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G-ma in Michigan Re: Newbie intro and STAR Band vs. DOC Band question

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Hi, If you're debating about the location ( Free Bed) you can try

searching old messages to see what others have said. From what I

remember someone went there recently and was happy, but I don't really

know much about it.

In terms of banding in general I would recommend it. My daughter had

brachy (flat in back) and wore a starband and got very good

correction. She really didn't have any problems with it. Her head was

a little smelly, and her mom was a little self-conscious at first, but

other than that all I can say is her head improved :-)


sydney, almost 3 yrs, starband grad

> >

> > -Hello

> > I am a grandmother of a 5 month old beautiful baby boy. His name is

> > Rainen and he will be getting his helmet on sometime next week.

> what

> > is the difference between the DOC Band and the Star Band. I live in

> > Michigan and was wondering if anyone has had their kids fitted for

> a

> > helmet here.

> >

> >


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