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I am new to this group and may be of some help

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I am new to this group, but my daughter is now 14 and may be of

somehelp. I found feedings more pleasurable if food was not a forced

issue, because I was starving one day and chose to put feeding

myself first, (My daughter was tube fed at the time) I was holding

My daughter, while I ate my dinner, and guess who wanted to eat?

That was just the beginning, of the long road, But food became less

and less of an issue. Just Picture someone trying to force YOU to

eat. This is how our children can feel at times. Putting little

amounts on my daughters plate helped, She would eat what was there,

and would not be overwhelmed by what " We know they should be eating. "

She would have second and sometimes third little helpings of her

choice. My daughter usually ate the foods I figured she wouldn't

eat. So I eventually let her choose what was on the table and helping

herself when she go big enough. And if she spilled, so what, SHE

WANTED TO EAT). She also liked to " butter " her own bread. And did

develop favorites such as macaroni & cheese. (of course it was extra

High Cal)

It is funny, But God Made all of us different. My son was above the

90 percentile on the charts. (he is now over 6 foot 3 inches. I

don't think my daughter ever made it on the charts. She is now about

4 foot 7 and 64lbs. She started gaining and growing more these last

few years, as she is sleeping more. (My son slept alot while growing

up) I am guessing?? This is why. She never slept a lot as a baby,

and always had to be a part of everything. (now she falls asleep

afterschool on occasion) How well do your children sleep? I wonder

if doctors ever checked out a link between the two.

Hope this helps.

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