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Neuro sarcoidosis

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Hi I don't think Iv'e ever posted. I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in

may after going to the Drs, for Five years. It show up on a CT scan of

my chest two years ago, and the dr then told me not worry that It was

nothing that I probably had TB as a child. I had a lung and lymph node

biopsy.I have had horrible pain in my muscles and bones, then the last

two years i have felt numb all over. I fall, I have fell so many times,

I hurt bones and I have hurt my neck and now I need surgery to fix it.

I went to Atlanta to Emory and they also diagnosed me with Neuro-

Sarcoidosis. I now walk with a walker ,I'm 45 I'm scared it seems like

no one in Alabama really knows what to do especially in Gadsden. My

legs from my knees down stays numb and jerk and shake all of the time.

Does anyone have any suggestion?

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