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Fw: Update and more...

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Hi all,

I know you all have been wondering where I have been and I will tell

you that I have just been overwhelmed and in a flare and I just could not cope

with it all. I have resigned from all of my groups online except for NS. Actually

this has been coming on for a while and unfortunately it has been busy here in my

family for several months and I have tried to keep up with it. WRONG THING TO

DO! It has been a really difficult summer and then our wedding anniversary (50th),

was November 7th.........I wanted just a quiet dinner with my kids & family, but

they wanted to do it up right and they did!! We had a large crowd, even had a

wedding cake, (which we did not have at my wedding). It really was wonderful

and we both enjoyed it, but I certainly paid for it and am still doing so. My dear

husband (wanting to help) decided to take me to Florida for two weeks to help

me over the flareup..........wonderful idea, but it only made it worse. Altho, I did

not even have to fix a meal for two weeks, I was exhausted! The trip was so hard

on me. We did stop in GA and visited our daughter for two days so I could rest,

but it really did not help much. I did enjoy seeing her though.

On top of that, our oldest daughter, Carlena, has been going through a

really nasty divorce and we have been trying to help her out. It was final as of

yesterday and she has bought a house.......just getting the closing date final so she

can move in. She did not want the "shack" they were living in, but he did because

of the ground, so she made him buy her out. She had a good lawyer and she is

a very strong young lady. We are so proud of her. She is the one who has the

autistic son..............

Sorry this is so long.........I just wanted to let you all know that I am sorry

for not being around and explain why. I am officially back and I hope for a long

time. Trying to stay well........:-) It seems like we have all had a rough time

of it these last few months. Hopefully 2009 will be much better. I see we have some

new members also. Welcome to each of you - we are glad you found us but sorry

that you have this dreadful Sarc Monster.

Love to all,


NS Co-Owner/Moderator

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Hi Darlene. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better after such a bad flare. It's good to have you back.

I unfortunately haven't been doing so well lately myself but check in as much as I can. Still trying to at least check the posts every day.

Hope you have a Happy New Year and yes, let's hope 2009 is better for everyone.

Debbie T.

Co-moderator--- On Wed, 12/31/08, Darlene wrote :

Subject: Fw: Update and more...To: "Sarcoidosis" <neurosarcoidosis >Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008, 9:54 PM

Hi all,

I know you all have been wondering where I have been and I will tell

you that I have just been overwhelmed and in a flare and I just could not cope

with it all. I have resigned from all of my groups online except for NS. Actually

this has been coming on for a while and unfortunately it has been busy here in my

family for several months and I have tried to keep up with it. WRONG THING TO

DO! It has been a really difficult summer and then our wedding anniversary (50th),

was November 7th......... I wanted just a quiet dinner with my kids & family, but

they wanted to do it up right and they did!! We had a large crowd, even had a

wedding cake, (which we did not have at my wedding). It really was wonderful

and we both enjoyed it, but I certainly paid for it and am still doing so. My dear

husband (wanting to help) decided to take me to Florida for two weeks to help

me over the flareup..... .....wonderful idea, but it only made it worse. Altho, I did

not even have to fix a meal for two weeks, I was exhausted! The trip was so hard

on me. We did stop in GA and visited our daughter for two days so I could rest,

but it really did not help much. I did enjoy seeing her though.

On top of that, our oldest daughter, Carlena, has been going through a

really nasty divorce and we have been trying to help her out. It was final as of

yesterday and she has bought a house....... just getting the closing date final so she

can move in. She did not want the "shack" they were living in, but he did because

of the ground, so she made him buy her out. She had a good lawyer and she is

a very strong young lady. We are so proud of her. She is the one who has the

autistic son......... .....

Sorry this is so long........ .I just wanted to let you all know that I am sorry

for not being around and explain why. I am officially back and I hope for a long

time. Trying to stay well........ :-) It seems like we have all had a rough time

of it these last few months. Hopefully 2009 will be much better. I see we have some

new members also. Welcome to each of you - we are glad you found us but sorry

that you have this dreadful Sarc Monster.

Love to all,


NS Co-Owner/Moderator

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