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|I apologize for starting a war, and abuse to my husband, Tom.

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I know I am responsible for 99% for what I did, including lying to Tom from the onset of our relationship. I did spend and charged alot of money behind Tom's back ever since our relationship for a multitude of unnecessary things I did not need, and now Tom has to pay it off. He has provided a nice , comfortable place for me with many ways to stay off my feet and do simple chores, etc. I regret spreading lies behind his back-- and now he is getting some hate mail from the Sarc group. I wish you all would stop sending him belittling email and apologize to him.Tom is Disabled Vietnam Vet who won many medals in Combat Aviation in 'Nam where he served to 2 tours of duty as a helicpter door gunner. He has worked hard and long all his life, has many skills, talents and friends. He suffers from PTSD, OA - arthritis, Fibromyalgia, a fractured

neck and back from some terrlble accidents, and uses a power scooter too. It very hard for him to walk nowdays and it's frustrating because he was very active in the skllled trades and even had to sell his prize motorcycle last Summer because of the pain. It is because if Tom that I enjoy all the good insurance coverage [becasue he worked at Chrysler all those years and also has a service-connect disability rating from combat in Vietnam: 68-70 --and things would be much worse if I had not met him! I regret telling you all about my problems and including Tom into the mix. He doesn't deserve to be insulted and abused. He is helping out more arou8nd the house and has told me that he is willing to take over most of the cleaing chores at home. Please take this message to heart and spread the word to lay off my husband. He has been very patient and kind to me, and he

has many medical problems and challenges too.

I take full responsibility to starting this small war.

I do know I did not want this disease and I cannot blame this disease on my compulsive spending. For the spending I am to blame.

Sharon L. Schuckman

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowlege Him, and He shall direct thy paths.Proverbs 3:5-6sharupac@...

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