the diet home and started his

own son on the diet. GFCF has been a savior to our son and our family. He

was labeled " mildly retarded " and now he has been labeled " cured " , scoring

" normal " ratings on all of the tests.

I have decided to start that GFCF bakery that I wrote about before we moved

here, I think that will help to heal the wounds that we created when we

moved here. I'll be able to spend time with my children and husband, bake

the foods that helped to save my family, and hopefully help out those

families with the time constriction problems that I am now too familiar with

by baking those special foods for them.

It is so good to be back. Thanks so much to all of you for all of the

support this list and your emails have given me.


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