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            I grateful your all modulators

welcome to the group. After 10 ½ years Army with 82nd ABN DIV, you

would think I would be able to handle all the B.S. that comes with

Neurosacoidosis and Diabetes Insipidus (water diabetes). But it nice to know

that there is a group of good hearted people out there like ya’ll. If you

can explain how you move your short term memory to long term I would be

extremely grateful. Because my short term memory is almost none functioning.

            Let tell ya’ll a little

about myself. I am Veteran of Operation Just Cause and Desert Shield/Storm. I

am at the time NS hit me I am a Master Certified Tech for Mercedes Benz with

over 8 years experience. So if someone has car questions I will endeavor to answer

them. I am a true pigheaded Texan. Which means I have my beliefs and stick to

them. I love every body until they do evil to me or my family and/or friends. As

I already express. I am truly am grateful have ya’ll out there to answer

my questions. Even though this second time for NS this year. The first I thought

I had beaten it. Then a month half later I had this relapse. I guess I wrong it

this was a remission. Again thank you for having this group out here.

Thank You All,

(Greg) Krumme aka the Krumdawg

Welcome to the

Neurosarcoid group, krumdawg

I would like to say welcome and

there is not such thing as a stupid question. Sorry we have to meet under this

conditions but you have come to one big happy family!! we are there for each

other weather to cry, laugh, or just catch up on family life.

Most of the time its because we

are in such pain and just need someone who understands what we have to listen.

We all have the same basic complaints that family and friends just don't seem

to get it. for the most part we look fine, but inside we are falling apart. and

in terriable pain.

I am married to a wonderful man

and have two children one 19 yr old son and 5 year old from my husbands

previous marriage. OH yeah and a wonderful cat named Mandour he is a Bengal cat..I am 41 and

was dxd spring of 2001 but I was very ill for about 10 years prior and no one

in my state could tell me what was wrong. I was told I had Lymphoma,I got that

call at 4pm in the afternoon

after a spinal tap and had to wait till the next day to get in with the dr..I

thought my life was over. I was told by every Neuro dr in the state if I had

seizures they could help me but they can't. My x-family dr told me I had

migrains and had to just stop being a baby and grow up !!.. so they had me on

high doses of steriods for 5 yrs daily until I became toxic and had to be put

in the hospital to get off them asap.

When I found my Neuro-dr that I

have now he did 3 spinal taps, mri's angi-gram, liver biopsy, every kind of

test invastive and non-invasive until he got me dxd he said he knew I was very

sick and he didn't stop until he dxd it. He is a wonderful Dr. Chief of Neuro

at Hershey Medical centre in PA. He is the only one around that knows how to

treat this. my wbc was 1600 for 4 yrs and no one did anything, so my own body

was attacking my liver, spleen,brain,spinal cord, L-adrenal gland and my lungs,

I have lessons in all of them. after 3 months of being on Imuran and plaquneil

my wbc went back down to normal. well it is 3.1 now which is low but normal for

me now. I have permenent short term memory loss, so i've been going through

cognitive theraphy to teach my brain to store it in long term memory. and it

has worked wonders.

I have returned to college and

studing to be a pathologist i take it one semester at a time, and yes its hard

and i am sick often but I hold a 4.0 gpa and just won an award in oct for

making the Deans list.

well enough about me,, tell me

alittle about you and your family

many hugs and blessings

and a pain free day

In Pa

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