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That was a nice article. Thank you for getting the word out

regarding our illness. If every member contacted their local

newspaper, radio, television station and billboard company we can

effectvely promote more awareness about this little known diseaase

free of charge. And before you know, everyone will jump on the band

wagon and we will have accomplished a great victory.

About 3 weeks ago I submitted an article to our local paper and it

will be published this Friday. I am considering starting a support

group here in Tampa,Florida. But most importantly I am generating

conversation about this little known disease in the community, the

church and amongst friends. I am also encouraging to get checked for

this disease if they have similar symptoms. So the awarenss has

increased and thats what I wanted to accomplish.

Congratulations Rosita!

I respectfully request every member of the group that reads this

email to do the same with their local newspaper, radio, tv etceteras

and let us know of your success in getting the word out to your

community, church and friends.

Repectfully yours,

Ron :-)

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