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Re: Hanger VS CT?

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I completely agree as well. I had searched many different orthotists

in the New York area and it was very difficult to find an orthotist

that I felt comfortable with, and was able to explain everything

straight up. I eventually found Kidi Splint, and it just clicked. You

just have to find someone that is caring, informative, and

experienced. After that it was just so easy. Of course, the fact that

she had her own child banded, made it a really easy way of relating

to how I experienced the procedure. It is just a matter of finding

that one orthotist that you can really connect to, don't settle for

anything less!

Chavie, Helmet Graduate


> From: kp7523 <kris345@...>

> Subject: Re: Hanger VS CT?

> Plagiocephaly

> Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 2:02 AM







> Hi,


> Our 10.5 month old has been in a Hanger band for about 5 weeks and


> assymetry/ear misalignment has already improved 50%. Our ortho is

> very professional and we were pleased that he has over 10 years

> experience with bands (we've seen all of the old pictures of the

> bands!). Overall, so far so good! Our insurance covered it 80%, but


> believe the total cost was about $2500.


> I have read some posts about the Hanger office in NY not being too

> great...and I did not personally like CTs approach when I contacted

> them, but I've heard good things from other mom's about their


> So I really think that regardless of the manufacturer it depends on

> the actual office and the experience/patience of the ortho.


> My two cents :-)


> kristine, mom to ava, 5 weeks in hanger band


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